2024-05-31 大号儿童 12561

As Japan scrambles to save the collapsing Yen, Yellen has warned that any intervention has to be rare, limited and must be consulted with the US. We'll go through why the US dollar has to stay strong to prop up the US economy. On the flip side, a stronger dollar is causing manufacturers to hurt, contrary to the narrative of helping exports through a weaker local currency. Here's what you must know!


原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

With friends like the Americans, who needs enemies?


The US is telling everybody not to save their currency while they can just print unlimited money


Japan is never free from the US.


japan has to ask daddy america how to lead their own country. How pathetic is that?

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

The two bombs that was dropped on Japan blew the two balls away.


US to its allies: "Don't run away! You have to get into the water with us."


Just like an addict, Japan needs to hit absolute rock bottom before they can let go of their US addiction and recover.


Japan is a very loyal poodle but they are not allowed to sit on the sofa.


To be America's friend is fatal indeed.


Japan is also facing a crisis regarding the decline of the average population. Needless to say, with the falling currency of their country and the collar of their "ally" it really is a dying country.


Japan is a joke. So the equivalent japan “FED” bank has to set interest rate independent of its JPN government but must ask permission from America to do anything on its currency and interest rate to prop
Ip the dollar and American economy??? Hahahah


Japan and Germany have no balls against U.S


Lapdog of Southeast Asia: The Phillipines. Lapdog of Northeast Asia: Japan, with South Korea a close second


America wants to live like a Lord and the rest of the world to pay for it


USA can try delay its economic failure but, cant stop it?


The USD is the "reserve currency of the world" - except for the over 100 places/countries that are banned from SWIFT, COMEX, etc..

美元是“世界储备货币” - 除了被禁止使用SWIFT、COMEX等逾100个地方/国家外。

This is extra funny as Japan has performed endless interventions on behest of the US, neither rare nor limited with expected results of Krugman-mania.


Who noticed that satisfying smile on his face when he spoke about US bank failing?

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Japan and Germany are 2 American colonies directly ruled by America

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Down,down, down goes the USA economy down the toilet.
What a wonderful thing to watch, and I hope granny Yellen has her pension plans intact

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Japan is a colony of the US. The US should rename Japan as Jalapeno so as to make it more western sounding and easier for the Americans to pronounce the name of their 51st state. Similarly, to rename South Korea and incorporate it as their 52nd state and Germany as their 53rd state. The Philippines will soon be the 54th state.

日本是美国的殖民地。美国应该将日本重新命名为Jalapeno,使其听起来更西方化,也更方便美国人念出他们第 51 个州的名字。同样,将韩国改名为第 52 个州,将德国改名为第 53 个州。菲律宾很快就会成为第 54 个州。

It's crazy how many countries the US are involved with


If you want to know the relationship between Japan and USA just take out the 'o' from BoJ.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

lMao Japan learning that adopted dad isn't as forgiving as its real dad.


The fact that the US house of debt has not already collapsed is mind boggling


When Japan had to beg the master for permission to intervene into the market to save the Yen, you know who the culprit is.


This is indeed a problem. This is why the world needs to have several reserve currency. The USD is basically a trojan horse for the rest of the world. Everytime there is an economic crisis, the U.S always props up their economy at the expense of the rest of world by using the USD.


Japan should grow a backbone and till the YANKS where to go.


Because Japan is a close ally of the US, it must protect the interest of the US at all cost. That was what Janet Yellen meant. But Japan has no qualms committing harakiri to save the US dollars.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Oh my God, what's wrong. Has the United States of America run out of steam. You play your cards like China the Great. Not aggressively, but with love and peace.


When the tide went out, it was seen that many swimmers had no swimwear.


Japan accepted the way of the west. To be an obedient colony.


You all know that the USA has military bases in Japan and Germany, right?


You really believe that Yellen doesn't know beforehand of Japan's currency intervention?
This is orchestrated, after intervention, US needs to come out and say something.
Why didn't Yellen warn Japan against intervention when they announced prior hand that they will react at a specific level?

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Japan is truly as loyal as Hachiko. The largest foreign holder of US bonds it is basically providing funds for America's spending but they are not even allowed to eat or pee without America's permission.


All this fooling around with that funny money called the US$ is getting ridiculous. Sovereign countries should just move away from it once and for all.


The power of each nation to control its own currency is vital to the economic welfare of that country. Switching Europe to the EU is a disaster for smaller nations who have become unable to protect their own vital industries against larger economic predators by imposing sextive tariffs on their specific local market sectors. This issue is magnified and puts other countries at great economic disadvantage by the problem of having the USD as the world reserve currency which the US has now weaponized in its policy of economic warfare.


Sounds like Japan needs to de-dollarize.


Japan’s stepdad, Uncle Sam is losing his mind.


I see Japan knocking on Brics door and saying "Let me in " !


US debt acceleration is crazy. Soon it will entrr stagflation .

