2024-05-28 国外新鲜事 4572
The Nobel Prizes are international prizes established in 1901 in accordance with the will of Swedish chemist Alfred Nobel to honor individuals or organizations that have made outstanding contributions in the fields of physics, chemistry, physiology or medicine, literature, peace (and, since 1969, economics), among others. Awarded annually, the Nobel Prize is considered one of the most prestigious prizes in the world.
To win a Nobel Prize, there are usually several steps and conditions that need to be met:

诺贝尔奖是根据瑞典化学家阿尔弗雷德·诺贝尔(Alfred Nobel)的遗愿于1901年设立的国际奖项,用于表彰在物理学、化学、生理学或医学、文学、和平(自1969年起还增加了经济学)等领域中做出杰出贡献的人士或组织。每年颁发一次,诺贝尔奖被认为是全球最具声望的奖项之一。

Outstanding contributions:
Physics, chemistry, physiology, or medicine: These are scientific fields in which groundbreaking, groundbreaking, or extremely important research is required.
Literature: requires excellence in literary creation, such as novels, poems, plays, etc., usually works that have a profound impact on human culture.
Peace: The need to make a significant contribution to promoting world peace, perhaps through diplomacy, human rights work, conflict resolution, or other related efforts.
Economics (Prize established by the Swedish National Bank in memory of Alfred Nobel) : for important innovations and contributions in economic theory, practice or application.


Candidates for the Nobel Prize must be nominated by an authorized person or organization. These nominees are often experts in their fields, university professors, past laureates, members of Congress and members of specific international organizations, among others.
The nomination process is strictly confidential and the list of nominees is not made public until 50 years before the awards are presented.


The nominated candidates are reviewed by the Nobel Committees in each field. These committees are made up of experts in the relevant fields who conduct in-depth reviews and discussions of the candidates' contributions.
The committee ultimately recommends the winner to the awarding body (e.g., the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences, the Swedish Academy, the Norwegian Nobel Committee, etc.).


Announcements and awards:
Every year in October, the winners of the Nobel Prize are announced. The award ceremonies are usually held in Stockholm, Sweden, and Oslo, Norway, on December 10 (the anniversary of Alfred Nobel's death).
Winning the Nobel Prize requires not only extraordinary contributions in a certain field, but also wide recognition and nomination by peers and society. This process requires both excellent professional ability and long-term persistence and accumulation.


The Nobel prize is B.S.


We should be paying the scientists who do this way more than just a million dollars. These are the basis of of the future and their discoveries are what will make up all what we will know and already know. Just compare these people to athletes. They play sports and get multimillions. These people work research and study their whole lives just to barely win a million. This is truly a disgrace to them and there should be more investment into it.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

If you watching this video you have zero chance to win nibel prize


Do what Obama did... Nothing.


What if Donald Trump gets a Nobel prize


I know a trick. Show rich people how to become richer (microcredit), win Nobel PEACE (!!) prize (like Dr Yunus). What a joke!!


Become USA President , u will get peace prize ! No matter what u did , if trump is not nominated then it’s first time in modern history


kim jong deserve prize


What about the people who discovered helium, neon, argon, krypton, xenon, and radon??
They should get Noble prizes.


I don't think krypton is an actual element.


It is actually. Symbol Kr number 36.


Lot of those elements you listed were discovered century's ago, In order for you to get the Noble you need to be alive for it.


Einstein got his Nobel Prize because of explaining the photoelectric effect, not his relativity or E=MC^22


the equation is 'E=mc^2.' Not 'E=MC^22.'


what if I tell you its really


Because those times, Einstein relativity was very difficult to understand for public so that's why he didn't got Nobel prize for relativity


So how to win a Nobel Prize?


Do a bunch of cool science-y stuff.


Rem make a water powered fire though.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Thank you.


Or just do nothing in the field of science or peace. It worked for Obama. Lol.


Sinaeb by being someone important and doing something important, which is then noticed by other important people who then decide to let you have one I guess...


Break the law of physics.


Fun Fact: One might assume Einstein got his Nobel prize for his theory of relativity but he was actually awarded the medal for his contributions to the understanding of the photoelectric effect. One of the first important experiments in developing quantum mechanics. However, this man contributed so much to physics. Undoubtedly one of the greatest minds in history.


Not a bad idea.Actually good to have such a Prize but this Prize in general is not obxtive and hence lacks credibility. It is more often a network oriented Prize. Since China has never had a Prize (for scientific work done in China) Tu Youyou whose work has little applicability nor was seminal was given a Prize to create credibility for the Prize. Many great creative people have been overlooked for this Prize and often someone with routine good work is given this Prize. Even an original discovery is overlooked and people are given this Prize for reinventing the wheel. Thus do not take these Prizes too seriously.


