2024-05-31 大号儿童 4884

Patrick S
The Ancient Romans were known for their engineering prowess, and their ability to build bridges without modern equipment is truly impressive. One of the key techniques they used to construct bridges over rivers was the cofferdam method.


Cofferdams were temporary enclosures built in water to create a dry work environment for construction. The Romans would first drive wooden or metal piles into the riverbed to form a perimeter, then fill the area within the enclosure with soil, rocks, or other materials to displace the water. Once the water was pumped out or diverted, workers could build the bridge’s foundation and supports on dry land.


To ensure the cofferdam was watertight, the Romans used a combination of clay, sand, and other natural materials to seal any gaps or leaks. They also employed skilled laborers who were experienced in working underwater to inspect and repair the structure as needed.


In addition to cofferdams, the Romans utilized innovative tools and techniques to aid in bridge construction. They developed complex systems of pulleys, cranes, and scaffolding to transport materials and workers across the river. Stone-cutting tools allowed them to shape and fit stones with precision, creating strong and durable bridge foundations.


Furthermore, the Romans were masters of arch construction, a design element that became synonymous with Roman architecture. By using a series of stone blocks or bricks arranged in a curved formation, they could distribute the weight of the bridge evenly and support heavy loads. This architectural innovation made Roman bridges not only functional but also aesthetically pleasing.


It is important to note that while the Romans did not have modern diving equipment, they did have skilled divers who played a crucial role in bridge construction. These divers would descend into the river to inspect the foundation, remove debris, and assist in the placement of underwater structures. Their expertise was essential in ensuring the stability and longevity of the bridges.


Terry Singleton
Don't think diving equipment is needed but driving equipment as in pile driving to install the bridge base support certainly is. I don't know the answer but perhaps Vitruvius may mention it in his work of architecture or possibly Julius Frontinus may have something to say.


Midrac / Danny M.
I like the text, but, I’m astonished that in the whole text you not once mention the real secret/ingredient which assured that a lot of Roman buildings, bridges and other constructions are still standing today: opus caementicium or in plain E’glish: Roman concrete.

我喜欢这段文字,但我很惊讶的是你在整个文章中竟然一次都没有提到确保许多古罗马建筑、桥梁和其他结构至今仍屹立不倒的真正秘密/要素:opus caementicium,或者用简单的英语说就是古罗马混凝土。

Paul Mentzer
In the same ways we do today, without diving equipment. You do NOT need Diving Equipment to build a bridge and except for inspections rarely used even today,


First way was to determine where the pier was going to be, then build up mud and stone wall around that area by dumping stones and mud where you want that barrier to be (You can expedite this system by using boats full of mud and sink them where you want the wall, a another method is to use two sets of logs to contain the mud, the logs hammered directly into the river bed). Once the pier site is surrounded by a wall, you use pumps (Romans would use Archimedes Screws) to remove the mud and any mud at the bottom on the river to get to the bedrock, then built like you were on dry land, for you will be. Once that pier is finished, you move the mud and stone wall around the area of the next pier. Slow work but effective.


A sawwecond method was just drop the stone for the pier onto the river bottom using lumber to guide the stone so they fit on top of another. Enough Weight to push down the mud and build up from that point.


A third method was to divert the river, so the river bed is dry, build the bridge over the dry riverbed. then divert the river back to the original river bed, i.e. under the new bridge. A variation of this is to build the bridge over half of the river, the half that is dry, then the other half when you divert the river to the finished half. This is mostly done with rivers whose flows vary widely, during the dry season some river’s flow are less then a quarter of what it is during the wet season.


As I said, most of these techniques are done today for they are effective. We use steel instead of wood to hold up the temporary coffer dams around the piers but that is about all when it comes to the actual techniques used to be able to build a bridge pier.


Basil Edward
I believe the Armies of today us a similar method as the Romans
These were called pontoon bridges. depending on the size and speed of the stream they would put small bots side by side and planks over top. depending how serious the were they could use it and move it or use it to build a stronger permanent bridge.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Errr… who needs diving equipement to build a roman bridge?
Remember that the Romans did not build the Golden Gate, they built river bridges in favorable spots and this usually in summer where the water was shallow and the current not too strong


The Ancient Romans were known for their engineering prowess, and their construction of bridges was no exception. When building bridges in rivers without the aid of diving equipment, the Romans used a variety of techniques to support the construction process and ensure the bridge's stability. Here are some common methods they employed:


Cofferdams: Romans often used cofferdams, which are temporary enclosures built in water to create a dry work environment. By pumping out the water from within the cofferdam, workers could excavate the riverbed, lay foundations, and construct bridge supports without being submerged.


Pile Driving: Romans used pile driving to create foundations for their bridges. Wooden piles were driven into the riverbed using large hammers or trip hammers powered by animals or humans. This method allowed them to create a stable foundation for the bridge without needing to dive underwater.


Pontoon Bridges: In some cases, the Romans would build pontoon bridges as temporary structures to facilitate the construction of permanent bridges. Pontoon bridges are essentially floating bridges made of anchored boats or floating platforms. These could be used as a temporary crossing for construction materials and workers until the permanent bridge was completed.


Caissons: Romans also used caissons, which are watertight structures used in bridge construction to create a dry working environment underwater. By sinking a caisson to the riverbed and pumping out the water, workers could excavate the riverbed and build the bridge supports without diving.


Divers: While the Romans did not have sophisticated diving equipment like we do today, they did employ divers for certain tasks. These divers would often be equipped with basic tools like weighted baskets to collect debris from the riverbed or inspect the construction progress underwater.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Overall, the Romans were able to build bridges in rivers without diving equipment by utilizing a combination of innovative engineering techniques, temporary structures, and skilled labor to create stable foundations and support structures for their bridges.


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