2024-05-22 冲动的小李 11129
Profile photo for Dev Kumar
Indians are getting killed in West mysteriously and in a Systematic way
15 Indians were killed or attacked in the past 2 months in the west
Classical dancer Amarnath Ghosh migrated to the US last year “to follow his dancing dreams,” was shot several times near the border of St Louis' Academy and Central West End neighbourhoods.He died on the spo
He was the only child in his family and his mother died 3 years ago
Vikram Taneja a 41-year-old IT executive has died after suffering life-threatening injuries during an assault outside a restaurant in the American capital
No arrest has been made so far.
He was knocked to the ground by the suspect and hit his head on the pavement.
Neel Acharya A student of Purdue University in Indiana, was missing . Hours later, a body was found on the university campus and was identified as that of Acharya.
Acharya was a double major in computer science and data science in the John Martinson Honors College
VivekSaini was brutally attacked by a hammer , multiple times on his head which resulted into his death
The consulate condemned the heinous act in the "strongest terms," shedding light on the horrifying nature of the incident
The Warren County Coroner’s office, said that the 23-year-old Sameer Kamath was found dead at a nature preserve on Monday evening
He was a student who was pursuing a doctoral degree at Purdue University in Indiana, United States
Anand Sujith Henry, 37, and Alice Priyanka Benziger, 38, found dead in their bathroom from gunshot wounds. The couple's four year old twins, Noah and Neithan, were also found dead inside one of the home's five bedrooms.
Now How many of these cases we saw mass reporting in media and quick action from the authorities ?
Did the folks in West apologise on social media to the Indians and made trends like " we are ashamed" ...?
How many Family members of those Victims posted on Social media & created a hullabaloo & demonised the entire country.
This tells you the difference between the Narratives Regarding India
While we Indians Trend " We are ashamed " of the tragic incident that happened with the Spanish Biker out of our emotion , some culprits were arrested while the investigation is in process
There is not a single word from the west or non west accounts on Any Social Media..


@Akash Sinha
The US have yet to give a proper reply shameless.. When something happens in India they come at us like some custodian of human rights and democracy


@Millicent Podgers
Not just Indians. All minorities who are doing well. Asians, in short. And white people.


@Task Noir
Our own Indians will join the bandwagon while their law enforcers laugh and make jokes after running down an Indian student.


@Zeeshan Syed
Just a note, Sameer and Neel were not attacked or murdered. The coroner report for Sameer indicates that he died of a self-inflicted gunshot wound to the head (Grad student died by suicide, coroner says), and the coroner report for Neel states that he died after asphyxiating following alcohol intoxication and cold exposure (Neel Acharya died of asphyxia, coroner says).

仅供参考,Sameer 和 Neel 并没有被袭击或谋杀。验尸报告显示,Sameer 是因头部自-inflicted 枪伤致死(验尸官称研究生自杀),而 Neel 是因酒精中毒和寒冷导致窒息而死(验尸官称 Neel Acharya 死于窒息)。

Anand Henry shot his wife and 2 children and then committed suicide Some people sensationalize without knowing the truth

Anand Henry 杀了他的妻子和两个孩子,然后自杀。有些人在不知道真相的情况下大肆炒作。

Personal reasons


@Stan Lee
of course Americans are peace loving people, they will never harm a soul. These are all lies fabricated by CCP and evil Putin. Please bless China, lord Jesus will bless you


@Dev Kumar
As if there is no hate crime against Indians I was mugged twice in New York and was asked to return back to my country


@Karai Premnath
It is New York City, there is a lot of crime there against Whites; from other parts of the US, Chinese, Japanese, Jews, Italians, Hispanics- against anyone, in fact, who appears to be an easy mark for criminals- even those who hail from other parts of the US, by criminal elements some of whom are illegal immigrants from 3rd world countries. . New York is a city, where there are people from every corner of the world. You really have to search for a White person in that city. Large sections of New York City and its residents resemble a 3rd world country. It is hardly representative of the “rest of the USA”. Your comment that “Indians” are being singled out as the only target by bad “Americans” everywhere and that somehow the US Government is complicit in this and there is a grand conspiracy against just “Indians” only just didn’t make any sense to me or any of the other 4.5 million Americans of Indian origin who live, prosper and call the US country home. We stand as Candidates for elections and get elected to the US Congress from largely White districts, get elected to State legislatures, two of whom have been elected Governors of Louisiana and Georgia We are CEOS of large corporations, many are appointed Judges and indeed we are the highest income group in the US. So, just stay in India and don’t bother to come to Big bad US anymore and please educate the rest of your countrymen and women not to seek Visas at US Consulates. Bingo ! Problem solved.