These prizes are not without a lot of politics though some are well deserved prizes. Quite a few people get this Prize for mediocre research while at times breakthroughs are ignored. Mainland China (for work done in China) though it has Jewish backing has won only one prize in science. That too for a mediocre work.She, Youyou has done nothing to qualify for this Prize.


China is amazing. I don’t think any awards can recognize the true potential of Chinese thought.


can biology win a prize


Nikola Tesla.


that guy also great, the bad things is most of his inventions are kinda stolen but mostly he doesn't care as long as it gives advancement to humanity. Unlike fucking Thomas Edison that steal a lot of research under his name and I always hate when people say he is a great scientist. most things he does is steal and only great at business

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Most of them are kinda foreigner. Einstein is actually a German Jew.


He should be awarded for the relativity theory. But it can't be given to dead brains.


I would the world is full of invention, so don't think just to win the Nobel Prize think instead what can I contribute to the futuristic human kind. That is the mind of Tesla who relieves my and your day-to-day life.


Madam Curie was amazing, she gave her life to advance human understanding, her own discovery killed her and it's just amazing how much we know now thanks to her.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

One thing that Trace didn't mention is that Nobels aren't given out after a recipient's death. One of the main reasons why Rosalind Franklin's professor and research partner was able to steal her project and receive a Nobel for it for himself.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Step one: Be corrupt
Step two: Know the right people
Step three: ???
Step four: Profit


原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Bob Dylan is corrupt? Bob Dylan knows people on the Nobel Committee? I don't think so.
You sound very petty. What about these prizes upsets you?


Leave all of them, just invent something.


Italian man mad.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Hey, genius, that wasn't a picture of Alfred Nobel, it was a picture of Louis Pasteur.


Alfred Nobel invented dynamite, for mining purpose. But people started to use it for killing each other, so to not be known for the guy that killed thousands of people with his invention. He started to give out the prize to extraordinary progress for mankind.


You are correct sir!


I thought I was the only one thinking about that.


The reason the peace prize committee had to be Norwegian is because Alfred Nobel thought Swedish culture was too militaristic and that the country acted like a bully to neighbouring countries.


There is no prize in Astronomy which may partly explain why the discovery of gravity waves was forsaken, though it involved a great deal of physics to find them.


I want to win the Nobel Prize for literature. This is my greatest ambition...


George Surdarshan is probably the best example of somebody being snubbed out of a physics Nobel a rumored SIX times for very important contributions to theoretical physics.


the 2nd picture in the video showing after Alfred Nobel isn't Alfred Nobel, but Louis Pasteur. Don't know if you guys slipped up on editing, or forgot talking about it but it sure was odd. :)

视频中显示阿尔弗雷德·诺贝尔后的第二张图片不是阿尔弗雷德·诺贝尔,而是路易·巴斯德。不知道你们是不是在编辑时出了错,还是忘了谈论这个,但这确实很奇怪。 :)

wait... but Einstein never received a Nobel prize for anything on relativity though.


The only Nobel prize that Einstein did receive, is for photoelectric effect.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

what was his invention


We must not forget that Alfred Nobel was directly involved in armaments through his 1894 purchase of the steel producing company Bofors which he put on course to become one of the world’s leading military weapons manufacturers contributing to many peoples deaths in wars. Alfred Nobel came up with the idea of using his money for the annual prizes after his brother, Ludvig, died in 1888 and a French newspaper mistakenly thought it had been Alfred Nobel himself who died. The newspaper published the obituary under the title: “The Merchant of Death is Dead”, going on to state: “Dr. Alfred Nobel, who became rich by finding ways to kill more people faster than ever before, died yesterday.” So the prize money derives not only from dynamite production but also from weapons manufacturing.


Anybody wonders why there no Nobel prize in Philosophy...


Lets be fair though, some of the Nobel Prize winners don't deserve it, like Obama, Harald Zur Hausen, etc...


your attitude seems you are disrespectful towards Nobel prize


I love how Obama got the Peace Prize for doing nothing as soon as he became president (sarcasm). to be fair and consistent they should take it away.


peace prizes are a sham!


A scientist has to wait for half a century until his discovery is proven effective.
A scamming politician can get it in 24 hours, rush delivery.


Peace Prize while being at war. Makes sense.


It's funny how you only say this about Obama when literally many other recipients have done nothing as well.


