2024-05-31 rx78meng 13765

You pretty much nailed it at the end. the affordability and competence. what more do you need out of a for a workhorse.


Thanks for viewing right to the end, sir


@EurasiaNaval I think the ship's anti-sub capability is also limited, given that it can only carry a small copter.

@EurasiaNaval 我认为这艘船的反潜能力也很有限,因为它只能携带一架小型直升机。

The ship itself actually quite stellar C4I and information processing facilities. Back in the mid-2000s when 052D didn't exist and 052Cs are rare. 054As often take the role of the flagship during excercise leading much largest ships such as the Sovremenny

该舰本身实际上拥有相当出色的 C4I 和信息处理设施。早在2000年代中期,当时052D还不存在,052C也很少见。 054在演习中经常扮演旗舰的角色,领导许多更大的舰艇,例如现代级

Nobody else on the planet can pump out cutting-edge modern warships like China. They sometimes launch 3 in one go!


Gigantic industries


Not very hard when you copy a French made LaFayette without asking to license it and that included some of the systems. I would be more impressed if they actually did something original like Russia.


@rickjames18 in Militry industrial non esist copyright, first all. And second,USA is copying 055, and many others tech Chinese, like DRONE DAJIANG…respect !

@rickjames18 首先,在军工领域不存在版权问题。其次,美国也在模仿055等许多中国技术,比如大疆无人机……尊重!

Helps when you have no labor laws and a slave workforce.


@xupaolo3820 that was 200 years ago sunshine. You’re doing it in the 21st Century.

@xupaolo3820 那是 200 年前的事情了。而你是在21世纪这样做的。

I have never heard anyone call it mini aegis...its a medium size frigate that has regional air defense capability, also anti ship, anti submarine capability, over all a nice frigate. I dont think the radar is particularity capable, that is also the reason why on the export version for pakistan, the ship's radar has been upgraded with AESA radar, since pakistan is going treat this ship as a sort of capital ship role but for china its just a frigate.


Yeah, I do agree that it has a perfect balance between capabilities and cost for mass produce vessels but if you call it a mini-aegis you might as well call any frigate designed in the 21st century a mini-aegis since any new frigate these days always comes with an integrated combat network system with common data lix like that.


China is building new ships from the keel up in less than three years. This is impressive.


An interesting video would be the large number of CCG Chinese Coast Guard large and medium sized patrol ships.
They mostly have either a helicopter pad or a landing pad and full hanger facilities. As well as 76mm and 30mm guns, heavy machine guns etc, plus space reserved for anti submarine torpedo tubes/small SAM launchers/military grade radars,sonars,communication, navigation and electronic warfare countermeasure systems etc.
The various classes of ocean going vessels, including the 2 x 575 feet long and 10,000 tons patrol ships, the Type 718, Type 818, etc are all built in quite large numbers (6/8/10/12+ vessels in each class).
The whole force of combat capable ships is bigger than the majority of other country's actual naval forces and would be very useful to the PLA Navy in a conflict.
I believe that 1,200-1,400 CCG coastguard vessels, and also 800 x MSA maritime safety administration vessels are in service, most of them are smaller coastguard and inshore patrol and support boats but several hundred large and medium sized armed craft are capable of actively supporting the PLA Navy in anti submarine and patrol/surveillance etc roles.
A video of these ships would be very interesting to see in my opinion.


Thanks for your insightful comment and suggestion. I will note this, although as always I make no promises at this stage. The key area about the CCG cutters that I am not informed about is to what extent they are designed for emergency load outs of ASCMs and medium and long-range SAMs if the need arise. ASCMs should require less time for fitting out than long range SAMs, but in a conflict this is a lot of time needed unless the ships are designed to accommodate these. My impression is that a more plausible use of CCG vessels is anti-submarine, mine countermeasure, or mine laying. They don't even need to be armed, but just need stern sonars (which should be easily fitted) and helicopter capacity. These are refits that can be done fairly quickly I believe.


Great channel growth. Was here when you had 80 something subs and enjoyed it so I stuck around. Can't wait for more!

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Thanks for your viewing my dude


Can’t wait to see the 054B frigate.


Some say the 76mm gun can intercept sea skimmers. In fact the Russian gun on which it's based on managed to knock out a AT-2 Swatter ATGM stimulating a Harpoon.


Interesting - that must be a very good fire control radar if this is the case

有趣 - 如果是这样的话,那一定是一个非常好的火控雷达

@EurasiaNaval Also Without doubt all new 054A hulls will be fitted with YJ-12. Question is how many of the existing hulls will be retrofitted. Seems like the HQ-16 is much more capable than the Russian BUK that came with the Sovremenny.

