在美国、英国袭击据称造成 16 人死亡后,胡塞武装声称袭击美国航空母舰
2024-06-02 imlrz 12004
Houthis claim attack on US aircraft carrier after American, UK strikes said to kill 16

在美国、英国袭击据称造成 16 人死亡后,胡塞武装声称袭击美国航空母舰

Iran-backed terrorist group vows to ‘meet escalation with escalation’ after deadliest attack on sites in several cities in Yemen


31 May 2024, 4:00 pm

Forces loyal to the Houthis in Yemen participate in a military parade on the occasion of the 34th National Day to commemorate Yemeni unity, in Sanaa, on May 22, 2024. (MOHAMMED HUWAIS / AFP)


Yemen’s Iran-backed Houthis said on Friday they launched a missile attack on a US aircraft carrier in the Red Sea after they threatened to escalate attacks on Red Sea shipping in response to overnight strikes by the United States and Britain that killed 16 people.


Three US officials, speaking on condition of anonymity to describe a then-ongoing attack, said the US and UK hit a wide range of underground facilities, missile launchers, command and control sites, a Houthi vessel and other facilities inside Yemen.


They called it a response to a recent surge in attacks by the Iran-backed terrorist group on ships in the Red Sea and Gulf of Aden over the Israel-Hamas war.

他们称这是对伊朗支持的恐怖组织最近在以色列 - 哈马斯战争中对红海和亚丁湾船只的袭击激增的回应。

The US F/A-18 fighter jets involved in the strikes launched from the USS Dwight D. Eisenhower aircraft carrier in the Red Sea, officials said. Other US warships in the region also participated.


The US Central Command, or CENTCOM, said 13 Houthi sites were targeted in a bid to degrade their ability to attack shipping.


Houthi military spokesperson Yahya Saree later said that the Eisenhower had been targeted with several drones and ballistic missiles.

胡塞武装发言人叶海亚·萨里(Yahya Saree)后来表示,艾森豪威尔号遭到了几架无人机和弹道导弹的攻击。

A US defense official, speaking on condition of anonymity to discuss intelligence matters, said that the aircraft carrier was fine.


Mohammed al-Bukhaiti, a Houthi official, threatened both the US and UK with further retaliation.

胡塞武装官员穆罕默德·布哈伊提(Mohammed al-Bukhaiti)威胁美国和英国,会进行进一步的报复。

“The American-British aggression will not prevent us from continuing our military operations in support of Palestine,” he wrote on X. “We will meet escalation with escalation.”


Houthi spokesperson Mohamed Abdelsalam said the US and UK strikes were a “brutal aggression” against Yemen as punishment for its support of Gaza.


The Houthis focused Friday morning on a strike that hit a building housing Hodeida Radio and civilian homes in the port city on the Red Sea. Their Al Masirah satellite news channel aired images of one bloodied man being carried downstairs and others in the hospital, receiving aid.

胡塞武装周五早上关注的重点,是这次袭击打中了红海港口城市荷台达的电台所在的一栋平民建筑。他们的Al Masirah卫星新闻频道播放了一名浑身是血的男子被抬下楼的画面,其他人在医院接受救助。

They described all those killed and hurt in Hodeida as civilians, something The Associated Press could not immediately confirm. The rebel force that’s held Yemen’s capital, Sanaa, since 2014 includes fighters who often are not in uniform.


A view of the Laax, a Greek-owned, Marshall Islands-flagged bulk carrier that came under attack by Yemen’s Houthis earlier this week, May 30, 2024. (Etat Major des Armees via AP)

2024 年 5 月 30 日,本周一艘悬挂马绍尔群岛国旗的希腊散货船 Laax 的视图,该船遭到也门胡塞武装的袭击。
原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Other strikes hit outside of Sanaa near its airport and communication equipment in Taiz, the broadcaster said. Little other information was released on those sites — likely signaling that Houthi military sites had been struck.


In the United Kingdom, the country’s Defense Ministry said Royal Air Force Typhoon FGR4s conducted strikes on both Hodeida and further south in Ghulayfiqah. It described its targets as “buildings identified as housing drone ground control facilities and providing storage for very long-range drones, as well as surface-to-air weapons.”


“The strikes were taken in self-defense in the face of an ongoing threat that the Houthis pose,” British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak said.


“As ever, the utmost care was taken in planning the strikes to minimize any risk to civilians or non-military infrastructure,” the British defense ministry said.


British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak issues a statement after British and US forces struck Houthi targets in Yemen, 10 Downing Street, London, May 31, 2024. (Yui Mok/Pool Photo via AP)

2024年5月31日,在英国和美国军队袭击也门胡塞武装目标后,英国首相里希·苏纳克(Rishi Sunak)在伦敦唐宁街10号发表声明。

“Conducting the strikes in the hours of darkness should also have mitigated yet further any such risks.”


The US and the UK have launched strikes against the Houthis since January, with the US regularly carrying out its own in the time since as well. Abdul Malik al-Houthi, the Houthis’ secretive supreme leader, offered an overall death toll for the strikes up to that point as 40 people killed and 35 others wounded. He did not offer a breakdown between civilian and combatant casualties at the time.

自1月起,美国和英国对胡塞武装发动袭击,此后美国也经常独自进行打击。胡塞武装的秘密最高领导人阿卜杜勒·马利克·胡塞(Abdul Malik al-Houthi)提供了自那时起袭击的总死亡人数,造成40人死亡,35人受伤。他当时没有提供平民和战斗人员伤亡的细节。
原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

The Houthis have stepped up attacks on shipping in the Red Sea and the Gulf of Aden, demanding that Israel end the war in Gaza, which the Hamas-run health ministry says has killed more than 36,000 Palestinians there, though only some 24,000 fatalities have been identified at hospitals. The toll, which cannot be verified as it does not differentiate between terrorists and civilians, includes some 15,000 terror operatives Israel says it has killed in battle.


Israel also says it killed some 1,000 terrorists inside Israel on October 7.


The war began after Hamas-led terrorists attacked Israel on October 7, murdering about 1,200 people, mostly civilians, and taking 252 hostages.


The Houthis have launched more than 50 attacks on shipping, killed three sailors, seized one vessel and sunk another since November, according to the US Maritime Administration. This week, they attacked a ship carrying grain to Iran, the rebels’ main benefactor.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

On Wednesday, another US MQ-9 Reaper drone apparently crashed in Yemen, with the Houthis claiming they fired a surface-to-air missile at it. The US Air Force didn’t report any aircraft missing, leading to suspicion that the drone may have been piloted by the CIA. As many as three may have been lost in May alone.


Can't wait to see the college campus protests against the US and UK committing GENOCIDE in Yemen.


That is going to be interresting haha.


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