2024-05-16 阿煌看什么 4055
What excites the research team is that in addition to those typical place cells, they discovered a unique group of hippocampal neurons that only activate when the mice explore specific locations.
However, when the mice passed through the same location without engaging in any exploratory behavior, the cells were nearly silent.
This special cellular function had not been described before, so they named it obxt exploration-dependent place cells (oePC).


Subsequently, they constructed a series of experiments aimed at studying how oePC jointly encodes exploration intention and spatial information, and tried to explain the mechanism behind it.
By analyzing the activation time points of oePC and the mouse's obxt exploration behavior, they observed that the active period of these cells usually occurs before the animal's exploration behavior (median about 0.8 seconds) and occurs when the obxt is about 3 cm away. , which means that the activation of oePC actually precedes the actual exploration behavior.
When further studying the position field properties of oePC, the team found that when an obxt moved 0.5 cm, 1 cm, 2 cm, or 4 cm from its original position, the activity intensity of oePC gradually weakened or even disappeared as the distance of movement increased, indicating that oePC has the ability to encode at specific locations.
The activity patterns of oePC did not change significantly when replacing old obxts with new ones.
What is puzzling is that earlier studies have pointed out that changing obxts in the environment will significantly change the activity of traditional place cells, so why does oePC not change?
At this point, their first consideration was: Are the old and new obxts too similar for the mice to distinguish?
In order to rule out this possibility, the research team carefully sexted a series of complex obxts with completely different shapes, colors, etc. to test the mice. However, even so, the encoding of oePC still does not produce significant changes.
When they further analyzed those traditional place cells with the same position field, they found that these cells did produce significant coding differences for obxt replacement.
This comparison clearly shows that, unlike traditional place cells, oePCs do not appear to encode features of the obxts themselves.
In another experimental design, the team cleverly hid obxts behind partitions so that the obxts were only visible to mice when they showed exploratory initiative and went through a small door to search.
Interestingly, they observed that the oePC was already preactivated even when the mice approached but had not yet directly seen the obxt.

随后,他们又构建了一系列实验,旨在研究 oePC 是如何联合编码探索意图和空间信息的,并尝试解释其背后的机制。
通过分析 oePC 的激活时间点和与小鼠对物体探索的行为,他们观察到这些细胞的活跃期通常发生在动物的探索行为前(中位数 0.8 秒左右),且距离物体大约 3 厘米时发生,这意味着 oePC 的激活实际上早于实际的探索行为。
进一步研究 oePC 的位置场特性时,该团队发现当物体从其原始位置移动 0.5 厘米、1 厘米、2 厘米或 4 厘米时,oePC 的活动强度随着移动距离的增加会逐步减弱甚至消失,这说明 oePC 具有特定位置进行编码的能力。
用全新物体替换掉旧物体时,oePC 的活动模式并未出现显著变化。
令人费解的是,早先研究曾指出更换环境中的物体,会使得传统位置细胞的活动发生明显改变,那么为何 oePC 不发生变化呢?
为了排除这种可能,课题组精心挑选了一系列形状、颜色等方面截然不同的复杂物体对小鼠进行测试。然而,即便如此,oePC 的编码仍然不产生明显变化。
这一对比结果清晰地表明,与传统位置细胞不同,oePC 似乎并不对物体本身的特征进行编码。
有趣的是,他们观察到即使在小鼠接近但尚未直接看到物体的时候,oePC 便已经预先活动起来。

When those familiar obxts were unexpectedly removed, or when the obxts were suddenly replaced with food in the same location, oePC activity began to decrease significantly.
This phenomenon suggests that these cells are not encoding changes in environmental signals or expressing expectations of potential rewards.
In order to further study the characteristics of oePC, the research team designed a series of experiments, including imaging observations for several consecutive days and behavioral box environment changing tests.
At this time, oePC shows a similar pattern to classic place cells, which means that the neuronal activity of oePC will show a certain stability in a familiar environment. And in new environments, the potential for reprogramming emerges.
Finally, they set out to explore the impact of the input circuit from the lateral entorhinal cortex (LEC) to the hippocampus on the coding ability of oePC.
By expressing the inhibitory chemical genetic protein hM4Di in LEC and injecting its specific ligand-clozapine-N-oxide (CNO, clozapine-N-oxide) into mice, the function of LEC neurons is inhibited. Activity.
Experiments found that when the function of LEC was inhibited, the activity pattern of oePC was significantly disturbed. In contrast, oePC was not affected in those mice expressing the control protein.
This finding strongly suggests that signals of exploratory intentions are transmitted to neurons in the hippocampal region through the LEC.

