中国今年将实现 2030 年风能和太阳能发电目标
China will reach its 2030 wind and solar target this year
中国今年将实现 2030 年风能和太阳能发电目标
中国今年将实现 2030 年风能和太阳能发电目标
Good, keep trying to improve electricity and transport emissions.
Good, keep trying to improve electricity and transport emissions.
Good, now stop building two new coal power plants each week.
原创翻译:龙腾网 转载请注明出处
Good, now stop building two new coal power plants each week.
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The great thing is that you can show these on tiktok while you build coal plants away from public eye
最棒的是,他们可以在远离公众视线的地方建造煤电厂的同时,在 tiktok 上展示这些“努力”
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The great thing is that you can show these on tiktok while you build coal plants away from public eye
最棒的是,他们可以在远离公众视线的地方建造煤电厂的同时,在 tiktok 上展示这些“努力”
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New coal plants are much more efficient than older ones which are being closed.
New coal plants are much more efficient than older ones which are being closed.
Coal is still the dirtiest fossil fuel we have. Our burning of it is killing our entire ecosystem and has a huge negative impact on our climate for all life on earth.
Coal is still the dirtiest fossil fuel we have. Our burning of it is killing our entire ecosystem and has a huge negative impact on our climate for all life on earth.
Yes, so when should we hold the British accountable for burning so much coal since the 17th century?
是的,那么我们什么时候才能追究英国人自 17 世纪以来燃烧大量煤炭的责任呢?
Yes, so when should we hold the British accountable for burning so much coal since the 17th century?
是的,那么我们什么时候才能追究英国人自 17 世纪以来燃烧大量煤炭的责任呢?
It's true that the history of burning coal in for example Britain is significant, our global response to climate change must go beyond historical grievances and focus on collective action. If we work together, we can create a more resilient and sustainable future, ensuring that all nations, regardless of their past contributions, play a role in mitigating climate impacts and fostering an environmental plan. The problem is that this is exactly the opposite of what's happening.. I'm not putting blame anywhere, rather just saying that future generations won't care who did what or why. What will matter to them is that we stop burning coal.
It's true that the history of burning coal in for example Britain is significant, our global response to climate change must go beyond historical grievances and focus on collective action. If we work together, we can create a more resilient and sustainable future, ensuring that all nations, regardless of their past contributions, play a role in mitigating climate impacts and fostering an environmental plan. The problem is that this is exactly the opposite of what's happening.. I'm not putting blame anywhere, rather just saying that future generations won't care who did what or why. What will matter to them is that we stop burning coal.
You cannot just blame developing countries to give up oil when the western powers were the sole responsible for the sole pollution that we have.
Telling others “hey stop that that’s very bad for our environment” while they did the same and got to their advanced economy pisses me off to no end
You cannot just blame developing countries to give up oil when the western powers were the sole responsible for the sole pollution that we have.
Telling others “hey stop that that’s very bad for our environment” while they did the same and got to their advanced economy pisses me off to no end
Admitting China did something good is like torture for you ppl huh
Admitting China did something good is like torture for you ppl huh
I thank China population for subsidizing all pv panels in the world. Thank you.
I thank China population for subsidizing all pv panels in the world. Thank you.
I thank the Chinese government for crushing the pv market in the world with economic warfare. Thank you.
I thank the Chinese government for crushing the pv market in the world with economic warfare. Thank you.
The purpose of subsidy is to crash competition. Once they reach the goal, do you think they will continue to subsidize your panels?
The purpose of subsidy is to crash competition. Once they reach the goal, do you think they will continue to subsidize your panels?
"Why wont Beijing do more to reduce emissions?"
Beijing single handedly makes solar cells and EV batteries affordable for mass production.
"Why is Beijing making these vital products so cheap?"
Clown logic
原创翻译:龙腾网 转载请注明出处
"Why wont Beijing do more to reduce emissions?"
Beijing single handedly makes solar cells and EV batteries affordable for mass production.
"Why is Beijing making these vital products so cheap?"
Clown logic
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Seems like you don't want to understand.
Seems like you don't want to understand.
Omg we have to save the world from climate change. Omg China EV and Solar panels are too cheap, and they are destroying our domestic market.
“天哪,我们必须从气候变化中拯救世界。” “天哪,中国的电动汽车和太阳能电池板太便宜了,它们正在摧毁我们的国内市场。”
原创翻译:龙腾网 转载请注明出处
Omg we have to save the world from climate change. Omg China EV and Solar panels are too cheap, and they are destroying our domestic market.
