2024-05-19 Phelps 7429


Terence Kenneth John Nunis
The presumption here is that Malaysia can invade Singapore, which is unrealistic. Conventional wisdom is that an aggressor requires at least three times the size of the defending force. Singapore’s active military is four times Malaysia’s. Singapore’s defence spending is more than twice, with per capita spending that dwarfs Malaysia. And all this, before we consider the vast technological disparity.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Malaysia has trouble securing its borders from militants from Mindanao. It has no credible early detection, no credible standoff capability, no credible sea lift, and has not even managed to maintain what they have due to endemic corruption. What are they going to do? March across the Causeway, and we are going to bend over for them?


Malaysian politicians are full of bluster, but even Mahathir bin Mohamed is on record that Malaysia cannot win a war against Singapore. Their Defence Minister, Mohamad bin Sabu, has announced to the world that the MAF has aircraft that cannot fly, a submarine that cannot submerge, and soldiers who have not been training. The closest Malaysia would come to an invasion is if their ethnic and religious tensions lead to the country imploding and us having thousands of refugees at the border.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Bayu Walandouw
The result : destruction of both Singapore and Malaysia, while neighboring countries like Thailand and Indonesia will gain much profit.
Malaysia won’t invade Singapore except for a suicide mission. Imagine like an extreme calamity happened there and the nation is on the brinks of total collapse. Then in order to raise unity among the remaining people and to divert the calamity, they will go on a suicide mission into Singapore.
Some people here believed that Singapore will prevail but it is not easy. They might be survived due to American intervention or so, and their armed forces is quite tough I guess. However, Singapore is a financial hub. That’s why a single case of successful terrorism perhaps will cause significant blow into their economy.


Then, if such rambo scenarios you mention do occur, then all these money will just go elsewhere either to Hong Kong or Switzerland. Some people compare Singapore with Israel but these two countries are very different. Israel has bigger territories, but Singapore is just only a piece of island in the tip of Malayan peninsula. It means, an enemy just need to focus in destroying one single dot and then the whole Singapore can no longer habitable.
Much my guess, the result will be like Iraq and Iran. No one gain.


David Wainberg
There’s no doubt that a war would be very damaging to the reputation of the Malaysian government just as an invasion of Ukraine by Russia’s army has already damaged the reputation of the larger ex-Soviet republic by landmass. It perhaps may have been unsurprising that the Putin Administration vowed to slap sanctions on Western governmentsrf), an indication once again of the poor reputation of the Russian Government in many Western countries.


Joely D
Malaysia would lose, definitely.. No doubt, the Malaysian military has become better ( for example, they’ve acquired sub, they didn’t have them in the past ).. Singapore is also very small, so it would be very easy to invade..
But soon, reality sets in and Malaysia will lose the game. Malaysia only started national service a few years ago. Singaporeans have had national service for decades, shortly after they broke up with Malaysia. Singapore has many more reservists.


Agad Iren Raman
You must be a foreigner to the region to ask this out-of-the -questoon scenario.
Malaysia and Singapore as most of the countries in that region don't resolve their conflicts with stupid military invasions. The culture there is about live and let live and co-operation for a win-win situation.
On the other hand, Malaysia and Singapore are essentially the same people , a beautiful blend of friendly and peace loving races ; Malays, Chinese, Indiands, and other aboriginal races. If you see them you cannot say from the look who is Singaporean and who is Malaysian. They look the same, they have the same culture, they eat the same food and they have been living together in peace for ages. Many Maysians have relatives in Singapore and vice versa.


Area wise, Malaysia is a big country with medium population, it has more land than it actually needs, and a slim population with a healthy growth rate. Malaysia is not in need To invade any country.
To Malaysia Singapore is an important neighbour, with whom they have a huge trade. The same is true for Singapore. The level of co-operation between the two countries is very high, and border between them is very very busy on daily basis.


