2024-05-21 国外新鲜事 7287
Canada boasts the 9th largest economy, pristine environmental standards, a robust legal frxwork, universal healthcare, world class education, and numerous other amenities. Despite all of this, Canada's happiness index has plummeted to its lowest point in almost a decade. In this documentary, we delve into the root causes of this decline: the affordability crisis. From the housing crisis and declining economic productivity to the impacts of carbon pricing and rising food expenses, we unpack the many challenges confronting everyday Canadians.

加拿大是世界第九大经济体,原始的环境标准,强大的法律的框架,全民医疗保健,世界一流的教育和许多其他设施。尽管如此,加拿大的幸福指数已经跌至近十年来的最低点。 在这部纪录片中,我们深入研究了这种下降的根本原因:负担能力危机。从住房危机和经济生产力下降到碳定价和食品费用上涨的影响,我们揭示了加拿大人日常面临的许多挑战。

Please don't forget to like, comment, and subscribe so I can pay for my 300ft $3600 a month apartment in Vancouver!


ahahahahahah ! ! ! Waste of money ....



原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Time to get a roommate.


Living in Vancouver is your first mistake...


hope my contribution helps your rent this month


wow...just as bad as California


ha ha, funny but true. I wonder what would happen if everyone in Vancouver would move out and start somewhere else. I know I'm dreaming and being ridiculous, however, we can't have it both ways. That's the choices we make in life.


lMao, in Florida, you can get a 1500 sq ft condo just a mile from the warm ocean for just $3,000 a month


As a Canadian, I love Canada. Your video is obvious right-wing polemics. That you slander Canada this way does not make me want to vote right.


lol just because the analysis is critical of the incumbent government doesn’t mean this dude is right wing. Pretty sure he’s center or left wing look at his other videos. He’s also said in the comments he’s not sure conservatives have the right plan to fix this either


Stupid people pay a price.


Better move out.


The guy who implied an average 300sqft apartment in Vancouver is $3600 is a shameless liar.

顺便说一下 - 那个暗示温哥华平均300平方英尺公寓租金为3600美元的人是一个无耻的骗子。

@AnonymousAccount514 but not as bad as the whole country


@mydogsbutler stop being delusional it's the truth


Move to Moose Jaw, SK and pay less than $1,000/month :)

搬到穆斯乔,萨斯喀彻温省,每月租金不到1000美元 :)

Vote NDP and pay $5,000/month :)

投票给新民主党,每月支付5000美元 :)

I just checked CL for Vancouver and figure he must be living in the West End in a newer tower, possibly with all the amenities available. Even then he's getting ripped off as for all the listings are at least 600 square feet for less than the CAD$3600 he is paying. I live in New Westminster and lucked out bigtime 5 years ago with a lower than market value rent.


Damn. That's $12 a month for each 12" by 12" floor tile!

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

it’s clearly sarcasm, I live in Vancouver in a 900sqft apartment in downtown for 2700 a month


He only has 4 videos. And virtually all of his shorts are virtually all complaints about Trudeau.


hope u didnt get evicted in the last 3 weeks prayers up


One question about renting. Where and how do you guys afford a roof over your head when you retire assuming that you never bought a home and always rented?


Come to Miami


this is sarcasm. If you don't get that, you have bigger problems...

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

You do realize that Vancouver isn't even on the 30 most expensive cities to rent in the World right? Lots of American cities are on that list but not a single Canadian one.
$3,600/month may seem a lot. But that's $CDN dollars. That's actually $2,623 USD! Try to find something in San Francisco or New York under $3,000/month. Good luck!
You're being a bit disingenuous because you're biased and you're not seeing the forest for the trees. Look at the whole planet and its major cities in Europe and parts of Asia. You'll realize your $3600/month isn't that bad.


If you don't get this sort of hyperbole is dishonest populism, and as you can see taken seriously by others, you have problems of your own. Stick to the facts. Don't make up fake ones.


@mydogsbutler You must be the most boring person ever. Sarcasm is the life blood of comedy and you are a leech.


To be clear, I am not saying you are a literal leech. I want to make sure you know that I am speaking figuratively not literally. Hopefully this one doesn't confuse you too much

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

@2and20 deep comeback liar.


Buy a tent

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Move to a bus stop then you can live rent free!


