2024-06-04 yzy86 10240

Only 2% of the world population and 3-6% of Americans are redheads. Even in places like Scotland it’s only 13% of people. And they are heavily mocked for how they look. My mom has red hair and my parents were scared I’d be a redhead because how rough my mom had it as a kid for her hair. Nobody called her by her name. She was always called Pippy Longstocking or firecrotch. One time a doctor asked her when she was 13 if the carpet matched the drapes in the waiting room. I personally won’t have a kid with a redhead because i know my child would be ridiculed for it due to my recessive genes. Race swapped characters seem to always be the redheads. I’m not a redhead thankfully but i remember how much shit the redhead in my grade got through the 12 years of school. Also they’re called soulless.


there's a very long history in shunning gingers, often based on superstition, not dissimilar to treatment of albinos


In one of Mario Puzos books he says that some Italians think that Judas was a ginger and don’t trust gingers.


Red hair is supposedly the “mark of Cain“ which God used to make it obvious he was evil


Plenty of redheads, amongst nearly every race. Chinese excepted


In one of Dan Brown’s books Tom Hanks has to drink the blood of a ginger to open the catacombs under the Vatican


As an Italian, I've never heard that before in my life. But I think I can figure out where it comes from: Puzo wrote largely about the Sicilian experience, & the redheads in Italy are predominantly northerners, & there was a lot of oppression from northern Italy onto southern Italy (including Sicily).


And now they’re even replacing a bunch of ginger/red head characters with black people. Even black people hate red heads.


As a ginger, I can confirm that was mocked for my hair color and freckles for most of my childhood. And still now as an adult every now and then. It's probably why I became a ginger supremacist.


I never knew that it was a rare thing until I got older. I spent my younger years bleaching the fuck out of my hair just to stop all of the terrible ginger comments, but finally embraced it in my 20’s; and it only took me 20-ish years! I hate that it took me so long to feel secure in my ridiculously pale and freckled skin, but at least I got here lol. I’m loving the representation in this thread.


Redheaded and blue eyes here. Was not only picked on in school but bullied and jumped. Constantly.
Grew up and married outside my race and was so happy that my child didn't come out with red hair. Besides health issues it was one of my top concerns.
I wouldn't wish growing up with red hair on anyone.


As another person said here in the replies:
Just googled it, apparently blue eyes & red hair is the rarest eye/hair combo in the world. The chance of having both naturally is 0.17%.


A lot of redheaded folks have brown eyes, and are equally beautiful. It’s just a weird ass rare combo to get the green or blue. We are mutant freaks


I actually got kicked on “kick a ginger day at school”. Love my hair, but the teasing was awful


I got kicked, too. The ridicule had me breaking down in tears after school on many occasions. I couldn't retaliate in any form lest I wanted to be labeled a psycho.


“Don’t date a redhead. They’re psychos” is something Ive heard many times throughout my life. My ex had dyed red hair and people even said “she just wanted her hair to match her craziness”


The popular thing to say was 'Redheads have no souls', which looking back now is an insane and terrible thing to say?!


South Park brought us gingers have no souls. I know as a kid the insults hurt (I look like van goh now with the ginger beard, there we no escape for me) that eventually I accepted the insults and made them into armor. Fire crotch? Damn right I am. Soulless? Fear me.

↘“红头发的人没有灵魂 ”的说法是《南方公园》引介给我们的。我在孩提时代就知道这些侮辱很伤人(我现在留着姜黄色的胡子,看着就像是梵高,对我来说,这事是无处可逃的),但最终我还是接受了这些侮辱,并把它们变成了盔甲。火焰裆?太对了,不才正是本人。我没有灵魂?那就来畏惧我吧。

To me it's the prettiest hair color out there, bar none. I've felt very bad for the guys and gals who are treated like garbage for it


Thanks Ruth, after high school a lot of the guys that made my life miserable flirted and some asked me out I had fun turning them down. I'm old now and color my grays with strawberry blonde dye. I'll never stop being a redhead because it's who I am.


OMG my mom told me to never date a red headed man because of terrible temper. I have never been attracted to gingers, probably because of this. That’s so messed up.


I imagine the "terrible temper" is rooted by the fact that society doesnt care if a redhead is bullied/teased their entire life because its not a big deal or anything. That has to place a decent amount of deeply seeded resentment.