“天哪,我们必须从气候变化中拯救世界。” “天哪,中国的电动汽车和太阳能电池板太便宜了,它们正在摧毁我们的国内市场。”
原创翻译:龙腾网 转载请注明出处
Imagine both can be true. Europe saw what a big risk energy dependency (gas, oil) on an imperialistic terror state is, no reason to repeat that mistake.
原创翻译:龙腾网 转载请注明出处
Imagine both can be true. Europe saw what a big risk energy dependency (gas, oil) on an imperialistic terror state is, no reason to repeat that mistake.
原创翻译:龙腾网 转载请注明出处
Okay colonizer
Okay colonizer
In 2023, the EU adopted a set of Commission proposals to make the EU's climate, energy, transport and taxation policies fit for reducing net greenhouse gas emissions by at least 55% by 2030, compared to 1990 levels. This will enable the EU to become the first climate-neutral continent by 2050
China is on track to meet a goal to bring its climate-warming carbon dioxide emissions to a peak before 2030
2023 年,欧盟通过了一系列欧盟委员会提案,旨在使欧盟的气候、能源、交通和税收政策适合在 2030 年前将温室气体净排放量与 1990 年的水平相比至少减少 55%。这将使欧盟到 2050 年成为第一个气候中和的大陆
中国有望实现在 2030 年前使气候变暖的二氧化碳排放量达到峰值的目标。
In 2023, the EU adopted a set of Commission proposals to make the EU's climate, energy, transport and taxation policies fit for reducing net greenhouse gas emissions by at least 55% by 2030, compared to 1990 levels. This will enable the EU to become the first climate-neutral continent by 2050
China is on track to meet a goal to bring its climate-warming carbon dioxide emissions to a peak before 2030
2023 年,欧盟通过了一系列欧盟委员会提案,旨在使欧盟的气候、能源、交通和税收政策适合在 2030 年前将温室气体净排放量与 1990 年的水平相比至少减少 55%。这将使欧盟到 2050 年成为第一个气候中和的大陆
中国有望实现在 2030 年前使气候变暖的二氧化碳排放量达到峰值的目标。
This chart isn't about greenhouse gas emissions, it's about solar capacity
This chart isn't about greenhouse gas emissions, it's about solar capacity
Yes but if you only show one side of the full picture... its nothing more then propaganda.
Seeing the frx is that china is going green.
Its like I wat healty but don't I smoke 3 packs of cigarettes per day. You would say ... ye you eat more healthy then me but I am considerably more healthy overall
就好比你吃得很健康,但你每天要抽 3 包烟。我会说......你吃得比我健康,但我总体上更健康。
Yes but if you only show one side of the full picture... its nothing more then propaganda.
Seeing the frx is that china is going green.
Its like I wat healty but don't I smoke 3 packs of cigarettes per day. You would say ... ye you eat more healthy then me but I am considerably more healthy overall
就好比你吃得很健康,但你每天要抽 3 包烟。我会说......你吃得比我健康,但我总体上更健康。
I think we gotta give china credit for this. They are still in the process of industrialization, and are still in some ways behind other developed nations. They need a lot of energy and will continue to need more. The more renewable the better
I think we gotta give china credit for this. They are still in the process of industrialization, and are still in some ways behind other developed nations. They need a lot of energy and will continue to need more. The more renewable the better
China is on track to meet a goal to bring its climate-warming carbon dioxide emissions to a peak before 2030
According what they say. But as the saying goes, actions speak louder than words
“中国有望实现在 2030 年前使气候变暖的二氧化碳排放量达到峰值的目标”
China is on track to meet a goal to bring its climate-warming carbon dioxide emissions to a peak before 2030
According what they say. But as the saying goes, actions speak louder than words
“中国有望实现在 2030 年前使气候变暖的二氧化碳排放量达到峰值的目标”
China honestly has no choice but use any option they have. Last year, China's electricity demand rose by the size of Hungary's annual consumption. Remember the huge power outages when China stopped importing Australian coal?
China honestly has no choice but use any option they have. Last year, China's electricity demand rose by the size of Hungary's annual consumption. Remember the huge power outages when China stopped importing Australian coal?
Remember the huge power outages when China stopped importing Australian coal?
