2024-06-04 汤沐之邑 6700
What makes Indian people so awesome?


Samantha Kannan
Why are Indian people so awesome?
I think one of the biggest reasons lies in the fact that India is largely a collective society.
Most of the western world lives very individualistic lives; our values lie more in independence and self-sufficiency. But in the eastern world, most communities are collective. They value family, relationships, the group as a whole.
Not to say that us westerners aren't compassionate or caring, but I've had unforgettable experiences with my acquaintances, colleagues, friends, family, and strangers of Indian heritage whether in India or abroad.
Genuine hospitality. Quick to help or advise in difficult situations.
It isn't just the climate that's warmer in India, it's the people.


Ari Pashtunistani
Indian people are australoids and the British found their land to be awesome, not so much the people. The black australoid race had been slaves to the Afghans and the British (combined) for over a 1000 years. They are a submissive and subordinate race that were easy to conquer. People took turns conquering this land of India — from the Turks, Afghans, then the British.
So to answer the question: what makes the Indian people awesome is the land they live on, which provides diamonds for example, like the Kahinoor diamond resting in the British museum today.
The land of these black australoids were conquered by the British because India was known as a crown jewel. The Afghans took the Kahinoor diamond first but then it landed in the hands of the British. It’s a land of booty, and wealth that invaders took at will. India was Afghanistans refrigerator and it was Britains jewelry store and harem.
Us Aryans had conquered this land for over a millennium while enriching our own lands. So thanks India, your land makes you awesome


Prarthana Bhat
Indians are spontaneous.
We like people. We like company. A LOT.
This is probably because most of us don't leave home till we complete our education so, we're used to being surrounded by people.
We don't really think twice before helping/ giving a hug/chatting up with a stranger. We don't care too much about formality. We're just 'friendly'
Maybe it's this 'energy' and spontaneity that comes across as 'awesomeness'
Of course, not everyone is awesome. You're lucky if you meet the nice ones.


Atul Kumar Mishra
We have a population of 1,410,193,422 and 3,185,263 square kilometers of livable land. That makes our population density 380. That means 380 people reside in every square kilometer. We have seven major religions here and counting the number of castes in the country is almost impossible. One religion loves looking down upon another and different castes don't really gel well with each other.
We still manage to pack 380 people of different religions and castes in 1 square kilometer. True there are communal tensions but with this tight density, there should have been clashes every hour of the day. Absolute Peace and harmony is a dream here in India. But we manage to live in a state of relative peace and harmony. That makes us awesome!


Praveen Kumar
We are excellent at everything we do, hence awesomeness thing!
We are awesome Coders who have taken over most of the silicon Valley.
20% of the the Professor in US are Indian.
Amit Singhal, the guy behind Google's Search engine (hardly anyone knows this)
36% of the doctors in US are Indian.
Top positions in Facebook, Google, MS, name it... we are there
the list is endless.
The only thing we fail is do is that we lack courage to start a new venture on our own. Hope we over come that :)

我们唯一失败的事情是我们缺乏自己创业的勇气,希望我们能克服这一点 。

原创翻译:龙腾网 转载请注明出处

Sugandha Banga
Very kind of you to say that Needless to say, it is impossible for everybody in a population of more than 1 billion folks to be 'awesome'. Actually, it is impossible for any country's entire population to be 'awesome'. But if you have chosen to form this view about us based on your personal experiences, we ought to thank you for your generosity. :)
My fellow Indians here have already listed a lot of things awesome about India and its people, but you know what I feel is most awesome about us? Our optimism.
This optimism is so well-embedded that we may not even recognize it ourselves. Kudos to your observation for being able to see through that (I am guessing) without even living here.
This optimism is not measurable, it cannot be represented in numbers and percentages. It reflects in:


The beaming faces of the poor little children who spend all their day begging on the roads. Bare feet, malnourished, torn and dirty clothes, bodies unwashed for days together and to, unfortunately, top it all—dim chances of a future any different from the present. You may see scores of them on the streets here as you move around in India, but not once will you be able to see their suffering on their faces.
The youth who, when ignited, takes to the streets in huge numbers in protest against injustice with a hope of to bring about change. And the fire in them at such times is so strong that they face aggressive attacks of tear gas, water cannons, and cane charge with pride and strength.
The truck-drivers and rickshaw-pullers who labor all day with just one thing to accompany them—a transistor with old Hindi movie-songs playing along to keep them cheerful.


The people who reach religious shrines in huge numbers every single day. These may include childless couples, people in dire need of money, failed businessmen, hurt lovers, abandoned parents, and hopeful students. The reasons that bring them all to the homes of their gods could be different, but they are again united by the same glue—hope.
Our weddings. Ceremonial, lavish, colorful, vibrant. It may have brought the girl's family under huge debt, but when two people are getting married, it is compulsory for everybody to be happy.


