2024-05-24 大号儿童 7810

Nelly Guntherson
Have you ever ventured across the Pacific and visited Japan? It's the most un American like country you could get.
Trump complained that Japan does not buy American cars, he obviously has never driven around the tiny back streets of Japanese towns and cities which even a kei car struggles with at times..
I think last year there were less than 5 deaths due to fire arms in Japan. That probably an hour's worth in America.

您曾经跨越太平洋并访问过日本吗? 这是你能找到的最不像美国的国家。

Even MacDonalds portion sizes are smaller in Japan.
The only cultural similarities would be short vacation times.
I took two weeks off to kite surf in Thailand and my Japanese colleagues were so shocked even though we are a European company. My New Danish Office manager just sent all the staff Emails about using up their holiday entitlements and they seemed shocked including the one American working with us.

我请了两周假去泰国风筝冲浪,尽管我们是一家欧洲公司,但我的日本同事还是非常震惊。 我的新丹麦办公室经理刚刚向所有员工发送了关于用完假期权利的电子邮件,他们似乎很震惊,包括与我们一起工作的一位美国人。

Sekiguchi Masanori
Well, to answer this question one must have some understanding of geography. Using Google Earth may be helpful.
Look up Japan and you will see where it is situtated. That should be helpful.

那么,要回答这个问题,必须对地理有一定的了解。 使用 Google 地球可能会有所帮助。
查一下日本,你就会看到它位于哪里。 这应该会有帮助。

Won S. Yoo
When the Japan was open to the outside of world, Japanese leaders decided to bench mark a similar country. The country was Portugal and they sent many students to Portugal and copied every system of them. One of the reason of the left side driving of cars system is because of it.

当日本对外开放时,日本领导人决定以类似的国家为基准。 这个国家就是葡萄牙,他们派了很多学生到葡萄牙,复制了他们的每一个体系。 汽车左侧行驶系统的原因之一就是因为它。

Japan is considered part of Asia primarily due to its geographical location. Geopolitically, Japan is situated in East Asia, an area commonly defined as part of the Asian continent. The classification of countries into continents is primarily based on their physical location rather than cultural similarities.

日本被认为是亚洲的一部分主要是由于其地理位置。 从地缘政治角度来看,日本位于东亚,该地区通常被定义为亚洲大陆的一部分。 将国家划分为各大洲主要是根据其地理位置,而不是文化相似性。

While Japan may share certain cultural aspects with America, such as aspects of popular culture and technology, its geographical proximity to mainland Asia and its historical, political, and economic ties with other Asian countries have led to its classification as part of Asia. Additionally, Japan's membership in various Asian organizations and its participation in regional affairs further solidify its status as part of the Asian continent.

虽然日本可能与美国在某些文化方面有共同之处,例如流行文化和技术方面,但它与亚洲大陆的地理位置接近,以及它与其他亚洲国家的历史、政治和经济联系,导致它被归类为亚洲的一部分。 此外,日本加入多个亚洲组织并参与地区事务,进一步巩固了其作为亚洲大陆一部分的地位。

Jamie Stevenson
Have you ever been to Japan? Have you ever done any research before asking such stupid questions? Japan’s culture is nothing like America’s AND Japan is in Asia, so I would love to know the basis for your dumbass question.

你去过日本吗? 在问这些愚蠢的问题之前,你有做过任何研究吗? 日本的文化与美国完全不同,而且日本位于亚洲,所以我很想知道你这个愚蠢问题的基础。

I thought this was another dumbass question from the quora prompt generator, but apparently it is not.
It's a dumbass question from a dumbass person.
Japan had a unique culture that is not in any way similar to “America's".
The OP has obviously never been to Japan.

我认为这是来自 quora 提示生成器的另一个愚蠢问题,但显然事实并非如此。

Byron Allen Black
It is an island nation, historically sealed off from the rest of the world. The culture is insular, rigid, xenophobic, overly proud - even though they have borrowed wholesale from China, India and of course the west.
But they are still close-minded. Go there, learn some Japanese, watch people.
Then go away because they do not want you there. That’s Culture for you.

