2024-05-29 热心小哥 4962
The problem of tuition and student loans for American college students is complex and extensive. Here are some key points:


High tuition: College tuition in the United States is very high, especially for private universities and out-of-state students. Tuition at private colleges, for example, can run into the tens of thousands of dollars a year, and state universities can charge nearly as much for out-of-state students.


Student Loans: Because tuition is expensive, many students rely on loans to pay for their education. Federal student loans (such as Stafford loans) and private student loans are the main sources. Loan interest rates are relatively high, and many students graduate with heavy debt.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Loan repayment stress: Student loan repayments are a significant burden, with many graduates taking years or even decades to repay their loans. Some people are putting off life plans such as buying a property or getting married because of high debt.

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Loan Forgiveness Policies: There has been increasing discussion about student loan forgiveness in recent years. The government and some political figures (such as Bernie Sanders) have advocated partial or full forgiveness of student loans to ease the financial pressure on graduates.


Systemic problems: The high cost of education and student loan issues reflect systemic problems in the U.S. higher education system, including unequal distribution of educational resources, dependence on tuition and endowments for education funding, and the disconnect between education and career development.


Overall, the high cost of college tuition and student loans in the United States have become a major socio-economic issue, affecting the lives and future development of many young people.


My coworkers asked me "So you think student loans should be forgiven?" I said college shouldn't have been that expensive in the first place


It should be free like every other country in the world.


In Greece universities are free. Only colleges need to get paid for.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

yeah, while education should indeed be a human right, not a privilege, under the current socio-economic system we're going to be kept just smart enough to work, no more and no less.


So in order to get to a free university, you first have to pay for college? LOL

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

No. Whoever didn't write well in the last high school year of exams don't get into any university. Everyone else goes to a normal 4 year college or a 2 year community college, but you have to pay for it. Community colleges are like €80-100pm which is very cheap and yet again everyone can afford it. That's how it works in Greece.


"...colelge shouldn't have been that exepnsive..." Collgee wasn't that exepnsive, to begin with. Roll back the double-digit annual incerases 70 years and ask why it was so chaep. Subisdize something, and there will always be "raesons" found to make it more expnesive.


$70B for free college: "That's to expensive. We can't afford that."
$840B for the 2023 US Military budget: "No need to discuss, are you sure you don't want more?"


bitter truth my friend, there's no difference between Democrats and Republicans.


And that's $70B at the current, bloated capitalist version of higher education. It could be far leaner than that without a profit motive in place.


I really get the argument about the military industrial complex it should be discussed but on the other hand of it do you know how many jobs people have because of it it's pretty much like 10% of the middle class maybe more


and can't we simply fund research that doesn't need wars anyway like fund more medicine ideas


I graduated HS in the mid 90s and I remember my government teacher telling us about how Sweden gave their students free college. We were shocked at that, of course asked why and he told us it’s because the government recognized that if they educated their population, they had a higher quality of potential workers to employ, meaning they would get good jobs with good pay and be able to pay back into the economy through taxes and purchase power. It’s seemed so straightforward at the time…and still does. The problem is we would need a government who actually wanted better for a majority of its population, not just the wealthy at the top of the heap.


It doesn’t, Swedens work environment is insanely better than the US, 70% of the workforce is unxized, etc, quality of life across the board is higher in most statistics


Look into how many educated/ skilled workers the US must import, now imagine if more Americans qualified for those highly compensated and developing roles.


Sweden beats the US in every important category for life happiness. Don't forget their citizens can also speak multiple languages, while some Americans can barely speak English haha.


In addition to that not happening in Sweden, what you’re describing is already the norm in the US and has been for decades lMao


While true to a certain extent, it is not really through taxes but through stimulating the economy. Taxes don't fund government programmes.


I know now that many more countries operate like this. At the time, I was 18 and just starting to learn of world politics. It still frustrates me that for all the American exceptionalism in the U.S. very little of it is actually exceptional. I mean, other than our military budget.


It's not red vs blue it's the one percent vs you vote third party or write in none of the above f the 2 party duopoly


Tuition free anyways, material and living remain, but still. In my state here in Sweden there’s a 12 month cap on healthcare fees (with exceptions like dental and preventative healthcare). That cap is 1200 sek out of pocket, after that care is free at point of use. Sometimes I wonder if we wouldn’t save money making it entirely free since admin costs.


that’s still extremely more affordable than anything here in the U.S.

