2024-05-23 龟兔赛跑 4349

Should I leave India and settle in some European Country or in US?


This question always pops up in the mind of every Indian who has the brains and resources to move out of India. Some of them choose to stay and some of them decides to leave.
The people who choose to stay are the ones who are way too comfortable to move out anywhere and can solve any problem with money and power/are pure nationalists/too lazy to put in the effort that is required to prove oneself of their worth to any developed country/family problems/are xenophobic etc. The people who leave don't lie in any of the aforementioned category but have the desire to lead a comfortable life.
It's an obvious fact that the lifestyle of a developed country is way better than that of India. There are numerous problems in India that are deep rooted and are possible but hard to solve-


Caste system (which is also responsible for the quota system)
High levels of corruption
Lack of good infrastructure
Poor education system
Conservative thinking of people etc...


These points may appear casual to some and one may think that these are common problems and one can afford to live with them, but these points are alone responsible for the quality of lifestyle of an individual in any country. Yes, things are changing but the speed of these changes is slow and would take anywhere around 50-60 years(assuming optimistically) to reach the level of sophistication and modernisation comparable to the developed world and then also the problem of population will prevail for a long time even after. You only live once...you have the full right to move to a better way of life. Human life is valued in developed countries (probably because they don't have an extremely large amount of surplus like us),talent and hard work is thoroughly rewarded..yeah its true every civilization has its problem but such basic problems were solved far earlier in the developed world.
So,according to my opinion you should move out and lead a better life rather than struggling through the basic requirements of day to day life (provided that you don't fall into the category of the people mentioned before).


Liam Jose
Never if you are from the developed parts of India like Kerala or South and if you have a steady flow of income.
If you are from the underdeveloped parts, if you are poor and if you do not have any jobs, you can.
The rich Indians usually stay in India and the lower middle class tries to settle somewhere.
In my experience, life in Canada/US is harder and less luxurious than in a state like Kerala but is better compared to a state like Uttar Pradesh.


Listen I do not want to encourage or discourage anyone from coming to EU/States.. I merely had lengthy discussions with my wife a few days ago and we both took this decision together after weighing all pros and cons. That question specifically asked for reasons of NOT staying so I gave those reasons. There are other reasons in favour of staying in India too. If I come to India my child can spend time with his/her grandparents. I can spend more time with my parents. But we took the decision we felt was right for our family. We are both IT professionals in our late 20-s working here in the states. We thought keeping ourselves and our yet unborn child as the center of our thoughts. I am nobody to tell you to stay or get out of India should you get an opportunity to do so. India is a land of opportunities and you may well have a better lifestyle staying in India than I will ever have in the States. But we chose safety and security of our future rather than taking a risk of coming back to India. In the end it is all a matter of perspective. You should choose the things you value the most and act accordingly.
Best of luck!


原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Susheel Rana
If you’re a person pursuing entrepreneurship or have business desires, then India is a good place to be. The economy is booming and a lot of opportunities are there for entrepreneurs.
But if you’re a person who’s probably going to be doing a job for the rest of your life , then yes migrating to a developed country makes sense. But before you do, make sure you have an opportunity to become a permanent resident of that country sometime in the future. If it’s the US, you can forget permanent residency; there’s just too long a queue that will span decades for Indians.


Appu Jim
People will say that you are crazy to do that. Considering the fact that yearly lakhs of people are trying their luck the other way round.
But I understand the feeling if you were a migrant there for years and finally you would like to settle in your home land. It's totally fine and I respect you for that. Many factors contribute to this decision of your's like nostalgia, love for your loved ones, a getaway from the fast life, etc.
If money ain't a criteria to you anymore and it is totally fine with you to settle with lesser income, I'd suggest you to go back to the native place of yours and enjoy the rest of your life.


Priyanka Chaturvedi Nagpal
I am assuming you are talking about America/Australia/Europe. You have to answer this question yourself weighing all the pros and cons. I did it for myself a few years back and thus sharing my view point:
Pros of Moving:
Quality of Life : Of course the clean air, water and food gives an edge anytime over India. Also, the facilities are great and the corruption is less rampant.
Money : good if you want to earn for a couple of years and come back. Not much difference if you want to settle there as the cost of living is very high which includes insurances, mortgages, Social security, Taxes etc.
There might be a few other points in play but these are the two which comes instantly to mind when we are looking to move.