@B P
Surprisingly you didn't talk about the women visiting India are being raped? Does India apologize for that?


@Walter Woods
The nationality of people being targeted explicitly for their nationality or race becomes very relevant to the authorities and Government and must be thoroughly investigated and reported through the countries media so the crimes can be highlighted and brought to the attention of the nation and stringent efforts must be made by authorities to identify the perpetrators and the crimes put to an immediate end.


@Kishore Dandu
Couple of examples given are due to own self issues .. not sure how the west would have solved it


Appreciate the descxtive and specific response


Lakshminivasa Rao Nerusu killed his wife and two children in 2008 in Detroit. He then fled to India to escape first-degree murder charges… Indian national found guilty of killing wife and kids in 2008

Lakshminivasa Rao Nerusu于2008年在底特律杀死了他的妻子和两个孩子。然后他逃回印度以逃避一级谋杀指控……印度公民被判犯杀妻杀子罪

@Sathyaswamy S
The entire world is sick of Indian migration. Time for Indians to stay back and build India to make it developed.


Then the entire world can tighten their immigration laws to exclude Indians. Oh that's right, they can't do that without being seen as racist. The “entire world” didn't have any problem with European settlers/colonizers.


@Harry Origin
Oh that's right, they can't do that without being seen as racist. Country>not seen as racist. Illegal immigration is major problem in Western countries. East Asian countries would tighten their immigration laws to prevent illegal immigration in their countries. They wouldn't care wheather they seen as…

哦,对了,他们这样做就会被视为种族主义者。国家 > 不被视为种族主义者。非法移民是西方国家的主要问题。东亚国家会收紧移民法以防止非法移民进入他们的国家。他们不会在乎是否被视为...

Hey kola


Stop exaggerating


@Harry Origin
Illegal immigrants and its industry in India should be blamed for racism against indians in forgein lands.


@Krishnan Raghavan
Victim blaming?


in India, biharis are humiliated all over india for any of infinite reasons while for the same very reason, people of other states are ignored.


Major reasons are lowest per capita income n doing the dead end jobs. Lack of education, civic sense n grace in daily life makes them untouchable in general n hence most easy target of hooligans and criminals.
If really interested to know the reason of attack on indians abroad, look no further. Find out why biharis are targeted for attack in all over india.


India is the most racist and bigoted country


Do you see the irony of that statement?


@Man D
Mallus are worst kind in that..


No its not


Definitely not


@Harsh Vardhan
I am a Bihari and yes Biharis are made fun on….I agree.,…..but it's not like Biharis don't make fun of other state people. We makes jokes on Tamilians and Andhra people. Biharis also somewhat make jokes on Bengali people.


Yes Biharis are associated with being vulgar and uneducated as Bihar is a hugely underdeveloped state. However ppl who make fun are themselves very immature and show that while they are educated, they lack empathy or don’t know how to talk in public. According to me such PPL form a v small percentage. Most people while having causal fun on your region, are friendly……I am saying this having stayed at Manipal (Karnataka), Kolkata (WB), Ahmedabad, Vapi (Gujarat), Mumbai, Pune (Maharashtra) and Delhi for a long time. Yes PPL did make fun of me…saying your state doesn't have jobs, hence you have to move around. And I took them lightly as most of it was true and harmless. In the meanwhile I also had fun at them for their practices…..so basically no love was lost in these leg pulling.


Yes on Quora, some PPL (on losing a debate) will start targeting you based on your region, if they feel they have nothing else to Target you with. I was called uneducated and coming from a BIMARU state once by a couple of Tamil Quorans when I was trying to discuss with them on why LTTE should not be glorified (they of course were in support of the terrorist organisation). When their logic failed them, they started attacking me for where I belonged to.


So yes you have some people on social media doing so, but you have to give them back in their own language stating that yes Bihar may be underdeveloped and their state may be developed, but it's not just bcoz of their contribution. It could be due to several factors beyond anyone’s control. And it's not like everyone on social media is like that. I have seen mostly level headed Quorans from all parts of the country. Infact some of the best writers I follow are from Tamil Nadu (so I have nothing against the state as such).


You better reply to points raised by me rather than ignoring them.


Basic question is why biharis are singled out for humiliation in all over india. Whether gujrat or assam, tamilnadu or Kashmir, it is biharis who are humiliated while people of other states are spared for same reason.


Lack of english knowledge, lowest per capita income n lack of grace in behaviour may be some of hundreds of reasons.


Same reasons apply for indians abroad.


So emotional


@Salman Shaikh
Because our media is busy capturing a 2000cr wedding

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

@Adarsh Kumar
Get ready for.abuses from ABs :)

准备好被AB们辱骂吧 :)
原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Indians are being trampled on by Americans at will, but a bunch of Indians are here to help Americans find the reasons and come to the conclusion: it's all Indians' fault.
How interesting


原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

One doesn't preclude the other.


