2024-05-19 Aya Shawn 12411
@Aya Shawn
I noticed this news
Although what he said was slightly different from the question, he did say "The are going to have a lander on the far side of the moon, which is the side that is always in dark."
After hearing what he said, I was stunned.
If an ordinary person told me: "The far side of the moon is always dark," I would just smile. Because most people are not space enthusiasts and do not know the situation on the moon.
But he is Bill Nelson, the top executive at NASA.He was even an astronaut on the space shuttle Columbia when he was young


原创翻译:龙腾网 转载请注明出处

That is NASA. The NASA that launched dozens of Saturn Vs, Mars probes, and Voyager is also the only NASA in the world that has achieved human landing on the moon.
In fact, the American Apollo spacecraft flew over the far side of the moon many times, and various detection satellites also took many photos of the far side of the moon. It is common sense that there is day and night there as well.
NASA represents humanity's top capabilities in space. As the top person in charge of NASA, even if he is not a technical staff, he should at least have some basic space knowledge.
Bill Nelson's remarks shocked scientists and space enthusiasts around the world, which explains why NASA's performance has been so poor over the past 20 years. With budget cuts and a large number of experts and engineers retiring or leaving, NASA has degenerated from a professional agency into an administrative agency lacking professional capabilities: its top leaders do not have basic space knowledge.


This brings me to another question:
If launching commercial satellites is already a mature business, commercialization is the right choice.
But is it really wise to leave an almost unprofitable national mission like space exploration entirely to private companies?
The rise of Xspace is because they promise to effectively reduce the cost of NASA's space missions, and it seems that they have indeed done so. With the rise of similar companies, NASA's own projects and capabilities are being rapidly eroded. They will gradually degenerate into an administrative agency that only places orders and approves budgets. They even think that the top person in charge is a complete layperson. It doesn't matter.

Xspace的崛起是因为他们承诺将有效降低NASA太空任务的成本,而现在看来他们也确实做到了。随着同类公司的崛起,NASA 自身的项目和能力正在被快速蚕食,他们会逐渐沦落为只会下订单、批准预算的行政机构,甚至认为最高负责人是个彻头彻尾的外行人,根本无所谓。

But we seem to have overlooked one point: the existence value of any enterprise is to serve capital and profit, and Xspace or Blue Origin or other companies are no exception. What happens when federal agencies no longer possess any technical capabilities and outsource all tasks to private industry? In the end, they will inevitably use all means to raise NASA's mission costs again. Think about the F35 project, the Ford aircraft carrier, the littoral combat ship project, and the Zumwalt destroyer project. Important projects of the US military have been facing challenges in the past 20 years. Delays, gross overspending, flashiness. The originally efficient private military industry system has actually turned into a parasitic tumor on the United States after the end of the Cold War. In the space field, how to avoid this kind of problem from happening again?

但我们似乎忽略了一点:任何企业的存在价值都是为资本和利润服务的,Xspace也好,Blue Origin也好,其他公司也不例外。当联邦机构不再具备任何技术能力,将所有任务外包给私营产业时,会发生什么?最后他们必然会用尽一切手段,再次抬高NASA的任务成本。想想F35项目、福特号航空母舰、濒海战斗舰项目、朱姆沃尔特号驱逐舰项目,美军的重要项目在过去20年里不断面临挑战。一拖再拖、严重超支、华而不实。原本高效的私营军工体系,在冷战结束后,竟然变成了美国身上的寄生毒瘤。在航天领域,如何避免这种问题再次发生?

@BL Cheah
This is completely stupid.
It’s not college level science. It’s PRIMARY SCHOOL science.
I learned around 9 or 10 in class that the ‘dark side of the moon’ is just dark to us. The sun gets to shine on all parts of the moon but we don’t see it because it’s always the same face of the moon turned towards us.
Did this Bill Nelson complete elementary school education?