原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Pros of not moving:
Family and friends : Unless you have some relatives or friends near to the place you are moving to, it gets really lonely and frustrating. For me, the support that I got from my family when my kid was small was crucial and indispensable. Even now, I depend on them for help during vacations and sickness etc.
House help : I am working and depend on the help extensively. It improves the quality of my life and I get to spend a lot of time with my child. agreed that using dishwashers etc. eases some of the load, but nothing compares to coming back home and getting a ready cup of steaming tea with snacks :)
Festivities and celebrations : I cannot bear to miss the celebrations in my family or friend circle. I do not want to wait for a couple of years to come back and try to make up for the lost time. I want to be here and now for all the people who matter in all their joys and sorrows. Celebrating holi, diwali etc. is not the same anywhere else.


Indian values : I want my kid to grow up with her grandparents around so that she can learn the values and imbibe all that is good in our religion and culture. Screening out the negative values is on me. She should not hang between the two very different cultures - One at home and the other outside.
Precious time that will not come back : I could not bear to take her away from her grandpa and grandma who are incredibly fond of her and are getting old. They might not be around in the next ten years.
Education and medical facilities : They are now at par with developed countries if you can afford them.
All in all, for me, the pros of staying outweighed the pros of moving. Maybe I am more of a homebody than anything else.
So please list down what you will get and what you will miss. Then, only you will realize if you are okay with missing out on something or the other. Decide wisely as it will affect not only you but the people who will be moving along with you.


Michelle Young
Move from USA to India?
I've considered doing so. While many might not understand it, the best way I can explain why has to do with my having felt as if I had come home when I landed in Delhi for the first time in October 2013.
Whether this consideration ever comes into being--even for a while--I still haven't decided yet. And yet I can't wait to return. I'm so global, I can't imagine never leaving the land of my birth--nor can I imagine staying forever in one place. But I never felt more at home than I did in India.


Amisha Patel
Hello I am a motivational speaker and we are currently staying in UK and shifted from India 2 years back.
Before coming to UK ,I thought it would be a good decision for my husband and kid so i agreed but now we feel that our savings are almost same and my kid cannot enjoy outside playing and social gathering much because of weather,cultural background ,no family or relatives around etc. Even health services are free but they system is struggling to survive or they might start charging money like USA. Property rates are really high as well as rent .
Same with USA and Australia, i have heard from many of my cousins and friends that USA property rates and private education is really high and people are not saving to much money compare to India.
If a person can get good Job in India or Can Start a business then it would be wise for any Indian to go back but if somebody is going to have very basic or low salary job then abroad is batter for them.Because living standard will be batter.
However it is a personal choice both have pros and cons .


Shivam Mal
You can do it.. if you want to.. its purely personal choice. But putting forward few points. India is much more lively. You will find a good mix of life here even in Metros. In a big city you have option to live peacefully at one corner or live a day full of hustle bustle at other corner. Though crimes are there but you will find good people who follow values like no violence and living a social life. Lot of families less single people. Every other person makes a family in India and live a social life that makes it safer as well and more habitable. Food wise we have all kinds of food. Personally I would say you can try to move your base slowly and sattle down once you are 100% sure. Get a property in area where you feel safe and enjoy the life.
With no offence I find other countries bit dull. There is less rush in malls. People meet in clubs over night and ocassionally. Very few people on the roads.. It feels like there is something missing . Few cities are too bright but then there are other problems like crime etc.
Just one more point that if you are already thinking to move then you should give it a try because you are inclined to do so for whatever reasons.


Owen Closer
Why should I move to India from USA?
I had a Sociology teacher who moved from America to India for a year studying abroad. She found it hard to get used to the fact that it was very crowded and it was common for people not to wait in lines like we do in America (They still do) more like a rush to the front and push.
People were very nice. Although you might get hung up on how cleanliness is there. There isn't any legal hang ups and as far as communication between governments it's smooth.


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