2024-05-29 CError102 6228

Anger is mounting in India towards the owners and operators of an unlicensed children’s hospital that burned down in Delhi over the weekend, killing seven newborn babies and leaving families struggling to identify their remains.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Some of the babies killed in the fire were so young that they had not even been named yet, and families of the victims told The Independent that they had no way of telling apart the burned bodies, with any identifying documentation also destroyed in the blaze.


Police told The Independent that the fire likely started with an electrical short-circuit before rapidly spreading after several oxygen cylinders exploded. The chief doctor and owner of the Baby Care New Born Child Hospital, which did not have an active fire safety licence, fire extinguishers or a fire escape, have been arrested.

警方告诉独立报记者大火可能源于电线短路,然后随着几个氧气瓶泄露爆炸后,大火迅速蔓延。 这家新生婴儿医院没有有效的消防安全许可证,灭火器或者逃生通道。该家医院的所有者和主治医生已被逮捕。

Most of the victims’ remains were taken to the city’s Guru Teg Bahadur Hospital, where The Independent met the family of 15-day-old Ruhi.

大部分遇难者遗体被送往该市的古鲁-泰格-巴哈杜尔医院,《独立报》在那里见到了仅出生 15 天的鲁希(Ruhi)的家人。

She had only a mild fever when she was admitted to the private hospital, and the family were told she should be kept under observation for 48 hours, her aunt Vineeta Kumari said. The morning she was due to be discharged, Ruhi’s family woke up to the news that a fire had gutted the hospital and killed seven babies.

她的姨妈维内塔-库马里(Vineeta Kumari)说,她被送进私立医院时只有轻微发烧,家人被告知要对她进行 48 小时的观察。就在她即将出院的那天早上,鲁希(Ruhi)的家人一觉醒来,就听到医院被大火烧毁、七名婴儿丧生的消息。

It took Ruhi’s family the whole of Sunday to confirm that their child was among the casualties.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

“We read about the fire in the newspaper,” said Ms Kumari, 25, who was yet to receive the charred remains of her niece more than 24 hours later. “They are doing her postmortem.”

25 岁的库马里女士说:“我们在报纸上看到了火灾的消息,24 个多小时后,她还没有收到侄女烧焦的遗体。他们正在对她进行尸检。”

“We ran from hospital to police station to the neonatal centre where the survivors had been taken to find out about our baby. But all the paperwork was burnt and there was no way to identify her as the body parts were largely turned to ash,” she says.


“None of the afflicted families were informed by the hospital. We all learnt it through the media or secondary sources.”


Deputy police commissioner Surendra Chaudhary told The Independent that the two-storey hospital was operating without a valid licence. Investigators found burst oxygen cylinders which they believe caused an explosion that quickly spread the blaze.

警察局副局长 Surendra Chaudhary( Surendra Chaudhary) 告诉《独立报》,这家两层楼的医院是在没有有效执照的情况下运营的。调查人员发现了爆裂的氧气瓶,他们认为是这些氧气瓶引起了爆炸,导致大火迅速蔓延。

Ravi Gupta, 54, who lives two streets away from the hospital, was preparing to go to bed when he heard the blast.

54 岁的拉维-古普塔(Ravi Gupta)住在离医院两条街远的地方,听到爆炸声时他正准备上床睡觉。

“We rushed out of our homes to see the hospital was on fire. Someone said there were children at the back of the building. Everyone was scared to go as they feared more blasts inside the hospital. Delhi Fire Services and police were yet to arrive,” he said.


Mr Gupta and four other men from the neighbourhood broke a window and pulled out some of the babies, saving at least four.


“We helped a guy jump in and he was able to pull out four babies right away. We wrapped them in sheets and they were immediately taken to another hospital. He found another baby later,” he said.


“After 15-20 minutes someone said there were a total of 11 children inside. Our friend jumped in again and got six babies out, but none of them was crying. A doctor from the neighbourhood found a heartbeat in one of them but it was weak. And by the time we took it to the hospital it was too late.”

“过了 15-20 分钟,有人说里面一共有 11 个孩子。我们的朋友又跳了进去,救出了 6 个婴儿,但他们都没有哭。邻居的一名医生发现其中一个婴儿有心跳,但很微弱。当我们把他们送到医院时,已经太晚了”。

One of the babies who died was the newborn son of Vinod Kumar Sharma, 35.

