2024-06-02 龟兔赛跑 3242
What are the problems faced by Indian students in the USA?


Aman Sehgal
What are problems faced by Indian students in the USA?
I should begin by saying that I was only 17 when I came to this country to a private mid-size university. I barely knew how to take care of myself. Hell, I didnt even know myself well enough to determine that ! Its been quite a journey !
Culture Shock. I came from a really small city and I suffered a huge culture shock. I thought that since I was brown, I would be treated differently and people would look at me in a peculiar way. That sure was the case but they werent amused by me rather they wanted to know more about me and since I am 6'6" tall, I got a lot of female attention. In India, being tall and standing out in school was actually harder and people always picked on me. Things were quite the opposite here. Sometimes, you would meet a few racist people here and there who would call out on you or disregard you because you are "inferior". But this is nothing compared to the racism and ethnocentric-ism that people face in India. The favoritism and nepotism that people are used to in India is almost non-existent here. There were also times when people would confuse me with being Arab which made things slightly awkward but nothing serious since Americans are one of the most accepting and friendly people on the planet.


原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Accent.The other issue definitely was my accent. I found it really hard to communicate because I wasn't used to speaking in English that frequently and it turned out that it's a hard skill to pick up. Speaking and communicating are a big part of your intelligence and since, I didnt talk much in English, I was struggling with it the first couple of months. I would think twice before asking questions in class because the kids would stare at me weirdly and the professor might have to ask me to repeat my question which might be even more embarrassing. So, I got my act together and went to a speech lab where I practiced and improved upon my american accent. There are speech labs in almost any competitive top tier university in the USA. This greatly improved my accent and then I was finally able to interact with people and make friends without getting judges. Not having an accent can greatly impact your life in the USA. People will actually begin to treat you differently and perceive you differently as well. This really helped me a lot and helped me get by quite effectively without people having to get frustrated over communicating with me. It is also really helpful with women since some times they can get turned off by an accent they don't like.


Unlike a lot of people from India or any other country who think that they are communicating effectively, they actually arent. Americans take you seriously when you say something. And your choice of words can make a huge difference. If you say "No" as opposed to "Thanks, Ill pass on it for now", the latter is considered way more polite. This leaves an impression on people and also prevent them from stereotyping you.
Time.The biggest and most overlooked issue is that of time management and organization. In america, people believe in getting things done and don't usually rely on other people for their tasks to be accomplished. This persistent attitude is highly important in achieving success. India has a very relaxed and laid back culture. Not that they dont get things done. People just get lazy and stay relaxed most of the time. When we need to get things done, we start stressing out a great deal. People here are accustomed to doing things constantly and remain focused on what they want to do.


Use your time wisely. Try to multitask and don't waste your time and money on things you wont need and people you don't care about. That does'nt mean you have to live frugally. Have your fair share of fun but don't overdo it at the expense of spending money that you dont have or time that you should'nt or can't afford to waste. The best thing that you can do for yourself is to stay efficient and stay motivated. All the time by making it a habit so that you dont even have to think twice.
Diversity of the palate. You will come across many different kinds of food in the USA on a regular basis. There is no such thing as american food. It is a co-mingling of many different cuisines and it is heavily influenced by European cuisines. I would definitely suggest approaching everything that you eat with an open mind and try different foods. It might take a little bit of time to getting used to but eventually you will get used to them and like it. Be open minded and cultivate new tastes instead of snubbing it just because its resembles something that you don't like initially or have never come across before.


