

I'm impressed and depressed at the same time by looking those building
I'm impressed and depressed at the same time by looking those building
Thank you for beautiful videos. Loves from Turkey.
Thank you for beautiful videos. Loves from Turkey.
This is truly impressive in its scale and cleanliness. People seem chilled. Really interesting video.
This is truly impressive in its scale and cleanliness. People seem chilled. Really interesting video.
Very interesting to see such a large housing complex at ground level. Life seems very convenient, the neighborhood looks lively. Great work, love from France !
Very interesting to see such a large housing complex at ground level. Life seems very convenient, the neighborhood looks lively. Great work, love from France !
Chinese cities have a very Cyberpunk-ish vibe to them, lots of tall skyscrapers and neon light that look amazing at night.
Chinese cities have a very Cyberpunk-ish vibe to them, lots of tall skyscrapers and neon light that look amazing at night.
I like it because it is so realistic because it is shown in long takes without editing.
I like it because it is so realistic because it is shown in long takes without editing.
Very nice video, very interesting, intriguing and a glimpse of China today. Thank you and I'm subscribing to your channel! I can't wait to see your next exciting video!
Very nice video, very interesting, intriguing and a glimpse of China today. Thank you and I'm subscribing to your channel! I can't wait to see your next exciting video!
I thought this world inside China was sensational.... Kisses from Brazil
原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处
I thought this world inside China was sensational.... Kisses from Brazil
原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处
Thank you for showing us around. Best regards from Germany :)
感谢你带我们一览异地风情。来自德国的最诚挚问候 :)
Thank you for showing us around. Best regards from Germany :)
感谢你带我们一览异地风情。来自德国的最诚挚问候 :)
A wonderful video, many thanks for taking the time to do this.
A wonderful video, many thanks for taking the time to do this.
Thank you for having me walk with you. It was so interesting.
Thank you for having me walk with you. It was so interesting.
Feels like living in a shopping mall. Certainly has some merits and demerits to it. I like how it can encapsulate a big population into a modern village like this. Would like more green spaces though. I can think with some more thought, this type of building can work in dense areas.
原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处
Feels like living in a shopping mall. Certainly has some merits and demerits to it. I like how it can encapsulate a big population into a modern village like this. Would like more green spaces though. I can think with some more thought, this type of building can work in dense areas.
原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处
For China's huge population, everything is extremely organized, practical and easy to access. Even small service providers have their own place where you can find them when you need them. I am pleasantly surprised at how well and quickly China has evolved.
原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处
For China's huge population, everything is extremely organized, practical and easy to access. Even small service providers have their own place where you can find them when you need them. I am pleasantly surprised at how well and quickly China has evolved.
原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处
This is a future?? No thanks !!! The population of my town is only 2000 residents and I'd like to tell you something, the air is breathable the grass is green, water is clean from our source and the most important thing is if you open the window in the morning you can hear singing our beautiful birds. Nothing can compare to this experience!!
This is a future?? No thanks !!! The population of my town is only 2000 residents and I'd like to tell you something, the air is breathable the grass is green, water is clean from our source and the most important thing is if you open the window in the morning you can hear singing our beautiful birds. Nothing can compare to this experience!!
It's huge and crowded, but well organized. Looks pretty and clean. I like that there are lots of walking places without cars running through, surprisingly quiet compared to New York streets.
It's huge and crowded, but well organized. Looks pretty and clean. I like that there are lots of walking places without cars running through, surprisingly quiet compared to New York streets.
I wonder if the residents of this area know what the sun looks like?
I wonder if the residents of this area know what the sun looks like?
We also have a huge residential area in Kharkov - Saltivka. Despite the fact that Kharkov is much smaller, approximately the same number of people live in Saltivka - 400,000. And in Saltovka there is no such cyberpunk atmosphere.
We also have a huge residential area in Kharkov - Saltivka. Despite the fact that Kharkov is much smaller, approximately the same number of people live in Saltivka - 400,000. And in Saltovka there is no such cyberpunk atmosphere.
Incredible. It’s so difficult to appreciate the scale and density. What is so surprising, is how quiet and clean this city is. I’m especially impressed and taken aback by how polite and respectful the people are. Yes there are some cars honking, but it’s nothing like in a city in India or Malaysia for example. Truly enjoyed watching this.