I got kicked too and asked if the carpet matched the drapes about a million times. I also got called an orangutan all the time and they would make monkey noises at me instead of talk to me. I still live in my hometown and when I bump into the worst of the bullies, he still makes monkey noises at me and we are in our 30s. I was a sensitive child but am the exact opposite now so it doesn’t bother me now (what says pathetic more than a man in his 30s that never grew up and is still trying to bully the girl he bullied 20+ years ago). But to this day, I cringe when someone says ginger and I absolutely hate orangutans.


I was expelled for fighting back against someone who like running drop kicked me for no reason on kick a ginger day. I had never talked to the kid before and had no idea who he was. The school system expelled me and not him because multiple of his friends said I started it.


I'm a half Korean ginger and man was it rough growing up in the 80s and 90s with bright red hair and slanted eyes.


that genuinely sounds like such a cool combo though


Maybe if I didn't look like a red headed kim jong Un lolol


Being a ginger is wild y’all. You’re either mocked or fetishized by a very large amount of the population.


As a ginger with bipolar, I have two major hesitations to having kids. My mother can't fathom why I wouldn't want to bless her with redheaded grandchildren, insisting that I was never bullied for it because if I had been, she would have put a stop to it


The name calling, the songs they made of me at Secondary school 12-17yrs old ( high school ) for having red hair. Yes the stereotypes, she has a fiery temper that one does, shes fiesty, shes a witch, she'll fight you, shes mean & nasty. All because the colour of my hair. 49 now & my red hair has become darker, only when its a sunny day can u see my red/golden hair. I do have some ' wisdom highlights ' now too, which only i really notice, but i love my hair colour.

↘在我12到17岁的中学生涯里,他们因为我是红头发而辱骂我、编排歌曲嘲笑我。是的,那些刻板印象,她凶暴易怒,她是个女巫,她会和你打架,她刻薄又下流。全都是因为我头发的颜色。现在我49 岁了,我的红发变得更黑了,只有在阳光明媚的日子里,你才能看到我的红色/金色头发。我现在也会做一些挑染,只有我自己会注意到,但我喜欢我的发色。
原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

My favorite part about being ginger is the crazy amount of men who assume I’m “feisty” or “crazy in bed” because my hair is a fucked up shade of blonde lol


Actually redheads are less prone to feel the effects of anesthesias and pain killers. So they are genetically different, and it would make sense that a lot of redheads are labeled as angry because they are in more pain than the average person at all times
People that have chronic pain conditions tend to be angry a lot of the time, everything feels just so much worse and it's unrelenting


Exactly! This and “I would never reproduce with a redhead!”


It's actually a fucked up shade of brown. That's why when people with very dark brown hair tend to get that orange color when they bleach their hair


Most families with a redhead do tend to be dark haired. My friend in high school is a redhead the rest of her family had dark brown almost black hair. My husband is a redhead and I have very dark hair as well. Our son is a red but our daughter is blond.


It's because they're white and in today's fucked up societal views, it's totally acceptable to express hate towards white people.


There are Uighurs in China who have natural red hair. The gene for red hair can be passed to other people of color.
A lot of Chinese people have pale complexions, but it doesn't make them not Asian. The Miao Chinese may have red hair, but they're still Asian. I believe the trait exists among some Hmong Asians too.


Yeah it's really fucking psychologically damaging. Im Irish and have lived in Ireland my whole life and was still bullied for being ginger


Just an FYI: you don’t have to be a redhead to have red-headed children.
My husband and I are both blondes and our daughter has red hair. I personally love her hair and enjoy how unique it makes her. I hope she feels the same when she’s older.


I've had shit all my life for having red hair, and it pisses me off. It seems to be the only characteristic that isn't protected, however it's difficult to complain about it for whatever reason.


I don’t get why people hate ginger hair. That and heterochromia are two of the most attractive physical traits someone can have in my eyes (no pun intended).


Let's also not forget the super interesting pattern of every ginger super hero/sidekick being replaced in movies and TV these days.


My best friend is ginger and I grew up with the guy. I've seen him get way more abuse than any of my non-white friends for how they look.
One of the only groups of people that is still openly mocked and abused and no-one cares.


I crack on gingers a lot not thinking about it but this has made me realize the pattern, I’m gonna stop that


It's basically just racism against Celts. But the Anglos have been doing that for so long and getting away with it nobody cares


It stems from Irish hate, but because the Irish are white, racists don't see that discrimination as racist.


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