It's not funny it's disgusting. He was the leader of the USA while it was at war when he received the prize.


Obama didn't declare war before winning the prize, so I'm not sure what you're trying to say. G. W. Bush dragged us into the wars in the Middle East, not Obama. In fact, Obama pulled many troops out of the Middle East.


Stopped caring about Nobel prize after that.


GDI and then sent them right back


The top most prize for an human achievement in any of those five areas is Nobel prize only. Thanks for honoring the great achievers in the world.


Would love to win all six at once but one that will be momentous to me, will be the Nobel in Economic Sciences, Chemistry and Physiology/Medicine.


Why on earth, did we not award Nobel prize to Nicola Tesla for creating AC Current?


Fun Fact: Alfred Nobel was mistakenly considered dead in turn for his brother who was the one who was actually deceased. After his acclaimed death, many obituaries on Alfred Nobel were released by various newspapers and press sources. The obituaries were very nasty and negatively criticized Nobel's work saying that, "he was making money off the devil's candy" and other rude phrases. Nobel was notified and very upset with how people perceived his work and within a matter of weeks Alfred Nobel was dead; after reading his own obituary.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

What I learnt from this video is that I have to wait 50 years for my theory to get proven


Even Kissinger got one..


why Hawking not got that prize


Nobel Prize sextion process needs to be clear off politics and politicians should NOT use this as a political tool. It's just plain disgusting for ANYONE to do this. It's ALSO time the governing body ensures standards ARE MAINTAINED or this award should be abolished as it will become a JOKE.


One day I'm gonna get it

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

The first Nobel prize is the one that blew my mind, after all it was given to the inventor of dynamite.


I want one


The Nobel Prize Committee got into me in the 1970s and 80s. So much so that I was being consulted on what new sciences, works, discoveries or inventions will win the Nobel Prizes. Naturally, I suggested some of them and who should win the Nobel Prizes. In the following years of the Nobel Prizes, my suggestions were followed in whole or in part. :D

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

But how do we get a nobel prize?


Nobel decided to do this because at some point the newspaper ran a story about him when they believed he died. He didn't like what they said about him, that's why he did it


well i don’t want to win a nobel. how can i do it?


It was never a question


Linus Pauling also won two noble prizes in different categories.


Nikola Tesla should have won a Nobel prize


Why, o why you constantly repeats Marii Curie? You certainly are clever enough to know that Maria Skłodowska Curie was a polish scientist that happens to be a wife of French scientist Pierre Curie. You should at least look at Wikipedia because the name is very important.


Talking about Higgs, now finally came John Goodenough's time!


They say in order to win Nobel prize in physics, either invent a new particle or substance in the universe or break the laws of nature.


Einstein was awarded the Nobel prize for photoelectric effect, not for relativity


They hand them out like candy now


How is the Nobel prize shared among the winners


Dimitri Mendeleev was also snubbed


No Edison or Tesla though.


It's weird to have known a Nobel prize (economics) winner personally and slept in his home lol Shout out to Robert Fogel who let me sleep in his guest bedroom in times of need


There is no Asian representative at Noble committee for literature


In literature Noble committee recognise only European writers and language. What about Indian writers and Asian African writers.


I let people over while driving on the freeway. Hoping for a peace prize nomination soon


So you put a question in the title only to talk about everything but that?


I feel its a bit sloppy that you glazed over the fact that Alfred Nobel was motivated to creating the Nobel Prize after his invention of dynamite killed his brother.


8 million kroner is a lot of money not gonna lie


Ima win a Nobel prize and throw it away


Linus Pauling also won the Nobel Prize in two categories...

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

hi, sir I wanna win a noble prize , this is my childhood dream. how can i achieve this?


The prize stopped having any meaning the second they gave Obama one for "thinking: about peace" Had not done anything.... what a laugh....


i want noble price i am too stupid :(

我想要诺贝尔奖,但我太笨了 :(

Idk if Tesla received one, but he should for discovering AC electricity


News Question: Why there is no nobel prize for mathematics?


How to win a nobel prize. Write a book. Literature...? Don't forget we are a category too?


Heisenberg's Nobel Prize acceptance speech: "Stay out of my territory."


I thought they had to be swedish, and then there's one norwegian on the current board?


Other reasons for giving the Peace Prize to Norway is: maybe to relieve Nobel's bad conscience for creating dynamite, which already in his lifetime was being used for non-peaceful purposes. Also, by the time of Nobel's death Norway was already becoming involved in efforts to solve international conflicts. Both of which are thought to have possibly influenced Nobel's decision.


