2024-06-09 程奇奇 5576

It’s story for all daughters and fathers. Daughters will trick to buy and father will buy for daughter then mother will scold him for being tricked

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

The wrapper of the white rabbit brings back a nostalgic and vivid memory of my deceased father. Every time his sugar level dropped down, the white rabbit came in handy. Thank you, Dianxi!


I'm still crying a loud..I'm missing my childhood,childhood friends,childhood memories with family & place where I lived..May Allah bless all of you in this world..
Thank you so much for help us to remembering our childhood memory by making this precious video..I'm from Bangladesh ��������
Take more more more love from Bangladesh ������������


This video tugs at my heart. It is very touching. I love children. They are innocent, trusting, and loving and, in many ways, deserve better than they get sometime. Jesus encourages us to be as little children for such is the kingdom of heaven. Thank you for showing your heart


The Whole Family, Neighbor, Village is Always Very Proud of Beloved Apenji, the Angel! The Best Cook, Sister, Niece, Daughter, Grand-daughter. A Big Hug to Dawang and Laifu. Bless All.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Hard selfless work keeps one fit!
Now it would be nice for her to take a break once in a while!
Dawg also needs some attention!
Thanks for the video which shows us the caring/love between all family and friends!


I love how even on the other side of the world there is a junk drawer️. Sweet Axia made me tear up. We long for the past sometimes and all we lost along the way. Hugs.


This episode is very touching! Thank you for giving these kids a memory they will never forget! May God bless you and your whole family for always sharing every bit of your blessings to others! :)
Love, From Philippines


Praying for your entire family. I absolutely love and adore you guys.Fame somehow seems to corrupt everything. Hope this never happens to you


This is so beautiful i miss my childhood that fun ..but after watching your video feel like this memories are still with us but we don't even realise how fast night changes how fast we grown up and take responsibility


Hi Apenji you have such a good heart, it’s so wonderful what you do for others, your cooking skills are awesome!️️️ The kids are so adorable and so happy, they love the food


omg it was precious, thanks for sharing iti wish all the children may have such a happy childhood, and world may be the safer place for them. i wish it would be posible... we as adults must work on this so hard


You're such an awesome lady, pretty much, skilled in cooking and with a beautiful heart.. God bless you more.. Watching from the Philippines


This one was beautifully done, I love ur whole family! Been watching you guys a long time, I feel like im a distant cousin. This is probably my fav video, I was crying. I love granny, I dawang, I love u, I love axia. I pray for your health n happiness from ���� Texas!

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

This made me cry. I haven't spent time with family and friends for over 20 years. We lost connection or live so far apart...


You are truly amazing and a person who creates beauty, happiness and joy. How great is the Lord who created the human mind with such intelligence and greatness.


I get emotional looking at the picture of your big yellow dogim a dog lover and i easily cry.. remembering my dogs that all goneaxia made me cry


Im from indonesia ����
there are several snacks that are the same as Indonesian children's snacks in the 180/190 era, such as orange kulik candy, milk candy, peanut cakes, thank you, Dianxi, for making these for your little ones and your extended family and reminding us here of that time of year


You are truly amazing and a person who creates beauty, happiness and joy. How great is the Lord who created the human mind with such intelligence and greatness.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

When i watch your videos i really miss my home town ... Where me and my sisters and my mom made rice biscuit when we were small little kids
Love all your videos and god bless you

当我看你的视频时,我真的很想念我的家乡... 想起小时候我和姐姐们还有妈妈在那里做米饭饼干。

Such a amazing video l love it . l would like to live with them atleast one day.such a wonderful heart people.how happy life they were living i really want to meet them i wish to spendtime , speak ,i would like to eat there food i love there grand parents.they were remembering my grandmother .but she is no more inthe world. but when ever see this video its remember my grandmother


Blessings to you and your family, thank you all so much for sharing your beautiful life of what family and love is all about, I pray that the Lord Jesus continue to bless you all, please give Dawang big huggies for me, when I put him on for my Lilu she gets jealous and bark to come play with her...smiles. I know the good Lord will continue to bless you all for always having a heart like His in giving of self for others.......Always in my prayers and heart, you and your lovely family <3


Seeing this video makes me emotional of the childrens in palestine and everywhere around the globe those who grow up without experiencing their childhood... May the world find peace

看到这段视频,我想起了巴勒斯坦和全球各地的儿童,他们在成长过程中没有经历过自己的童年...... 愿世界和平。

Recreating these treasured snacks from your childhood. You should look to sell them in the family general store and school canteens in your province.


