2024-06-06 汤沐之邑 10297

Is the United States corrupt?


原创翻译:龙腾网 转载请注明出处

Che Tianyi
An interview with a Chinese who has lived in the United States for a long time, he wrote an article about the real corruption in the United States.


The US government is extremely corrupt and incurable. The loss caused by corruption in the United States is much higher than that in China. Don't think I'm joking - after reading this article, you will understand the operating mechanism of corruption in the United States.
If there is such direct corruption as "ordinary people give civil servants money in exchange for civil servants to make it convenient for you" in China, there is basically no such kind of direct corruption in the United States. Even if there are sporadic cases, the civil servants who take bribes will soon be arrested and jailed. The punishment of direct corruption in the United States is very severe.
When I first arrived in the United States, I found that the government, the government, and so on all worked in the United States. They will do whatever the laws and regulations say. They won't give you any trouble on purpose, and they won't ask you for a card. At that time, I thought that the United States was really a clean country. However, with the increase of my life experience and the gradual contact with the top of society, I found that corruption in the United States is systematic and ubiquitous.
If we only regard direct corruption as corruption, then the United States is one of the cleanest countries in the world. But in essence, corruption is the trading of power and money. By this standard, the United States is extremely corrupt.
The transaction of power and money consists of two parts, the first part is bribery, the second part is the abuse of power for personal gain.


Let's talk about bribery in the United States. In the United States, it is a serious crime for ordinary people to give money to civil servants. But there are thousands of ways to bribe. Many of the answers to the question of campaign donations are actually the most superficial form of bribery. In fact, the campaign funds can not be put into the official's personal account. One of Trump's scandals was that he used campaign money to pay hush money to a pornographic actor he had called. Michael Cohen, his private lawyer, was jailed for that.
In fact, the simplest way to bribe is to invite a speech. For example, if you want to bribe an official, you can't directly charge money, so you invite him to give a speech in your company for half an hour and an hour, and then legally give the official hundreds of thousands of dollars in appearance fees. These are the personal legitimate income of officials. For example, from 2013 to 2014, Hillary Clinton gave a speech at Goldman Sachs, Morgan Stanley and Deutsche Bank, and the appearance fee for each speech was as high as $225000. A total of three hours of speech, 675000 dollars into the account. Nikky Haley, a Republican, also paid more than $200000 per speech after leaving office.

让我们讨论一下美国的贿赂问题。在美国,普通人向公务员行贿是一项重罪。然而,贿赂的手段却多种多样。许多关于竞选捐款的讨论实际上只是贿赂最表面的形式。实际上,竞选资金不能转入官员的个人账户。特朗普的一个丑闻是,他把竞选资金支付给一位色情演员用作封口费。他的私人律师迈克尔·科恩(Michael Cohen,)因此事被监禁。

Another way of offering bribes is to set up charitable foundations. For example, Clinton and trump have charitable foundations named after themselves. If interest groups want to bribe Clinton and trump, they will donate money to their charity foundation. In fact, these foundations are essentially small private coffers controlled by Clinton and trump. They can only spend a small part of their daily expenses on charity. For example, Clinton and Hillary's daughter, Chelsea Clinton, is directly the president of the Clinton charity foundation, and receives huge salaries from the foundation. In this way, interest groups can not only pay bribes openly, but also beautify the process of bribery as "donation" and "charity".


There are also many American politicians who, before taking office or after leaving office, serve as executives, board members, consultants and other positions in large enterprises. Many jobs earn millions or even tens of millions of dollars a year. This kind of seamless connection between enterprise executives and government officials is called "revolving door" in the United States. For example, Trump's first Secretary of state Tillerson was once the chairman and general manager of Mobil group. Another example is George W. Bush's younger brother, Jeb Bush (Jeb Bush), who became a director of a pharmaceutical company after retiring as governor of Florida. Although these companies do not directly bribe the incumbent government officials, under this kind of unspoken rule, the officials are directly the people of those companies. Under the expectation that "after retiring from office, they will be able to return to large enterprises to receive high salaries and enjoy the glory and wealth forever". During their tenure of office, those officials will "voluntarily and fairly" formulate policies in favor of those large enterprises.


Of course, only paying bribes without abusing power for personal gain does not constitute a complete transaction of power and money. And the way that the United States uses power for personal gain is far more hidden than bribery. More than 90% of Americans can't understand the way the United States uses power for personal gain. (these people think that the U.S. government is not abusing its power for personal gain. Hillary Clinton's speech is expensive only because she is a star, while Tillerson was the CEO of an oil company, which proves that he is capable and qualified to be Secretary of state.)
The way for the United States to abuse power for personal gain is to take money to legislate. To sum up, it can be divided into two kinds: legalizing unreasonable things and making reasonable things illegal.
To legalize unreasonable things is to legalize things that are illegal and unacceptable in any society, so that interest groups can obtain huge profits.