@EurasiaNaval 同样毫无疑问所有新的 054A 船体都将配备 YJ-12。问题是有多少现有船体将被改造。看起来 HQ-16 比“现代”号附带的俄罗斯 BUK 能力更强。

@nostradamus2642 Agree they should fit the new hulls with something other than the YJ-83 imo - it can be the YJ-12. That said, the PLAN frigates are intended for medium ranged air defence, so the striking power may not be priority. There's is ofc no comparison with the original Buk on the Sovremenny class, which are single-arm launchers, and the HQ-16A.

@nostradamus2642 我同意他们应该在新舰艇上安装除YJ-83之外的其他武器,我认为可以考虑YJ-12导弹。不过,中国海军护卫舰主要用于中程防空,因此打击能力可能不是首要考虑的。毋庸置疑,苏维埃级“先锋”舰上原始的布克导弹系统与HQ-16A系统无法相提并论,前者是单管发射装置,而后者是多管发射系统。

The total cost of type 54A is around 340 million dollars
China offer this type of frigate to Thailand for 1 billion dollars for 3 Type 54 frigate

Type 54A护卫舰的总成本约为3.4亿美元。
中国向泰国提供3艘Type 54护卫舰的报价为10亿美元。

That included weapons and also service contract.


They will even throw in 1000 sailors and 10000 soldiers as a free gift!


Price isn't cost


Price MUST include weapons and 10 years warranty!!!
Freedom everyone

价格必须包括武器和 10 年保修!

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

That why it’s very much more practical to have China type 54A than to pay double or even triple even its not as advance to China ships as a workhorse.

这就是为什么选择中国的Type 54A护卫舰要比支付两倍甚至三倍的费用更为实际,即使它并不像中国的舰艇那样先进,但作为一种实用的驮马,它仍然是一个不错的选择。

No, but 054B most certainly can be called a 'mini' Aegis.

不,但 054B 无疑可以被称为“迷你”宙斯盾。
原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Bergamini is the king of all frigates


The video you showed is 054AP, an export to Pakistan version, not 054A, 054AP is bigger, better radar and heavier armed than 054A.


Part of the video is the Type 54ap, as you say, but most of the video still shows the Type 54A. In my opinion, this is close enough.

视频中的一部分是您所说的Type 54AP,但大部分视频仍然展示的是Type 54A。在我看来,这已经足够接近了。

Type 054A/P Cost $350 Million per Unit.

054A/P 型每艘成本 3.5 亿美元。

thank you️

谢谢 ️ ️

13:30 that's not a 54A pictured here, looks like the 54 (no VLS) .. ?


Quite possibly. I can't remember the context for that image, but as this is one of my earliest videos, mistakes will be made


They're built by China but belong to the Algerian Navy, Adhafer-class corvette.


Well done China.






Not sure why he is comparing 54A to the Aegis Arleigh Burke?? The latter should be compared to the 52D/055 instead. Not cool since 54A isn't in the same class as the Aegis.


My intention is to justify the nickname 'mini Aegis'


@EurasiaNaval OK. Got it. Thanks.

@EurasiaNaval 好的。知道了。谢谢。

@EurasiaNaval I thought the "mini Aegis" means the 4 fixed small fire control phased arrays on the new batch of 054A.

@EurasiaNaval 我以为“迷你宙斯盾”是指新一批054A上的4个固定小型火控相控阵。

Better to just call it "LaFayette 2 or A". Anyone who knows what I mean will know.


@rickjames18 it's like calling the f35 a yak 141 or get this... A ddg-x destroyer, a Chinese type 055....duh

@rickjames18 这就好比将F35称为雅克141或者更离谱的例子,把DDG-X驱逐舰称为中国055一样... 唉。

@k.k.c8670 Well, the Chinese navy is young and western countries have no need to copy there own tech/designs, quite the contrary. As for the F35, it could be said to have some Yak141 ideas but still a far different platform. Doesn't even remotely resemble the Yak. J20 on the other hand has some stolen F35 data incorporated. The DDG(X) design is not even done/known so not sure how that would make any sense. Well, it just doesn't and is silly to imply. The Type 54A is LITERALLY a LaFayette copy. That is not me making things up, it is a literal fact. China purchased LaFayette from France and started to copy it at first without permission. Then they got permission from France and stopped paying for the license. They also copied some of the onboard systems. Again, facts you and anyone else can easily look up.

