2024-05-27 Phelps 7883


Feifei Wang


But not because “Chinese is so hard!” (which I'm sure many westerners who doesn't speak a single word of Chinese would write answers saying exactly this).


Chinese is hard for an English speaking person, sure. But English is hard for a Chinese speaking person. Do you know why many Chinese can speak English (on some level)? Because the country makes it mandatory for school kids to learn English. I guarantee you if American kids started to learn Chinese in K-12, they would be able to speak some Chinese after 12 years of study!

对于英语使用者来说,中文确实很难。但是对于中文使用者来说,英语也很难。你知道为什么许多中国人能说(一些)英语吗?因为中国要求学生在学校学习英语。我保证,如果美国孩子从小学一年级开始学习中文,经过 12年的学习,他们也能说一些中文!

No. It's not because Chinese is hard, and Americans just can't learn it.
The only reason English became the global “standard" language is because of the British Empire and colonialism.
Good thing colonialism is the thing in the past. And even if there would be a colonial empire in the future, it wouldn't be China.


China is not interested in lands far away from us. China is not in need of natural resources or cheap labor. What China needs and has always been interested in is to trade with others.


A lot of people feel suspicious of Chinese investment in Africa, to the point of calling it “economic colonialism”. Catchy name, demonstrates a lack of understanding of economics and colonialism.


Chinese are perfectly happy of doing business in whatever language necessary. Most Chinese kids learn some English anyways, so might as well be English. We're not picky. Besides, most Chinese don't think foreigners can learn our language.


We're nothing if not pragmatic.
So English it is.


Keerthi Chandana V A
It is unlikely that Chinese will replace English as the global lingua franca in the foreseeable future. English currently serves as a dominant international language for communication, business, science, technology, and diplomacy. It is widely taught as a second language around the world, and it is the primary language used in many international organizations.
While Chinese is spoken by a large population and China's influence on the global stage is growing, English has entrenched itself deeply in various aspects of global communication. The widespread use of English in international business, academic publications, and the internet contributes to its continued prominence.
Language dynamics can change over long periods, but as of now, English remains the principal global language of communication and is likely to retain its importance for the foreseeable future.


Oof the Otter Man
Nope also the population in china is now declining however English speakers might decrease because people would rather want to learn other languages like french then English but English will still be spoken in the USA, Australia and new Zealand so in a way no English will live on forever.


In most places, no
China Radio International broadcasts in Esperanto every single day. The Chinese are aware that their languages are too difficult for a large part of the worldpopulation. The Anglo's are in denial or don´t care that English is difficult


Jian Heng
No. Chinese will undoubtedly be studied by more individuals, but it is unlikely to be as popular as English for a few reasons. One is that English and many other languages are more practically lixed. Simply put, learning is simpler for many individuals in Europe, the Americas, Africa, and much of Asia.
According to experts, English will continue to be widely used for many generations to come even if Chinese overtakes English as the most widely spoken language in the world. There are roughly 1.5 billion English speakers worldwide. Even if 600 million of them are still studying, more people speak them than any other language.


Not likely, not because of any specific reasons but Sheer difficulty of learning it. obviously anyone can learn mandarin, but requires more effort than learning English.


Khengsiong Chew
Not so soon.
It took English more than a millennia to displace Latin as the language of academia. It would be a long time before Chinese could displace English, if ever.


Siloo Kapadia
Ha! In your dreams!
Why would the world want to dump English, a language already the world’s language, for Chinese, a language that is spoken nearly only in China, Taiwan and Hong Kong? This is also a language where one would have to invest so many hours to learn 10,000 different characters.
Because of China’s economy? China’s economy is not doing that well and in fact is soon to be eclipsed by India’s economy, so why learn Chinese? No reason.
So I don’t see this happening.


Pedro Augusto Steinhaus
As a global language, no. It is easier that another Indo-European language to replace English than Chinese. This does not mean that Chinese will not grow in importance, but it will remain secondary to English.
There are several reasons, but the first:
Use of logograms and alphabets. It is clear that for global communication, an informal use of Chinese in Latin alphabets can increase the chances of Mandarin Chinese.


Tones. Of the most spoken languages in the world, after Mandarin Chinese (which is the 1st) the first most spoken tonal language is Punjabi, the 9th place. And of the tonal languages​outside India and China, the first is Vietnamese with 76 million speakers. Tonal languages are more restricted to Asia, and most people speak non-tonal Indo-European languages (remembering that Punjabi is Indo-European). Tonal languages are difficult for those who do not speak them natively. I must also remember that languages such as Japanese or Slovak have tones but are not tonal, as the meaning of the word is not altered by the tone .


Analytical Grammar and Non-Indo-European Syntax. Chinese grammar is very analytical and not Indo-European. Most people in the world speaks Indo-European languages, and think with Indo-European grammar and syntax. Chinese grammar and syntax are very different and distant. Furthermore, Indo-European grammar and syntax is more similar to Afro-Asian and Altaic than these are for Chinese. It is simply easier to think in English for the majority of the world population than to think in Chinese, because thinking in English is like thinking in Portuguese, German, Russian, Persian, French, Spanish, Hindi, Greek, etc.
Culture. American culture dominates, and Chinese culture is very different from Western and Middle Eastern cultures (which are very similar in comparison to Chinese culture). It is a very different culture to identify with.


Sam Lee
The first reason is that China is not the Strongest Country in the world.
Second, China has never colonized any countries in the world.
Third, Chinese is not a Phonogram, it is hard for others to learn the language.


Kalle L. Jensen
In what time frx? I think in 50 years (maybe even earlier) the technological advancements in micro translators will likely become the norm to wear more than actually learning a language. You will be able to talk your native language and having it instantly being translated in your reciprocants ear. This technology already exsts, but is still too young to be able to be useful due to being too slow and inaccurate. Improvements in AI and micro-processors will likely change that the coming decades. I recon the first language to be fully and instantly translatabe would be the 3 biggest languages, English, Spanish and Chinese. So knowing one of these languages will make you able to speak any language. Your children's children will likely laugh at us going through years trying to learn 4 different languages and perhaps the act of learning a language will only be in a romantical sense just as like writing a letter by hand than ty a text on your phone.


Abdul Rahman Alzeeny
Not a chance, Chinese do not do enough to make their culture popular to the rest of the world

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Gilbert Doan
I think this depends primarily on China's relationships with neighboring countries, their language offered in international agencies, and how they transfer their language on their contiguous continent. You should take the position that learning a language is primarily becoming communed with the primary speakers or natives of that language, meaning you will be on talking terms with citizens from countries that use the language as primary. People are learning English primarily to get on the good side of a global influencer, leader, and critical contributor to world events such as world wars, international trade, and scientific and technological development.


Mh Rasel
Its not impossible ,but need some more time.Because 1st Chinese is one of the hardest language in the world so that people don’t want to learn and 2nd Chinese is not so popular as English but maybe after some years English can be replace by Chinese


Frans Vandenbosch
At the long term: yes
But certainly not in the coming decades.


Hawking Shu
This is equivalent to ask “Will China take over the USA?”
It's hard to predict. But if you look at the question in a longer history background and you believe that history just repeats itself, the answer is almost a certain Yes.


原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

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