当那些熟悉的物体意外被移走,或是在相同的位置突然将物体换成食物时,oePC 的活动开始显著减少。
为了进一步研究 oePC 的特点,课题组设计了一系列实验,包括连续几天的成像观察、以及行为箱环境变换测试。
这时,oePC 与经典位置细胞显示出相似的模式,也就是说 oePC 的神经元活动在熟悉环境中,会表现出一定的稳定性。而在新环境中则显现出重新编程的潜力。
最后,他们着手探讨了外侧内嗅皮层(LEC,lateral entorhinal cortex)至海马体的输入回路对 oePC 编码能力的影响。
通过在 LEC 表达抑制性的化学遗传学蛋白 hM4Di,并给小鼠注射其特异性配体——叠氮平-N-氧化物(CNO,clozapine-N-oxide),以便来抑制 LEC 神经元的活动。
实验发现当 LEC 的功能受到抑制时,oePC 的活动模式受到了显著的干扰。相比之下,那些表达对照蛋白的小鼠中,oePC 则没有受到影响。
这一发现强烈表明,探索意图的信号是通过 LEC 传递到海马区域神经元的。

Zhou Ning said: "This microscope is based on the open source project of miniscope at the University of California, Los Angeles. Its architecture and principles are not unfamiliar to me. I have built a two-photon fluorescence microscope system before and have accumulated experience in it. acquired certain optical technology and practical experience."
However, in the process of building a miniature microscope, Zhou Ning encountered an unexpected challenge.
Due to the small size and precise structure of this microscope, she needed to perform electronic welding on an interface less than one millimeter wide.
At this time, a problem arises: the tip diameter of the research team's soldering iron exceeds several millimeters, which means that the operating space is extremely small. A little carelessness may cause a short circuit, weak solder joints, or even burn the chip.
For a researcher with a background in biology, such technical requirements are undoubtedly a huge challenge.
To this end, she kept trying various techniques and even considered whether to go to the assembly line of an electronics manufacturing factory to learn from it. After many trials and failures, Zhou Ning finally mastered the key points of welding.
"Now my skills are among the best in the team, and I am considered a skilled worker, so I have to continue to do the daily maintenance of the micromicroscope," she said.
In short, after all kinds of efforts, she and her team finally revealed the existence of a new group of hippocampal neurons (oePC).
Recently, a related paper was published in Nature Communications [1] under the title "Conjunctive encoding of exploratory intentions and spatial information in the hippocampus".
Zeng Yifan is the first author, and Zhou Ning serves as the corresponding author.

周宁说:“这套显微镜基 于美国加州大学洛杉矶分校 miniscope 的开源项目,它的架构和原理对我来说并不陌生,我以前曾亲手搭建过一台双光子荧光显微镜系统,并在此前积累了一定的光学技术和实践经验。”

In general, with the recent series of breakthrough results achieved by the scientific community in the field of hippocampal function research, humankind's understanding of this mysterious brain area has gradually deepened.
For example, it was found that hippocampal neurons in mice can encode abstract cognitive variables, and experiments using hippocampal brain-computer interface technology enabled mice to autonomously control virtual obxts to designated locations.
Despite this, humanity's understanding of the hippocampus is still just the tip of the iceberg.
How the hippocampus maps the external world and transforms this information into individual subjective consciousness and actions is a key issue in revealing the core mechanism of cognition and behavior in animals and even humans.
Therefore, Zhou Ning hopes to continue to uncover the mystery of hippocampal function, which will not only help humans understand the working mechanism of the brain, but may also provide new ideas and strategies for the treatment of related neurological diseases.
Specifically, she plans to delve deeper into the role of these neurons in brain diseases, specifically examining whether the less environmental exploration behavior of autistic individuals is related to abnormal function of oePC neurons.
In addition, he also hopes to cooperate with other teams in the field of computational neurobiology to use advanced algorithms such as closed-loop control to control oePC in real time, so as to accurately study their impact on animal behavior.
And we hope to improve the neural network model through cooperation to simulate the complex functions of the hippocampus and further unlock the secrets of brain operation.

具体来说,她计划深入探究这类神经元在脑部疾病中扮演的角色,特别是考察自闭症个体较少的环境探索行为是否与 oePC 神经元的功能异常存在关联。
此外,其也期望能与计算神经生物学领域的其他团队合作,利用闭环控制等先进算法对 oePC 进行实时调控,从而精确地研究它们对动物行为的影响。

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