2024-06-08 Phelps 16234

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Kanthaswamy Balasubramaniam
You kidding me?
If Indians were angrier, the Country would be far better off than it is today
That's the fatal flaw with all de ocracies and the concept of de ocracy. The Citizens are helpless to anything for 4/5 years and when the elections come, if every candidate is equally evil or incompetent as the case may be - THE HOUSE ALWAYS WINS


In US or Europe, the Citizens are still in a state of helpless fury
In India, the Citizens gave up long ago
It's why nations like Russia or are still afraid of potential protests escalating into riots and needing the police or even the army. That keeps the Government in check and ensures they don't go too far.
Nothing like that in a Democracy


Let me give you some examples


Demonetization in 2016 / 17 led to a lot of problems faced by the Public
Some people even Died, others suffered a lot
Most of these were common men who had saved money for a rainy day and kept it in cash. Not tax evaders
Bankers harrassed them
Government harrassed them
Yet nobody took accountability. The people after 100–120 days suffering, like tame cattle went back to their lives without realizing that Dirty money was still very much there


Covid Phase II saw Oxygen deprivation and Hospital Shortages leading to an official 154,000 deaths
People died on streets without oxygen or a hospital bed
In almost a whole year from May 2020, India as a nation did zilch to produce enough Oxygenators and Oxygen and Hospital Beds for emergencies
No one took accountability


The People after 100–120 days suffering and dying like TAME CATTLE went back to their lives and even forgot about the whole issue and even claimed the PM had saved the nation with vaccines
Others include Manipur and a plethora of issues like Unemployment, Inflation and so many others


There is just no anger
There is just a helpless resignation
So Indians aren't getting Angrier and Angrier
They are just helpless


Amatullah Merchant
Why wouldn't I?
NEET PG seat allocation results are out.
A general category student having as high as 22 State merit rank isn't getting the field of his choice, whereas the reserved student having a rank of 37,000 is allocated Surgical branches!
See for yourself.
Is this fair?

印度医学研究生入学考试 (NEET PG) 的名额分配结果出来了。

Well, those of you not from Maharashtra, allow me to bust about the recent updation of the reservation quota, which has reached 78% now.
(Supreme Court judgement in 1993 [Indra Sawhney vs. The unx of India] states that reservation quota cannot exceed 50%)
Medical field is supposed to be the worst hit in this case. Already there are handful of seats all through out the state, and with this newly added Caste-based reservation quotas, there are NO SEATS in some colleges for open category students.

老实说,那些不是马哈拉施特拉邦的人,让我来揭露一下最近更新的保留名额制度,它现在已经高达78%了。(1993年最高法院的判决规定,保留名额不得超过 50%)

And what's more, no media, no politicians, no courts are hearing out our pleas.
When contacted to higher authorities, we are told, “Open category students can take in management quota if they are so eager to pursue higher studies.” [1]

当我们联系上级部门时,他们告诉我们,“如果普通类学生如此渴望继续深造,可以选择花钱读管理名额。” [1]

And mind you, fees through management quota is 5X more than that through merit. Not many of us can afford such exorbitant fees, right?
On one side we want to uplift India and get ourselves into the superpower category. On other side, we are ‘allowing’ our country to go backward.
Social media campaigns have been launched. Hashtags are being streamed. But, do you think any of this is really going to be effective?
No wonder politics is ensued, but playing with students’ life? Playing with the future patients lives? Not fair.


原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Today, this is the fate in Maharashtra. Tomorrow, this is surely going to get repeated in other state.
Can nothing be done against these atrocities? Is opting to pursue higher studies from abroad the only option left for us?
If we cannot acknowledge meritorious students, then we have no effing right to complain about the brain drain to other western countries.
Welcome to the Modern India.


Ankita Bellubbi
I think the whole world is getting angrier. Its just earlier that we didn't have a platform to vent it out. Now we do. With the help of these platform we can be angrier together and vent it out together.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Prashant Kumar
They are getting frustrated.