Incredible. It’s so difficult to appreciate the scale and density. What is so surprising, is how quiet and clean this city is. I’m especially impressed and taken aback by how polite and respectful the people are. Yes there are some cars honking, but it’s nothing like in a city in India or Malaysia for example. Truly enjoyed watching this.
Tin.!!!! Only stone and glass. There are no trees at all.
Tin.!!!! Only stone and glass. There are no trees at all.
What a great city, thanks for sharing.
What a great city, thanks for sharing.
Nice walk :) impressive views. Thanks for sharing. Subscribed.
愉快的散步 :) 印象深刻的景观。谢谢分享。已订阅。
Nice walk :) impressive views. Thanks for sharing. Subscribed.
愉快的散步 :) 印象深刻的景观。谢谢分享。已订阅。
So depressing, not even want to live in a place like this at all.
So depressing, not even want to live in a place like this at all.
Wow, honestly it's beautiful in a weird way, crazy what humans can build.
Wow, honestly it's beautiful in a weird way, crazy what humans can build.
Looks crazy, like a video game. Usually I like these dense urban settings but this feels a step too far. Almost no plants and I bet there are apartments getting no direct sunlight, like the walled city in Hong Kong. Thanks for sharing!
原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处
Looks crazy, like a video game. Usually I like these dense urban settings but this feels a step too far. Almost no plants and I bet there are apartments getting no direct sunlight, like the walled city in Hong Kong. Thanks for sharing!
原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处
First, the cameraman did an excellent job, I enjoyed watching, you can feel the way people live in this place from the video. Second, I cry over the 10-11 story apartment building that I live in and that my city is full of. But this, I would never want to live in a place like this, it's about a month until you get depressed and never want to leave the apartment because this is your environment. Everything is gray and blah, no privacy, no individuality it just makes me sad to think someone lives in a place like this.
First, the cameraman did an excellent job, I enjoyed watching, you can feel the way people live in this place from the video. Second, I cry over the 10-11 story apartment building that I live in and that my city is full of. But this, I would never want to live in a place like this, it's about a month until you get depressed and never want to leave the apartment because this is your environment. Everything is gray and blah, no privacy, no individuality it just makes me sad to think someone lives in a place like this.
Wow! Beautiful and amazing.
Wow! Beautiful and amazing.
Surprisingly, there are not even traffic jams with such dense buildings, very cool!
Surprisingly, there are not even traffic jams with such dense buildings, very cool!
Better than any Texan city like Houston, the big difference between them and this…is the total dedicated commercial area in each building. Creating a real neighborhood.
Better than any Texan city like Houston, the big difference between them and this…is the total dedicated commercial area in each building. Creating a real neighborhood.
This is terrible. No trees, no plants, no grass... even sky is almost not visible. Like in a cage.
This is terrible. No trees, no plants, no grass... even sky is almost not visible. Like in a cage.
Excellent video! Very Cyberpunk. Greetings!
Excellent video! Very Cyberpunk. Greetings!
Beautiful very clean city!! And incredibly few people on the streets. Sooner or later I will visit it. Thanks for your videos
Beautiful very clean city!! And incredibly few people on the streets. Sooner or later I will visit it. Thanks for your videos
I loved the tour! Very different from where I live, in the interior of Brazil.
I loved the tour! Very different from where I live, in the interior of Brazil.
You've taken your precious time for this video. I love it.
You've taken your precious time for this video. I love it.
Very well planned. Considering that half a million live in a very compact area, the traffic is calm and the super wide pedestrian walkways disperse the crowds to keep things feeling relatively spacious.
Very well planned. Considering that half a million live in a very compact area, the traffic is calm and the super wide pedestrian walkways disperse the crowds to keep things feeling relatively spacious.
Great camera work!
Great camera work!
China's infrastructure is just massive and amazing.
China's infrastructure is just massive and amazing.
Thank you for these interesting pictures from a world that is foreign to me. I was very impressed to see it. It reminded me that I could never live in a place like this. I live in the country and this may seem boring to many. But in a city like this I would probably be depressed after 2 months.
Thank you for these interesting pictures from a world that is foreign to me. I was very impressed to see it. It reminded me that I could never live in a place like this. I live in the country and this may seem boring to many. But in a city like this I would probably be depressed after 2 months.