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Swedes are not xenophobic of Muslims. Some may not like them but that's just like some Americans don't like blacks, or Asians, or Latinos. I used to date a Swede and have been to Stockholm 6 times. I was there when Swedes were having a protest, in favor of helping Muslims more.


"America is not a real country, it's just a collection of corporate interests"


I’m fucking saying it dude .... that guys name is code for unx .

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

And student loan forgiveness is just one
More bail out for those corporations.


you’re on it! we need socialism. Put them all to work!


"I'm living in America, and in America, you're on your own. America's not a country. It's just a business. Now fucking pay me."


Saying that we shouldn't forgive current college graduates student loan debt since it would be unfair for previous college graduates that have already paid off their student loan debt is like saying we shouldn't find a cure for a disease people face today because people in the past died from that disease. Also, how can a country that spends close to a trillion dollars on it's military budget every single year be against spending a fraction of that amount to forgive student loans just once?


Boomers: Can't afford college? Just get a part-time summer job. You'll even have enough left over to buy a house!


out of touch with current reality, im telling you


Literally what I've been told by older people


boomers are probably the most entitled generation considering how much progress the international proletarian movement made for the benefit of the workers i.e. our grandparents


It's especially frustrating when considering that professors, even full-time, tenured ones (very much the minority), get paid relatively poorly for their contributions. The highest paid professor in my field in all the universities I was at was about $200k, and that's only after about 50 years of work, about 200 peer-reviewed publications, patents, and millions in grant funding across industry and academics. Most full-time professors start at about $50k - $60k which is horrible for the unique expertise they bring, the hours they work, and what they contribute to every industry and humanity. Meanwhile, for example, high managers in insurance companies and financial institutions, which are largely counterproductive and directly harmful industries, are compensated much more.


There's always a shortage of doctors, teachers, public defenders, etc. All jobs that help uplift poor communities and the shortage of which exclusively benefits the rich. All jobs which demand an increasingly expensive higher education. This is not a coincidence.


Of course, everything bad in America starts with Reagan, well most of everything. Just gives me another reason as to why he is overrated and was one of Americas worst presidents.


The same as thatcher in the UK. Boris and trump were very similar and would appear to be an easy answer to the question who was the worst but their incompetence limited the damage.
Thatcher and Reagan (or his administration) were capable ideologues who's actions are reverberating still and the root of most of the shitstorm we are reaping now




It's always goes back to those two. If its a conservative/neoliberal troll that has doomed or harmed x,y,z. Then you have a safe bet in saying, "Wait is it Reagan or Thatcher?" and being right close to 50% of the time.


The GOP in 5 decades were the worst thing to happen, especially Reaganomics.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

I've seen people even in somewhat left-leaning spaces spreading the argument that "college is a scam" and talking like the only reason to go to college is just to get a good job, which is really upsetting to me. As someone who was raised in a conservative Christian bubble for the first 18 years of my life, going to college was a life-changing experience for me that allowed me to finally ask the questions I'd always wanted to ask, meet different kinds of people, and explore different worldviews. I'm a dirt poor English teacher now, and I've been asked on multiple occasions what the "point" of studying literature is. So many people have been brainwashed by our hyper-capitalist society that they have forgotten to value education for education's sake; if you can't justify something with a monetary payoff, then it's "worthless." That's why even though I myself don't believe college is necessarily for everyone, and I do support students wanting to learn a trade, I will always push back against anyone who argues that you shouldn't go to college or that it's a worthless experience. The issue is not that people are being sold a worthless product; the issue is that education is inherently valuable and should be free to everyone, period.


Our society has been so transformed by the capitalist idea of living that every must have an inherent productive value i.e IT or Engineering that the classical arts have really been lost to modern society. Speaking as a history major, that is a damn shame since with all the major political events over the past decade or so, we could really use more knowledge gained from those millenia old arts.


I dropped out of high school because I valued education for education's sake. I was teaching myself better than the school was. Most of my teachers were too busy helping my functionally illiterate classmates. My poor public school was never about educating, just making sure it kept students to receive more funding than the private school in my city. It was all about standardized testing. The lessons were monotonous and not in any teacher's control. I was a good student before high school but after discovering the systematic failures, historical propaganda, and having to answer really long drawn out math questions about talking pineapples I couldn't take it seriously anymore.