Interesting Video, just shocking to see that. It’s not as bad as this in Germany but we also took a lot of immigrants and we will take more when Ukraine loses the war but the situation is no so bad. But it’s the same problems very high costs of land, a lot of regulations, a rare bird shows up and the construction is not allowed to start, and a lot of tax makes building so expensive in Germany that big companies like Vonovia stopped building new houses as they would need to take such rent to make it profitable. Also the high interest makes it very expensive and for sure the risen prices for all construction goods and services. The government did not do anything at all, just watching the disaster to take place and blame old people living still in their big homes as it’s more expensive for them to move to a smaller flat. Also there is a lot of climate protection measures which makes it very expensive as the government tells you which heating measure to use and you need to insulate your house which brings down real estate prices. It’s really a shame somehow to see if you compare this to countries like UAE or Malaysia or Thailand/Vietnam that build a lot of housing, sure they might not all be affordable for their citizens but at least there is an offer and you can choose and have the dream to have a home one day with an “average” salary if you work hard.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

I did! Thank you!


All this will happen in USA, unless we lose Comrade Joe.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

You elected him 3 times... Are you guys serious? You elected a drama teacher, yet didn't expect drama!


Ya it’s a mistake for sure. He’s super unqualified!


Can't argue with facts


It’s strange how popular he is with certain demographics still. Doesn’t hurt to be a trust fund baby with good looks


I'm afraid he "elected" himself. He is so commonly hated in Canada it's not even funny.


Ya, sad isn't it. There are still Liberals out there who will vote for him again.


Actually more people voted Conservative.


American here. Thank you for making me feel better. I mean, the housing crisis is horrible here, but Canada is a bloodbath.


we'll be there within 5 years


He used examples of a city that has land shortages because it’s pinned between the ocean and mountains


I moved to London, UK. Got a job in finance. Bought a house in Zone 2. Pricey but still affordable. But I can't now move back to Canada because the house to salary ratio is ridiculous.


About half a million people immigrated to Canada in 2023. Mostly Ukrainians, Haitians, Indians, Chinese, Afghans, and Nigerians. I guess someone wants to live in Canada. PS The average home price in Saskatchewan is currently $324,400... but you have to live in Saskatchewan.


Born and raised Canadian and lived 22 years of my life in Canada. Left Canada in 2005 and till this date, zero regrets. I went for an academic internship in 2004 during my Bachelor's in Electrical Engineering to University of Texas Austin. A professor offered me a position in his research lab for master's, so it was more like studying in US free of cost and earning monthly stipend for doing research.
I never considered this as permanent move but quality of research I did in US, the opportunities and salary I received I could never imagine that in Canada. I am still in touch with my university friends in Canada work at low wages on obsolete tech stuff, with no innovation at work. Many of them want to move to the US, but for 10+ years they worked on outdated stuff, so they cannot compete with the talent pool in US. Even in 2004, I remember healthcare being bad and I keep hearing stories about how worse it has become. In US, I am covered by a good health insurance, I had surgeries for myself and my kids, and we never had any issues. Honestly, I can no longer trust Canadian healthcare with insane wait times for my kids safety.


Give me a break! You all elected him 3 times. Don't blame Trudeau, blame yourselves.


Well, he fulfilled his promise, Canada changed!
For much much worse, but changed


As an Australian. It's as bad here. Trying to buy a house is almost impossible without help. Also, the rental crisis in our big cities is absolutely terrible.


We were paying $950 for a decent sized 2 bedroom apartment on the 3rd floor near downtown Mississauga.....that was in 2012 after i left.... those days are long gone.


Add the shitty weather and their is literally no reason to live there.


I own a mid sized home in northern , share a vehicle with my spouse, work 70+ hours per week (when there is work) in the energy sector, have a second job when I’m home, my spouse works part time. Last year we earned $130,000 combined, took one 4 day vacation and were living paycheque to paycheque. We don’t have drug or shopping addictions, our basic bills cost $7000+ per month, and we’re one of the lucky ones.


I make a 6-figure salary in California. Should I quit and move to Vancouver? (Asking for a friend)


I live in the UK and its a similar situation here. Buying a property (especially in the South) is so hard unless you come from money or have a really good job.
Also because people cant buy their own homes, landlords can charge obscene amounts for rent because they know people dont have any alternatives. Add that to the cost of living crisis and you have a lot of people feeling trapped and hopeless


Born and raised in Canada, and I'm seriously considering moving south of the border. I'm not getting any younger and don't have 10-15 years to wait for things to turn around. I bet lots of others who have this option are thinking the same thing.


I moved to London, UK. Got a job in finance. Bought a house in Zone 2. Pricey but still affordable. But i can't now move back to Canada because the house to salary ratio is ridiculous.


So, immigrants are the problem? Honest question. I had read in a government statement that Canada received almost 900K since 2015… this video says it’s 3Millions. What is the correct data?