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Yup, Japan product is cheaper now, if only SONY keep their factory and HQ in Japan.


How come the US has never had a coup d'état?
Because there is no american embassy there

为什么美国从来没有发生过政变? 因为那里没有美国大使馆。

Japan, such a faith of a US dog. Can't never disobey its master.


How is the inflation supposed to drop when (1) the US keep printing the currency (2) borrowing (3) inflation is not due to consumer spending.


Japan should close down the USA military bases there .
Cut the relationship


Japan is 100 percent a U.S. colony. We have massive military presence, we dictate there currency, we control who their
Friends are . The same is true for
Germany. Different parameters, but same levels of control . It always amazes me that people don’t connect military bases in a country with the concept of colonial occupation. I am surprised we don’t have an “ overseas colonial department “ oh wait that would be the State Department.


Joe : I need a turkey for Thanksgiving. Our European turkey farm is running out of stock.
Yellen : Okay boss, I will serve our Japanese turkey.
Joe : Get some extra cranberry sauce too.
Yellen : ErHMM...okay boss, we have cranberry
orchard in East Asia too. Which do you like, boss, Korean or Tiewanese?
Joe : Try korean


Japan is lucky to get away from that with only a soft warning. How dare you to put your own interest over your master's? LoL


New systems are needed in the world


3.5% inflation is more like 35%

3.5% 的通货膨胀更像是35%。

Soon everybody will not listen to Grandma Yellen as USD will soon be like toilet paper, useful only for the butt.


Its queezy to hear that the samurai militant nation of Japan must beg its "Yakuza" boss in America for permission to prop up the yen

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Maybe Japan can start producing 500+ sunscreen. And export it to the west. I have a funny feeling that it will be needed

也许日本可以开始生产SPF 500+的防晒霜,然后出口到西方。我有一种有趣的预感,那会有需求。

The japanese prime minister literally went to USA to ask for permission.
Yellen did not get the memo

日本首相确实去了美国请求许可。 耶伦好像没有收到备忘录。

When Japan is sinking fast and still need US permission to stop the sinking. WTF?


I really wish that everybody everywhere sneak away from that US dollar thing . I think it has a bad smell .


The big question apart from flexing its muscle as a colonial master is that why is US so sensitive to Japan's move to defend its currency? My suspicion is that the USD is a house of cards, it is pushed up by hype and smoke and any small move by outsiders can lead to a collapse of the $.

除了作为殖民主义大师展示实力以外,另一个重要问题是,为什么美国对日本捍卫其货币的举动如此敏感? 我怀疑美元是一座纸牌屋,被炒作和虚假烟雾支撑着,任何外部的微小动向都可能导致美元崩溃。

The Japanese economy is down and people have no job but one japanese industry is still doing well, the p o r n industry with many willing actors & actresses. They are paying for the sins of their forefathers.

日本经济不景气,人们失业,但有一个日本产业仍然蓬勃发展,那就是成人影视行业,有许多愿意出演的男演员和女演员。 他们在为祖先的罪孽付出代价。

I once thought that the Japanese were an intelligent, methodical people ️


Big trouble when the share market tank, deflation sets in, interest rates need to be reduced to prop it up again, mounting deficits spendings need replenishing bonds sales, no takers because of reduced rates and inflation rare its ugly head again. All these to happen in real time.


Japan could join brics+ to protect itself.


US does things for itself. They do not have the concept of win-win. Japan should not bother to ask for permission from the US to intervene in their own currency. Do it first and ask for forgiveness later.


Isn't foreign ownership of US bonds only about 3% of them? 97% are owned by US entities like pension funds, right? Why should Yellen care about Japan's efforts to save itself, even if Japan's struggle is doomed? It is time for Japan to understand that its best ally is actually Russia, but Japan is a US colony and an occupied archipelago. Big events are coming!


My Gosh... Don't the Japanese ever lose face at being told what to do about their own currency?

天哪... 日本人难道不会因为被告知如何处理自己的货币而丢脸吗?

Japan has no choice to sell Dollars and save their currency.
The HEGEMON is angry and has warned Japan not to sell Dollars.

日本别无选择,只能抛售美元来挽救他们的货币。 霸权国家生气了,并警告日本不要抛售美元。
原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Having the dominant currency is like owning the goose that lays the golden egg. What nobody sees is that the beast shits all over your lawn. Your neighbors complain about the stench. It upset everyone. I don't know why any country would want that.


If I have it right then if all of those US banks go bust and the govt covers 100% of the deposits then that is roughly the equivalent of about 3 months of interest accruing to the US national debt.


Very good Analysis, to be Analyst. Definitely Japan do know U.S. is exporting Inflation at Japan . While Japan is exporting goods to earn dollars but dollar have no more futures . Better to safeguard Yen . But Janet yellen threatening Japan yen quickly response mean Japan Yen Tumble mean Masters is masters after all .


They raised margin limits to short precious metals as they could not afford a break of $2400 and $30. Kicking the can down the road


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