其中一名死亡婴儿是 35 岁的维诺德-库马尔-夏尔马(Vinod Kumar Sharma)的儿子。

“How will I tell my wife, who is still in hospital, that we have lost our child again,” he said, waiting outside the mortuary to receive the body.


The child, yet to be named, was born a year after Mr Sharma and his wife had a stillbirth. He was delivered at around 5am on Saturday in the city of Meerut, about 100km from Delhi, and was brought to New Born Baby Care Hospital by 10.30am.

孩子还未命名,是在夏尔马先生和妻子死产一年后出生的。孩子于周六凌晨 5 点左右在距离德里约 100 公里的米拉特市出生,上午 10 点 30 分被送到新生儿护理医院。

“He just had a high fever and the doctor advised to have him admitted in a hospital in Delhi,” Mr Sharma said, struggling to hold back tears.


“My sister went to see the baby in the afternoon and all was well. In the evening, I visited the doctor who said the baby was doing fine and they should be able to discharge him within a day.”


At night, he received a call from a staffer at the hospital saying there was a fire.


“They didn’t even mention there were blasts,” Mr Sharma said. “They just suggested that we should go and check on the baby. When I went there, the entire building was ablaze and nobody would tell me anything.”


“We were looking for the baby all day yesterday. How will you identify your half-burnt newborn whom you have not held peacefully even once? The authorities told me only four babies had survived and mine wasn’t among them.”

“我们昨天一整天都在找孩子。你怎么辨认你那半身烧焦的新生儿? 你甚至都没有安安静静地抱过他一次?当局告诉我只有四个婴儿活了下来,而我的孩子却不在其中”

His wife is recuperating from caesarean surgery in a Meerut hospital. “She does not know that the baby is no more. She keeps on asking about our child, but we do not know what to tell her,” he said.

他的妻子正在 米拉特(Meerut) 一家医院进行剖腹产手术后的休养。“她不知道孩子已经没了。她一直在问我们孩子的情况,但我们不知道该怎么告诉她,"他说。
原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Anzar Chaudhary, 40, lost his 12-day-old daughter in the fire. He had named her Fatima.

40 岁的 Anzar Chaudhary 在火灾中失去了他 12 天大的女儿。他给女儿取名法蒂玛。

“I visited her everyday. She had hair like mine,” he said, standing outside the burnt hospital.


“I buried her yesterday.”


“I am here now to meet the other families whose happiness was cut short like mine, so we can together ask for justice,” he says. “I want the strictest punishment for all the individuals responsible for this catastrophe and all those who abandoned the babies.”


Police have arrested the hospital’s owner, Dr Naveen Khichi, on charges of culpable homicide not amounting to murder.

警方以过失杀人罪逮捕了医院老板纳文-奇奇(Naveen Khichi)医生。

The hospital’s licence, which was expired, allowed for a maximum of five beds but there were 12 newborns admitted in the hospital when the fire started, according to the preliminary investigation.

据初步调查,该医院的许可证已过期,最多只能提供 5 张病床,但火灾发生时,医院共收治了 12 名新生儿。

Delhi’s government has ordered a magisterial inquiry into the incident and announced free treatment for the injured.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

The state’s chief minister, Arvind Kejriwal, has described the fire as “heartbreaking” and said the “causes of the incident are being investigated and whoever is responsible for this negligence will not be spared”.

该州首席部长阿尔温德-凯杰里瓦尔(Arvind Kejriwal)称这场火灾 “令人心碎”,并表示 “正在调查事件原因,无论谁要对这一疏忽负责,都不会被放过”。

The office of prime minister Narendra Modi has announced compensation of Rs 200,000 (£1,881) to the kin of each of the seven deceased children.

总理纳伦德拉-莫迪的办公室宣布向七名遇难儿童的亲属每人赔偿 20 万卢比(1881 英镑约合人民币17476元)。

“The fire tragedy at a hospital in Delhi is heartrending. My thoughts are with the bereaved families in this incredibly difficult time,” Mr Modi said in a statement.


“I pray that those injured recover at the earliest.”


Mr Sharma, however, is furious with the government’s response. “I will give you 10 times the compensation if you return my baby to me as he was,” he says.



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