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​It was a joke and the adults in my lives were also jokes incapable of taking control of a seriously pathetic excuse for "education". There was much that I learned during that time but it was done through great teachers talking to me after class, nothing involving the class itself. I seriously respect your comment, but it is a scam. Why should I trust higher education when everyone involved in it is so full of shit? Why should I overload myself with debt that I wouldn't be able to pay for decades? I want to pursue education. I desperately want to leave this country forever because of it.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

But your comment is the point: the problem is that public schools are underfunded, teachers are overpaid and overworked, and tuition costs for higher education are way too high. Unfortunately so many people seem to be taking the attitude that people should just not go to college at all because it's worthless, but that's not a good answer. That's exactly what the conservatives and Christian nationalists want: to make higher education inaccessible for most of the public so that they stay ignorant and keep voting against their interests, and to privatize education for everyone else so they can keep their rich white kids in a conservative Christian brainwashing bubble their whole lives. I happened to be lucky enough to go to a good college, and it made me who I am today in so many ways.


​I discovered joys, knowledge, people and experiences I may never have been exposed to otherwise. Honestly it scares me to think of what kind of person I would have turned out to be without that experience. I understand how your experience was very different though, and that makes me sad, because I think everyone should be able to enjoy the value of a GOOD education. If this country would just learn to value education for it's own sake rather than treating it just as a tedious step on the way to getting a job, maybe we would actually invest in trying to provide a good education for everyone. That may be a pipe dream, but I don't care, I will always advocate for that over dropping out of the system entirely.


I understand what the tactic behind leaving it as awful as it is. That's why I don't want to be involved in it. If even the system itself is complicit, I cannot win either way. I have grown a very strong hatred towards the institutions altogether, as I have no tolerance for ineffective systems. I would blow my brains out if I had myself stuck somewhere I have so much ire for. I almost did in high school. If it weren't for dogs I would have. I live in PA and the university of PA allows its faculty to use low income students as advertisements with their consent.

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Despite this they have managed to completely exaggerate some of their student's lives. Implying they were poor when they were most definitely not. Why would I involve myself with such disgusting filth who thinks they can use my life experience to further their career? It's so rotten I would rather just leave. It's a lost cause.


College today is a scam. Any benefit is far outweighed by the financial grifting. There are other ways to get educated now. I would like to see a college system that isn't a scam, but - capitalism.


I said, there's other ways to educate yourself without supporting the fascists or the grifters. Sometimes you have to let go of the old ways. College isn't sacred.


What other ways? The internet? How many people are going to voluntarily seek out an education that way? How will they know what they don't know? Also they will not get the same sort of experience as being at a school with other students from different backgrounds. The experiences that changed me in college went far beyond just what I learned in classroom lectures. I agree that the way the education system is currently set up is a massive grift, and I also agree that not everyone is suited to college. But I'll never, ever, ever argue in favor of giving up on higher education, because as I see it that is giving the anti-intellectual Christian fascists exactly what they want. They are already succeeding at destroying education way more than they should; we should fight to make things better, not surrender to them.


I'm realizing now that "get good grades and scholarships will let you go to any college you want practically free" was a lie that my parents fell for and just parroted my way since they came from a time where college was affordable. Game was rigged from the start


It's not a lie. It more like your parents just didn't know you doing all that would at best get you a lottery ticket chance to maybe become part of the ruling class.


Spawn trap my dude. It's just too good


I'll tell you one thing, professors SURE AS FUCK don't see that money


teachers deserve at least 10 times their current pay. They are literally raising and educating the next generations. They put a ton of work every single year. They deserve the best we can give.


also innovation is basically capped by speed of learning (and lifespan)


not just that, but they also act as bullet sponges to protect their students


My physics professor just bought a Tesla Roadster... At 78. With a subsidy from our state for f


cool, is your prof tenured? cause most profs who aren't are NAWT making bank.


I think he is. Also YT ate like half of that comment. It was supposed to mention a state subsidy for low carbon emission vehicles and the fact that he's been saving up for that vehicle for as long as the company making them has existed.


One thing I almost never hear people talk about when it comes to college costs and student debt is the way it plays into coercive recruiting strategies used by the US military. As a current college student in a state school, I get regular texts to my personal phone from military recruitment offices offering to pay of any loans I have and cover the rest of my tuition. Additionally many state colleges have checks to make sure any men of draft age are entered into sextive service, especially if they are applying for loans or aid; and I’m sure you have all seen ads featuring young, attractive members of the military taking about all the things the military has allowed them to do and learn for free.


