2024-06-01 大号儿童 9057

Dahyun Kim
I agree with most of the contributors here especially on nationalism and elderly behavior. But I want to add couple of points..


-Too Many Cults - I don’t know why but Korea seems to have disproportionate number. With cults you get all kinds of loonies and scandals. I absolutely despise these cults, and religion in general. A lot of the churches in both Korea and the US actually have characteristics of a cult. It’s very dangerous and sad at the same time. These people could be putting their time and money into something more productive instead of enriching these shady pastors.

过多的邪教 - 我不知道为什么,但韩国似乎有着不成比例的数量。有了邪教,就会出现各种各样的疯子和丑闻。我非常鄙视这些邪教,以及宗教本身。韩国和美国的许多教堂实际上都具有邪教的特征。这是非常危险和令人悲哀的。这些人本可以把他们的时间和金钱投入到更有成效的事情上,而不是让这些可疑的牧师变得更加富有。

-Stubbornness and Narrow Mind - Especially true with older people. They are very much set in their ways. They are unwilling or incapable of accepting other people’s opinions or criticism. Disagreement is taken as an offense. This makes them so difficult to get work with. I generally try to have nothing to do with them.

固执和心胸狭窄 - 尤其是老年人。他们非常固执己见。他们不愿意或不能接受他人的意见或批评。不同意被视为一种冒犯。这使得与他们合作非常困难。我通常尽量避免与他们打交道。

-Temper Issues - Some Koreans, not all, are extremely hot-headed. They can explode at any moment and become incredibly confrontational. Some will even throw tantrums in public which can be embarrassing and very shocking. Lot of Koreans don’t know how to deal with such aggression so they suffer in silence.

脾气问题 - 一些韩国人,而不是所有人,性情非常暴躁。他们随时可能爆发,并且会变得非常好斗。有些人甚至会在公共场合发脾气,这可能令人尴尬和非常震惊。许多韩国人不知道如何应对这种攻击性,所以他们只能默默忍受。

-Extreme Attachment to National Identity - Koreans are way more nationalistic than Japanese or Chinese. Everything that a Korean does reflects on the entire Korean race especially when they are abroad. That’s why when a Korean achieves something remarkable a lot of Koreans take extreme pride even though they have nothing to gain from this individual’s success. Conversely, when a Korean does something embarrassing in front of a foreigner it’s a national shame. They even have word for it 나라망신.

对国家认同的极端依恋 - 韩国人比日本人或中国人更具民族主义色彩。韩国人所做的一切都会反映在整个韩国民族身上,尤其是当他们在国外时。这就是为什么当一个韩国人取得了非凡的成就时,许多韩国人会感到极度自豪,即使他们从这个个人的成功中没有获益。相反,当一个韩国人在外国人面前做出令人尴尬的事情时,这是全国的耻辱。他们甚至有一个词来形容这种情况,叫做"나라망신"。(丢脸丢到家了)

-Extremely Conservative - On the outside Korean culture may seem very progressive and liberal due to kpop, fashion and American influence. The reality is Korean culture is still very deeply conservative in their ways. People’s dreams and desires are often repressed so that they can fulfill the expectations society or their parents have for them. In contrast China is the opposite. It looks conservative on the outside but it’s actually very liberal closeup. A lot more people take risks in China and they are more straightforward about pursuing their needs and desires.

极端保守 - 从外表看,韩国文化可能由于韩流、时尚和美国的影响而显得非常进步和自由。然而,现实是韩国文化在很多方面仍然非常保守。人们的梦想和欲望经常被压抑,以便他们能够实现社会或父母对他们的期望。相比之下,中国则相反。中国在外表上看起来保守,但实际上在近距离看是非常自由的。在中国,更多的人冒险,并且他们更直接地追求自己的需求和欲望。

-White Worship - Although it seems to be improving, Koreans regard too highly of western countries and look down on dark people. They uate countries by GDP or some bullshit index. It’s ridiculous. They should go watch some Nomad Capitalist videos to see how it really is in these countries. Unfortunately the Chinese also have this syndrome to an even more extreme extent.