Incredible. Thanks for the walk.
Incredible. Thanks for the walk.
MINUTE 30:21
This place is a spectacle! Good video.
MINUTE 30:21
This place is a spectacle! Good video.
Wonderful scenery. Everyone is doing their best to live.
Wonderful scenery. Everyone is doing their best to live.
Thank you for your videos. Very nice greetings from Austria. Kind regards, Gerry
Thank you for your videos. Very nice greetings from Austria. Kind regards, Gerry
I thought that the pedestrians crossing were going to get hit by cars or motorcycles while crossing the street! People here in America would have been honking and yelling, but no one seemed even the least bit worried or angry. Thank you for sharing!
原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处
I thought that the pedestrians crossing were going to get hit by cars or motorcycles while crossing the street! People here in America would have been honking and yelling, but no one seemed even the least bit worried or angry. Thank you for sharing!
原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处
I really love cities which have huge walking spaces.
I really love cities which have huge walking spaces.
Looks amazing. They did a great job, and thank you for the great footage. The way you are steady with the camera makes it easy to take in. Thanks.
Looks amazing. They did a great job, and thank you for the great footage. The way you are steady with the camera makes it easy to take in. Thanks.
I love these walking tours. I can see the world without the exhausting aspect of walking and planning.
I love these walking tours. I can see the world without the exhausting aspect of walking and planning.
Very interesting, people have a safe home, with infrastructure, etc. Better than favelas without infrastructure and crime, but the dark side is that it will always depend on energy for the elevator to reach the high floors, and the place must be safe from seismic shocks. Thanks for the video.
Very interesting, people have a safe home, with infrastructure, etc. Better than favelas without infrastructure and crime, but the dark side is that it will always depend on energy for the elevator to reach the high floors, and the place must be safe from seismic shocks. Thanks for the video.
The most depressing aspect of this place is there is no greenery, no green space, no air. Nature seems to have completely disappeared, entirely swallowed by concrete. All these people and though somehow it looks lifeless, apocalyptic even.
The most depressing aspect of this place is there is no greenery, no green space, no air. Nature seems to have completely disappeared, entirely swallowed by concrete. All these people and though somehow it looks lifeless, apocalyptic even.
I would like to see a video of you touring one of those apartments, and then leaving and going to some place of work, then to some stores, and then to a park, and then back to the apartment. I think this would be more informative and show the daily life of these people even better. Do you have any videos like this?
I would like to see a video of you touring one of those apartments, and then leaving and going to some place of work, then to some stores, and then to a park, and then back to the apartment. I think this would be more informative and show the daily life of these people even better. Do you have any videos like this?
My god... everything is so freaking huge. Looks like a mix of Blade Runner, Cyberpunk, and Arc corp (star citizen).
我的天……一切都那么巨大。看起来像是《银翼杀手》,《赛博朋克》和星际公民中的Arc corp的混合体。
My god... everything is so freaking huge. Looks like a mix of Blade Runner, Cyberpunk, and Arc corp (star citizen).
我的天……一切都那么巨大。看起来像是《银翼杀手》,《赛博朋克》和星际公民中的Arc corp的混合体。
I really enjoyed seeing it, thank you!
I really enjoyed seeing it, thank you!
R$2.00 Thanks!
R$2.00 谢谢!
R$2.00 Thanks!
R$2.00 谢谢!
Very, very, very nice. See all the colored birds and the flowers. [...] Really beautiful - such a power of earth's life. Listen to the birds singing soo nice.
非常非常非常好。看看所有五颜六色的鸟和花。[...] 真的很美丽——地球生命的力量,听听鸟儿唱歌真是太美了。
Very, very, very nice. See all the colored birds and the flowers. [...] Really beautiful - such a power of earth's life. Listen to the birds singing soo nice.
非常非常非常好。看看所有五颜六色的鸟和花。[...] 真的很美丽——地球生命的力量,听听鸟儿唱歌真是太美了。
Nice video with a beautiful city.
Nice video with a beautiful city.
Very interesting and educational.
Very interesting and educational.
The cleanliness, order, education, and culture of the Chinese today is something to take off your hat and learn how to live in harmony with nature and the environment.
