2024-06-03 汤沐之邑 9558

What makes Indian people so awesome?


原创翻译:龙腾网 转载请注明出处

Harish Aditham
We Indians are awesome because we are weird. We are incredible in the true meaning of the word. :)
We are beacons of cleanliness in every land but our own. We are experts of communication in every language but our own. We are celebrators/ propagators of Indian culture everywhere but at home. We will carefully ask you about everything (including your "own house" and salary) but the thing which bothers you for the shame of raising it in public. We will never say no to your face, even if it means we have to evade you forever more. We will host lavish weddings for people who may not like each other in the first place. We revel in festivities even if not in the mood just because everyone else in the neighbourhood will wonder why if we don't. We splurge in a mall while shooing away a beggar outside.


At the same time, we Indians are sentimental fools: in a good way. We are optimists extraordinaire. We endure harsh realities of a contrasting India in a surprisingly humane way. We cherish our families and fight for them even if they maybe the reason for all misery in our lives. We yearn to share with the community if we can. We believe in a common destiny for Indians, even if it means winning cricket matches alone. We believe in democracy, despite facing corruption of the most unholy, unimaginable kind. We refuse change to a beggar hoping he will do something useful with his life if deprived.
And therefore in a sense, we Indians are masters of subterfuge. We are masters of the most pleasant form of hypocrisy. We are artists in a sense. Having lived our lives in harsh, judgemental, competitive eco-systems, we know the knack of getting you to like us, of gaining your wholesome approval.


Bala Senthil Kumar
Great question, and thank you for asking!
I've seen and enjoyed the frivolous usage of the word "awesome", since in the end, in some way or the other, everyone is awesome.
Indians are awesome because of a few traits some of which can usually be noticed amongst us (If not, pay attention!):

我注意到“awesome(了不起 )”这个词被随意使用,因为归根结底,每个人都有自己独特的优点。

- We can 'allow' a great deal to happen, just because we aren't afraid of letting something or someone survive, or improve.
- We can show disapproval in the nicest ways, and sometimes, approval in the most inadequate ways.
- We can crush a problem by ignoring it or just waiting for it to wear away. It always does go away eventually.
- We can make a mockery of something profound by putting it in a very simple way.
- We can stand for hours in pure contemplation of something, including staring at strangers, without for one instant, be threatening in any way.


- If something is important to us, there is no way we won't get it. This can be a bargain or a ritual we need to complete.
- If something is NOT important to us, there is no way we will pay any attention.
- Our sense of humour is for us, not necessarily for you to be able to laugh with. If you get it, YOU're awesome!
- We can absorb and accept endlessly and not react. My personal bet is that the Brits left because they were exasperated with us. (How can you win against someone who keeps you engaged but is not fighting you?)
- We can surprise all logic - the roaring success of the PINCODE (postal index number code) system in a largely illiterate country and the total failure of "fat free" milk after it was sold as a healthy alternative should be example enough.
- We can be tenacious without being assertive, ask for a lot without being annoying, and make you feel great about doing us a favour, especially an illegal one.
- We can be good at anything, as long as it is not physically too demanding. (We haven't come this far in civilization to endure needless physical pain)
- The aware ones amongst us are endlessly amused by watching the rest of the "masses", but we will never let you in on what we see.

我们可以让所有的逻辑都感到惊讶- PINCODE(邮政索引代码)系统在一个基本上不识字的国家的巨大成功,以及作为健康替代品出售的“无脂”牛奶的彻底失败就是最好的例子。

Money always makes sense to us, but not having enough won't really get us too worried. We simply know how to step our lives down accordingly.
- We know we're not at the top in the pecking order, and we don't really want that responsibility.
- If a problem is too big for us, God most probably has the solution.
- If you want to conquer the world, go ahead, entertain us.
- If you think there's something wrong with us, here, let me take a good look at you.
- Now that I've taken a real good look at you, I know all that I need to know about you.
- We know we're atrocious when we try to be American or Brit, or something else, but that's just what being Indian can sometimes be like!


