2024-05-26 龟兔赛跑 4794

What is the most traveled interstate in the United States?


Rodney Davenport
That would be I-95, which is 1,917 miles long and traverses 15 states, from Maine all the way to Miami, Florida. Keep in mind that it moves through the D.C. congestion, Philadelphia, New York and Boston.
I know that LA has an awful interstate system, I've experienced that mess numerous times. But all the traffic on the east coast, and especially the New York area takes the title.


Lee Brewer
I am sure Californians will disagree, but I believe it is I 95. Interstate I 95 runs from Maine’s Tourist track through Boston, through New York City, Newark New Jersey, Philadelphia Pa, Baltimore MD, through Washington DC, and all the way down through Florida. You can not begin to imagine how heavily these routes are traveled by cars and trucks.


Steve Vaughn
I would GUESS it is IH-10, which runs from Los Angeles thru New Mexico and then the ENTIRE WIDTH of Texas and across the southern Gulf states all the way to Miami Florida. I’ve always thought it would be cool to hitch-hike from LA to Miami on I-10,
but it would not be a 1 day trip. You’d have to figure out sleeping arrangements along the way, food, washing clothes, etc. There is a LOT of traffic on IH-10 everywhere along the way. Also high traffic is the I-5 (north south) in California. It runs along the coast, I forget the end-point cities, but it’s nearly the whole length of California.


Stephen Metcalf
According to the U.S. Department of Transportation's Federal Highway Administration (FHWA), traffic data from 2011 showed the 405 Freeway — from Interstate 5 down to Long Beach — serves an estimated 379,000 vehicles per day, making it the busiest interstate in America.


Thom Jenrette
What is the most traveled interstate in the US?
In my many, trips here on the west coast, my guess that interstate 5 would fit this. Starting at the Canada border, south thru Washington state 300 miles, then continues south thru Oregon 300+ miles, still moving south thru California 780 miles to the Mexican border.
lots to see in the great northwest.


Malcolm Ray
I would have to agree with Bion Michael Shelden. Though certain shorter stretches of interstates might be busier, if you take in the full length of I-95 it would be hard to compete. I-95 is the main highway along the eastern coast and it serves multiple cities traffic where I-405 is a relatively short span that serves only one city. I’ve traveled over most of the interstate system at one time or another and I’ve never seen as much traffic as the whole of I-95.


John Kotsch
The most heavily traveled area of the Interstate Highway system is the 405 Freeway in Seal Beach, California, with a 2002 estimate of 377.000 vehicles a day.


Ruti Amit
Used to be interstate I-5 and I-405. LA was certainly a busy spot. During the pandemic nothing is as it was. But in recent years the I-95 would have been well traveled as well.

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Jim Wise
I-95 runs from Miami to Maine, I think, but I don’t know if that is the most traveled. I-405 runs from Washington to Los Angeles, so it may be more traveled.


Marlon Izzo
The most travelled and busiest interstate highway is a tossup ..it would be either the I-90 or the I-405


T Mcknight
Well you have several interstate in America, you have interstate 80 runs East from NewYork to California.. you have interstate 95 runs from Miami to NewYork.. you have interstate 77 it will run from upper Cleveland all the way Dow n to South Carolina into interstate 10 From Florida to Texas… and many many more but these the interstates that take you across country


Scott Jordan
There are lots of things you could be wondering about and you may even be asking yourself, what is the longest interstate in us? As we all know that interstate highways are comprised of bridges, roads, tunnels, and freeways. Now let's take a look at how long these segments of the interstate are:
In terms of the longest interstate in us, there are the six segments of I-70, I-495, I-85, I-395, I-95, and I-395. Those are just the longest segments of the interstate highway system. Some people have inquired about the other interstate segments but because of space limitations and the lack of land in some areas, the average length of the major highway segments can't be measured.
All the six segments of the I-70 in the US are also known as the Trans-Mississippi Interchange. The longest interstate in us also takes up the eastern half of I-75 in the country, from New Jersey to Virginia.


But before you head to your nearest state to find out the answer to the question, "What is the longest interstate in us", you should know that some of the segments are actually the same. There are three interstates which are combined and are broken down into two parts: I-76, I-81, and I-279. These three sections are the shortest segments of the interstate highway system and are all the same.
We have had several states in the US grow through the last decade and they are growing as well as the highways have grown. This has led to the completion of the largest expansions in our history, which has opened the way for the expansion of the interstate highway system.
These highway expansions are constructed and made operational for the purpose of connecting and providing access to growing urban areas and to other areas where people need to travel. The longest segments of the interstate highway system are found in areas that were previously rural and remained so until recently. The name of this last section is the last of the Interstates in the East, the last segment of the Interstate system.


原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Today, this area becomes the gateway to the United States of America, and the final stretch of freeway that lix the other Western States together. It serves as a final refuge for those who cannot get into the big cities and communities because of its size and significance in the world economy.
When it comes to adding length to the highways, the options are numerous.
A final part of the interstate system for the East, the final stretch of I-77 was completed in 2020. This is a local freeway in Virginia, which connects Washington DC and the DC Metropolitan area. It is more than forty miles long and has eleven lanes in each direction.