@James Zhang
Nelson may not be the brightest bulb in the box, but he's just adjusting his intelligence to match that of the people around him. LOL


@Stevo Kerley
America will never be Great again as it has been dumbed down past of no return.


@Cheong Tee
Perhaps it wasn’t about a lack of basic space knowledge, but Bill Nelson was somehow a “good team player” and was willing to recite a scxt from his handler. Anyway, US would do and say anything to discredit China for the consumption of its clueless citizens, and the top priority of the US government now is to manipulate that clueless mass, so honesty and intellectual integrity have long been willingly thrown into the trash bin.


@Myron Sanderson
Another ‘brainiac’ in Congress, collectively the whole bunch could find their own ass without both hands!


@Richard Wang
Why does the moon have circular changes and whether the far side of the moon is dark? I explained this to my son when he was 8 years old through a basketball, a table tennis ball, and a desk lamp. He already understands why.


@Wei Zhang
Now you know why they can landed on the Moon 60 years ago, but even cannot reproduce the rocket now.


@Dan Barker
I wonder if he was thinking “dark to radio communication” from earth?


Well, just one mistake I saw in this, Elon's company is called SpaceX, not Xspace.


@First Impression
I'm beginning to doubt that NASA is even a real space exploration agency as they claim, sure they're scientists on paper who get to waste billions of taxpayers dollars but if these ppl do not even understand basic science how were they able to build a rocket to the moon?


@Jeremy Irwin
If Bill Nelson did say that then Mr Nelson is ignorant of lunar science.


@Church Of LOB
I think they should find administrators with a basic understanding of science. This is very sad.


@Patrick Clancy
I haven’t verified that he said this, but if so, it’s a remarkable display of ignorance.


@Lars Olsen
That’s not a direct quote (he would never say “I doesn’t”) but it’s embarrassing enough. Here is the clip:
I really hope that the NASA administrator misspoke when he said “The are going to have a lander on the far side of the moon, which is the side that is always in dark.”
What is much more embarrassing is when he says “We don’t know what’s on the back side of the moon” in spite of the fact that 24 American astronauts have seen it with their own eyes and that it has been extensively mapped by the NASA LRO.
Moreover he says that NASA wants to go to the lunar South Pole - but that’s exactly where the Chang’e 6 mission is headed, albeit on the side we cannot see from earth but in the very interesting Aitken basin that might give clues of why the far side of the moon is so different from the near side and thereby give more clues to the formation of the moon and give information about the solar system in general.
On top of it, there is Helium 3 to be mined and it might be more abundant on the far side of the moon.
So there are plenty of good reasons to go where the Chinese are going, and that he states that he has no idea why shows either deep ignorance, stupidity or that he was extremely badly prepared for the session in Congress.


@Lucas Curtis
One thing you have to understand: Bill Nelson is a Senator, not a scientist. I’m not saying that to excuse his mistake, which is… a real head-scratcher. But Nelson’s ignorance vis-à-vis the cycles of day and night on the Moon should not be taken as evidence that NASA as an organization is ignorant. I doubt the Senate quizzed him about lunar astronomy when they confirmed him as the administrator at NASA — they probably never thought it would come up.
That’s all I can devise. Yes, it’s an embarrassing mistake, but not one that reflects badly on the agency.


@Peter Loftus
If that’s what he said, I think he is confusing the far side of the Moon which is the side that faces away from Earth, because of tidal locking, to the Dark Side of The Moon which is the part of the moon not in sunlight. And an excellent album from Pink Floyd.
However that does not sound like Bill as he was an astronaut himself.


@Michael Blucher
There is NO permanent Dark side of the Moon.
No idea who he is, but he sounds like a typical politician who has no idea what he’s talking about.


@Maurice Gold
The man is incompetent. He should know better. He is no more than a political appointee.
Years ago, he flew to the International Space Station. He was there merely for political reasons, not for competence or having a role as a real astronaut. I think he was referred to as Ballast Bill or similar.
I'm sure that there are more competent talented knowledgeable people who could lead NASA.


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