Yes, which only highlights how much they rely on coal. And they're building exponentially more coal capacity.
Remember the huge power outages when China stopped importing Australian coal?
Yes, which only highlights how much they rely on coal. And they're building exponentially more coal capacity.
They're relying on all energy sources, since their electricity demand has doubled in the last ten years. Try not to cherry pick for once.
原创翻译:龙腾网 转载请注明出处
They're relying on all energy sources, since their electricity demand has doubled in the last ten years. Try not to cherry pick for once.
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How is staying an obxtive truth cherry picking? Electricity demand is increasing exponentially in many places, yet China is building 600% more coal capacity than the rest of the world combined. That is obxtively true.
说出客观事实怎么会是鸡蛋里挑骨头呢?许多地方的电力需求都在成倍增长,而中国的煤炭产能却比世界其他国家的总和还要多出 600%。这是客观事实。
How is staying an obxtive truth cherry picking? Electricity demand is increasing exponentially in many places, yet China is building 600% more coal capacity than the rest of the world combined. That is obxtively true.
说出客观事实怎么会是鸡蛋里挑骨头呢?许多地方的电力需求都在成倍增长,而中国的煤炭产能却比世界其他国家的总和还要多出 600%。这是客观事实。
What do you propose they do? Stop building coal so the people in the north freeze to death?
原创翻译:龙腾网 转载请注明出处
What do you propose they do? Stop building coal so the people in the north freeze to death?
原创翻译:龙腾网 转载请注明出处
Cherry picking means you are stating the facts that support your argument while you disregard those that disprove it. In China's case, you can find a stat for almost any argument but let's put the numbers into perspective: Yes, China is about to add 40 GW of coal-fueled power to the grid this year, but it will also add 170 GW of solar and 90 GW of wind as well.
Cherry picking means you are stating the facts that support your argument while you disregard those that disprove it. In China's case, you can find a stat for almost any argument but let's put the numbers into perspective: Yes, China is about to add 40 GW of coal-fueled power to the grid this year, but it will also add 170 GW of solar and 90 GW of wind as well.
We are fighting climate change by building 600% more coal capacity than the rest of the world combined!
“我们正在通过建设比世界其他国家总和多 600% 的煤炭产能来应对气候变化!”
We are fighting climate change by building 600% more coal capacity than the rest of the world combined!
“我们正在通过建设比世界其他国家总和多 600% 的煤炭产能来应对气候变化!”
Yes we get it China bad
Yes we get it China bad
The EU since 1990 has outsourced much of its industry and manufacturing to countries like China, so much of the "reduction" in Euro emissions is due to importing products instead. Its a joke, just moving emissions abroad
The EU since 1990 has outsourced much of its industry and manufacturing to countries like China, so much of the "reduction" in Euro emissions is due to importing products instead. Its a joke, just moving emissions abroad
Why do so many people in the China subreddit seem to only be here to hate on everything China does
Why do so many people in the China subreddit seem to only be here to hate on everything China does
China is free to report any good news..
I would say that hitting this wind and solar target early is good news. Other people though are putting it into a wider context.
I presume that by 2030, China will have still further improved its use of wind and solar, and stopped adding coal.
我推测,到 2030 年,中国仍需进一步提高风能和太阳能的利用率,并停止增加煤炭。
China is free to report any good news..
I would say that hitting this wind and solar target early is good news. Other people though are putting it into a wider context.
I presume that by 2030, China will have still further improved its use of wind and solar, and stopped adding coal.
我推测,到 2030 年,中国仍需进一步提高风能和太阳能的利用率,并停止增加煤炭。
I too, hate China for its foreign policy because it is against our national interest/security. But we do need to give credits to China in many aspects.
原创翻译:龙腾网 转载请注明出处
I too, hate China for its foreign policy because it is against our national interest/security. But we do need to give credits to China in many aspects.
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It’s mostly loss of credibility.....
It’s mostly loss of credibility.....
Cause they are very 2 faced. China says “look at all our green energy goals” and then builds a whole bunch of coal plants.
Cause they are very 2 faced. China says “look at all our green energy goals” and then builds a whole bunch of coal plants.