Patrick Clancy
I think Interstate 95 could be reasonably said to be the most important highway. It passes through 15 states along the east coast, connecting Boston, NYC, Philadelphia, Baltimore, Washington DC, and Miami, as well as dozens of secondary cities, like Portland, Providence, New Haven, Bridgeport, Newark, etc, etc.


Burnt Reynolds
Great question! I ‘simply’ cannot decide. Ranked by personal experience: I-95 connects the most people in sheer multitudes, and at first glance I suppose that means most ‘important’. But there's I-40…because of Winter weather, lixing freight and people nearly coast to coast, its overall length, and it being centrally accessible to the whole nation, it's thusly more ‘important’ than I-10 (fourth most in my estimation). However, most ‘importantly’ because of a lack of many viable alternatively accessible, continuously designated routes, and its connectivity to multitudes of people and freight as well, I'd choose I-5 for being extremely ‘important’ and perhaps the most as a consequence. ‘Importance’ calls for subjective interpretation. Enjoyed the comparisons!


Frank Goebel
What is the longest interstate highway in the United States?
Interstate 90, running from Washington SR 519 in Seattle to Massachusetts Route 1-A near Logan Airport, Boston, is 3,020.44 miles in length.
Between Illinois and Massachusetts, Interstate 90 was placed upon or incorporated from various toll roads. Pennsylvania is the only state east of Chicago that carries no tolls on 90.


Philip O'Dette
Interstates are generally limited access (1.) Some come with tolls; and 2.) don't have stop lights and have an on/off ramp.) and were created as a part of larger defense network of roads across America created under Eisenhower.
Thus: Even-numbered interstates (such as I-10, I-20, I-8, I-90, I-88, etc.) run west-east. You may have three-digit interstates that end in even numbers (such as I-290, I-110, I-278, etc.)


Odd-numbered interstates, on the other end (such as I-5, I-35, I-75, I-95, I-35, I-99, etc.) run south-north. You may have three-digit interstates that end in odd numbers (such as I-395, I-205, I-787, etc.) All of these interstates are lixed to the larger interstates that face them (regardless of direction).
U.S. Highway designators were approved in 1926 and is a set of state/multi-state roads with a coordinated pan U.S. route designator (such as U.S. 1, U.S. 395, U.S. 40, U.S. 30, U.S. 15, U.S. 20, etc.) In addition, you have forest highways, state highways that have their own insignia, and county roads (or parish roads, in the case of Louisiana).
This is why you will see multiple highway signs on the same route - these routes all share a common highway segment (this is called "concurrency") When they diverge, signs will indicate which direction to take at the appropriate junctions.

美国公路的命名规则在1926年被批准,它是一组具有统一全美路线编号的州内或跨州公路(如US 1、US 395、US 40、US 30、US 15、US 20等)。此外,还有森林公路、各自有标识的州公路,以及县级公路(在路易斯安那州则是教区公路)。

Richard Conto
Like others have said, the system of US highways predates the Eisenhower Interstate system.
Both have standards for road construction (lane width, road bed, shoulders, etc.) The Interstate Highway system is more strict than the US Highway system (2 lanes each way, divided highway, limited access, and better road beds, etc.) A US Highway may be anything from a 2-lane road with shoulders to a limited access, multiple lane highway - and may change from one form to another over it's length - even within the same city.
US-66 is probably the most famous US highway.


Numbering of the two systems is "opposite" in order to reduce the number of times the same number is used twice in the same location. For instance, US highway numbers increase from north to south, and from east to west. Interstate highway numbers increase from south to north, and from west to east.
As other people have said, route numbers (both Interstate and US highway) may be overlain on the same highway. (For instance, I-75 and US-23 in the northern parts of Michigan, I-275, I-96, and I-696 in SE Lower Michigan, I-80, and I-90 across northern Ohio and Indiana.)
Standards change over time, and as the US Highway system is older, there are more routes that are on highways that would otherwise be considered substandard currently (narrow lanes, poor entrances and exits, etc.) There are even a few instances where there are (or have been) draw bridges (and requisite stop lights) on Interstate Highways.


Dana M Dietz
Most of the answers are correct in the timing of the US Highways predating the Interstate Highway system, but there are several other differences.
US Highways do not generally have full access control. In other words, it is not uncommon to have driveways on the US Highway.
There are also intersections on US Highways; usually 4 way intersections that may or may not be modified by now. They generally have signals or some from of stop control Interstate highways, or freeways, have interchanges that do not have signals or stop control.
We still build and maintain US Highways. Even though they may predate the interstate, it doesn’t mean that we don’t build them or maintain them anymore. We don’t usually build a new US Highway and call it that, but we will realign and modify existing US Highways to improve the conditions for drivers.
US Highways often run through the middle of the main street of a town or city. Interstates may run through downtown, but there is very little direct access to it.
Speeds on US Highways are generally below Interstate speeds, but can be as high as the interstate.
That is just a sampling of the difference between US Highways and Interstate Highways.


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