2024-05-20 汤沐之邑 5735

What do British people think about India and Indian people?


Sudhir Suvarna
What do British people think about India?
I am an Indian who lived in Britain for more than 10 years and this is what my manager who was English thought about India:
Wondered why Indians visit Britain for holiday when India is the most beautiful place in the world.
Thanks India for U.K.'s national food - Chicken Tikka Massala
Felt Slumdog Millionaire shouldn't have been made.
Did not understand why Bollywood has a lot of western style of music when we have such a rich traditional Indian music.

他感谢印度为英国贡献了国民美食——香料烤鸡咖哩(Chicken Tikka Masala)。

Graeme Shimmin
What do British people think about India?
The average Briton's view of India:
India is a great place to go on holiday but it's a bit too far away. Could you move it a bit closer please?
India has monsoons and elephants. Elephants are good. Monsoons aren't good as the rain is even worse than it is here.
India is very, very hot - even hotter than Spain.
There are a lot of people in India. Maybe like a billion or something.
Most of them work in call centres - probably about three quarters of a billion.


The ones who don't work in call centres are beggars or computer programmers or Bollywood dancers.
There are no proper roads, just massive traffic jams, and everyone beeping their horns like mad as they sit in the jam.
Everyone sits on the roof of the trains too.
There are weird looking cows everywhere. Indians worship them or something.
They make films in a place called Bollywood. They're all musicals. The music is OK but the acting is dreadful and there's no story.
Some Indians write books and they usually win the Booker Prize.


原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Indians are good at cricket, but terrible at football. They have another weird game where the teams hold hands and chant or something.
Indians have Who Wants to be a Millionaire too.
Gandhi was from India. We aren't really sure what he did but it was good and involved lots of wise sayings and him being shot at the end.
Indians have arranged marriages which is a bit odd. Indian girls are all hot though, and Indians wrote the Kama Sutra, so it probably works out ok.
Curry is from India. Mmmmmm... curry :-)
Please read this section before commenting


There are hundreds of comments on this answer, many making the exact same point: these views are inaccurate stereotypes. Please read the existing comments before berating me once again about how wrong I am. I realise these opinions are not in any way accurate.
If like dozens of other commenters you think British people should know more about India ‘because of the Empire’: it's three quarters of a century since Britain left India. Todays teenagers think the 9/11 attacks are irrelevant ancient history - the British Empire is about as real to them as the Roman Empire.
Before telling me once again how ‘dumb’ British people are, ask yourself how much you know about Switzerland or Brazil. If you’re anything like the hundreds of other people who have commented, you know even less about Brazil than the average British person knows about India.
That’s the whole point: all over the world people know little about foreign countries and the few things they do know mostly come from movies. Britain and India are no exception.
To summarise: instead of shooting the messenger, please consider why India's international reputation is not what you'd like it to be, and what you can do to improve it.


Liam Johnson
I am white and British.
Personally, I have a very high opinion of Indian people. My impression of Indians, certainly the ones I have met here in the UK (we have a very large Indian population) is the following:
Very intelligent
Hard working
Bear in mind I have never been to India, so this is based solely on the Indians I have met here in the UK. What impresses me especially is the civilized gracefulness Indians seem to have. Even the poorest Indians have it – especially the women.
My grandfather was in the British army in Burma during WW2. His unit fought alongside the Indians against the Japanese. He always spoke with enormous respect and affection of the Indian people. And my sister works for an Indian doctor. She often says the Indian doctors are far more polite and gentlemanly that the white British ones – I have also found this to be true.


Maulik Desai
I am from India and I am in UK since last july for my company's project work. I have came across some weird idea in Britisher's mind about India.Like:
Transportation: We still travel on camel or elephant.But fact is that it was before 70-80 years.Now we have metro , high speed train,air connectivity, luxurious bus facility etc. For example, Indian railway network is about 71,000 km long.
Food: They think that we eat only spicy food. Here, people think that spicy means more chili powder, but it is not like that. We use different type of spices like Cumin, Cloves, Coriander, Turmeric,Mustard seed, Chili powder to enhance taste of food not only chili powder.
Weather: They think India is hot country. In some aspect, they are right but entire India is not hot. If we consider northern part of India near Himalaya, it is too cold.
Most of the people believe in God. That's True.


