2024-06-03 热心小哥 9299

I went home to Europe after 3 years of living in China, and what I saw... well, it was a little depressing. Here's my thoughts on whether living in China/Asia or living in Europe is better in 2024.


They think Chinese people need to be "saved". I am living well, I don't know why I need to be "saved." Just Save yourself first.


Harvey.. central London isn't too bad.. but price and quality of food is out of order.. you should've checkout the hood in the suburbs.. its horrible.. same in Paris and other so called top cities like Barcelona.. but if you think these places are bad.. you should have gone to New York or San Francisco.. its reverting to thirdworld status quick and fast.. by the way Harvey.. the financial flight of capital from London is shocking.. you can no longer be classified as a financial capital.. the western economic model is disintegrating fast.. no joke..


They closed all the toilets and removed the dustbins and also the staff in the London Underground but still ticket prices go up every year.


I completely agree with you.
I will add that you have seen the "best" places in Paris. So I let you imagine what is happening outside these tourist sites. It's a disaster.
I left France 10 years ago. Now I live in Thailand and I love Asia. It was the 10 best years of my life.
And by the way, if English or French citizens think they still live in a democracy, they should wake up as soon as possible. They are totally delusional.


Cost of living crisis in Australia is so bad! not even 1% of the population can afford take aways. Why so many Chinese can afford takeaways?Their food delivery.is just anywhere!


It's wonderful and extremely refreshing to hear such a dispassionate and honest opinion regarding Europe vs China. Thank you Harvey.


last Xmas been to London, Paris, Rome, Florence..... the worst imo is London... prices were ridiculous and everyone looked so sad and miserable


Europe is over, like r0m empire has gone
everything is God's will


Brilliant video, more please.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

UK just looks like a third world country, trains ststem so old, some even have no air con, thing expensive, for example, a tube of 125ml Colgate tooth paste cost £5! Trian tickets expensive, so bad.


But the bot would say France and the Uk have democracy and freedom . Also human rights.


Thanks Harvey!!! Here in Hawai'i (USA), our 21 mile rail system has been under construction for 20 years now. Another 10 years needed to complete...hopefully.


thank you i love china!!

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

There are only two countries with over 1 billion population, they are China and India. Both countries started independence at about the same time around 1950. China became a communist country, while India became a democracy. India was receiving help from the West in the past 75 years, it still does today, but however many parts of India is still undeveloped, The overall condition of India is still very backward, its crime rate is much higher than that in China. The murder rate in India is almost 8 times higher than that in China.


I have lived in Europe, China, Singapore, Australia and travelled to many times to America, many parts of Europe, some parts of Africa, the Middle East and Japan. I think the reason why some European cities are dirtier are due to multiple reasons (e.g., governance, funding, etc), however I would like to highlight three aspects which contributed to the problem: families not educating their children enough about social ettique, respect for public spaces and instilling discipline in children from a very young age. These three factors are often not observed as much in these countries.


Just compare public transport fares
1 bus 0.11 pound
2 subway between 0.33 to 1.73 pound mostly 0.3 to0.43 pound
3 subway from city to airport 0.43 pound
Food 2 to 4 pound for a meal
Car,BYD seal Hibrid car cost 11000 pound which can drive 2100km just one tank petrol

1 公交车 0.11 英镑
2 地铁票价在 0.33 到 1.73 英镑之间,主要是 0.3 到 0.43 英镑
3 从市区到机场的地铁 0.43 英镑
汽车,比亚迪 Seal 混合动力汽车价格 11000 英镑,一箱油可以行驶 2100 公里。

Great to see handsome Harvey reveal the truth


I took the metro in NYC, Paris, London and in Asia, Tokyo, Osaka, Seoul, Hong Kong, Shenzhen, Chongqing, Beijing and Shanghai. The worst for me was NYC, dark, dirty, and not even cheap. Paris could be great if it was clean. As you said, in Asia, it was clean everywhere. Something good in metro and train stations in China is that you can find clean and free toilets in every station.


Very informative thanks. Please can you cover the issue of pickpockets in European city's and China's city's. It's getting very bad in Europe now with organising crimes and mass immigration.


Based on my experience from work place. Dealing with people, who grow up in the west is hard, because most of the time they come up with 1001 excuses to get away from the responsibility or start blaming game. While dealing with people from East Asia is easier because most of the time they fix the issue asap and move on. There is obviously mentality difference, hence they can't maintain the old stuffs like subway stations, while China is able to maintain many landmarks from hundreds and even thousands years ago.