Almost signed up years ago for solely this reason.


I remember when the student loan forgiveness bill was in the news some republican politician gave the game away a bit, saying that making higher education more available would negatively impact military recruitment. The people in power in this country know what they’re doing and know that what regular people usually consider “faults in the system” actually benefit the ruling class quite a lot.


The military is not even an option for most people who have to take out student loans, considering that over 80% of all Americans ages 17-24 are ineligible to join. Getting into the military today can be more difficult than getting accepted into a prestigious university because of the strict medical screening process.


Iirc, you gotta add yourself to the list of potential draftees just to complete your FAFSA. Which is necessary unless you can afford to completely pay for the entirety of college out of pocket.


It's not that bad.. and if you tell them to take you off their call list they are legally obligated to do so. The sextive service is still an obligation though.
I have a different take on these things than most of y'all here in the comments, but I am still sympathetic to the fact we all need good education and healthcare.. still think that in exchange being on a draft list isn't that big of a deal. Shit would have hit the fan if they actually started the draft again and it's likely in the best interest of society at that point.. the government still remembers the protests and riots during Vietnam.. also having more people with teeth in the game actually helps keep Americans out of war.


Today with drones and a volunteer military less people actually care about what we do.. oh yeah I forgot about the private military contractors on top of that. I'd say we end PMC's and make service in the reserves mandatory.. then we would probably never have a repeat of the war on terror. I don't see the US getting rid of drones but have more oversight/restrictions placed on them.


Average recruitment age is still 17-24 and I've seen stats saying at least 50% of new recruits joined primarily because the military pays your tuition. Doesn't really matter whether or not it's hard to get the benefits, the benefits are still the main reason people sign up, and they wouldn't need to do that if this country cared about educating everybody instead of just the people who can afford it.


I saw a report recently that the military is considering loosening some of their health requirements to pump up recruitment.


I am surprised that nobody has brought up the free college tuition New Mexico citizens receive (thats a state in America). Anyone who has not received a college education can get upto a Bachelors degree at either UNM or CNM or wherever so long as you're a NM citizen. I am one and I completed my full 4 year degree + minor, I have no student loan debt. In fact New Mexico is one of the most progressive states while also being one of the poorest in the nation, so how come we can afford to do this? HMM.. really makes you think :)


Haha yeah there are alot more new yorker and texan license plates here in abq than ever. Not to mention NM state law gives free paid maternity leave and free childcare/support. The richest states say they could never give a hand out, we're people and a community is stronger if they stand together.


Dammit I knew I should have taken that left turn at Abq.....


my state college fits that descxtion, and you know what? It's more than a year of my salary to get a bachelor's degree. I'm currently having to live under a family member's roof so I can save the 40k to attend college. If a bachelor's degree cost, say, 20k. I'd be able to get my degree without borrowing. So yes, the direct problem is people are being suckered into taking out loans to have a roof over there head and food in their belly, but the reason they're taking the loans out is exactly because college is so pricey. And I'm in what's considered a "good" job. If I'm having problems getting through college at 14 bucks an hour, I can't imagine what it would be like at minimum wage.


I study in Germany (because I live here) and I pay roughly 200€ per semester. This includes being able to use public transport as much as I like in my city, since student cards function as tickets as well.


I'm studying software engineering at a community college in Greece and I pay €80pm. Still nothing tho. It's quite cheap.



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I say to people who live in European countries “always be grateful that you live in a country that cares about the people. I’m living a nightmare here in USA. Never take things for granted.”


Europe isn't all equal you know. There's the relatively rich (in a capitalist way, of course) core, and a bunch of peripheral countries kept for providing cheap labor force and markets. Eastern Europe was deliberately turned into a third-world dump since the destruction of the socialist bloc in Europe.


i live in Macedonia and funny thing is, the right wing party dropped the price for college from 400 euros per semester to 200 euros (and if you're in the top 10% of the accepted students you pay 100 euros per semester and the 10 highest ranked students can attend for free, if you perform bad you can drop to 200 euros tuition). Everyone get's free public transport (i'm not sure about students from private uni), if your parents earn minimum wage you will get free dorm room + 1/2 of the tuition price. It's not perfect but for not so developed country it's good.