原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处
The cleanliness, order, education, and culture of the Chinese today is something to take off your hat and learn how to live in harmony with nature and the environment.
原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处
Looks beautiful and scaring at the same time.
Looks beautiful and scaring at the same time.
I've been to Guiyang (along with loads of other cities in 21 other provinces in China). It definitely isn't at the top of my list of favorite provincial capitals, largely because of the food, but I also felt like it didn't seem to have much "character". The hills and really tall buildings were interesting to look at though.
原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处
I've been to Guiyang (along with loads of other cities in 21 other provinces in China). It definitely isn't at the top of my list of favorite provincial capitals, largely because of the food, but I also felt like it didn't seem to have much "character". The hills and really tall buildings were interesting to look at though.
原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处
Thank you from Budapest.
Thank you from Budapest.
Very impressive!
Very impressive!
I was a little jealous that buildings could be built this high if there were no earthquakes. Everything is on a big scale and very impressive, which is great. I recently made a Chinese friend, so I thought I'd ask him to show me around.
I was a little jealous that buildings could be built this high if there were no earthquakes. Everything is on a big scale and very impressive, which is great. I recently made a Chinese friend, so I thought I'd ask him to show me around.
Very interesting. The silence on the sidewalks is impressive; There is no noise, nor many people walking, although the number of houses is apparently very high. It was cool to see the uncles playing tricks lol. The horns remind us of São Paulo.
Very interesting. The silence on the sidewalks is impressive; There is no noise, nor many people walking, although the number of houses is apparently very high. It was cool to see the uncles playing tricks lol. The horns remind us of São Paulo.
Wonderful thanks!!!
Wonderful thanks!!!
Wow, amazing. I have been back from Darwin City, lonely places.
Wow, amazing. I have been back from Darwin City, lonely places.
Thanks for showing us this side of China. It certainly looks developed, calm, quiet seeing the number of people that are living there. Greenery is missing but whatever there is, it is very well maintained.
Thanks for showing us this side of China. It certainly looks developed, calm, quiet seeing the number of people that are living there. Greenery is missing but whatever there is, it is very well maintained.
Those massive buildings are impressive.
Those massive buildings are impressive.
I'll have a good time ^^
我会玩得很开心 ^^
I'll have a good time ^^
我会玩得很开心 ^^
I like it, nice skyscrapers, clean and everything ok. In my city, the tallest block has 14 floors, we are far behind the Chinese.
I like it, nice skyscrapers, clean and everything ok. In my city, the tallest block has 14 floors, we are far behind the Chinese.
Me llama la atención de ver todo limpio esas calles bien limpias
原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处
Me llama la atención de ver todo limpio esas calles bien limpias
原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处
Wow! How amazing!
Wow! How amazing!
I realize now that China is an incredibly much older continent than Europe.... So many people we are left behind as time and years go by..... It looks well run and well organized with you. The architecture is caring, well planned and harmonious. I am impressed by the layout. Have a nice day ahead
I realize now that China is an incredibly much older continent than Europe.... So many people we are left behind as time and years go by..... It looks well run and well organized with you. The architecture is caring, well planned and harmonious. I am impressed by the layout. Have a nice day ahead
Hello horror, this is not for life, in Russia they criticize 20 floors in megacities like Moscow and St. Petersburg, but here there are all 100 floors without trees, without recreation areas for children and adults, no fresh air, no sky blue, no sun, no peace and quiet, everything is humming and noisy, only shops... the houses themselves are scary, dark, like some kind of factories, it’s impossible to live with children, there are stairs everywhere, there is no barrier-free environment for movement with strollers, and even for children the platforms are not visible anywhere....tinny....
Hello horror, this is not for life, in Russia they criticize 20 floors in megacities like Moscow and St. Petersburg, but here there are all 100 floors without trees, without recreation areas for children and adults, no fresh air, no sky blue, no sun, no peace and quiet, everything is humming and noisy, only shops... the houses themselves are scary, dark, like some kind of factories, it’s impossible to live with children, there are stairs everywhere, there is no barrier-free environment for movement with strollers, and even for children the platforms are not visible anywhere....tinny....
FED UP with malls, glass, towers, asphalt and concrete !!!!