崇拜白人 - 尽管情况似乎在改善,韩国人过分崇尚西方国家,并瞧不起黑人。他们用国内生产总值或一些无聊的指标来评价国家。这太荒谬了。他们应该去看一些游牧资本家的视频,看看这些国家的真实情况。不幸的是,中国人也有这种综合症,甚至更加极端。

-Lack of Creativity - Like their fellow East Asian neighbors Koreans aren’t a creative bunch. And it’s not difficult to see why. Their education system focuses way too much on rote memorization and not enough on developing critical thinking skills. Knowing certain historical dates is meaningless when you can just look it up Google now.

缺乏创造力 - 和他们东亚邻国一样,韩国人不是一个富有创造力的群体。这并不难理解。他们的教育体系过于注重死记硬背,而不够注重培养批判性思维能力。当你现在可以在谷歌上查找某些历史日期时,知道某些历史日期是毫无意义的。

-Extremely Formal and Rigid Social Norms - Koreans are too serious sometimes. Everyone must carry themselves impeccably in their manners and speech. Faux pas are a no no. If you do something strange they will shun you or look at you like you’re a weirdo. This dynamic is the reason why Korea has one of the highest suicide rates in the world. Conformity is forced on the people.
I can go and on but I will stop here.

非常正式和僵化的社会规范 - 韩国人有时候太过严肃。每个人在举止和言谈上都必须表现得无懈可击。失态是不允许的。如果你做了一些奇怪的事情,他们会避开你,或者看着你就像你是个怪人。这种动态是韩国拥有世界上最高自杀率之一的原因。整个社会强加了一种一致性。我可以继续说下去,但我就到此为止。

Mike Walker
“On the outside Korean culture may seem very progressive and liberal due to kpop, fashion and American influence. The reality is Korean culture is still very deeply conservative in their ways.” Thank you for saying this. I am constantly explaining to people what they see in a music video by Got7 or BlackPink is not reality for Korea, or most Koreans.


Jimin Oh
There’s nothing wrong with being conservative, in fact in countries like South Korea it creates more progress. There’s a reason South Korea went from war-torn to one of the world’s most advanced nations in 70 years, and a large reason attributes to how close-knit Koreans are as a nation. I’m happy to see that American beliefs and politics are contemned by the rest of the world, as it creates nothing but division.


E Jung
I love my country at the same time there are too many things that need fixing.
First, Koreans are very witty people.
They will know if you are a slow minded person, and will take advantage over
you. Their kindness is often very deceptive and will lure you
into getting scammed. Note that Korea is a country with
one of the highest number of frauds in the world.


原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Second, too many cults. You walk down the street, often
strangers will walk up to you and ask you random questions.
They are trying to lure you into their cult.
If you are in Korea and get into this situation just ignore and walk away.
I can go on but I prefer writing short answers, so I will end here.


Brian Dean
Taking a huge risk here. I am not Korean but this is what I have seen and heard:
Everybody travels to visit family during holdays and almost no one likes it. They are happy to see relatives but the women end up working the whole holiday, cooking and stuff. Always and only the women. The men, usually men, end up driving through terrible traffic to make the trips.
They don’t like it but they can’t stop.
They also know the university entrance exam, aand all the preparation for it, is bad. People commit suicide over their scores. Preparation is hideously expensive and bad for the student’s health.
They don’t like it, but they can’t stop.
I’m sure there are more things but these are easy for me to mention.


Dan Kim
boundary issues - asking personal questions
overt praising - when dealing with Koreans, you’ll hear constant praises. It feels good for a while, but if you’re smart you’ll realize that such praises are simple formality.
Old Koreans can be pretty stubborn and not open to new ideas. see - 4
You cannot have true discussion with people who are younger or older than you, because social norm doesn’t allow for robust debate between people of different age. This is one of the reasons why Korea suffers from giant age-based culture gap.

边界问题 - 提问个人问题
过度赞扬 - 当与韩国人打交道时,你会听到不断的赞美。一开始感觉很好,但如果你聪明的话,你会意识到这些赞美只是一种简单的礼节。
年长的韩国人可能会非常固执,不愿接受新观念。见 - 4

Jae Hyung Kim
Although this is prominent in most poorer, conservative, or Asian countries, I would have to say conditional love, Koreans take this to the next level in certain areas.
If you don’t have merit, status, and don’t conform to obligations, you are seen as vermin.
Not everyone in Korea is like this though, in fact many of us try not to be especially within our close circles but it’s so deeply rooted in our society in some ways we don’t realize it.
If you don’t have a drink with your senior you’re seen as a bad person, if you don’t dress like everyone else you’re different from the pact, etc.
I think our school ranking system will give you an idea. Do you know how toxic it is when every student in the school are shown who ranked first and last in terms of academics?


