2024-06-06 翻译熊 6327

How did Soviet propaganda portray the aid delivered by the United States in WW2?


Dima Vorobiev
TLDR:We grudgingly acknowledged the fact whenever the geopolitical expediency dictated it.Look at how we nowadays acknowledge the supremacy of China in economic and industrial matters. It comes in occasional flashes when our President needs to please the Chinese comrades, but else is kept very subdued in our loyalist propaganda.


During WW2, our propaganda inside the country largely ignored the aid delivered by the US.
Of course they’re for us
The general message was that the US were our allies. The rest of the humankind was on our side anyways, so how could they not join us in the sacred struggle? Especially when the millions of American proletarians embraced our cause with all their hearts?
Reports about the arriving lend-lease extremely rare and never specific. Loose lips sink ships, remember?
After the war, the Allied effort in WW2 was presented in the USSR as supplementary and largely self-serving. How did Soviet propaganda view the Allied help after WW2?


原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

The guidelines
Occasional reports told how American workers and “common people of good will” watched with fascination the struggle of the Soviet unx. These American people firmly required of the ruling classes in the West—the attribute “Capitalist” was usually omitted for the occasion—to support the USSR.
Faced with such a firmness, the rulers could not help but heed. Posters showing the American support limited imagery to the Stars and Stripes, with no faces, weapons or items of lend-lease.
Inside the perimeter
For common Soviets, lend-lease as a program of war help was a non-subject. Evidently, they knew it was some kind of assistance coming from abroad. But the scale and value of it had never been widely advertised.
My father told me they had perceived the American shoes, spam, tanks and trucks just like an act of nature—like the Sun that breaks through the clouds, for you to dry your soggy uniforms and boots a little bit. You don’t talk about it much, you pull off your things and hang them out in the sunshine.


Hard items
Canned beans and especially spam were well known among fighting troops. As were the American boots and the metal buttons on the Red Army uniforms.
But the food and equipment that was to be distributed among troops, were stripped from American signage right after offloading in Soviet ports as much as possible.
Generally, talking about America was not a very safe topic. Someone could be listening. Before the war, a lot of people worked with Americans and Germans who built our industries and infrastructure. Those who appreciated their work and their machines publicly were arrested for anti-Soviet propaganda in the form of “groveling” before Capitalism and denigrating the Soviet equipment and management.


Imported beauties
According to war memoir, the perception was somewhat different among the troops who were using a lot of American battle equipment, e.g. in the air force and tank forces. American Shermans played a major role in taking Berlin, for example.
Estimates of the beasts’ battle capacity varied. What was uniformly appreciated was the ergonomics for the battle crews and the quality of manufacturing.
The sneaky bunch
Ameica came up much more often when political commissars talked to soldiers and officers about the absence the Allied troops fighting Germans in the West. The fact of Britain fighting the Nazis from the beginning was ignored. “Where is that frigging second front already?” was the recurring complaint that met much understanding among soldiers and civilians. Commissars used to present the Allies as cynical players who waited for us to bleed ourselves dry fighting the Nazis, just to jump in at very end, and grab the spoils of victory.
Look at our President Putin’s twisted lip whenever he talked to us about “our Western partners”, and you get the mood.


Toward the end of 1944, posters started to consistently show anonymized figures of Western soldiers, like on the poster below. “Let’s finish the beast in its lair!”
From the spring ’45 until the capitulation of Japan, there were even some posters showing smiling faces of the Allies. Newspapers also printed photos with happy faces of Brits and Americans socializing with our troops.
At all times, the narrative consistently stressed the leading role of the USSR as a conqueror of Nazism. The US and Britain were marginal players, involved in auxiliary battles, offering some vague, undefined help. On the poster below from before the Stalingrad battle, only the Soviet soldier is facing Hitler to deal him a devastating blow. The American and the Brit seem to be too scared to look Hitler in the face and rather look to the Soviet man for guidance and leadership.




When I went to school, the lend-lease was usually mentioned in one sentence, or two as an example of the role of our Western allies in WW2. No statistics that could give an idea of the volume of help were given, apart from the number of shipments and sometimes the total value of help in US dollars. The bravery of British sailors dispatching the help was given more place. The demise of convoy PQ17, along with the D-Day, became one of the most known episodes among our public.


Aidan Turner
What was the Soviet’s reaction to the Allies invading Italy in 1943? Did they see that as the second front they had long been asking for them to open?


Dima Vorobiev
At par with the fights in Africa. They’re messing around while we do the heavy lifting


Aidan Turner
And how did they view the Pacific War, and the mainland Chinese front?

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Dima Vorobiev
About the same. Fighting under the blue skies and in the warm surf of the Pacific sounds almost like leisure for freezing and hungry troops in the dead of Russian wintry plains


Gavin Tabor
Plus of course it was against a different enemy - Japan, which at the time was not threatening the USSR.


Tracy Poole
First off, Russia deserves every accolade it gets for WWII. That said, I was kinda/sorta taught they opportunistically declared war on Japan at the very end to steal some land or get some things, I’m not sure which, just that it was some opportunistic move by the Soviets.


Alexey Zubkov
The declaration of war on Japan was not opportunistic. It was in compliance with a committment made by the USSR to the Allies in Yalta in February 1945 to attack Japan no later than 3 months after Nazi German capitulation in Europe. The Soviet area of responsibility as agreed with the Allies included the Japanese armies in north-eastern China, the north of the Korean peninsula, the island of Sakhalin and the Kuril Islands.
Indeed, Stalin did make a move to expand the Soviet offensive to include the island of Hokkaido in the swag. But the US succeeded in preventing that from happening, basically beating the Soviets to the area.


Svetlana Cherkasova
Pre-Lend-Lease equipment in January 1942 amounted to a few percent of the number of tanks that were deployed near Moscow and along the entire front. At the decisive moment during the German offensive according to the Barbarossa plan, the amount of British equipment was scanty. The same can be said about aviation; the share of Lend-Lease aircraft was small. Soviet aircraft certainly outnumbered Lend-Lease aircraft.


Western propagandists cite a figure - the supply of 375 all-wheel drive vehicles under Lend Dease. But the main problem is that supplies under Lend-Lease increased rather gradually during the 1942-1943 war. And the losses in transporting equipment were also great. During the decisive battles of Stalngrad, the Kursk Bulge, and in Ukraine, imported vehicles were a relatively small number.


Only in the final period of the war, in 1945, when the assembly system was established, did imported equipment begin to play a large role in the Red Army. Every third car was imported. But now the task was not to survive, but to finish off the enemy in his lair.


In the most decisive years of the Second World War, the Soviet army relied on domestically produced military equipment. In addition, imported equipment was sensitive to fuel and oils. In the realities of the war, the number of serviceable vehicles was much greater among Soviet equipment than among imported ones. The problem is the constant breakdown of imported cars.


Lend-Lease (30% of all military equipment) was undoubtedly useful in 1944-1945, but did not play a decisive role in the USSR’s victory over Nazi Germany in WWII.


The USSR won the Second World War on its own and at the expense of the Soviet military-industrial complex, which was built in the 30s.


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