The percentage of Chinese immigrating is actually very very small, like less than 0.2% of 1.3 billion people at most? 0.2% of 1.3 billion is still around 34,000 people per year. In contrast, the proportion of Europeans, Japanese, UK, Malaysians, Philippines and even the Americans who migrated to other countries is a lot higher compared to China. Many Americans in fact choose to migrate to Mexico, China, Australia, Japan, Singapore, Malaysia, Argentina, Iceland, you name it, as long as it’s somewhere else other than living inside the USA or the UK.


If you think London Metro is bad. Come take a look at the subway stations in NYC. Nothing but, run down, dirty, garbage everywhere. And even more bums and homeless everywhere. The train cars are constantly breaking down, stranding passengers in dark tunnels. Power outages are common in the summertime. As the heat goes up, so do the power outages. And so does the smell in the subways, not just from garbage, but from the bums riding in the trains. A real modern city, NY.


Shanghai is a great city. You could say one bad thing about Shanghai though, just for a bit of balance.


The worst is New York.


Keep up the great work of debunking the Western anti-China propaganda machine!!!


another well made and thoughtful video!


It's the same here in Canada.
The wages has not been kept up with inflation.


Back in mid 2022, there was a Tiktok post where a Shanghainese was complaining about trash issue in Singapore's Chinatown district. He likened it to the other city he lived in before, NYC.
I do believe him more than ever now.


I care more about our trains being 100% electric than high speed...there is still loads of diesel-electric trains.


I am shocked by all those people on the London Underground climbing out of the windows in order to open the doors. Whatever next?

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

I was posted to London to work on a project in 2010 for a few months. I noticed the rundown London subways, the strikes, the graffiti, etc compared to spit & span Sg where I live. I visited London in 2019 for holidays and was appalled at that the streets were not as safe as 2010. My wife & daughter almost got robed in broad daylight near Queen St Station.


I was in Shenzen 2 months back. The rail system are not only clean, it's Safer with security checks at all Enterence and layout more efficient.


You forgot the freedom of the people in the west living freely in the streets.


Try visiting the BART in SF, CA USA if you dare


Is the UK experiencing excess capacity with nuclear engineers?


obviously for london and paris their metro systems being much older they are at a huge disadvantage because everything is old; whilst those cities should do a better job and maintenance, cleaning, renovation, and updating there is no way their systems can compete with shanghai at this time; this happens to every country -- in forty years time shanghai's system will be less clean and modern whilst those in Africa will be state of the art by comparison. the west is no longer the top in terms of development

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Coins and cash for daily transactions have tiny advantages but can be so 1999. The only advantage of paying in cash and coins in modern societies is wanting to strictly budget oneself, even then there are digital apps these days for such tasks.


Many public Spaces in the United States and Britain are even worse than in India


Time changes however old mindset doesn't change

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Let's be honest: you like China because it's easier to chase skirt there.


Is that yo chick? Heck i would live anywhere if i had something like that


But UK has freedom of crimes and Criminal Lives Matter. China is not a country suitable for criminals but only for good people. China discriminates criminals.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

I would like to see you do a video about the thousands of Chinese migrants entering the US illegally. What are the reasons for them? And why China doesn't take them back?

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

....Some of them are criminals and trying to flee stand trial for their crimes punishments. However, these migrants regretted coming to the US and many of them decided to return home. I'd like to see you do a video about thousands of Indians entering the US illegally!


There are many other channels explained this and can be found easily on YT.


Not letting the 3rd world in vs Letting the 3rd world in.

不让第三世界进来 vs 让第三世界进来。
原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

China has come a long way but it still isn't as nice, rich, or as modern as the West. This is coming from someone who has lived in both the West and in China. Chinese cities just aren't as beautiful as Western cities and Chinese bathrooms are quite atrocious.


I went to the Shard in London the other day, they had 4G network.
The slower trains, the slower 4G, the homelessness, the dirtier street, the potholes in the roads.
Yes, the west is more modern.


原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

It wasn't surveillance's state but security cameras to more effectively deter crime & anti-social behaviour. US gov't is tapping into American Citizens phone calls too. Former California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger fills a pothole on his street in his Los Angeles, the City of LA received 20,000 calls reporting potholes. The former Governor says he waited for more than 3 weeks for someone to come & repair the cracked road. "Two holes have been here for over a month and we have been complaining to the city and making them aware of it & they haven't responded,"


Which western cities are you living in? Maybe you compare 20 years ago China and western cities.


I've lived in Vancouver, Seattle, Toronto, San Francisco bay area, and many others, and I've lived in both first and second tier cities in China. Chinese cities have very modern architecture, definitely, but on the whole, they still don't look as nice as the Western cities I've lived in, save for perhaps San Fran, which is quite awful. No Chinese city can compare with Seattle, Toronto, and Vancouver.


The 2024 United States is a bit like Japan and Italy during World War II


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