2024-05-27 碧波荡漾恒河水 7410

Russian missile attacks have become part of everyday life for the people of Ukraine. Western air defense systems have helped Ukraine deal with these attacks. But on the front lines the threat from ever larger and more dangerous Russian glide bombs is growing. DW correspondent Nick Connolly meets Ukrainian soldiers who are learning to live with this danger.


After 2 years of American and European expensive "Game Changers" that turned out to be over rated, it turned out that the Game Changer was an inexpensive Soviet era technology bomb with wings.


There is a reason why the AK-47 is still the most used rifle around the world, and not the M16...


I heard Russia also puts wings on shovels and then drops them from aircraft. Those are extra unstoppable.


Have they forgot the leaked pentagon reports about JDAM performance in Ukraine? Ukraine used JDAM which is the same glide bomb Russia is using but is advertised as "better, more accurate, and more modern". Yet Russia made them almost useless by jamming GPS.

难道他们忘了五角大楼泄露的关于乌克兰JDAM性能的报告吗? 乌克兰使用的是JDAM,与俄罗斯使用的滑翔炸弹相同,但被宣传为“更好,更准确,更现代”。然而,俄罗斯通过干扰全球定位系统使它们几乎毫无用处。

Now I figure it out why NATO called the “shovels”. Only have to see the size of the crater it dig


1.1 billion $ system vs 20.000$ Soviet bomb.

11亿美元的系统 vs 2万美元的苏联炸弹。

The biggest country in the world, great science base, able to produce nuclear power plants, planes, rockets for space program, sattelites, two CPU manufacturers, enormous resources of commodies, energy, food backed by China and many other big countries in the world. Americans and British politicians think that Russia is Libya, Serbia, Iraq, Panama.


Its difficult to admit the truth after 2 and a half years of lies isnt it?


A 64-year-old grandmother in Transcarpathia was sentenced to 5 years in prison for celebrating Cosmonautics Day.
On April 12, 2024, a pensioner from the village of Bedevlya, Tyachiv district, Transcarpathian region, published a post on her page on the Odnoklassniki social network dedicated to the celebration of Cosmonautics Day.
The grandmother posted a photo with Yuri Gagarin with the caption “Thank you, Yuri Alekseevich.”


Five years in prison.
A stinking, shameful pseudo-state. The prison of nations is vile. Populated by frightened slaves, where one half is shaking and dreams of escaping, and the other half is chasing the first


原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

American defense contractors must be in rage! How dare those Russians produce cheap weapons! Bad for business. Outrages!

美国国防承包商一定非常愤怒! 那些俄罗斯人怎么敢生产廉价武器! 对生意不利。暴行!

Last year DW was saying that Russia doesn't have weapons now they are crying again


US: Spends trillions on research and innovation.
RUS: Puts wings on a 60 year old bomb and just sends it.


Those washing machines sure pack a punch.


“NASA spent millions of dollars inventing the ball-point pen so they could write in space. The Russians took a pencil.”


These Shovels and washing machines are so precise!


The proxy war in Ukraine is the first time NATO has tried to pick on someone their own size and NATO is getting humiliated.


Proof that everything new isn't better.


When you have a limited budget innovation takes place. When you have an indefinite budget, you just bribe your Officials for more and more and have over 900 unnecessary bases around the world but could not produce 155mm ammunition in sufficient quantities


But Russia is out of weapons and Ukraine is winning right.. right?


imagine $20,000 bomb wreaking havoc that multimillion air defenses can't defend against!


Washing machines work better than expensive western equipment


fun fact these glide bombs are very difficult to track by radar ,often seen a a dot on screen which then disappears

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

The main thing to remember: Russia burned exactly as many times as its enemies were defeated.
In Russia, the main value is family, loved ones: parents, brothers, sisters, children, friends. Now we do not feel a threat from Ukraine and the West; local conflicts have always arisen in all parts of the globe. Most Russian citizens continue to live peaceful lives, rarely feeling the presence of war. BUT! But if each of us feels a threat to our native land, our home, and, in the end, our family and friends, then everyone will take up arms and, if necessary, give their lives for all this (even women, for example, my mother in 1969 I don’t mind fighting if necessary). And, believe me, the cost of our lives for those who started all this will be very high. Even if we suddenly lose, even if we all die, we will take with us as many enemies as possible, and perhaps all of them. Russia is not currently fighting with all its personnel, with all means and at full strength. I am 29, I am a man, all my friends live peacefully and not a single one participates in the SVO. Russia does not fight with all means, as, for example, Israel does in Palestine. Russia does not fight according to the NATO principle, when everything around is turned to ashes by bombs. BUT THIS COULD START SOON. I don’t think anyone really wants this, neither from Russia nor from the West.