China is still in the process of industrialization/modernization, which means it's energy needs continue to grow YoY faster than any other country in the world. We talk about them shrinking as a total population, but that's not happening for a long while, and a more robust middle class that has more electronic goods and services will continue to drive growth. China needs to build out electricity akin to middle sized nations entire output every year to meet growth targets, and not make a dent in converting older power generation into green power. So yeah, you have growth of both coal and clean energy as China seeks to stabilize it's grid amid massive growth targets. You also need effective base load, and currently coal is, from an economic standpoint, one of the most effective ways to create standard baseload energy.
With that being said, China has a HUGE incentive to become self-sufficient in the energy sector, from a geopolitical perspective, a defensive perspective, and an economic perspective.
At the end of the day, NO country anywhere is stifling economic growth to become greener, so shitting on China for not doing so as well is just stupid. There also currently isn't effective storage capabilities, at scale, that work in conjunction with renewables to create effective base load rates. This has been done in very small projects thus far, but battery tech/cost isn't where it needs to be for broad adoption as a form of effective storage.
China is still in the process of industrialization/modernization, which means it's energy needs continue to grow YoY faster than any other country in the world. We talk about them shrinking as a total population, but that's not happening for a long while, and a more robust middle class that has more electronic goods and services will continue to drive growth. China needs to build out electricity akin to middle sized nations entire output every year to meet growth targets, and not make a dent in converting older power generation into green power. So yeah, you have growth of both coal and clean energy as China seeks to stabilize it's grid amid massive growth targets. You also need effective base load, and currently coal is, from an economic standpoint, one of the most effective ways to create standard baseload energy.
With that being said, China has a HUGE incentive to become self-sufficient in the energy sector, from a geopolitical perspective, a defensive perspective, and an economic perspective.
At the end of the day, NO country anywhere is stifling economic growth to become greener, so shitting on China for not doing so as well is just stupid. There also currently isn't effective storage capabilities, at scale, that work in conjunction with renewables to create effective base load rates. This has been done in very small projects thus far, but battery tech/cost isn't where it needs to be for broad adoption as a form of effective storage.
You can have both, hitting a renewable energy goal helps lower coal plants construction. Because it does, coal consumption is said to drop this year and continue into 2026
你可以两者兼得,实现可再生能源目标有助于减少燃煤电厂的建设。因此,据说今年煤炭消费量将下降,并将持续到 2026 年
You can have both, hitting a renewable energy goal helps lower coal plants construction. Because it does, coal consumption is said to drop this year and continue into 2026
你可以两者兼得,实现可再生能源目标有助于减少燃煤电厂的建设。因此,据说今年煤炭消费量将下降,并将持续到 2026 年
But that’s the thing about China, they SAY they will do stuff, and it’s often that, they say it, then don’t do anything. Like it’s all about face here, show that they care but don’t deliver on it. But also to be fair, they do have a lot of EV cars here, but in my mind that’s also a “look we have these!!!!” Kinda thing
But that’s the thing about China, they SAY they will do stuff, and it’s often that, they say it, then don’t do anything. Like it’s all about face here, show that they care but don’t deliver on it. But also to be fair, they do have a lot of EV cars here, but in my mind that’s also a “look we have these!!!!” Kinda thing
They are literally exceeding their 10-year target by 6 years. It’s an amazing accomplishment.
他们确实比 10 年目标提前了 6 年。这是一项了不起的成就。
They are literally exceeding their 10-year target by 6 years. It’s an amazing accomplishment.
他们确实比 10 年目标提前了 6 年。这是一项了不起的成就。
You think china makes ev to impress the west?
You think china makes ev to impress the west?
You are so egocentric, you really believe China does shit to impress you? The world doesn't rotate around the west
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You are so egocentric, you really believe China does shit to impress you? The world doesn't rotate around the west
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xiaomi already have sold out pre-orders for their EV. People also want to be part of the change. That is the difference between China and the west. You don't have half the country trying to counteract what the other half wants just to spite them, i.e. I'm going to eat ten steaks to show those vegans attitude. While this is also negative when directed towards nationalism, it is certainly good when harnessed towards a goal like renewable sources of energy.
xiaomi already have sold out pre-orders for their EV. People also want to be part of the change. That is the difference between China and the west. You don't have half the country trying to counteract what the other half wants just to spite them, i.e. I'm going to eat ten steaks to show those vegans attitude. While this is also negative when directed towards nationalism, it is certainly good when harnessed towards a goal like renewable sources of energy.
I don’t think so. I think the EVs are there because it’s become cheaper to produce.
I don’t think so. I think the EVs are there because it’s become cheaper to produce.