Intelligent: I have experienced that whenever i tell that i am Indian and i am an engineer then reply is same"You Indian people are so intelligent and hard working". Reason behind this is that here in NHS (National Health Service) most doctors are Indian. Particularly in Newcastle Upon Tyne(name of city where i live) most taxi drivers are Pakistani or Bangladeshi, you will not find any Indian taxi driver.
Area:When i told my colleague that india is almost 13 to 14 times bigger than UK, he couldn't believe that. In fact four states of India are larger than entire UK.
Language: They think we all speak HINDI. But fact is that as per WIKI India has 122 major languages and 1,599 other languages.
In UK , Britisher's like Indian food so they go to Indian restaurant frequently but for there record, most of them are owned by Pakistani or Bangladeshi because it would not attract customer if it is named as Pakistani or Bangladeshi restaurant.


Jack Calnan
What do British people think about India?
I'm assuming the OP here is Indian, and, if so, I think I can guess why this question has been asked.
I am a Brit who recently spent 2 months backpacking around India. Whilst I was in Shimla, Himachel Pradesh, I got chatting to a guy in a cafe. Neither of us had nothing else to do that day, so he ended up showing me around. We got on so well, that he invited me to come and stay at his family home with his parents for a few days. I got to know them all very well, and had some fantastic conversations about our different cultures.


One of the things that kept cropping up in conversation was this very question: "What do Britishers think about Indians?" And I was surprised to learn that they believed that the general population of Britain are in fact quite racist towards Indians.
First and foremost, let me say that I think it is patently ridiculous to assume that the question has a reasonable answer. There are 63 million of us. We don't have the same opinions on anything. The concept that this question has one true answer, is the same as expecting one true answer to the question "what are Indians like?" There's 1.2 billion Indians in India, it would be impossible to answer such a question with a reasonable answer. Individual people are unique in a lot of ways.
Now, let me be 100% honest with you:


There is a small ignorant minority of people in the UK who bear certain negative stereotypes against certain ethnic groups. I have no interest in perpetuating any of those here.
According to the last census, 1.8% of UK residents are Indian. There are also 1.5% Pakistani and 0.5% Bangladeshi. To this 'ignorant minority', Pakistani and Bangladeshi people would fit in the same stereotype category. Trust me, they wouldn't bother to come up with some new stereotypes when a different group looks a bit similar. This makes a total percentage of 3.8%, third largest after White British (85.65%) and White (other) (5.27%) and therefore the largest visibly, non-ethnically British population in the UK. Also in my experience, Indians tend to populate particular areas of large towns such as London, Birmingham and Leeds. I'd do the same if I moved somewhere that had a British population in a certain area.


原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

All this makes the community an easy target for the ignorant minority, who are simply looking for a direction to spew their casual racism.
The UK is an extremely ethnically diverse nation. Anybody that does not fit inside the 'ignorant minority' group will typically have no interest in anybody that they do not know. An Indian walking down the street in London, is not the same as a Brit walking down the street in Delhi. In Delhi, it is much more out of the ordinary to see a white person than it is to see an Indian in Britain. In India, I was constantly being smiled at, shaking hands, asking where I was from etc etc because I was white. If you did this in London, you wouldn't have time for anything else.
My point is, who has more of an impact on you, the 999 British people you saw that week that ignored you because they don't see any difference between you and themselves, or the 1 person that shouted a racial slur from a car? Of course, you remember the racial slur.


And this is how the idea that British people have racist opinions and stereotypes of Indians is perpetuated.
Now, I suppose that was a pretty long answer based upon an assumption I've made about the OP so I should probably just answer the question based upon my own experience!
From home:
I work with a number of Indians, most of them are carpenters. All of them are extremely friendly, hard working and highly skilled. I got a lot of help from some of them when I was planning my trip and was given a lot of helpful advice. It seemed that they really cared.


From my travels:
I found Indians to be the friendliest and most hospitable people I have ever met. Talking only of first hand experience (ignoring what I read in the papers), I don't have a single negative thing to say about Indian people. I felt welcomed at every turn and, if I ever looked lost, it wasn't for long because someone would be there to help the poor tourist within seconds.


Obviously, this is a country with issues to deal with such as overpopulation, the economy, corruption and certain social problems. But it is a country with great times ahead. The youth in India are extremely educated, active and socially mobile. They care about the future of the country and are interested in its politics a lot more than in other countries I have visited.
I really hope that the friends I made graduate and find jobs which allow them the stability to come and visit me in London one day. They have already been cordially invited. If not, I'll certainly be going back to see them at some point.


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