在俄罗斯,主要的价值观是家庭,亲人:父母,兄弟姐妹,孩子,朋友。现在我们感觉不到来自乌克兰和西方的威胁;世界各地总是出现局部冲突。大多数俄罗斯公民继续过着和平的生活,很少感受到战争的存在。但是! 但是,如果我们每个人都感到我们的祖国、我们的家园,最后,我们的家人和朋友受到威胁,那么每个人都会拿起武器,必要时,为这一切献出生命(即使是女人,比如1969年的我母亲,如果有必要,我也不介意打仗)。相信我,我们的生命代价将会非常高昂。即使我们突然失败,即使我们都死了,我们也会带走尽可能多的敌人,也许是所有的敌人。俄罗斯目前并没有动用所有人员、所有手段和全部力量进行战斗。我29岁,我是一个男人,我所有的朋友都过着和平的生活,没有一个人参加特别军事行动。俄罗斯不像以色列在巴勒斯坦那样不择手段。当周围的一切都被炸弹变成灰烬时,俄罗斯不会按照北约的原则作战。但这可能很快就会开始。我认为没有人真的希望这样,无论是俄罗斯还是西方。

What makes the glide bombs a game changers is the fact that the Russians have millions of them. They can keep throwing them for many years.


DW and experts are learning russian way again in 21st century.


Man these are descendants of people who put Yuri Gagarin into space , when Americans were still swinging in trees.
What do you expect from them , they're creative, very fast adaptable to multiple war situation. Good at chess, math and physics.
They can modify a dumb bomb very fast into a smart guided one if they put effort into it.


“FAB 3000” is a Game Changer not challenger 2 ,not Abrams & not Leopard

游戏规则改变者是“FAB 3000”,不是挑战者2,不是艾布拉姆斯或豹豹。
原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Russia is using 'old' missiles and at the same time creating new ones. In other words, it is renewing its arsenal thanks to Europe.


Navy veteran from the Kherson region Yuriy Bulbach said that he had been waiting for Russia for 30 years. RIA Novosti writes about this. He emphasized that he took the oath to his Motherland once and he has only one. Bulbach began serving in the Soviet army in the Black Sea Fleet. After that he was transferred to the Baltic. After the collapse of the Soviet unx, he refused to take the oath of office in Ukraine. Every year he raised the Soviet naval flag on holidays, without fear of persecution from Kiev. On May 9, Kyiv residents brought flowers to the Eternal Flame in the Park of Glory in the morning, despite the fact that the Ukrainian authorities The holiday was moved to May 8. The Victory Parade in Moscow was broadcast by many cable channels in the Odessa region.


soviet weapons were mass produced with so much care and THOUGHTFUL disdain for defeating the US...


it's sad that all those young men are being sent to die


Now thats power! No holding back

这就是力量! 毫无保留。

Every piece of Russian military equipment is cheaper, and often better, than it's American equivalent. Cheaper in development, production ánd maintenance. The difference is significant, ranging from 1/2 price to 1/10 or less. This is not at all unique to these glide bombs. Btw, it's not that their equipment is no cheap...it's that US equipment is extremely expensive.


LOL. Good job DW, it only took you guys over 2 years to figure it out.


The less than honest 'expert' not mentioning that Russia blew off the Patriot systems to smithreens is so conspicuous and that's the reason why others have now stopped even talking about thier anti-missile systems whom they had vaunted as if they were invincible/infallible systems.


This is ok. But what about those mighty russian shovels?


These bombs actually have glide wings made out of shovels and washing machine gps as a brain...