Gautam Kumar
India is a culturally rich and diverse country with a long history and a strong sense of community. The people of India are known for their hospitality, kindness, and strong family values. Additionally, India has produced many accomplished individuals in various fields, such as science, technology, art, literature, and philosophy. Furthermore, the country has a vibrant and colorful cultural heritage, reflected in its cuisine, music, dance, and festivals. All of these factors contribute to the overall awesomeness of the Indian people


Bharat Jakati
The question is slightly flawed in assuming that Indians are awesome, as most people have already pointed out. It's the opposite of bigotry and, while it's altogether a more pleasant form of generalization, it's not correct to call a whole population awesome based on one's experiences with a couple of representatives thereof.
However, there are reasons a foreigner might well find Indians awesome. I'll try to answer why the author of the question thought the way he/she did about Indians, instead of questioning the question itself. I'm thankful to the author for thinking that way about us and also thankful to the Indians who gave the author that impression.


What separates India from a lot of other countries is its diversity. Another remarkable aspect is our population density, which is among the highest in the world for a country this big. For a country that spreads across 3.3 million square kilometers, we're packed like sardines. There are people everywhere. When Churchill made his famous speech about fighting on the beaches, plains and other, more difficult terrains, he did not have us Indians in mind, or he wouldn't have dared say that.
We're also a very culturally diverse nation. Hindi, Bengali, Punjabi, Telugu, Marathi and Tamil are all among the top 20 languages in the world. There are, in all, 18 constitutionally recognized languages in India. These 18 languages have about 1600 dialects in all. It is perfectly normal for an Indian to have no way of knowing what the other Indian is saying. So, we've adapted in a way that through gestures, expressions and monosyllables, we get our message across.


India, apart from having the largest Hindu population in the world, also has the third largest Muslim population in the world. India ranks among the top 10 countries in Buddhist population and is home to about half the world's Zoroastrian population. Jainism and Sikhism are other major religions in India without much of a global presence. Christianity, admittedly, isn't all that big in India.
India is geographically very diverse as well. That's not something we can claim to solely enjoy, for there are other countries with just as many geographical variations as we do. But this, coupled with our high population density, means that there are a lot of people with all sorts of living habits around us.
India is the 7th largest country in the world, but we have the 4th largest rail and road network. I guess that means we are among the better connected countries in the world, although the connections aren't state of the art by any stretch of imagination. Still, mankind existed without mobile phones or airplanes for thousands of years. So any sort of connectivity does at the end of the day serve to bring people closer.


原创翻译:龙腾网 转载请注明出处

To bring the observation section to a close, we were ruled by the British, with some contributions from the French, the Portuguese and the Dutch, for over 200 years.
What does all that do towards making us, as the questioner claims, awesome? Well all of that means that we're just very used to people. Not only that, we're used to people who're different from us. We're used to people who don't speak our tongue. We're used to people who don't eat our food. We're used to people bumping into us, which is something I've noticed people outside really dislike. We're used to talking to strangers and hearing about their troubles, without offering to help them out or them expecting us to offer help. We're used to people praying to some other divine being, although that is a slightly touchy topic in some parts. We're used to people wearing different clothes. Our people are fair, dark and 50 shades of brown in between, so we're used to your skin tone as well. We will never be at a complete loss and, no matter where you come from, we'll find a way to communicate with you without paying any heed to what you might be wearing or eating.


However, you're still somewhat enigmatic, because even with all the diversity around us, you manage to stand out. But once that initial shock is over, we'll befriend you and even strut by your side, showing you off to other countrymen as our friend from abroad. We still think you're superior to us, even though your ancestors may have never lorded over ours. We won't say anything to hint at that, but we will still brag about shopping from Marks and Spencer, while calling Louis Philippe commonplace.
Of course, when we travel abroad, we are even nicer because we want your help in a country that scares us with its dearth of people. We're not used to being all alone in a place that's not our house.
We're poor and we think that every foreigner is loaded. We want to be like you. So, nice as we are even otherwise, we are even nicer to you. So, while an Indian might be treated with a polite indifference in India, you will be treated like royalty.


Alexander Markandy
I might be biased in my answer/ view on Indian people but this is what I see from everyday life.
They are mostly happy even when they are sad inside
They love life and will do everything to keep them busy.
They are funny people - they don’t get offended easily.
They can bloody walk for hours without a drink or food
They can get hungry and still do their jobs
They don’t like hurting animals - what so ever. They are genuinely in love with animals in all kinds and shapes.
They will help you if you need help - they will help you for free, and if you don’t have money, pay them later and if not, no worries.
The list can go on and in but this is what I have observed when I was in India for a few weeks.


原创翻译:龙腾网 转载请注明出处

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