@Proud Hindu
Case regarding Amarnath is heart wrenching. Unfortunately he has no one to fight for justice as he was last of his family.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

@Amit K
Lots of Indians who are not well off live or work in poor areas which are full of crime There are places in every city where not many people venture after dark The person who died in Illinois was not wearing warm clothes in freezing cold


@Savan Sanghvi
He was forced probably. How much does it cost to buy a winter coat ? From what I know, it's cheaper than what you might think.


@Amit K
Making accusations wildly without providing evidence is of no use There are cameras everywhere these days if he was forced to remove his jacket there would be evidence If he did on his own for a dare then he is stupid


Indian immigrant murders wife: The 27-year old assailant, identified as Joseph "Sanish" Pallipurath, who drove all across the US from California to New Jersey to confront his 24-year old wife Reshma James, escaped after fatally shooting her.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

@Usha Rani
Indians are not only intelligent and very hard working. They work hard and tolerate many issues while abroad, compared to many other nationalities. I agree they are always buzy earning more money by doing more jobs, but they never involve in any crime. This is my observation from my visits to number of countries. May be their behaviour may not be equal to that of people from developed countries, but they are more humane than many. Targeting them is out of mere jealousy watching their success.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

@Kshitij Thapa
The Americans don’t care because it’s not a new thing for them.


@Adhir Bose
India, thanks to crony capitalism has the cheapest data charges in the world.
Time is something that has always been abundant in India.
The only thing cheaper than data is the life of an Indian, so why should the goras bother about you or your opinion?


And no one cares if white people are killed, people around the world would tell, their ancestors did crimes against them in the past.
You can see that everywhere, but if brown black or a Muslim is killed, media will cry a lot.


@Rajesh Kumar R
Those peoples are not working to poor india they are going foreign to earn more this is the best way to get out of them


@Shah Punekar
Anant Henry and his family’s (from Kerala) death is not because of any hate crimes, it was Anand who killed his family.


@Deepak Adyanthaya
For sure the US administration is complicit.


Don’t go to US. India is a super country


@Aneek Biswas Biswas
A war is coming.


Don't worry, Americans also kill and assault a lot of orientals and black people are still getting killed disproportionally to their percentage in the population of America. They all don't really matter, unless for the occasional virtue signalling during elections.


@Anjana V K
And no word from ppl like you either until the gang raped happened. Then you rush to dig out stuff that happened to Indians to engage in whatabouttery. Instead of making the country safe for women, point fingers at others. Great plan.


And murders are not the same as rapes. Murders have a myriad of reasons including self defense. Rape has only one - misogyny. Also, those Indians lived there. Some were probably US citizens. If you live there, chances of being a victim of crime is greater. But if a tourist gets
raped in the few short weeks she is here, it is more shameful.


@Dev Kumar
Do Indian tourists not receive unfair treatment in many parts of the world? East Asian countries were among those who targeted India with racist remarks.Have you voiced your support for them?


In any case, consider the question before responding.


@Anjana V K
Is unfair treatment same as rape?


@Dev Kumar
Is killing of indian.citizen justified ?

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Why there is “ Indian life matters” protest by celebraties in India and elsewhere.?


@Shiva V K
Thats a lot of cases to see all of them as a hate crime. I wonder have the culprits being caught in any of the cases?


@Nobody Nobody
let me take a guess as to which people really hate people a color, Let me see, Oh yeah, White privilege.


@Krishna Mohan
Did anyone condemn that policemans recorded conversation after the car accident which went viral? Did the spate of killings start after that incident? Is there a lix? Just wondering.


@L Mao
This happens when too many illegals flock to USA


@Arv Ach
Please do some research before posting..not all are hate crimes..everybody is a target and not specifically indians


@Paul Sinyangwe
Shameful, tragic, extremely saddening.


@B P
It's alarming. Indian students should stop applying to US universities and professionals should stop applying for H1B and L1 visas. Can we please make that happen by making it a law? We don't want precious Indians to leave their comfort and luxurious life in India to come to a crime infested country like US. It's a disaster! Can Mota Bhai do something about it?

这是令人担忧的。印度学生应该停止申请美国大学,专业人士应该停止申请H1B和L1签证。我们能否通过立法来实现这一点?我们不希望珍贵的印度人离开印度舒适奢华的生活,来到像美国这样充满犯罪的国家。这是一场灾难!Mota Bhai能做点什么吗?

@Razamataz Firzam
Typically seen as weak and without support :See posts of Indian on Indian hate ergo gives the typical demographic plenty of ways to kill joy and justify it too


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