Transportation is not included in any metric in American education debt or anything else for that matter our debt is assuming you’ll be naked , starved , walking , un sheltered , healthcare untreated , or wait oh they just don’t what most of us to go


Yeah, decommunization needs to get rid of what's still left from the inhumane Soviet system, like healthcare, education, science and industry So much to privatize, so little time...


Very eye-opening. Thanks for sharing.


I went to a school where the place I worked was falling apart but the stadium was up to par no matter what. Also they paid 9.25 an hour for three years to everybody but finally made it 10.00 an hour due to low employment. I question if going to college was right for me and don’t get me started on a job in my field


As someone in a private college rn, I beyond agree. My college has asbestos in the music room's sound panels but would rather give the president a key to the city and put 22 million in a new football stadium that even the teachers think is a waste. I'm paying 200k for this? Atleast the food and people are better than back home


I'm a diesel mechanic and I got a few points on the bit on vocational training. Most people who work in the trades don't go to trade school. We usually get an apprenticeship and get on the job training. 60% of diesel mechanics wash out within 2 years. During those 2 years you probably won't make more than 15 an hour depending on where you work. The average pay for a diesel mechanic is around 35k a year because it includes the oil changers who just started and that is the majority of diesel mechanics. I imagine it's the same for welders.


It was the same for welders. I still made less money than some of those older guys made digging ditches as teens...


You know what is interesting ️ I work as a ballet dancer and teacher and my education and first 2 years in my feild sound very similar to yours .
I have a trade certification in teaching and the equivalent of BA from my trade program. Im suprised to know we have so much in common when it come to our work lives lol, pretty interesting ️


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I'm an enterprise software developer with absolutely no passion for enterprise software development. I'm actually really into metalworking, specifically TIG welding, 3D printing and CNC machining, which I do as a hobby in my spare time. However, where I live (the Baltics in Eastern Europe), people who work in material production earn peanuts, even when we're talking about relatively complex specializations like welding or CNC, so I'm stuck in IT because of the money (unless I consider moving to a country of the capitalist core, that is). Funny enough, I know a dude who's an excellent TIG welder, hates his job and desperately wants to learn programming, but can't afford it and doesn't have the time.
So thanks a lot to capitalism for making the majority of people hate their jobs - I mean, life shouldn't be all sunshine and butterflies, ya just gotta have some suffering, right?


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Fuck that sucks. I was doing out of frx overhauls on 15L engines for 17 an hour because I didn't have any proper certifications and the dealership I worked for wouldn't pay for me to get them and they cost like 6k to get done. Luckily where I am now pays for them.


100% I know 3-4 welders who went to vocational school and all make at least 80k a year some over 100k


In the diesel world the guys who went to tech school make the same as guys who didn't when they start out. Most places only care about OEM and ASE certifications. The company I work for wants ASE, Cummins, and PACCAR certs. They couldn't care less if you went to Lincoln Tech, UTI or whatever tech school. Tech schools are pretty useless from what I've noticed anyways


I'm actually a diesel mechanic myself I work in the fleet field though I'm not going to go tooting my own horn here but I do very well for myself with 8 years of experience now as you said the problem with those statistics are they count very low level jobs in those estimates like oil changers and what not


not only should all colleges be 100% free in fact students should literally receive free room and board while attending.


Honestly, learning stuff should be treated as a job. After all, those students will go on to do useful things with their knowledge. Why should they be punished for making society better?


An lot college force u to stay on campus ur 1st year got make sure they make that money lol


There’s no way free room and board gets abused by people who don’t really care about the education anyway, no chance


that's ok. Housing should be free because we're not fucking barbarians


so what?


I disagree with that second part. Dorms should be paid for.


I'm thinking we should just fulfill every other want and need while we're at it. Happiness is a right, not a privilege. I'm sure someone will be happy to step up and pay. Someone else, I mean.


id be fine with duplicating the Scandinavian countries which have been judged as the happiest countries/people on Earth.


Maybe they're happy that they're not the U.S., lol. Then if the U.S. duplicated them they might stop being happy.