Sunghwan Park
I don’t represent all Koreans so what’s below is my personal point of view.
Hierarchy based on the military system
Almost every Korean boy has to serve army when he gets 20. This law has been over at least 40~50 years I guess. I had served, my father had served, my little brother is serving. Army has some its special charateristics. One of them is hierarchy by class. Soldiers must obey high soldiers’ orders.


It has left a bad social culture that one has to live by obeying the hierarchy of age, company and other authorities. For example, if I meet a person and he’s older than me, of course it depends on who he or she and I are, but maybe I have to serve him, do what he wants and be polite. The opposite may treat me easy and order me to do something as he wants and etc. It applies same too in companies. I felt that the foundation of relationship in Korea is decided based on the date of birth of the counterparts in the relationship. This has been mixed with confucianism and we’re screwed.


Now many people don’t like it and the wind of change is blowing. Surely, many young people feel comfortable with older people and the ‘bad grandpas’(this is analogy of ‘꼰대’ in Korean) are disappearing.


Joseph K. Kim
Old people.
Contrary to Confucius traditions, Koreans in general don’t like old people, especially in work settings.
Korean men in his mid 40’s or above, are often entitled, arrogant, and worst of it all, unskilled, lacking insight despite their past experiences.


原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Younger generations think that they had it easy through past rapid economic growth.
They are extremely hard to work with, but time haven’t weeded them out yet, so younger generations have to suffer through their bullshit.


Korea is relatively a very young country, and almost every socio economic problem that Koreans have in today’s society, such as housing prices, education, low wages, and etc., are either promoted or driven by former generations
Rather than feeling apologetic, they are arrogant and judgmental. Unless they are your family member, they are extremely hard to like.


The one thing that comes into mind immediately is the hierarchical, Confucianist culture that is prent in almost all facets of Korean society.
Whether it be age, social status, business position, etc, one has to know his/her place and the others’ place in society.


While I understand and even commend that this hierarchical culture had its place in being the social glue that kept Asian societies together, I believe that it is now a form of cultural bondage that holds Asian societies from progressing.


As the younger or lower, I have to do certain things.
As the older or higher, I have to do certain things.
Why can’t we treat each other as equals?


미진 이
I am not for sure my opinions are usual. But my opinions are below.
As one of Koreans, I dislike that Koreans hardly accept someone who seems different. As you can see, all (or most) old people look like same such as appearances including hair style. Koreans have kind of standards about what kind of people are such a good personality and reacts so if someone does unexpected things, many Koreans hardly accept. Even some Koreans tend to attack them who seem different until they become similar with others. As a result of, many Koreans have even same appearances when older. Appearances are one of sorts.


原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

As you know, Korea is a unique county which is composed of one race. Many countries have many races so no one can be same appearances but Korea can be. When I was teenager, at school, all students must have same hair cut, same socks (or not particularly), same shoes, same wear and even same bags. Or punishment. Even physically. Matter is these kind of pressures are still remained as other forms.


I have legal cases about Paris, France’s public services. It is unusual, I know. But the thing is no one understands in South Korea. Literally, no one. Different ways are hardly accepted in South Korea and I dislike this.


Marcin Węszczyński
I’m not Korean or Asian but I have to say the thing I really HATE about this country is that Korea has mandatory military service. Men do nothing to stop being treated like slaves and marked as cannon fodder by the state, they just meekly accept it because they believe that it makes them better. Of course, not only in Korea cause this is a worldwide problem.
On the other hand, many Koreans complain about their country and call it Hell Joeson. No wonder it’s difficult to them in a situation when the same men have a nationalistic approach and agree to such a role. Total hypocrisy.


Jeff Pentagon
Korea is a lot simpler than you might think. It’s a giant beehive with implicit hierarchy. Much like a medi society with fast Internet! If you are socially superior, people treat you like kings and queens. If you are socially inferior, people will be very rude and loud to you! What makes you superior? Your face, your skin color, your possessions, your age(younger, the better in dating game, otherwise older the better), your profession, your family, your network, your relationship, your displayed morality


OF Course, in any human society, such tendency is more or less, inevitable! BUT Koreans show it more blatantly, more unashamed!
People will constantly reassess your social status, their attitude towards you can turn 180 degrees overnight. Be careful because it is a sick society even without guns!


原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

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