Academics. There is a very famous saying that goes by, "Education is what others do to you while learning is what you do to yourself." This is precisely the motto of the education system. You go to university to observe and learn and not to be educated. People and professors are "resources" that you utilize to understand and make the knowledge you attain usable. You have to do the homeworks and its on your onus to do it honestly. The academic integrity code is very strict and plagiarism and copying is not tolerated at all. If you get caught the first time, you will go on probation and probably lose a letter grade on the class. The second time, most top tier universities will give you an F letter grade. The third time you might get expelled or get put on suspension for an entire quarter or semester. Contrary to most countries getting an A is actually quite hard because you are graded on attendance, homeworks, projects, tests, quizzes and a final. Diligence is key. Its forms the core of the culture. Work hard and you can have it all. Yes the courses are very comprehensive and they require a certain level of devotion and commitment. Its very easy to get tied up in the college party scene, which a lot of students do at a lot of schools and eventually end up in bad shape or graduate with not such a good record. Remember that university education in the USA can make or break your life because you are 18 years of age and are held accountable for everything that you do. If you make wise choices and filter out the wrong/bad ideas, you'll graduate with a good record and you will be highly recommended by your professors for most jobs or even graduate school if you want to get an MBA. Since you are not allowed (you actually cannot since they are all electronic) to read the recommendations that your professors write for you, you will most likely not get a very good and convincing recommendation.


Social-scene. Get used to being direct and being confident. Also, dont be shy to approach women. The culture mandates a very vocal, open and free thought approach in social settings. Just dont be imposing because that can make you seem opinionated and bigoted. Socialize more and socialize often. Branch out and make friends outside of your community or ethnic background. This will leave a good impression on people and also widen your horizons about other cultures that inhabit this planet. There is a lot that everyone brings to the table. Dont undermine someone else's capability. This probably is the single best thing that america has to offer. The sheer number of different cultures and ethnicity that come together in this country is astounding. I would also like to add the importance of being direct and, at the same time, subtle, in order to not come across as rude. Being direct implies, when someone says "NO" its usually a no and pressing someone further can cause issues. Unlike some other cultures, American hospitality centers on asking and always acknowledging someone's reply or presence. If you dont know something, let them know you dont know it and dont waste their time (being direct). If you want to help, let them know you can find out or point them in the right direction (acknowledging and being polite). This will not only help someone else but will also raise your sense of self-esteem since you helped someone else out.


Dress impeccably unless not necessary. This is more of European culture than american. But most American cities have a well dressed population and corporate america protocols mandate that you present your best. It shows your habits and also is an indicator of your attention to detail. You can judge a man by the way he dresses.
Sports. Athletic events form the core of american culture. Go to ice-hockey and basketball games and experience the camaraderie. A lot of other cultures never get to experience what sporting events feel like but in the USA they are a BIG deal. Also, a lot of Americans like to spend time outside in the sun, on the beach and play some sport. This can be a great team building and socializing experience that can lead to some great outcomes.
I personally played soccer (european football) and squash. I made some really amazing friends and had some of the best times of my life playing out under the sun. These days wont come back so make the best of them. The best part was that we would often have co-ed teams. There was a lot that I learnt from female athletes being on the pitch. I also met my girlfriend playing squash and it was probably the best experience ever. Something that really changed my life and my understanding of women.
Dont be Shy, be Bold and be Confident. If you can think it, you can do it !


Just the Indian students? Okay. I will share everything I dealt with and the list goes like this:
Self doubt: This is a big one. Since you’re alone and have no one around to tell you if you’re doing the right thing- you start doubting everything. From “Did I sext the right University” to “How did I land up here”.
Cooking: I still suck at it. I left school in 2015 and I still eat most of my meals out.
$ to INR conversion on everything you do. From the 75 cent bus ride to $2 milk.
Pressure to perform: Perform well in class, get good grades, apply and convert- internships/jobs, complete projects in time, be socially active and find time to sleep.


Think about the $65,000 student loan: Some deal with this better than others. You just get immune after a while.
Loneliness: You miss home, sometimes squabble with your room mates. Loneliness is inevitable.
Find an e-verified employer who will sponsor your visa and possibly green card: This is a big one too. Finding the right job and the right employer is VERY NERVE WRECKING. Working with the HR to file for extensions, H1b and then getting through the lottery process- OMG, this gives many of us sleepless nights.
Network and deal with your accent: I thought I have always been good with networking but networking in US is totally a different ballgame. You need to open yourself up and stop giving a f*ck about everything. Regarding accent, trust me you will repeat most of what you say for first few years, I still do.
Racism? A lot or people ask me about this but hey its not as bad as it looks. In the span of 4 years- just once.
Its all worth it- the experience will forge you into your best self.


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