In future, the committee will consist of AI system.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Just want to answer the question on why the peace price committee is norwegians; it´s because at the time they started this award, Norway and Sweeden was in a unx and Alfred Nobel wanted Norway to decide who got to get the peace price. Nobody knows why he wanted Norway to decide who got the price.


So is the money given away apart of the money that was set aside by Nobel?


So they did all of that just to fulfil one man’s will


A lot of you need to stop comparing the Nobel Peace Prize to the others. No one takes that seriously.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

I found out that if I fart really hard I can make my ears pop. Can I get a Nobel Prize?


Befriend media moguls and you get the peace prize.


Wtf y n tesla didn't get Nobel prize!


wouldn't the probability of winning the nobel prize be miniscule in science due to several theories that sound similar? how can one get their theory to be somewhat believable by the nobel community ?


Quit using Facebook and all other shits of the Internet and you will have better chance of wining Nobel.


Of course I care for Nobel Prize it includes 1 million $,a medal and a diploma.


The nObEl prize should go to Harry Osborn from Spider-Man


Jury of European, American , Countries is not fair. If I am in Jury of nobel prize , I have given nobel prize after death also. So nobel prize for making IP address , connecting them, telecommunication scientists for bringing digital world & digital revolution, through which entire world is connected through internet, can be accessed anytime anywhere which is not possible in Television Technology.


Norway got the peace price because of the "Swedish militaristic traditions". This was before Sweden became one of the most peaceful nations (at the time Sweden was considerd one of the most militaristic nations in Europe).


95% won by : British+USA German French Italy Swedish


Me the 10th class student who want to win Nobel on physics .. just remember my name one day I will


they gave nobel peace prize for Obama


i am gonna win a noble prize for discovering something new or saving some girl from terrorist.


I think my dad and one of his friends should win a Nobel Peace Prize because they saved a few people’s lives and he saved them from drowning in a river and if him and one other person hadn’t helped than it would pretty be a 0% chance of survival for those people drowning they did not know how to swim at all and they just wanted to be in the shallow part of the river near the shore but they weren’t really aware or their surroundings and because of that they went to far away from shore and without the help of my dad and one of his friends that whole entire group of people who were a family would of died.


if I don't get a Nobel prize after watching your video I'm going to sue your ass


I'm a pretty peaceful person, but I don't do nearly enough to earn the Peace prize. If I did though, I'd use the prize money to pay for vaccines and education for people in the 3rd world

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

are these prizes awarded with swedish tax-payers money?


I like how 90% of comments just simply state: 'Obama won one'. At the time he was talking a good talk about taking on climate change and, as a more concrete action, began the New START (the nuclear disarmament treaty with Russia). There is no denying that reducing the nuclear weapons in the world is a great step for peace, however I do think it was premature to give him the award. He went on to give the go ahead to the largest use of drone strikes ever. All that said, the peace prize is pretty important even if it has its hiccups, in my opinion. The science awards even moreso because it brings great achievements to light and sparks interest in them. To say that they are worthless is very shortsighted.


Remember when that german old lady had a history of sneaking prisioners out of nazi camps yet lost the peace nobel prize to obama ? god that was hilarious, what was her name again ?


Has anyone ever won a Nobel Prize after they died?


Why there is no biology

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

"[...], because we had to build the largest atom smasher in the world!" Yeah, you Americans spent a billion dollars digging a hole for one and spent another billion filling it back up again. It was the Europeans who built it.


But 'Nobel peace prize' is different than other "Nobel Prize". Some people can get 'Nobel peace prize' for doing nothing. Such as Barak Obama. Nobel Prize is one of Greatest Award for Scientists. But personally I don't value Nobel peace prize.


I can Guarantee most of the people complaining about the Noble Prize having no meaning anymore , don’t even have a degree of any kind.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

In the near future Nobel Prizes will be announced. As usual the Western media will do great propaganda for the Nobel Prizes. In reality this Prize is rather a circular-network oriented Prize and more often many exceptional people are overlooked, though a few deserving people do receive this Prize. Also to give this Prize a degree of credibility a Chinese scientist (they have technically no Nobel Prize winners who are working in the Mainland) Tu Youyou was given a Nobel Prize for mediocre work and work without any major utility.Though indeed Jewish origin scientists are helping China in science and even helping them write papers. Every major Israeli University has a campus in China! Also it is not unusual for the Nobel Prizes not to be awarded to the original discover and the Prize handed over to people who re-invented the wheel! Example the original discoverer of RNA interference Sir David Charles Baulcombe was overlooked for this Prize.


be the president after Bush or Trump


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