The wishful smile on the faces of the family of five laden on to a single two-wheeler as they dreamily look at people sitting in cars passing by. "Some day, I hope I get to sit in that too," the kids say in their hearts. "Some day, I hope I am able to buy that for my children," say the father and the mother inside their hearts.
... and more. Much more.


Statistically, one-third of our country (roughly equivalent to the entire population of the U.S) lives below the poverty line. We are internally and inherently separated by myriad boundaries of caste, creed, gender, religion, social status etc. We are home to the largest illiterate population on Earth. There are communal issues, societal issues, domestic issues... yada yada yada. This is not to sound cynical but to help everyone see the sheer beauty in us being optimistic despite all this.
Faith, hope, optimism, indifference, tolerance, patience, strength... different names, one purpose—to keep us going no matter what.


Perhaps, it wouldn't be so had we not been reeling under so many problems in every sphere of life. The most beautiful thing about challenges is that the more you deal with them, the more they strengthen you. And then the fact that we know how to live closely with each other, as Val Cooper very rightly pointed out, teaches us how to derive strength from each other.
All of that may or may not make us too awesome, but it definitely is the most awesome thing about us.

也许,如果不是因为生活中的种种挑战让我们应接不暇,我们的情况可能会有所不同。挑战之所以美好,是因为你面对的挑战越多,它们就越能锻炼你,让你变得更强大。而且,正如瓦尔·库珀(Val Cooper)恰当地指出的,我们懂得如何紧密地与他人共同生活,这教会了我们如何从彼此身上获得力量。

Mayank Kapoor
To cut a long story short
Wiki says ..
Jugaad is a colloquial Hindi word that can mean an innovative fix or a simple work-around,sometimes pejoratively used for solutions that bend rules, or a resource that can be used as such, or a person who can solve a complicated issue. It is used as much to describe enterprising street mechanics as for political fixers. This meaning is often used to signify creativity to make existing things work or to create new things with meagre resources.


原创翻译:龙腾网 转载请注明出处

Sudershanrao Kanukurthy
What makes Indians awesome?
Indians nature of acceptance of differences among various religious groups, ethnic people, customs and so on.
They are simple, do not have any prejudices about any race, religion, ethnic people.
Athithi Devo Bhava meaning guest is god has been imbibed in them since childhood. So they are good at treating the guests with love and affection.


What makes Indians awesome?
1.) Kindness.
When someone falls down or meets with an accident. The crowd around them tries to help them(mostly happens in non metro areas)
2.)Rapid reproduction.
Children and youth everywhere. No sex education only sex. Children! Children! Children!


3.) Religious tolerance:
In a day to day life you will not see any religious descimination. No one gives a shot about other's religion until and unless it is sensationalised by media.
Usually you can Hindu and Muslims being best friends ,supporting each other. Hindu and Muslims shops beside each other. Hindus participating in Islamic festivals like Muharram.


4.)English. Every one can understand English. At least a bit of it.
5.) I (a Telugu native)was once discussing my French paper with a malyali friend in English language at Chennai (Tamil Nadu). Go figure.
6.) When a part of the world is busy on Instagram or Facebook majority of quorans are indeed Indians. That's actually awesome.
7.) external epicenter of ID. We all Indians have this. We want to project ourselves in a way that other might want us to be seen. Just like this question.


Shah Rohit
India is awesome in people not in country wise. We have people who believes in Karma to progress of civilization and many people are working for that. All are very hard-working and little opportunity grabbers.
Do you know US/ Silicon Valley agree that we have more than 50% contribution in Computer era?
Do you know Mathematicians agree that we have huge contribution in maths too?
In brief, we cultivate healthy intelligent, do karma but we don't know how to use for self-benefits ?
Everything is not changing , Reliance, Thermax : Legends in business , Barefoot college, Goonj : Legends in Social business, Buyhatke : Legends in web-technology and Many more
India will be awesome in some-days...


I believe, its the proud feeling that comes to us when we read a question like this.
It can very well be a question by an Indian but there's still a sense of patriotism that blooms in our hearts and at least for once, we are overwhelmed at being an Indian (just because someone asked this question).
If a simple question can do so much to us, we feel awesome.
Being an Indian simply makes us awesome as anyway we constitute 17.5% of the World's .
I'd answer this Anonymously but we're still awesome.


Who are you? Are you a white guy? Did you experience pleasant Indians in the valley? If yes, let me tell you this. That Indian guy you are talking too is wearing a mask! He is so not him. We Indians have an in-born fascination for anything foreign. 200 years of British legacy wouldnt just wash away in 65 years you see. We treat any white foreigner very well even if he/she is from Belarus!
But trust me when I say this: the same Indian guy who might probably be your helping neighbor will be in his complete true self once back in India. Rude, complete lack of basic courtesy to even let geriatrics pass by the road, foul mouthed, spitting and throwing garbage on the streets, trying to pull some strings at the drop of the hat.
So come out of your slumber. If you really want to see us in full flow visit us in India :-) We are like any other country. Not so awesome at all


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