2024-06-08 2956648914 6283


Asia is the fastest growing economic region. But its youth are struggling with a jobs crisis. Unemployment rates are significantly higher for them, while those who have jobs are often unhappy and overworked.
In Malaysia, a lack of opportunities and a weakening currency are driving many of its bright young talents across the Causeway to neighbouring Singapore. The exodus is worsening its labour crunch, especially in the state of Johor. In highly educated and hyper-competitive South Korea, college graduates are fighting over a shrinking pool of well-paid positions, by taking more courses and exams. Many fail to secure a job after a year, even with a master’s degree and multiple internships under their belt. In Japan, long hours and a lack of work-life balance remain the norm. But a post-pandemic reset and shifting attitudes among the younger generation are slowly driving change.


原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Youth unemployment is a worldwide problem. Companies are hiring less and expecting workers to work like 2 people in a day with minimum pay.


Lowering retirement age would help/free up work spaces for multiple younger/generations.


At my last healthcare job, I was doing 4 peoples job descxtions at once in a shift without proper compensation, as an expectation to fulfill my role. The work culture is evolving to be even more predatory

在我上一份医疗保健工作中,我在一个班次中同时做着 4 个人的工作,却没有适当的报酬。这是对我履行职责的一种期望,这里的工作文化正在演变得更具有掠夺性。

why difficult to look for a suitable job in Malaysia?
1) Age restriction, most companies dont want someone aged 35 or older. or younger ones without experience
2) salary vs what companies want you to do or ur qualifications
3) toxic managers or workers demand alot of things but never comes to work
4) incompetent Managers, expect someone just joined the company knows what need to do without giving them proper guidance.
5) require all sorts of qualifications even for minor/ easy work
6) managers sets absurd targets for sales team even when they barely achieving the previous target
Ive worked in many places, i can survive overseas, but not Malaysia

1) 年龄限制,大多数公司不需要 35 岁或 35 岁以上的人或者没有经验的年轻人
2) 工资与公司希望你做的工作或你的资历的博弈
4) 不称职的经理,指望一个刚进公司的人知道他需要做什么而不给他们适当的指导
5) 要求各种资格证书,即使是次要/简单的工作也不例外
6) 管理者为销售团队设定了荒唐的目标,即使他们勉强实现了之前的目标

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Don't want 35 or older? Their CEOs all 28 years old ar lMao. Pre 30 I was still barely able to manage people.
They expect to compete with international companies with this kind of calibre?

不想要 35 岁或以上的人?难道他们的首席执行官都只有28岁?30岁之前,我还只能勉强管管人。

@kingseiryu929 dont want new recruit of 35 years or older. thats the thing, they still have that kind of mentality

@Kingseiryu929 不想要35岁或35岁以上的新人。这就是问题所在,他们仍然有这种心态。

Its a global thing. Not just asia.


Then why don't it mention Africa , Latin America where employment opportunities are very bleak. Even U.S and Europe is going through the same issue of unemployment . Further employers cannot find suitable candidates for many job openings due to lack of skill, low wages , market downturn and overt regulation etc. Still you can find many jobs which doesn't have takes and too many people chasing too few jobs in well paid category. Thats why he said phenomenon is not local but global


Liew talked nonsense. Malaysians have been flocking to Singapore to work for decades. Even when the exchange rate was 1:1 in the 70s.


And now at 3.5 to 1 and rising, the locals in Singapore are...finished in their own job market!


@kengleetan63 CNA, the Singaporean state-owned media outlet, is at it again! Laying out the "troubles" in its neighbouring countries, implying that employment situation in Singapore locally is all well and good... Seriously us from your neighbouring countries are tired of these propaganda videos by CNA...

@kengleetan63 新加坡国有媒体CNA又开始搞事情了!它大肆宣扬邻国的"麻烦",暗示新加坡本地的就业形势一切良好......说真的,我们这些来自邻国的人已经厌倦了CNA的这些宣传视频...

If employment prospect is bad, then dwindling population is the right direction.


You’d think so, but there’s lower domestic consumption so less business. People 18-45 or so are the big spenders.


​ @maxrebo8455 Less consumption= fewer workers. Decline in population = fewer workers. I don't see the problem


@dirremoire decline in population = less consumption which = downsizing businesses with less job openings.
So if there’s an imbalance now already there will still be an imbalance with a smaller population.


I am starting to think all school system should train our youth to be able to start their own businesses and become more practical instead of training them to be corporate employees. Especially we are in the era of uncertainties.