@k.k.c8670 恰恰相反,中国海军年轻,西方国家无需复制自己的技术/设计。至于F35,可以说它有一些Yak141的想法,但仍然是一个截然不同的平台。甚至远非Yak的相似。另一方面,J20则融入了一些Q取的F35数据。至于DDG(X)设计,甚至还没有完成/被公知,所以不确定这样做是否有任何意义。嗯,这根本没有意义,暗示这一点是愚蠢的。Type 54A简直就是LaFayette的复制品。这不是我在凭空捏造,这是一个事实。中国从法国购买了LaFayette,起初未经许可就开始复制它。后来他们得到了法国的许可,停止了支付许可费。他们还复制了一些舰载系统。这些都是你和其他人可以轻松查证的事实。

@rickjames18 nah.. First of all, you sextively pick bits of 'info' here and there to support the narrative you prefer. Regarding the f35, It is said that the Americans stole the design of the Yak 141, especially in regard to the vertical takeoff. But hey, I can't 100% vouch for that. Just like you say the j20 stole from f35. Have you even taken a look at a j20 next to an f35? They look nothing alike in addition to one being a single engine plane and the other a twin engined! One has canards and one doesn't! You say as if planes are like Legos than can be put together in such ways. Lol. In regard to Lafayette, are you sure you are not thinking of Taiwan!? The Plan does not use that but sure, the original type 054 could have taken some some elements as inspiration just like all ships take clues from others. Not the same as copying! You do know that the type 54 is a significantly larger Frigate, right? You surely do know that the 54A and now the 54B are very very different from the original 54? In fact, the ddgx (the USN has come up with some drawings) look far more similar to the type 055 than the type 54 looking like a Lafayette or a j20 looking like an f35. You have to calm down your obviously dismissal of China, bordering on hatred. Chill

@rickjames18 嗯,首先,你在这里有选择性地挑选一些“信息”来支持你偏爱的叙述。关于F35,据说美国人窃取了Yak 141的设计,特别是在垂直起降方面。但嘿,我无法百分之百担保这一点。就像你说J20窃取了F35一样。你有没有拿J20和F35相比过?它们看起来完全不同,一个是单发飞机,另一个是双发飞机!一个有鸭翼,一个没有!你说得好像飞机就像乐高积木一样可以这样组装。哈哈。至于LaFayette,你确定你不是想到了台湾吗?该计划并没有使用那个,但当然,最初的054型可能确实从中汲取了一些灵感,就像所有舰船都从其他舰船中汲取线索一样。这并不等同于抄袭!你知道054型是一艘明显更大的护卫舰,对吧?你肯定知道054A现在的54B与最初的54有很大不同吧?事实上,DDGX(美国海军已经有了一些图纸)看起来更像055型而不是54型看起来像LaFayette或J20看起来像F35。你必须冷静下来,显然你对中国的态度太过轻视,边缘化到了仇恨的地步。冷静点吧。

Mic drop...


Its frigate... Cant compares with destroyer.
Compare destroyer with destroyer


原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

comparing a ship with mica sam equivalent then compared it with shio with aster 30. then call it cheap

将一艘装备有MICA SAM系统的舰船与一艘装备有Aster 30系统的舰船进行比较,然后称其为廉价

It's a reasonable critique


Make a comparison video on type 54 A vs ins Kolkata


I am working on a vid of the Kolkata right now. I could include a comparison in there.


@EurasiaNaval ok bro

@EurasiaNaval 好的兄弟

Gd dmn xx ads

Gd dmn XX功广告

Oh damn!


it's only got 32 missiles with the range of about 40km-50km, so not an impressive air defence ship. The ESSM has an effective range of about 50km-60km and they can be quad packed into a much smaller space

它只有32枚导弹,射程约为40公里至50公里,所以不是一艘令人印象深刻的防空舰。 ESSM 的有效射程约为 50 公里至 60 公里,并且可以将四颗装入更小的空间中
原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

The performance of a missile doesn't fully depend on range. For example, HQ-16 is all altitude anti air missile that it can intercept target at around 18km altitude while ESSM can't even reach anywhere near. Besides, the new HQ-16B has around 70km range and guided by 4 fixed fire control AESA on new batch of 054A.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

HQ-16 is actually about the same size as a SM-2 rather than a Essm. The range of HQ-16A is about 40Km, the range of HQ-16B is about 70Km. The extension of range is due to the guidance system of the two are different. 16A is semi-active while 16B is semi/active.


I think that the 054A will also be able to operate quad packed SAM.

我认为 054A 也将能四联装 SAM。

@dadidadida123 ESSM have maximum firing range about 80km

@dadidadida123 ESSM最大射程约80公里

This is literally a French made LaFayette copy that China copied and then the France asked them to pay for the license to copy. China did at first but then stopped paying. China is still upgrading the copy but now people know why this Frigate looked so similar at first. Yes, the CCP also copied some of the systems.


Ricky , literally noone cares. Give it a rest.


​ @troutstalker4744 l actually agree with you and finally some one who l found in the comment section that actually has a functioning brain for once.

​ @trooutstalker4744 我实际上同意你的观点,最后我在评论部分发现了一个真正拥有正常大脑的人。

It's tiny compared to the Europeans. Why do the Chinese want this ship?

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

This video is actually genuinely underated and damm and this is actually the actual real China that the actual American and British BBC propaganda mainstream media actually don't show you is actually really like and actually capable of actually doing and damm and


很赞 16