I moved to Canada since 2007. Overall, I am happy with Canada. I think a lot of new immigrants has unrealistic expectations of coming to Canada. I started renting a room in a house sharing the bathroom and kitchen with other tenants. But look at the new immigrants today, they all start living in nice condos. Condo rental price back in 2008 is also expensive compared with the income level back then. Sure, today’s market is more expensive, but what is not? But looking at the stock market, you don’t expect to buy Amazon stock at 2008 price level, are you? If Toronto is too expensive, then move to more affordable locations, eg. PEI.


I'm 20 and I'm doing fine in Toronto. I rent and buy food, clothes and have fun. But starting a family and having even a single child in Canada is nearly impossible. With our salaries, inflation and insane house prices young families will never be able to buy a house. Having a child in a rental sounds so miserable, living at the mercy of the landlord not knowing when they decide to kick you out. After paying for rent, bills, food and other basic stuff you have no money to invest in your child's future :( I don't want to life a pathetic life having 3-4 jobs for my kid to become a cashier with no education. Kids are very expensive here if you want them to have a decent childhood... Starting a family in Canada sounds very bad to me...


I live in a 2nd world country. And I just got neighbors that moved back here from Canada. My high school friend also moved back from Canada. Just a few years ago, something like that was unimaginable. What the hell, Canada?


Born and raised in Canada, and I'm seriously considering moving south of the border. I'm not getting any younger and don't have 10-15 years to wait for things to turn around. I bet lots of others who have this option are thinking the same thing.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

I moved to London, UK. Got a job in finance. Bought a house in Zone 2. Pricey but still affordable. But I can't now move back to Canada because the house to salary ratio is ridiculous.


I live in a 2nd world country. And I just got neighbors that moved back here from Canada. My high school friend also moved back from Canada. Just a few years ago, something like that was unimaginable. What the hell, Canada?


You said that 7% of Canadians are leaving to the US each year, but the source you quoted clearly says ".7", i.e. 0.7%. If it was 7%, the population would be falling off a cliff. It's 1/10th as many people as you say.


Yeah but it’s still a high number.Here in Vietnam,a shitty 3rd world country we only have like 0.3% and that’s high already


Over 240,000 (0.7%) people per year leaving is absolutely devastating for a first-world nation, especially when it's the kind of people who have the means and opportunity to leave.
However, 7% means that your country is literally in its death throes and everyone is fleeing.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

It's actually 0.09% if you search for real numbers.


Lots of this video is full of questionable stats and mistakes. Poor quality and misleading.


The problem is not that "only" 0.7% is leaving, the problem is that these people are well educated, usually with experience.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

I just read an article from Bloomberg stating that some Ukrainian immigrants have actually left Canada to go back to Ukraine last year (2023) simply because it was cheaper to live in Ukraine, a country actively still at war, than in Canada.


Because home is home
Canada can’t give them that feeling to feel like they’re home
I’m in Canada since 2014 and I regret every day coming here
My goal is to save money and get out of this sinking ship


NOT moving to Canada was the best decision in my life!


it was.


Leaving Canada for Jamaica in 2010 was the best decision in my life.


Yeah, but you could probably leave any 1st world country for a 3rd world country and do great, no?


@JFB1111 You have a point there, certainly economically, assuming you leave the 1st world country with decent cash. But for me, it's about having more personal freedom than I ever could in the nanny-state that Canada has become. There, you're not allowed to be human. You have to aspire to some progressive ideal of what a proper person should be, which mostly involves self-censorship and doing what you're told. Not my cup of tea.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

And we Canadians are so glad you made that decision.


"More personal freedom"? Same Sex marriage, legal weed, universal healthcare. Sounds pretty free to me.


Good. I will tell others to do the same. At least until a new administration gets installed.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

The healthcare system is horrible.


As a young Canadian, it is beyond frustrating to live in Canada and I have no hope for living here in the future.


Canada is the most captured, least competitive country in the world




Recently experienced L.A. and Vegas being significantly cheaper than Toronto. Blew my mind.


Australia "Canada, hold my beer"


I left Canada in 2018 and I’m probably not going back!


Canada? Maybe Hindustan? Was in BC in 2021, my backpack with laptop and camera was stolen. Called a police a woman with a heavy Indian accent picked up, complained that my language isn't clear enough and that I have to find somebody to help me communicate with her and hung the phone.
Here I am a tourist feeling absolutely safe in a country where my backpack is stolen and I am being bullied by the policewoman.
At this point, a country Kenya has a higher percentage of English speakers than Canada.
Will I visit again, no thank you.


原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

I was born and raised in Canada, lived there until 2022, but have left for America. I am not confident things will get better for young people anytime soon.


Maybe Canada can apply for to become a Chinese state?


