来见识一下欧美的狗血八卦!未婚妻生下别人儿女,绿帽男愤而分手,23年后,“复仇男"和她女儿睡在了一起! 网友:别吵,我在思考
2024-05-23 bluebit 11614
AITA.. Who am I kidding, I am defiantly the AH for sleeping with my ex-fiancé's affair baby 23 years later.
I'm a 45 year old guy. single no kids. All names are fake.


Okey here is the short version. About 24 years ago my then fiancé Ella (then 20) told me she was pregnant. I was over the moon. We did not set a wedding date yet, but now we wanted to wait till the child was 2-3 to be part of the wedding party.


When she was about 7 months pregnant my world shattered. A "friend" (lets call him Luke) told me that the child was his and not mine. This lead to a physical fight and Ella took his side. We were done, I broke up with her there. she moved in with Luke. I did demand a paternity test, if the child was mine I demanded to be in it's life. After the birth of the girl the test was done twice. By a clinic I choose and one she choose. Turned out she was not mine.
I was destroyed and left town. She could have her life, I didn't want to witness it.


A month ago my work brought me back to my home town temporary for two weeks.
I ran into Ella with her daughter Nicky (23) at an impromptu school reunx.
Ella wanted to catch up. I wasn't angry anymore, but also did not see the point of being friends. I declined and mingled. After while I sat at a table nursing a drink.
Ella has already left and Nicky sat at my table. She asked for 10 minutes to talk.


She knew about my history with her mother. And it was clear that she resented her mother. Because.... Luke was also not her bio dad. Ella cheated on me with at least 2 people. 23andme revealed the real bio dad, he had passed away already.
When Nicky was 7 Luke found out and kicked them out. And it became the scandal. Nicky was bullied her whole live for being the affair baby. Luke's family disowned her. All the cousins she was close with, were gone all of a sudden. She blamed her mother.


I asked her why she told me all of this, She said that I am someone who would understand this betrayal. And she is a product of that betrayal. She does not expect anything from me, she just needed someone to talk to that would understand.
I felt for this kid, so we kept talking. We exchanged contact info and went our own ways. Next day she wanted to talk more, to vent more.
So we met in the bar of the hotel I was staying.


We had drinks and she ranted about her life. We talked till late and when the bar closed Nicky was too drunk to drive home and since I didn't know where she lived I couldn't even get her an uber. So I took her to my room. I have the habit of always getting a room with twin beds. So she slept in one bed and I slept in the other. Nothing happened, Next morning we had breakfast and she left while I went to work.
A few nights I met Nicky in de bar because she had a lot to rant about.


We also talked about her future and she expressed interest to move out of town to escape the stigma of being the affair baby.
Here is where I am the asshole.
I made a move on her one night.
At first she walked away. I thought I blew it so I went up to my room. An hour later she send me a text asking if I was in my room. As soon as I answer with yes she knocked on the door.


I was sober, she was sober, I had time to think, I could have send her away, but I didn't. This is the daughter of my ex-fiancé. If I had never found out Ella cheated, I would have raised Nicky as my own daughter. But I found out and Nicky is not my daughter, I never saw her as a baby, never saw her grow up, I never saw her as a daughter, the first time I saw her was a week ago.
So yes I slept with her, and then again.


Nicky is more vengeful then I am. She said she wanted to let her mother know, but she wasn't going to do it if I didn't want to. I was Okey with letting her know, It took a little convincing in how we would let her know.
We took a picture together, clearly in bed, clearly naked but covered by sheets, and she send it as a one time view picture to her mother via Instagram message with the caption: "I can finally call him daddy"


Ella called and they got in a fight, Then she got in a fight with me (still over the phone), I thought I was over the betrayal, but it seems like I had bottled up everything and now it finally came out.
I had 4 more days there, and Nicky stayed in my hotel room those 4 days.


Now I'm back home. Nicky is currently packing everything, she going to move to another country to be away from her toxic environment. She will stay with me for a week maybe more before she flies away. She has going no contact with her mother. I have also blocked Ella on everything.
Yes, Nicky and I are both broken. I refused therapy for years, but after that one outburst where I told Ella everything that was bottled up, I've decided that I do need therapy. I have suggested it to Nicky, she said when she is settled she will.
I'm not even going to ask if I'm the asshole, I know I am.


原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Nothing to be conflicted about. When the baby is born get a DNA test done BEFORE you sign anything. Bottom line , your fiance wants someone, You, to take responsibility for her child.


Sweet revenge, you go OP.


Most real reddit story


It's not your fault it's her fault that she cheated on you and she should face the consequence of her actions.


if she did not want to have a baby with the other man, she shouldn't have slept with him.


The good that came of this is the realization of needing therapy - for both of you. There was nothing truly wrong in having been together. You were each so hurt and were the only one that could really get all that had gone before. It wasn't a false lead on and then a knife jab at each other. It was a start to healing. You've both hopefully followed up on getting therapy to continue healing. I can only hope and wish you both well.


Written with one hand.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

So many typos that mine in the repost feels too at home


Lol the typos weren't the reason I thought this might be written with one hand (not you, the original poster)


zero chance this is a real story. Zero


IDK, have you ever met people? There’s weird shit like this happening all over, everywhere, every day. Especially when there’s some level of revenge/pay back involved.


You clearly have not met my wife’s family. This story is pretty tame compared to real life stuff I have seen.


Probably not, but it was crazy enough to share anyway lol


RIGHT??? I don't even care if it's real, I was dying at that

管它真假? ?我压根就不在乎,反正看完帖子后我是“软”了

A million gads.
Waiting for the upxe that they were father and daughter after all, and somehow both paternity tests were wrong or faked.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Or she gets pregnant; history repeats itself


The original post is clearly a fantasy, but the comments are hysterical.


This is 100% someone's kink fiction.


IDK if it's real, but I kinda hope it is.


很赞 10