Education is power. The price of higher education is atrocious compared to European countries where college is either affordable or free.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

This reads mostly as criticism of the elite nature of higher education and an appeal to "meritocracy". I think part of what this video is trying to communicate is that the narrative of meritocracy is a tool the elite use to justify their control and to reproduce their elite status. I can agree that the metrics of merit have evolved, in part to recuperate other critiques of US education such as racial inequality across all levels. However, whatever the metric, meritocracy still fundamentally serves to naturalize hierarchy and inequality and justify control of the majority by the elite class.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

meritocracy isn't the problem with america or even capitalism. It's the nepotism and zero consequence actions the elite get to domineer. A world without meritocracy is a world with more nepotism, not less.


I'm saying non-elite/affluent/wealthy/whatever students don't know which opportunities are needed to thrive. You can't just tell people to "work hard" or "strive" when those words are extremely ill defined in this context. But thanks for missing the point.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

There's an alternative universe where Reagan didn't ruin everything


The universe where John Hinckley Jr. didn’t miss.


And where even you have a girlfriend


Yet many americans still adore reagan just because he was "charismatic"


​ Its okay if your hurt buddy.


"Say the line Bart!" - sigh "Capitalism ruins everything."


Isn't every institution a business, and almost every supposed socialist a capitalist? Who isn't primarily grubbing for more capital? The vocabulary used may be different, but they all seem to play the same game. I'm not seeing any socialists taking a vow of poverty.


No, it isn't.


Socialism is not a vow of poverty though.


most socialists don't need to, the capitalist class is such a small minority of people and they take almost all of the pie. You won't be a socialist if you're bezos, you can't become bezos if you're socialist. If you're referring to the Social Democrats like Bernie or AOC, they still believe in some kind of capitalism, they believe it can be made moral through social policy. I personnel disagree, but I likely wouldn't get a job in Congress


Which is exactly what neo-liberalism/Reaganomics or what ever you want to call it does. Treating everything like a business and it's bad for everyone except shareholders.


I referred to the capitalist class to explain a reason why most people do not need to be in unlivable poverty to be relatively extremely poor. As the plurality of human wealth has been taken by them.


The book "Fall of the faculty"
Covers the deliberate take over of higher education by capitalism very well.
Spoiler. Even if student loans were 100% forgiven. The higher education system is unilaterally run by out of touch rich people looking to protect their status and privileges.


原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Greed. It's always greed. And our inability to stand up for ourselves.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Fun fact:
Public universities in Brazil, a pretry poor country, are completely free. The only way to join one is by taking the test "Enem", and students from public high school only compete with people from public high school. People that studied in private high schools compete only with themselves.


this is one of the most infuriating things I've ever heard, if there's a hell Raegan's in the 9th circle


"An educated proletariat? That's dynamite!"


I'm glad I live in a country where I can get into college for free


Which one?


Taxes must be higher in that country.


Greece has one of the highest unemployments in Europe kinda odd.


true. It's also much more sextive in Greece than in the US. Mostly only those who, well, actually have academic aptitude are urged to attend.
It's very different from the US, where colleges offer remedial math/English courses (so anyone can get started), and student loans are handed out like candy.


I went to MSU in KY. Ronald Eaglin was campus president then. He got from the school two homes and a car for his wife. Being a poor area, students depended on their refund checks to survive. The campus began rebuilding projects while "coincidentally" making students wait longer for skimpier refund checks. First, you had to wait till orientation day, then halfway through the semester, then at the end of the semester, then the next semester. And, no, apologists, I am not talking about special situations. Nearly the whole student body at those times. We were told it was like that "everywhere" but that of course was not true. Eaglin left under a gray cloud. MSU was a cheap school but had higher additional costs in a very poor area. I was on my own. I walked away with over a hundred thousand in debt. Now with interest (Stafford Loans), I owe over 200K.


jeese what a terrible story about American "higher ed". I hope you can find a way to deal with frickin terrible debts. This is no way that a country which wants its children to succeed in life should work. Plus, I can't even believe that they didn't teach you that MSU is in Michigan not KY- that alone should be enough to discharge your debt due to rank incompetence.


MSU was Morehead State University. It resides in Rowan County, KY. It was established in 1896 as a Normal School meaning teaching school before it expanded. Lol


At least all that extra money you spent was unilaterally used by a carde of already wealthy administrators on nonsense that in no way benefitted you.


huh huh he said "more head" huh huh huh

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

LOL the broken record is a troll. But I get what you mean, I'm actually fairly close to that college. I hate how its basically expected for you to go there after high school. I did try going a different route during the pandemic. It did confirm that I just don't like college, not that I found the classes hard. At least not in subject, it was more trying to extend the subject beyond a page. Basically it was high school but this time they wanted more pages vs quality.