Because whites are afraid of a nonwhite country rising to the top
Because whites are afraid of a nonwhite country rising to the top
That’s racist
That’s racist
Because this sub is comprised of 80% salty Westerners, the vast majority who’ve never lived in the country. Then there’s those who beef with the government so they’ll make up whatever to undermine any Chinese success, regardless of how good it is for the people and planet
因为这个板块有 80% 的人都是西方人,其中绝大多数从未在中国生活过。还有那些与政府有过节的人,所以他们会编造任何事情来破坏中国的任何成功,不管它对人民和地球有多好的事情,无论这对人民和地球有多大好处
Because this sub is comprised of 80% salty Westerners, the vast majority who’ve never lived in the country. Then there’s those who beef with the government so they’ll make up whatever to undermine any Chinese success, regardless of how good it is for the people and planet
因为这个板块有 80% 的人都是西方人,其中绝大多数从未在中国生活过。还有那些与政府有过节的人,所以他们会编造任何事情来破坏中国的任何成功,不管它对人民和地球有多好的事情,无论这对人民和地球有多大好处
As a person who works in the renewable energy industry in the US, I am always shocked (in the best way possible) at how much more ahead China is in this industry
Granted, their energy demands are significantly higher so the offsets are still to be considered, but this is no where near the relative growth capacity I could ever see being mimicked in the US unless there are some much more serious government funding programs launched. The IRA is definitely helping, but interest rates on all sorts of renewable energy development is keeping our project growth both stagnant and uncertain
As a person who works in the renewable energy industry in the US, I am always shocked (in the best way possible) at how much more ahead China is in this industry
Granted, their energy demands are significantly higher so the offsets are still to be considered, but this is no where near the relative growth capacity I could ever see being mimicked in the US unless there are some much more serious government funding programs launched. The IRA is definitely helping, but interest rates on all sorts of renewable energy development is keeping our project growth both stagnant and uncertain
Tmr’s post:”how do i convince my brainwashed Chinese wife china does not have wind nor solar energy production.”
Tmr’s post:”how do i convince my brainwashed Chinese wife china does not have wind nor solar energy production.”
It is great this is happening, less dependency on coal and some crude. Imagine if they didn’t waste their resources building ghost cities, would’ve gotten so much more.
It is great this is happening, less dependency on coal and some crude. Imagine if they didn’t waste their resources building ghost cities, would’ve gotten so much more.
Many of those ghost cities actually got populated.
Turns out building out infrastructure ahead of time rather than when you need it helps support migration to the cities. Who knew!
事实证明,提前而不是在需要时建设基础设施有助于支持向城市的移民。 谁知道!?
Many of those ghost cities actually got populated.
Turns out building out infrastructure ahead of time rather than when you need it helps support migration to the cities. Who knew!
事实证明,提前而不是在需要时建设基础设施有助于支持向城市的移民。 谁知道!?
That's great... Except target capacity doesn't mean anything if you can't reach them on a regular basis. They're building wind and solar in a lot of places where the sun won't shine enough or the wind won't blow enough for the infrastructure to ever make up for the carbon emissions spent to build them.
这很好... 但如果你不能定期达到目标容量,目标容量就没有任何意义。他们在很多地方建造风能和太阳能发电站,而这些地方的阳光不会足够灿烂,风也不会吹得足够大,这些基础设施无法弥补为建造这些发电站而产生的碳排放。
原创翻译:龙腾网 转载请注明出处
That's great... Except target capacity doesn't mean anything if you can't reach them on a regular basis. They're building wind and solar in a lot of places where the sun won't shine enough or the wind won't blow enough for the infrastructure to ever make up for the carbon emissions spent to build them.
这很好... 但如果你不能定期达到目标容量,目标容量就没有任何意义。他们在很多地方建造风能和太阳能发电站,而这些地方的阳光不会足够灿烂,风也不会吹得足够大,这些基础设施无法弥补为建造这些发电站而产生的碳排放。
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Still building coal powered plants?
Still building coal powered plants?
If Germany one of the richest counties in the world has used them even to this year. So can china
If Germany one of the richest counties in the world has used them even to this year. So can china
Coal-fired power plants are for peak shaving and backup purposes. Sun don't shine and wind don't blow all the time, isnt it?
Coal-fired power plants are for peak shaving and backup purposes. Sun don't shine and wind don't blow all the time, isnt it?
很赞 28