日本是一个岛国,历史上与世界其他地区隔绝。 这种文化是孤立的、僵化的、仇外的、过度骄傲的——尽管他们大量借鉴了中国、印度,当然还有西方。
但他们的思想仍然很封闭。 去那里,学一些日语,观察人们。
然后走开,因为他们不希望你在那里。 这就是你的文化。 Prince Khohal

Japan's inclusion in Asia is primarily due to its geography. Japan is an island chain located off the eastern coast of Asia. While cultural influences can be complex and evolve over time, continents are generally defined by large landmasses and their associated continental shelves.

日本融入亚洲主要是由于其地理位置。 日本是位于亚洲东海岸外的一个岛链虽然文化影响可能很复杂并随着时间的推移而演变,但大陆通常是由大片陆地及其相关大陆架定义的。

Karen Blanchard
Japan is not located anywhere near the Americas. Its culture is much closer to China in any case than the US. The mileage is 800 miles from China. Japan is over 6,000 air miles from America. Japan is much closer to Asia. It’s geographically closer to Asia.

日本并不位于美洲附近。 无论如何,它的文化比美国更接近中国。 距离中国800英里。 日本离美国有6000多英里的空中距离。日本距离亚洲更近。 它在地理位置上更接近亚洲。

Sing In
Dude, why is America considered part of America instead of Middle-East? Japan is in Asia continent, and of course they are Asians!
And secondly, Japanese culture is never for once similar to America!
Do you mind asking more intelligent question next time?

伙计,为什么美国被认为是美国的一部分,而不是中东的一部分?日本在亚洲大陆,他们当然是亚洲人! 其次,日本文化从来都不像美国! 你介意下次问更聪明的问题吗?

Subhranshu Ganguly
Before 1945 there was little American influence in Japan.Japanese language is related more to Chinese & Korean than American English.
In the past Japanese social system and religion had been influenced by the Chinese.
Chinese influence in Japan was the result of Japanese imperials adopting many Chinese customs, including aspects of Chinese culture, language, and society. This influence was especially strong from the 7th to 9th century, when Japanese scholars and students traveled to China to learn from Chinese scholars and share their knowledge back in Japan.

1945年之前,美国对日本几乎没有影响。日语与汉语和韩语的关系比美式英语更多。 过去日本的社会制度和宗教都受到中国的影响。 中国对日本的影响是日本帝国主义采纳许多中国习俗的结果,包括中国文化、语言和社会的各个方面。 这种影响在七世纪至九世纪尤其强烈,当时日本学者和学生前往中国向中国学者学习,并将他们的知识传回日本。

Kasi Anantha
Japan has its own deep culture. Their religion, art and painting are unique. Japan will not consider them as American.

日本有自己深厚的文化底蕴。 他们的宗教、艺术和绘画都是独一无二的。 日本不会将他们视为美国人。

Mansha Sharma
Japan is geographically positioned along the coast of the Asian continent. In this sense, it is needless to say that Japan is located within Asia. Since the Japanese race is Mongoloid, we are also racially

日本地理位置位于亚洲大陆沿海。 从这个意义上说,日本位于亚洲之内,这是不言而喻的。 由于日本人种是蒙古人种,所以我们也是人种

Religion determines the origin of Western culture. However, in Japan, the reputation of foreign religions such as Christianity, Catholicism, and Islam is not good. In fact, despite the best efforts made by Americans to eliminate Western religious missionaries from being the subject of crime reporting in the media.

宗教决定了西方文化的起源。 然而在日本,基督教、天主教、伊斯兰教等外来宗教的名声并不好。 事实上,尽管美国人尽了最大努力来消除西方宗教传教士成为媒体犯罪报道的对象。

Keith Borgholthaus
Japan has a lot of cultures in it that turn into what we call Japanese. If you study history, you need to know Chinese, Korean, Mongolian, and South East Asian history to explain Japan. There is a very heavy Chinese influence in the culture. The Koreans were the bridge to trade with the mainland, and the Mongols invaded several times.