哈哈哈,broken record是个喷子。但我明白你的意思,我实际上离那所大学很近。我讨厌它基本上期望你在高中毕业后去那里。疫情期间我确实尝试了不同的路线。这确实证实了我只是不喜欢大学,而不是我觉得课程很难。至少不是在学科上,更多的是试图将学科扩展到一页之外。基本上它是高中,但这次他们要更多的页面而不是质量。

severe skill issue


I think you forget what the US army provides which education doesn’t.. ie reserve currency status, trade system adoption/reinforcement, ability to export culture, patent protections, etc.
Like seriously, a US without the army does not have the global status it enjoys. Yes that means a continual import of skills/educated folk.. if you flip it around it’s not that there won’t be wealth.. it just won’t be as dominating which, from outside, appears to be a fate that dismays many.
Kinda funny me as every lead country always seem to have this in their culture.. the Dutch and the British who were in this position too..


Biggest mistake of my life was going to college. But, I got dumped in poverty in KY in the 90s. I had no prospects anymore but go there or else be homeless. I got stuck there for 8 years.


Yeah, and for me I did have financial help but I am not someone that can move mountains. Sure, give me time on a good topic and I can give some good content. I dropped after the first semester because I just got tired. Of course I'm not going to dump everything here but it did boil down to differences in interests.


It’s almost an expensive in Canada, damn neoliberalism


I don't want to sound like a stereotype but being in my early 30s and holding a virtually useless bachelor's with a short time in the National Guard (to help pay for my college) I have been baffled, absolutely baffled by how blatant the strong arming is with the US college system. There's a million things wrong with it and it's wild so little is ever done about it but the thing that blows my mind the most and infuriates me the most is how textbooks have been used to control both students and professors alike EVEN NOW in this virtual age. Thanks for this video. Just a shame it won't do a whole lot of good because those that will listen, can't do anything about it, and those who need to listen won't.


I used to work with a professor who reviewed and sexted textbooks for our department. The cost of each one of those textbooks surprised me, especially when I saw how little information was in them, compared to older books in the college library.


The fact that the poor get punished and are forced to serve in the military to kill other poor innocent people just to get crap benefits for college that doesn’t cover everything just makes me not want to have a family here. I’m 21 and I’m not going to college or have a family here. I’ll try my luck in Europe or even Canada. I just pray for the families who are affected by this vicious system in America.


one of my favorite psych professors made us buy his published text for our courses but I later went on to learn he had to write and publish a book as a requirement for his own career trajectory and used us students buying his book as a means of paying off the cost of doing it all. It was a vicious cycle. He was about as caught up in the puppetry as us students were.


Have faith, friend. The tide is turning. The ones who listen are not so powerless anymore.


Why dont you want every students go to college?
Simple government answer:-everyone doesn't deserve to to think..


Tip for anyone applying to college: go to a “U” school. State schools are almost always cheaper and provide great quality education. If you want to do research go for PhD instead of masters because you get a higher level diploma and get paid.


It is absurd that here in the USA gambling debt is bankruptable but federal student loan debt is not. Biden's recent changes did not go far enough. I volunteered to campaign for Bernie Sanders for President in 2016 and 2020. Bernie as US president would have made more progress than Biden.


Even better Bernie would have gotten rid of student loan all together


bernie probably would have tried, but given the built-in impediments to progress its debatable whether he could have translated much of his programme into reality


I agree Biden didn't go far enough, but any progress is better than none at this point. Let's not let perfect get in the way of better.


the State would have prevented bernie from even getting to that stage, like it did. It looks like we are beginning to exhaust all peaceful options...


Bernie's plan was and still is the best that there is to fix the problem.


The "what ifs" of life are always debatable. My guess is that Bernie as president would have succeeded in pressuring congress to reverse the bankruptcy laws back to what they were in the mid-1970s when federal student loan debt was bankruptable. Complete student loan forgiveness for all and making all public colleges and universities tuition free would probably have not passed in the US senate. Bernie's plan was and still is the best that there is to fix the problem.


As a college student this topic always makes me furious! The idea that capitalist greed and systemic hatred prevents people from receiving the education they deserve drives me insane.


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