Sad all around. War is brutal.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

You mean to tell me those flying shovels are actually working? What next, turtle tanks?

你是说那些飞行铲子真的起作用了吗? 下一个是什么,乌龟缸吗?

Russian Kalashnikov will always hold the record for highest body count, why would he get new toy when something indestructible n reliable compared to the new toys?


russia has so much of those bomb from the soviet eras now being put to use against Ukraine...

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

it's not about how advance , it's about how effective.


A great example of military adaptation and innovation. Cheap and effective.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

how dare they use old munition they sould be ashamed of them selves


Those washing machines sure make an impact when they hit the ground.


How many of these old Soviet bombs you have?
Russia: YES.


People who think that Ukraine is winning are living in denial. They seek comfort in subjective reality and ignore all the facts.


"If it kills, then it works."


American Military Industrial Complex: Main priority-Profitability
Russian Military- Efficiency and effectiveness!


Simple Analog technology isn't affected by digital electronic warfare.


Russia has only shovel


these are some powerful bombs with shovels as wings


When Russia finally pulls off the gloves, Ukraine gon learn

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Necessity gives birth to innovation


The first tid-bits of reality ever heard on DW News:
" There's probably two or three reasons 'why Ukraine hasn't gotten many western defence systems' You need crews to operate them; have missiles to fire from them. It's not just a case of giving Ukraine a piece of equipment; we have to give them the capability to use it". or:
"if you see what happens in Ukraine and you haven't got many of these systems yourself and you haven't got enough for your own country and you're not sure where you're going to get another one from' would you be willing to give the one you have to Ukraine or do you keep the one you have ?"


Of course everyone has to make it sound like some kind of hillbilly rig. Russia has had PGM for decades. They were the first to field a guided artillery round and the first to use one in combat. The US used Vietnam era bombs in Iraq with JDAM bolt on kits. The Paveway, the US' LASER guided bomb, is a bolt on kit (my dad worked on the assembly line for them at TI right after he got out of the Navy). The only thing 'new' for Russia, about these bombs, is the glide kit which is a bit more sophisticated than a simple GPS guided gravity bomb.


Russia in tatters according to Von der Lion


So, at the beginning he said that is only FAB-250. These days FAB-1500 is in use...


20k USD is the same as 2 western 155mm unguided artillery shell lol


thoose shovels knows how to dig some soil


Now THAT is smart.


500 and 3000 is on the way


That is Economics 101! The effect is the one that matters not the cost!

这就是经济学101! 效果才是最重要的,而不是成本!

If America had Russia's way of thinking about cost effectiveness and resourcefulness we wouldn't have the massive deficit we have today


One Forbes article earlier reads:
Don’t Fear Russia’s 3.3-Ton Glide-Bomb. It’s Massive Overkill When A 1.1-Ton Glide-Bomb Will Kill You Just Fine.
Wonder how the soldiers on the receiving end are supposed to think when they see this article


"Only" 250kgs and then this. Imagine what the 1.500kg and bigger ones do. This is just proof of Russian ingenuity and adaptability.

"只有" 250公斤,然后是这个。想象一下1500公斤或更大的玩意会是什么威力。这证明了俄罗斯人的聪明才智和适应能力。

Life is not a video game


other news : why old boeing planes are more effective


Russian Glide Rockets are definitely very very effective they are learning!!!!!!!!!!!


horrible war loses on both sides Prayers


Love the honesty of the expert


The biggest issue nobody is talking about is that Ukraine has lost its fighting spirit. Just the fact that they have to draft men into service is proof that not enough men are willing to risk their lives for their country. But it's a lot worse in reality: Those drafted overwhelmingly refuse being drafted. The worst they have to face is a fine. And don't get me wrong, I would do the same thing. I'd rather go into debt for the rest of my life rather than lose my life on the front lines. And most of those who go into service right now WILL die. This dynamic is not something Ukraine can survive. No country in a war can survive the unwillingness of its citizens to fight.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

In total, Russia fought for 489 years with 25 countries, that is, almost every year, if we count history from the 15th century. Sometimes she fought with several countries at the same time, so there were breaks in the series of wars. But there were definitely fewer peaceful years than war years.


原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

很赞 9