Because they want less competition.. this is how they keep themselves in power. It is up to the individual how to get close to that top tier percent.. a lot of these people applies the 48 laws of power.. if they really want a lot of regular folks to be as successful as them— there wouldn’t be normal folks in the street.


Educatuon institution was historically created with the purpose of providing literate and hopefully skilled/knowledgable workers.


It is a good point. But schools are not going to do that, because enterpreneurs are free thinkers. Most governments don't have interest on that.


Not just in Asia, Ive been struggling to find a job for months here in the US.


But the government tells us that the labor market is tight and there are too many jobs and too few workers


Thats because increasing wage means you need a higher skillset to get hired and companies use AI to pick thru resumes that sound boring.


I’m German in my mid 30s. Took a career break for 3 years. Sent out many resumes, none came back. My grades were good. Wasted my time in school


I mean, you are blacklisted due to your extreme unemployment of 3 years. Your good grades is immaterial now.


@sobsag I think maybe you are unfamiliar with the corporate world, or come from Europe?
6 months is the typical guideline for a soft blacklist. 3 years is so extreme that he probably cannot find normal employment anymore at a decent rank. It is roughly similar to a mid-tier non-violent crime

@sobsag 我想也许你不熟悉企业世界,也许你来自欧洲?

As a singaporean about to graduate from university, I am extremely thankful that the Singapore government has been able to create sufficient good quality jobs that match the expectations of university students


Same in South America expat ���� lives in Colombia ���� wages low high Unemployment


Coming soon / is ongoing to the USA & Europe as well


Asia is always two steps ahead. Look at South Korea and Japan for the future

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

​ @jerryn9690 I don't think those two countries are the best place to migrate if you're coming from Malaysia since most of the openings are factory workers

@jerryn9690 如果你来自马来西亚,我不认为这两个国家是最好的移民地,因为这里的大多数空缺职位需要的都是工厂工人。

More like it has already happened in europe 20 years ago. Eastern europe's young people migrated to the western europe.


At the same time they said we faced the low birth rate that burden on our economy and growing in older aging population


This may have been answered, but in South Korea isn’t it better for grads to work at a lower salaried SME for a few years and then try for one of the Chaebols? Or is it like Japan where job hopping is still frowned upon?
I couldn’t get a job, any job when I was a teenager who was struggling with undiagnosed ADHD and mild autism - different reasons for unemployment but I do sympathise with kids now.


原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

worked in japan for two years, in a factory. if not back before 5.30pm , boss would ask why you are not back? by around 6pm, office almost empty. whereas in Malaysia, 6pm the office still very lively. and went for a business trip in sister plant in China before, by 5pm, office almost empty also. they needed to catch bus or train. so different from what media portrayed.


Back before 5:30pm doing what? Grabbing a coffee, going to the bathroom? Our place in Melbourne is dead by 4:30pm - they’re on the train home or at the pub or whatever it is that they do after work. If my hours are 9 to 5 I’m not going to hang around all night because there won’t be anyone there anyway, that would be weird.


it is a simple supply and demand problem. So many people with degrees, it means there is an oversupply of labor in relation to the demand for workers in the market, so not many jobs and not well paid.... However, there are many vacancies in the "trades", no electricians, no plumbers, no gardeners... so those professions' wages are going up due to the scarce supply. The problem is the excess college graduates


I’m teach at a university in Melbourne Australia and also consult to small businesses, and see so many students struggle to find work, especially international students looking to stay. And at the same time I see small businesses constantly struggle to find suitable and reliable staff. There definitely seems to be a flaw in the system


Company are hiring less these day and so many ridiculous requirements, its so hard to get a job right now.




What to do govt make everything so expansive. Old people that are supposed to retire now money not enough lanlan have to work. Hence that space that is open to the younger generation is taken up by older gen that is still working and cannot afford to retire.


Its weird how almost every country is having similar problems right now.
From housing, schooling costs, cost of living, jobs, you could mention these as a problem and you would not know which country you are talking about.
Either we all are in a global depression or the way we run our system has led us here and is not working


原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Not specifically intended to praise the government, but SG indeed has more job opportunities. This is due to multiple factors which other countries cannot replicate easily. However, with AI and more intense work global challenges, I don't take for granted that this will last forever. Just be prepared for the worst-case scenario.


Singapore youth employment crisis will be worse in a couple of years from now because Singapore open its gate wide open for many foreign talent to come take up the local jobs. And moreover many different country's talent would want to come to Singapore to work due to the strong Singapore dollar. Its going to be bad for Singapore youth, we'll see.


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