FED UP with malls, glass, towers, asphalt and concrete !!!!
That apartment looks like real Castle! Its so interesting
That apartment looks like real Castle! Its so interesting
The buildings are amazingly beautiful
The buildings are amazingly beautiful
Beautiful.. I liked the cleanliness of the place
原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处
Beautiful.. I liked the cleanliness of the place
原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处
Wow. Another Chinese city I need to visit. Thanks for sharing.
Wow. Another Chinese city I need to visit. Thanks for sharing.
Wow... Very very beautiful Guizhou city.
Wow... Very very beautiful Guizhou city.
Wow. I'm from a small American town with only single family homes. I've never spent much time in major cities, and none of the few I've visited looked anything like this. It's impressive, intimidating, ugly, and strangely beautiful all at once. As a side note, the Chinese need to start making giant monster movies. You guys have so many skyscrapers now, but you're missing a Godzilla equivalent to help you out with urban redecorating.
Wow. I'm from a small American town with only single family homes. I've never spent much time in major cities, and none of the few I've visited looked anything like this. It's impressive, intimidating, ugly, and strangely beautiful all at once. As a side note, the Chinese need to start making giant monster movies. You guys have so many skyscrapers now, but you're missing a Godzilla equivalent to help you out with urban redecorating.
China is such an amazing and diverse place. I've been to Hong Kong many times, but the for the real Chinese experience you have to go to Mainland China. They are starting to make visa free travel a reality for certain countries now, but we are still waiting for the UK to be added to the list!
China is such an amazing and diverse place. I've been to Hong Kong many times, but the for the real Chinese experience you have to go to Mainland China. They are starting to make visa free travel a reality for certain countries now, but we are still waiting for the UK to be added to the list!
FASCINATING video! Thank you!
原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处
FASCINATING video! Thank you!
原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处
30:22 wow, look at those apartments! I want to visit China again. Greetings from Norway.
30:22 哇,看看那些公寓!我想再次访问中国。来自挪威的问候。
30:22 wow, look at those apartments! I want to visit China again. Greetings from Norway.
30:22 哇,看看那些公寓!我想再次访问中国。来自挪威的问候。
This is horrific.
This is horrific.
Town under the block. Nice, like it. The size is a little scary for me, but the idea is good.
Town under the block. Nice, like it. The size is a little scary for me, but the idea is good.
Thanks a lot for this spectacular round trip. Would you mind sharing a list of your equipment? Are the spaces in these skyscraper residential buildings only for sale or do people rent these and how much do they (usually) cost? Have a great day.
Thanks a lot for this spectacular round trip. Would you mind sharing a list of your equipment? Are the spaces in these skyscraper residential buildings only for sale or do people rent these and how much do they (usually) cost? Have a great day.
I just think about the architects and engineers that made this scale of buildings, holly god... Insanity stress
原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处
I just think about the architects and engineers that made this scale of buildings, holly god... Insanity stress
原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处
It's amazing that the population is only .5 million. I'm from a city with roughly 1.5 million people and we only have like one building that could rival the height of these. It's impressive.
It's amazing that the population is only .5 million. I'm from a city with roughly 1.5 million people and we only have like one building that could rival the height of these. It's impressive.
I'm impressed about how massive the area actually is, everything is so well-planned and new at the same time. Even if it's not downtown or the center of the city, it's still fascinating to visit. Kinda shame that there isn't a park with equal size. Maybe if I get older and richer, I'll travel to China first.
I'm impressed about how massive the area actually is, everything is so well-planned and new at the same time. Even if it's not downtown or the center of the city, it's still fascinating to visit. Kinda shame that there isn't a park with equal size. Maybe if I get older and richer, I'll travel to China first.
I really like your videos, thank you for sharing the beautiful Chinese cities, here in Manaus Chinese commerce has grown in the city center. This mixed-use residential+commerce and work complex is very expressive and a good reflection for large cities in the world
I really like your videos, thank you for sharing the beautiful Chinese cities, here in Manaus Chinese commerce has grown in the city center. This mixed-use residential+commerce and work complex is very expressive and a good reflection for large cities in the world
When was this city built? It's truly amazing and amazing. Also, how many households usually live on one floor?
When was this city built? It's truly amazing and amazing. Also, how many households usually live on one floor?