Yes Malaysia and Singapore may one day become one country or part of some sort of unx in the future. but that would not be because one of them will occupy/invade the other.. it will be because they both want to be part of a stronger unx for the benefit of both countries, just like that of the European unx.
Why not, when Malaysia and Singapore have in common more than what EU countries have in common.


Rapheal Azrin
Honestly. Malaysia do not have enough firepower and equipment to defend their own against a mob as most of the stuff are dated back from WW2. The helis are dubbed flying coffins, jets with engines stolen etc and compare that against the southern state of Johor militia, Johor Military Force , JMF will win hands down, let alone attacking Singapore.


Statistically Malaysia has 300,000 men vs Singapore 80,000 active n 800,000 reservists.. but hey… will US and other allies of Singapore keep quiet? Will the 3000 odd heavy tanks and armour vehicles against 800 of Malaysian be good enough? Its all about financial gains. Malaysia won’t be silly enough to attack Singapore nor will Singapore on Malaysia.
Only problem is ..Singapore may buy out the whole place given the 3.1x exchange rate…


Timothy Soh
This happens everyday at 7:00AM at the customs.
And then the reverse happens on a Saturday 7:00AM.
Welcome to warm neighbourly ties.


原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Sabri Hassan
Malaysia will not attack Singapore. Another overcrowded tiny island? No thanks, we already have Penang.
Plus it already takes a lot of concession for us to get rid of Singapore from Malaysia in 1969 (one sided water deal, etc), it will all be for nothing if we took Singapore back. Plus I am certain we will be itching to throw them out again after a couple of years.
But to entertain this A2A, I will say that it will not surprise Singapore. In anticipation of the escalated tension, Singapore will gradually mobilize its army & reserve. 24 hour before the planned attack by the Malaysian army, Singapore will make preemptive attack and establish Mersing line as a buffer zone from further hostilities.


原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Abdur Raheem
How long can Singapore defend itself in case of war with Malaysia?


Singapore when it became independent , asked several countries this very same question that is “ How does a small country with no depth defend itself “ . Several countries failed to offer any solutions (India and Egypt primarily but there were others ) .The Swiss told us that perhaps instead of an army we could think of only having a Police Force for internal security .
The one country that gave us out of the box solutions and a template to build up military strength was Israel . First , the best defence is an attack . Our strategic depth was non exstent so we cannot defend . For an offensive doctrine , two “iron fists “ were needed . One was a strong Air Force and second was a strong Armoured Corps and overall superiority also in terms of artillery .


How to accomplish all that ?. Only a citizen army will help a small country mobilise a large force in times of conflict .Singapore has devoted tremendous resources to build up its’ military strength all with an offensive doctrine in mind , because there were no other options .
So Singapore’s Army when fully mobilised is several hundred thousand strong (500 k to 600 k at least) . Does it have a strong Air Force ?. It has the best Air Force in South East Asia .Armour and Artillery ? Singapore has both qualitative and quantitative advantages in those areas .
Defend ? Singapore will not be doing the defending .It will be whoever shows hostile intent who will be defending .


Vincent Choo
How quickly can Singapore take KL if it goes to war with Malaysia?


Always think of it this way:
Five Power Defence Arrangements (FDPA), which both Singapore and Malaysia are members off. And this mean that it is virtually impossible for the two countries to declare war on each other.
Both countries’ economies are so interdependent of each other. So if war were to be declared, it would bring disastrous consequences overall to both nations.


I’m always amused over the chauvinistic behavior of individuals who always bring up this scenario over and over again. I acknowledge that the Malaysian Armed Forces are not as well equipped as their Singaporean counterpart, but it doesn't automatically mean Malaysia is weaker. In reality, its more of Singapore and Malaysia cooperating together, rather than Singapore vs Malaysia.
If you don’t believe me, the UK, Australia, New Zealand, Malaysia and Singapore would conduct military training exercise with each other on a rather frequent basis. The aim is to bring interoperability between the Armed Forces of those 5 nations.


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