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Explore the ancient Nangang Village (Millennium Yao Village), nestled in the mountains of Guangdong Province's Qingyuan City. This historic village, over a thousand years old, is perched 803 meters above sea level on a hillside covering 159 acres. Recognized as a National AAAA-level scenic area, Nangang Village boasts numerous accolades, including being honored as a Chinese historical and cultural village, one of Guangdong's ten most beautiful ancient villages, and the homeland of Chinese ethnic folk art.
Located in Lianan Yao Autonomous County, Guangdong, Nangang Village is part of a region known for its dense Yao population. The county, established as one of Guangdong's three earliest ethnic minority autonomous counties, has a population of over 164,000, with Yao people accounting for more than 70,000. The Yao people, known for their rich cultural heritage, inhabit 88% of the county's mountainous area, earning Lianan the nickname "Hundred-Mile Yao Mountains."
Witness the village's rich history through its ancient buildings, including 368 Ming and Qing dynasty homes, village gates, and walls. Nangang Village's strategic hillside location has historically defended against attacks, with its village walls and gate serving as a testament to its past glory. Although the village's population has declined, with only 43 households remaining, it remains one of the best-preserved and most significant Yao villages in the world.

探访坐落在广东省清远市山区的古老南岗村(千年瑶寨)。这个拥有一千多年历史的古村落坐落在海拔803 米、占地159亩的山坡上。南岗村被评为国家AAAA级风景名胜区,荣获中国历史文化名村、广东省十大最美古村落、中国民族民间艺术之乡等多项殊荣。

wonderful place to visit .the landscape and the architecture are amazing.


Thank you very much for filming this wonderful place.


Absolutely beautiful. Stunning & fascinating scenery! Should be preserved by govt AND the people. Thank u.


Thank you for sharing this. As a disabled person I am thankful for videos like this which make me feel I am there. :)


SO BEAUTIFUL!!!!! The view towards the mountains is incredible!

太美了!!!!! 山上的风景真是令人难以置信!

Absolutely amazing. Mostly foot paths, not road paths. I love this


So gorgeous that mountain range is amazing doesn’t look real, so picturesque, it’d look amazing at night Cheerz from Australia ����


Beautiful mountain ranges beyond the houses, this place could be more beautiful and gorgeous if things are more tidy and cleaned up and buildings have been taken care of. I could imagine that this area might have been very beautiful in the past.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Thank you for your insightful comment! The mountain ranges around Nangang Village are indeed stunning and add to the village's unique charm. Maintaining such an ancient place can be challenging, and while some areas might show their age, they also reflect the village's long history. Efforts to preserve and restore historical sites are ongoing, and it's fascinating to imagine how magnificent it must have looked in the past. Your appreciation for its beauty is much appreciated, and I hope the video brought you a sense of the village's enduring allure. Thanks for watching!


Thank you so very much for sharing your village . I think I could be happy too in such a beautiful place as this

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

The black bricks are phenomenal. Paradise, no cars ! A labyrinth just stunning Are there hotels there? I would love to spend a couple weeks there


My dream is to visit Japan and China. Especially tokyo Shanghai hong Kong guangzou Beijing and osaka and explore the awsome cultures of both countrys my favourite food is also Chinese food. and Taipei in Taiwan would be cool to visit i love bubble tea


Hopefully the authoriy will give this ancient village a facelift and the interiors of the houses rejuvenated retaining its character but better facilities to make it a tourist desination.


Excellent video! Amazing to think that this place was there LONG before any european set foot on America. Thanks for sharing!


Interesting place of brick/stone architecture. But I find is strange that while you're in the simple Yao temple you
did not film the interior and statues. Just like visiting a museum without filming the artworks or artifacts.


Thank you for your comment and observation! I appreciate your interest in the Yao temple. The interior and statues are indeed significant parts of the temple, but sometimes there are restrictions on filming inside such places to respect local customs and traditions. In this case, I also had to cut that part because the video quality wasn't great. I understand your curiosity, though, and I'll keep this in mind for future videos to provide a more comprehensive experience when possible. Thanks for watching and sharing your thoughts!


@chinawhereabouts Thank you and appreciate your reply. Looking forward to watch more exiting tour of a fascinating country.

@chinawhereabouts 谢谢您的回复,期待在这个迷人的国家看到更多精彩的旅行。

Lovely, but....here in the Nethe'tlands there are many much smaller villages of over a 1000years old and still looking great.


What a lovely intimate view of this ancient village. I love learning about cultures far away from me, especially in Asia. The stone alleys are a labyrinth! I'm afraid I would be lost for hours. Do I see buffalo horns on the posts and gates?


Actually there are only 3 main streets, the others are all located more or less parallel. Yes buffalo horns are quite common in the area . Thanks


@chinawhereabouts , you don't understand. I can get lost in a grocery store!

@chinawhereabouts ,你不了解。我在杂货店都能迷路!

Ah, I see what you mean now! My apologies for the misunderstanding. Those stone alleys can be quite charming and maze-like. It's all part of the adventure! Thanks for watching and sharing your thoughts


Thank you for your question! To reach Nangang Village, I took a bus from Guangzhou to Liannan, the city close to the village. The bus ride took around 4 hours. From Liannan, I then took a taxi, which took about 30 minutes to reach the village. The journey offers beautiful scenery along the way, making it a memorable trip. I hope this helps, and thanks for watching!

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

I'm glad you enjoyed the video! I'm sorry about the nose snorting; I'll make sure to improve the audio quality in future videos. Thank you for your feedback, and I hope you continue to enjoy my content!


wow, thank you so so much for this most amazing video, thank you for letting us viewers walk with you, from Australia / home town - New Zealand. I will hit the subscribe button, cheers


Thank you so much for your kind words and for subscribing! I'm thrilled to hear that you enjoyed the video and felt like you were walking with me through Nangang Village. It's wonderful to connect with viewers from Australia and New Zealand. I hope to continue sharing more videos that you'll enjoy. Cheers!


Pretty nice village but when.....


What kind of privacy do you need exactly when you are wandering around in public? If you want so much privacy on public maybe you should stay home?


@shineluvslambiel ...those cameras are just meters from habitable buildings, you may be comfortable with being under the watchful eyes of your government but here in Australia they would never be allowed, we love our freedom


Wow....Wow ....Thank You very much for this presentation to an Old Chinese ancient Villages found on the high mountain range . I am very surprised about How conditions to Live there , Food supply , Jobs , Moneys , trading , buildings , travelling .....as many big questions . Thanks again ...again ..

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Thank you so much for your enthusiastic comment! I'm thrilled to hear you enjoyed the presentation of Nangang Village. It's truly fascinating how people have lived in such a remote and elevated area for centuries. The villagers have historically relied on agriculture, traditional crafts, and trading with nearby areas for their livelihood. Despite the challenges, they have maintained their rich cultural heritage and unique way of life. I'm glad this video sparked your curiosity, and I hope to share more insights into such incredible places in the future. Thanks again for watching and for your kind words!


@chinawhereabouts Thank You for your travel to Nangang Village It's very amazing .

@chinawhereabouts 谢谢你的南岗村之旅,非常棒。

很赞 8