日本有很多文化,这些文化都变成了我们所说的日本文化。 如果你学历史,你需要了解中国、韩国、蒙古和东南亚的历史来解释日本。这里的文化深受中国文化的影响。 朝鲜人是与大陆贸易的桥梁,蒙古人曾多次入侵。

But that's half the story. South East Asia has cultural signs that are found throughout the Pacific and Americas. The Japanese point with their chin. Okinawans raise pigs and are much more laid back. The story of Godzilla includes on of the smaller islands telling a story that gives the name to the creature. The ceremonies the smaller islands give is much more Pacific than Asian.

但这只是故事的一半。 东南亚的文化标志遍布整个太平洋和美洲。 日本人用下巴指着。 冲绳人养猪,生活更加悠闲。 哥斯拉的故事包括一个较小的岛屿,讲述了一个为该生物命名的故事。 小岛屿举行的仪式更多是太平洋式的,而不是亚洲式的。

Japan expanded a lot in the 19th and early 20th century that much of what is modern Japan was it's own thing two centuries ago. They consider themselves Japanese now. Okinawa was part of that.

日本在 19 世纪和 20 世纪初大幅扩张,两个世纪前,现代日本的大部分地区都是日本自己的领土。 他们现在认为自己是日本人。 冲绳就是其中的一部分。

So what do we consider when looking at modern Japan and American culture. First off, a lot of the culture is actually from London in the late 19th century. Right after Japan opened up for trade they looked for the best culture to follow into the modern world and decided on England. To this day you will see people dress up in tuxedos and top hats to reenact that period. When they were rejected from the League of Nations Japan went on an empire spree and tried to take over Asia and the Pacific.

那么,当我们审视现代日本和美国文化时,我们会考虑什么? 首先,很多文化实际上来自 19 世纪末的伦敦。 日本开放贸易后不久,他们寻找最好的文化来融入现代世界,并决定选择英国。 直到今天,您仍会看到人们穿着燕尾服、戴着高礼帽,重现那个时期的情景。 当它们被国际联盟拒绝后,日本开始了帝国扩张,并试图接管亚洲和太平洋地区。

After the war, American troops made bases in Japan and brought in their own tech and cultural items. We owe Japanese arcades and videogames a lot to those importers. Sega is actually short for Service Games which started in Honolulu. Japan is influenced by the Americas because of that. We can also admit that Japan does as the USA demands. They don't have a self contained military, and receive funding from the American businesses and government. It's joked that Japan is 30 years behind the USA when culture is introduced.

战后,美国军队在日本建立了基地,并引进了自己的技术和文化物品。 日本的街机游戏和电子游戏很大程度上要归功于这些进口商。 Sega实际上是服务游戏的缩写,起源于檀香山。日本因此受到了美国的影响。 我们也可以承认,日本是按照美国的要求去做的。 他们没有独立的军队,并接受美国企业和政府的资助。有人开玩笑说,日本在引进文化方面落后美国30年。

However, the direct culture is still that Asian Pacific mix. There is pride in that idea, and the local politics are more about what an Osakan would do over a Tokyo worker. Trying to say Japan is America would be like saying much of Europe is America because of military bases and business ties. I'm sure there would be complaints by either side on that matter, and I see Japan doing the same.

然而,直接的文化仍然是亚太混合文化。 人们对这个想法感到自豪,而当地政治更多的是关于大阪人会如何对待东京工人。 试图说日本是美国,就像因为军事基地和商业联系而说欧洲大部分地区是美国一样。 我确信双方都会对此事有所抱怨,我看到日本也在做同样的事情。

King Stonne
It's a question that concerns the topic of geography. If u haven't learned it in school, u need to start soon so that u don't carry on being a fool…

这是一个涉及地理主题的问题。 如果你在学校里没有学过,你需要尽快开始学习,这样你就不会继续当傻子了......

Japan has obligations, as a member of G7, as a supporter to ASEAN, as a member of East Asia, etc. For the US, Japan is a strategis point of defense in Asia. Also, Japan largely takes part in supporting Asian developing countries. Japan certainly cooperatewith the US in many areas. However, the US will not prioritize Japan over its domesic economies.