Wow, I'm speechless.. Life looks so different than here in my perspective, but still people are the same everywhere: they work, eat, sleep, miss, hope..
Wow, I'm speechless.. Life looks so different than here in my perspective, but still people are the same everywhere: they work, eat, sleep, miss, hope..
Hollywood tried to picture a dark dystopia in Blade Runner 2047 ... Turns out it is an inspiration for this place?! Haha! Also, imagine this place in the summer and all the heated concrete working like a heater.
Thanks for the video. Very nice quality and great insights!
Hollywood tried to picture a dark dystopia in Blade Runner 2047 ... Turns out it is an inspiration for this place?! Haha! Also, imagine this place in the summer and all the heated concrete working like a heater.
Thanks for the video. Very nice quality and great insights!
Very nice buildings.
Very nice buildings.
It’s dizzyingly impressive!
原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处
It’s dizzyingly impressive!
原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处
Incredible scenes from a city I’ve never heard of.
Incredible scenes from a city I’ve never heard of.
At first glance and from a distance it seems quite depressing, but when you see it closer and if you think that this was a favela before, it is really impressive!
At first glance and from a distance it seems quite depressing, but when you see it closer and if you think that this was a favela before, it is really impressive!
What a beautiful place!!!
What a beautiful place!!!
Impressed by how clean it looks given the vast numbers of people.
Impressed by how clean it looks given the vast numbers of people.
Amazing feeling of walking through this place.
Amazing feeling of walking through this place.
This community is a flower orchard, which was inhabited by 480,000 people in previous years, not a city, but a community.
This community is a flower orchard, which was inhabited by 480,000 people in previous years, not a city, but a community.
Excellent camera work, nice slow pace, taking it all in like a tourist might. Exotic and yet a comfortable everyday feel. Magical... Like being a child again, before you knew what any signs and ads were saying...Very enjoyable.
Excellent camera work, nice slow pace, taking it all in like a tourist might. Exotic and yet a comfortable everyday feel. Magical... Like being a child again, before you knew what any signs and ads were saying...Very enjoyable.
In 47 minutes through a big city I only saw 2 trees - just sad and scary.
In 47 minutes through a big city I only saw 2 trees - just sad and scary.
Incredible monolithic structures, as big as mountains.
原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处
Incredible monolithic structures, as big as mountains.
原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处
At the ground level, all the shops and people makes the place very good to live and has lots to see.
At the ground level, all the shops and people makes the place very good to live and has lots to see.
Was this filmed during lockdowns? I've seen a few videos and I'm always surprised the streets aren't more busy. Do the buildings connect above ground at all?
Was this filmed during lockdowns? I've seen a few videos and I'm always surprised the streets aren't more busy. Do the buildings connect above ground at all?
In this city, Guiyang, which is the largest urban slum where about 300,000 people live, if you can't afford a high-end house in Guiyang, then here, Hua Guo Yuan is for you.
In this city, Guiyang, which is the largest urban slum where about 300,000 people live, if you can't afford a high-end house in Guiyang, then here, Hua Guo Yuan is for you.
It would have been nice if you filmed those 1st-3rd floor shops inside the buildings.
原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处
It would have been nice if you filmed those 1st-3rd floor shops inside the buildings.
原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处
At first I was taken aback. But then I noticed that the streets were clean; kids coming back from school. Nobody seemed to be in a hurry, and I thought that’s not that bad. The only thing missing is the sun shining. I doubt it ever peaks through the smog.
At first I was taken aback. But then I noticed that the streets were clean; kids coming back from school. Nobody seemed to be in a hurry, and I thought that’s not that bad. The only thing missing is the sun shining. I doubt it ever peaks through the smog.
I really like it. The atmosphere is nice.
I really like it. The atmosphere is nice.
A community of 500,000 people. The streets are still so clean. I feel it’s not easy. Thank you for sharing~
A community of 500,000 people. The streets are still so clean. I feel it’s not easy. Thank you for sharing~
I don't know why but I can feel only loneliness in such a huge area. Also, Manhattan NY is very large and full of skyscrapers and large boulevards with full of traffic and people but over there I was feeling myself like a part of the civilization as if I was living there since long time which is really impressive.