Nishant Kumar
There are many things responsible for increase in anger.
Reservation - reservation is not a problem. But it is not given to those who actually deserves.
The rate of Crime against women is not decreasing.
Tension between two major religions.
Government is not serious about unemployment
Rich getting richer. Poor getting poorer.


原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Nicholas Sebastain Cooper
Anger as Weapon,
thinks are getting difficult, and people cannot see any relief.
winds of change, dissatisfaction is seen around the globe.


Shubham Pratap Singh Raghav
The answer to your question Are Indians getting angrier is completely dependent on your reason to ask this question which you have not described or asked. So i will give the answer in a different manner which maybe no one has given yet.


You know what India is a very big country with diverse variety of religion, cultures, people all living together with harmony and peace. So if you are asking about all of Indians together getting angrier or maybe some part or some people here then I can't even tell you because of diversity here.
There is no poll or survey conducted here for this and I wonder what parameters will be used to find the behavioral characteristics of a whole nation if any survey has to be done. Whether I would simply like to tell you, I'm answering this question just because I feel angry towards such type of question asked by you.


There is this one thing about Anger,
Anger is a normal, healthy response to a threat and may be used for a constructive purpose. It can give you a way to express negative feelings, for example, or motivate you to find solutions to problems.


So being angry is just a normal human behavioral characteristics. Every people can have Anger towards anything around, so in India also, it can be possible. Being Angry is a condition or mental situation but the different one is to show this Anger or medium of expressing this Anger. I am sure that most Indians don't take the wrong mediums which can hurt people for expressing Anger.
As similar to a normal human being, India as a collective humans also experience Anger towards lot of things. Same as like for normal human, if something threatful or provocative or uncomfortable event happens with one his anger can grow, thus same thing happens with us as a nation.


I would like to give you an example for it regarding India’s anger. Recently when a terrorist attack done by some odd minded people in Pulwama over a CRPF convoy killing our soldiers, India had gone full of Anger towards terrorism, just like a normal human. All of us know Pakistan is sponsoring this terrorism in India, so actions reaction was given to Pak.


And we as a Nation expressed it by actions like Surgical Strike on terrorist camps in Pakistan and military actions just a less than war against. Another actions taken by India was:
to stop its share of water from eastern rivers flowing to Pakistan
Withdrawal of MFN status
Customs duty hike upto 200 percent
Srinagar-Muzaffarabad bus service suspended


Whether I already told you that India is a country with diverse culture, thus there is not a single time that we are not celebrating any festival in a whole year. Much of the anger is contained with them festivals easily, thus India is not that much angrier that you are assuming. We at times be angry and another time peaceful and enjoying.
One more thing, maybe I have to say that India is getting Angrier at present time. And there is a very scientific reason behind the Angerness of whole India except some hilly part of it.


Its the WEATHER here in India. We are experiencing the summer season right now here in which temperature use to rise. And for your kind science information -
A new study has found that people get angry or grumpy in warm weather as stress hormones may rise in tandem with the thermometer. The heat hypothesis states that hot temperatures can increase aggressive motives and behaviors. According to the researchers they saw cortisol circulating in the body during warm weather. Aside from the heat on your skin, exposure to hot temperatures also increases your heart rate, which leads to even more discomfort.


So this is the real reason or answer to your question if maybe Indians are getting angrier, so please don't mind.


Harshavadan Kalmekh
Not at all.
Our up bringing, our culture and our society is so strong that we are the most harmonious people in the world. Just look at the diversity and the number of religion exsting in this country and compare it with the world. If ever Indians were extremist there would have been continuous riots and civil war would have started in the country.


原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Indians are getting angrier is a fake propaganda made by the western media and so called intellectuals in the country to demoralize Hindus. Because whenever Hindus have started thinking of Hinduism these people have attacked them by calling them intolerant, started spreading fear that minorities are in danger, that this country is not safe for Muslims.


Just look around yourself, in your office, in your school, in your neighborhood is there any sign of this. NO
So do not believe every rumor spread in the social media and by some media houses.
India is the most peace loving country in the world.


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