The most obvious example is the legalization of drugs. Marijuana, a less hallucinogenic drug, is just a little fun. Smoking marijuana is as common as smoking in the United States. The most serious drug problem in the United States is actually opiates. Millions of people in the United States now smoke more than one class of opium! That is, about 3% of Americans are smoking opium. In contrast, there were only 3-4 million opium addicts in China in the late Qing Dynasty. The number of opium smokers in the United States is three times that of China in the late Qing Dynasty. Most of the opium drugs that Americans take are actually "painkillers" sold in the United States. Pharmaceutical companies in the United States, in the name of "painkillers", legally sell opiates. Many doctors in the United States, seeing that every patient in pain, prescribes opiate painkillers at will and poisons them. Do you have rheumatoid arthritis? Take opium to relieve pain! Do you have lumbar disc herniation? Take opium to relieve pain! Do you have muscle soreness? Take opium to relieve pain! So many people become addicted to opium after taking painkillers as prescribed by doctors. However, they can only go back to see a doctor and ask for more painkillers, so the doctors and the pharmaceutical companies can make a lot of money without any legal consequences. As a result, more than 70000 people in the United States die from drug overdose every year.


One of the most notorious pharmaceutical companies is Purdue pharma. Oxycontin, the Opium painkiller produced by the family, has caused numerous people to become addicted to opium. The Sackler family, the founder of Purdue pharmaceutical, used a small part of the money they earned from drug trafficking to buy cultural relics and donate them to museums, so as to turn themselves into cultural philanthropists. There is also a secler Museum of Archaeology and art in Peking University. I also know the granddaughter of the seclerian family, who have been active in the upper classes of New York.


Another example is the legalization of usury. The Chinese government stipulates that loans with interest rates over 15.4% are usury. However, local laws in Taiwan Province of China stipulate that the maximum interest rate of loans should not exceed 20%. In the United States, when you go to any big store, or even when you pay online, businesses will ask whether you want to apply for a "credit card" to borrow money and spend ahead of time. The interest rates of these credit cards are all around 25%. If various "handling charges" and "fines" are included, the actual interest rate will be higher. According to China's standards, there is no doubt that there is a proper usury. As you know, Americans can't add, subtract, multiply, and divide, let alone index interest. Therefore, these businesses first bombard with advertisements to promote consumerism and stimulate the desire of ordinary people to consume. Then, they downplayed the interest rate of usury, or deliberately misled them, saying that "only 50 dollars a month" was paid, which made many Americans who were poor in mathematics fall into the trap of usury and the abyss of bankruptcy.


Another way for the United States to abuse power for personal gain is to outlaw what is reasonable. This is the most secretive form of corruption in the United States. In detail, in the name of protecting the people, protecting the environment, and protecting culture, the legislation establishes extremely strict rules and regulations for all walks of life to eliminate market competition, so that the monopoly interest groups controlled by a small number of white and Jewish people in Western Europe can obtain hundreds of times of profits permanently and legally.
Limited by space, I would like to give only one example here, that is, medical care in the United States. The medical industry in the United States is the largest interest group in the United States. At present, about 18% of GDP in the United States is spent on medical care, which is the highest in developed countries, while the medical level in the United States is the lowest in developed countries. The life expectancy and other indicators of the United States are similar to those of developing countries such as Lebanon, Cuba and Turkey. In contrast, China's medical expenditure accounts for less than 7% of GDP, and the per capita medical expenditure is about one tenth of that of the United States, but life expectancy is only about one year lower than that of the United States, and is still rising.


Why is it like this? Because the United States through a variety of stringent legislation, artificially create scarcity and monopoly, so that the medical system can obtain huge profits. First of all, through the "prescxtion drug system", so that patients can not take their own medicine when they are sick, they can only go to the hospital. I remember when I was a child with an inflammation of my throat. My parents went to the drugstore downstairs and bought me a bottle of antibiotics for a few yuan, and I was cured. After I arrived in the United States, I had a sore throat and needed to take half a day off. I was waiting in the clinic for a few hours. The doctor talked to me for about 30 seconds and prescribed 10 identical Chinese penicillins. For this bottle of antibiotics, I have to spend hundreds of dollars on medical expenses, including about 1000 dollars of work lost in half a day. My throat was inflamed once, and I lost 10000 yuan.


Ironically, the U.S. animal husbandry industry is seriously abusing antibiotics. In order to make the cattle and sheep less sick, the livestock farmers add antibiotics to the feed every time they feed. So there is a magical phenomenon in the United States. Now in the United States, animals take antibiotics every meal, whether they are sick or not. Even if human beings are terminally ill, they cannot buy antibiotics without doctors. What's more, I'm now in the United States, where I can buy marijuana at will, but I can't do anything about antibiotics.

原创翻译:龙腾网 转载请注明出处

Corresponding to the strict prescxtion drug system is the strict control of prescxtion right and the shortage of manufacturing. In the United States, if an ordinary person wants to become a medical practitioner and get the prescxtion right, he really has to go through 9981 difficulties. In China, the college entrance examination is directly applied for medical undergraduate and master's degree. After five years, you can go to many hospitals to become a doctor after taking the certificate of practice. In the United States, to become a medical practitioner, you must have a medical doctor's degree. To apply for a doctor of medicine, you must have an undergraduate degree. But there is no medical education in all American universities. So you have to waste four years of your undergraduate education and get an undergraduate degree in chemistry or biology. And then it takes another four years to get a medical doctor's degree. You still don't have the prescxtion right at this time. It takes you three to eight years to become an intern to get prescxtion rights. That is to say, from the time you graduate from high school, even if you didn't choose the wrong major and didn't leave school to prepare for the exam, you also found a internship position with only three years, and it would take you at least 11 years to get the prescxtion right.


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