I don't know why but I can feel only loneliness in such a huge area. Also, Manhattan NY is very large and full of skyscrapers and large boulevards with full of traffic and people but over there I was feeling myself like a part of the civilization as if I was living there since long time which is really impressive.
It's cute that there is some architecture, some details, buildings on first floors look different.
It's cute that there is some architecture, some details, buildings on first floors look different.
It's impressive, but it's also kind of terrifying. These gigantic houses have no end in sight, on the one hand it is certainly progress and beauty, but on the other hand it evokes a kind of fear, I can't even explain, a kind of backstage.
It's impressive, but it's also kind of terrifying. These gigantic houses have no end in sight, on the one hand it is certainly progress and beauty, but on the other hand it evokes a kind of fear, I can't even explain, a kind of backstage.
High rises so close together. Half the time in the shadows of others. Look out the window and what do you see? More and more windows with people looking out.
High rises so close together. Half the time in the shadows of others. Look out the window and what do you see? More and more windows with people looking out.
I was impressed by the number of trees planted... There are many.
树木的数量给我留下了深刻印象... 有很多。
I was impressed by the number of trees planted... There are many.
树木的数量给我留下了深刻印象... 有很多。
In Russia, some cities are built almost like this. The problem begins in the morning, when these thousands of people start going to work and school. There are not enough elevators for everyone, the road cannot accommodate all the cars, there are not enough buses to take everyone away. Everyone wants to go out at one point. In the evening it’s the same, but there’s still a problem with parking. I can't imagine where 500,000 cars can be placed there.
In Russia, some cities are built almost like this. The problem begins in the morning, when these thousands of people start going to work and school. There are not enough elevators for everyone, the road cannot accommodate all the cars, there are not enough buses to take everyone away. Everyone wants to go out at one point. In the evening it’s the same, but there’s still a problem with parking. I can't imagine where 500,000 cars can be placed there.
As someone who experienced the last 7.8 earthquake in Türkiye, these buildings scare me. I'm in favor of horizontal architecture, of course, China has a large population and it may be difficult for them.
As someone who experienced the last 7.8 earthquake in Türkiye, these buildings scare me. I'm in favor of horizontal architecture, of course, China has a large population and it may be difficult for them.
Impressive, but I wonder about the sense of community. Can you truly have a neighborhood feel in such vertical spaces?
Impressive, but I wonder about the sense of community. Can you truly have a neighborhood feel in such vertical spaces?
I can't believe this is a residential area, it looks like a modern art piece!
I can't believe this is a residential area, it looks like a modern art piece!
Cities like these are incredible but also pose unique challenges. Public transport and waste management must be a logistical nightmare!
Cities like these are incredible but also pose unique challenges. Public transport and waste management must be a logistical nightmare!
Where are the green spaces? Cities need lungs to breathe!
Where are the green spaces? Cities need lungs to breathe!
It’s almost like a city from a futuristic movie, surreal and imposing.
It’s almost like a city from a futuristic movie, surreal and imposing.
To think that so many people live stacked on top of each other in such a confined space is mind-boggling.
To think that so many people live stacked on top of each other in such a confined space is mind-boggling.
The scale of urbanization here is something you have to see to believe.
The scale of urbanization here is something you have to see to believe.
The architectural planning and execution are commendable, but the human element seems missing.
The architectural planning and execution are commendable, but the human element seems missing.
Beautiful but daunting. Not sure if I could live in such a place.
Beautiful but daunting. Not sure if I could live in such a place.
This kind of urban density is fascinating and frightening in equal measure.
This kind of urban density is fascinating and frightening in equal measure.
Looking at this, you see the future of urban living. But is it a future we want?
Looking at this, you see the future of urban living. But is it a future we want?
Massive buildings and even more massive challenges.
Massive buildings and even more massive challenges.
I miss the sight of trees and parks already.
I miss the sight of trees and parks already.
The structural marvels are impressive, but where does everyone park their cars?
The structural marvels are impressive, but where does everyone park their cars?
Innovative use of space, but I worry about the social implications of such high-density living.
原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处
Innovative use of space, but I worry about the social implications of such high-density living.
原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处
To see a city expand vertically like this is something new. The dynamics must be entirely different.
To see a city expand vertically like this is something new. The dynamics must be entirely different.
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