Every time I take my family out for dim sum (6 adults, 3 young children), it costs $150 !!! This is much, much higher than just 4 years ago.
Canada is extremely expensive.


born and raised here
I'm leaving in 2 years


It’s not that bad you know


I actually want to live there.


It's kind of misleading to relate gas prices to income and then say Canada has the highest gas prices. As a matter of fact, one unit of fuel in Canada costs half of what it costs in France or Germany. It's just that Canadians probably use more fuel because they don't believe in public transport like Europeans do. Median income in Canada and Germany is roughly the same.


Canada is way too cold for how overpriced it is…the weather isn’t even good


That’s what happens when you import foreign millionaires that use the country and all we're left with is a broken housing market and “diversity”


I loved the video! I was just curious how you created the animations for the charts? It looks great!


After 8 years,we have:
Home Crisis
food crisis
Affordability Crisis, in addition to human basic needs
No opportunities for growth
I just wanted to say to Mr. Prime Minister, Please Resign today and pass to someone who can lead the country in a better way


Born and raised in Canada. The rising cost of living is just depressing and I’ve basically given up on starting a family because of it here in Vancouver. I know that in order to move out of my parents' house, I’d have to get a full-time job, eat instant noodles only, and have at least five roommates in order to continue living here. Minimum wage in BC is $16/hr changing to $17/hr but living wage is at least $26/hr last I checked. It’s so sad because I love it here but it just seems impossible to be hopeful.


It’s such a shame, the dream of a comfortable average life is fading. There’s exactly the same situation here in NZ. It’s tough out there!


And yet all the homes are filled and the restaurants are full all weekend. Go figure.


Housing in the English world (Canada, Australia, Ireland, England) has demonstrated the failures of a market-led housing. The irony is not only will this get worse, the little non-market housing available is disappearing. Public housing has been non-existent since the 80s. Canadians themselves are nimbys because they themselves want those high property values for their retirement. The irony of this is that any reduction will result in economic calamity and no political party wants that.


Amazing video, but I would recommend doing research on the job search of young and overqualified Canadians. It is currently impossible to find a minimum wage job due to the over-saturation of the population. As a 17-year-old with good grades and work experience, I cannot find a job after applying to ~60 places in person, and neither can my friends. However, this video does make me feel seen as an unsatisfied Canadian :)


Someone said that a charismatic leader is bad...


America, for all its problems, is still the best place to live and work.


Dear Canadians. Stay in Canada and fix your country. Don’t bring your politics to the US and bid up our prices.


The rent is Vancouver is insanely high


It's just the same in New Zealand, Australia, the UK. The Governments shove in hundreds of thousands of immigrants to make sure wages stay low, put all sorts of red tape around building and developing and then put their hands up and say "not our problem". Unfortunately you have to understand that it isn't about raising the standard of living in that country anymore; it's about lowering it to the standard of living in the poorer countries (India, China, Indonesia, the Philippines, Vietnam etc etc.) so eventually we're all down at the same level.


Good to know it's not just my country. We elected the same prime minister four times (or is the fifth now? idk, i don't count it at this point and don't follow politics) and the housing and food prices are as bad as in Canada. You can't even dream about buying a house without a loan, or without working for years in Austria or Germany. Regarding the food prices, I don't know the exact numbers, but I remember that when I was 18 (in 2018) one kilogram of bread was 0.77€. Now it's 2.32€. like wtf really.


Bro I just rented my 2 bedroom condo at St. Lawrence market for $2500. The rent is not $3000 for a one bedroom anymore. Facts.


It's bad everywhere, but worse in Canada. Decreased productivity cuts across everything. And Toronto's move to allow multi-plex homes to be built anywhere is a huge step in the right direction. Now for tiny homes...

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Home prices are on the up in pretty much everywhere in the developed world. But it's true it's more extreme in Canada. I don't see a major housing crash anytime soon and so home ownership will remain inaccessible to a large portion of the population. That said some measures could be taken to calm the market, for example, banning HELOC's would take away some liquidity from the market and thus less speculators. Also producing public housing accessible to a wide range of incomes, with some conditions (like how they do it in Austria) should be a mandate in all provinces similar to the way healthcare is. These measures may not be a long term solution but they certainly can help the next couple of generations.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

i’m american with canadian citizenship and i refuse to ever move there. i want to leave the usa, and im not considering it an option


Do any Canadians have alternate views? Just out of curiosity.


My idiot cousin is hell bent on moving to Canada and his mother is forcing his dad to spend all their retirement money on this misadventure.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

very fair video, I expected this video to be really biased because most content like this is.


You claim immigration is driving housing prices up in a video with a title about people not wanting to live in Canada. Newsflash, Vancouver is expensive because it is considered one of the best cities to live in and people WANT to live there.


很赞 2