日本作为七国集团成员、东盟支持者、东亚成员等都有义务。对于美国来说,日本是亚洲的一个战略防御点。外,日本在很大程度上参与了对亚洲发展中国家的支持。 日本当然在许多领域与美国合作。 然而,美国不会将日本置于其国内经济之上。
原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Raymond McCurry
This is such a ridiculous statement, I am not sure I should dignify it with a response. Having lived in and worked in Japan for two years, it is no more like America culturally and otherwise. you need to get out of the house a wee bit more Amigo! Perhaps, travel to the country before making meaningless assertions, about a subject you clearly know nothing about!

这是一个如此荒谬的说法,我不确定我是否应该用回应它。 在日本生活和工作了两年后,它在文化和其他方面都不再像美国了。 你需要多走出家门一点,朋友! 也许,在对一个你显然一无所知的话题做出毫无意义的断言之前,先去这个国家旅行一下!
原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Niks Ramteke
Japan is considered part of Asia primarily due to its geographical location, history, and cultural connections with other Asian countries. Let's explore these factors:

日本被认为是亚洲的一部分,主要是由于其地理位置、历史以及与其他亚洲国家的文化联系。 让我们探讨一下这些因素:

1. **Geographical Location**:
- Japan is an island nation located in the Pacific Ocean, off the eastern coast of the Asian mainland. Geographically, it is part of the continent of Asia, separated from North America by the Pacific Ocean.
- The continent of Asia encompasses a diverse range of cultures, languages, and traditions, including those found in Japan.

1. **地理位置**:
- 日本是一个位于太平洋、亚洲大陆东海岸的岛国。 从地理上看,它是亚洲大陆的一部分,与北美隔太平洋相望。
- 亚洲大陆拥有多种文化、语言和传统,包括日本的文化、语言和传统。

2. **Historical and Cultural Connections**:
- Japan has a long history of cultural exchange and interaction with neighboring Asian countries, including China and Korea. These interactions have influenced Japan's language, religion, art, and social customs.
- While Japan has also been influenced by Western culture, particularly in the modern era, its core cultural identity remains rooted in Asian traditions.

2. **历史和文化联系**:
- 日本与包括中国和韩国在内的亚洲邻国有着悠久的文化交流和互动历史。这些互动影响了日本的语言、宗教、艺术和社会习俗。
- 虽然日本也受到西方文化的影响,特别是在现代,但其核心文化身份仍然植根于亚洲传统。

3. **Cultural Similarities with America**:
- While Japan shares some cultural similarities with America, such as aspects of popular culture (e.g., movies, music, fashion), technological innovation, and democratic governance, these similarities do not alter its geographical location or historical connections.
- Cultural exchange and globalization have led to the spread of ideas and practices between Japan and America, but Japan's fundamental identity remains Asian.

3. **与美国的文化相似之处**:
- 虽然日本与美国有一些文化相似之处,例如流行文化(例如电影、音乐、时尚)、技术创新和民主治理等方面,但这些相似之处并没有改变其地理位置或历史联系。
- 文化交流和全球化导致了日本和美国之间思想和实践的传播,但日本的基本身份仍然是亚洲的。

4. **Globalization and Identity**:
- In an increasingly interconnected world, national identities can be complex and multifaceted. Japan's cultural, economic, and political ties extend beyond Asia to include partnerships and interactions with countries around the globe, including the United States.
- However, Japan's geographical location and historical ties anchor its identity within the broader context of Asia.

4. **全球化与身份认同**:
- 在一个日益相互联系的世界中,国家身份可能是复杂且多方面的。 日本的文化、经济和政治联系超越亚洲,包括与包括美国在内的全球国家的伙伴关系和互动。
- 然而,日本的地理位置和历史联系将其身份固定在更广泛的亚洲背景下。

### Conclusion:
Japan's classification as part of Asia is based on its geographical location, historical connections, and cultural identity. While Japan shares some cultural similarities with America, its core identity remains rooted in Asian traditions. Globalization has facilitated cultural exchange and collaboration between Japan and America, but these interactions do not alter Japan's fundamental classification as an Asian country.

### 结论:
日本被归类为亚洲的一部分是基于其地理位置、历史联系和文化认同。 虽然日本与美国在文化上有一些相似之处,但其核心身份仍然植根于亚洲传统。 全球化促进了日美之间的文化交流与合作,但这些互动并没有改变日本作为亚洲国家的基本分类。

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