I don’t know why but this episode makes me cry a lot. I miss my childhood with my favorite snack, at that time I don’t have deadline or stress from my work, my finance. I don’t have to think too much about tomorrow or money. I used to be a little girl and did what I want. However, this world is always tough! I’m struggling with my hard life and I’m depressed now but I know I will get over it, I will be more mature by morning tomorrow like Apenji said. Thank you so much because of this lovely video. I wish you all the best
P/s: love you from Vietnam. I’ve seen your video and been your fan since Ahao still a elemantary student. I can’t believe it 5-6 years have passed��


This video is really great, watching it reminds me of my childhood with familiar dishes of the past

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

I miss my dog too ...dear sis your today's video reminds me of my childhood memories i still miss my old childhood friend ...your todays video makes me cry especially the one where your sister cried after she saw her old dog pic with a sec my eyes filled with tears bcz i miss my dog too ...dear sis i have been watching your video from last 3 years in this 3 years my most favorite video of your is this one thank you for this wonderful video love from india . And your all family members are so amazing supportive ..send u a lots of love and happiness


Dear children, don't be in too much of a hurry to grow up. Don't be afraid of it, but don't hurry either: being young is a precious time, and if you hurry too much, you may miss it once you're grown.
I miss being young. I pray that all the kids out there can have a happy childhood. Happy Children's Day


Hi, iam your fans from indonesia. I watched almost ur entire video, n i really like it. I really love the scene, the togetherness with ur family, but for me, this video is the most precious that you ever made. Thank you so much for the beautifull video, n i hope you n your family will always happy :)

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

missing my childhood, here in the philippines, during my childhood i used to play Patintero, tumbang preso and Luksong tinik. there is no Mobile games at that time, i used to play with my neighbors. it so sad to think that nowadays, children are just playing alone by their own gadgets

我怀念我的童年,在菲律宾,小时候我经常玩Patintero、tumbang preso和Luksong tinik。那时还没有手机游戏,我经常和邻居一起玩,想想现在的孩子都独自玩着他们自己的小玩意儿真是令人难过。

Im from Indonesia i think we share same childhood snack. White rabbit milk candy, la diao, and also the monkey kings pils (the last one i can not find anywhere nowdays in my country) and the snack you made from brown sugar is almost the same with our snack call kuping gajah only nowdays we use chocolate powder instead brown sugar and keep it sweet without Chilli powder. And not forget the mung bean cake/biscuit although yours are beautiful, mine here only plain yeloow colour and a bit dry. Wish all the children around the world pouring with happiness and smile......

我来自印度尼西亚,我想我们小时候吃的零食是一样的。大白兔奶糖、辣条和猴王丸子(最后一种现在在我的国家找不到了),你用红糖做的点心和我们的点心 kuping gajah 几乎一样,只是现在我们用巧克力粉代替红糖,而且不加辣椒粉以保持甜味。别忘了绿豆糕/饼干,虽然你的绿豆糕/饼干很漂亮,但我这里的绿豆糕/饼干只是普通的黄颜色,而且有点干。祝愿全世界的孩子们都洋溢着幸福的笑容......

I cried a lot after this. because I was thinking about it, I don't have any memories of my childhood and don't have any photos.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Hey ! I know this channel is based on cooking but I'd love to see you make other stuff too including probably ornaments, accessories, tools etc


I'm from Myanmar so obviously I have been grown up with Chinese Snacks. I miss my childhood and old friends who are living with their own family now. During these days, Raining Season is already starting up in my country. While Rain is coming, I miss my childhood what I already lost.


I don't want your beautiful videos to end. But thankfully axia and dawang also have channels. So I subscribed to all three channels. Please ask grandma to make a channel too

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

I liked candy " white rabbit creamy candy.. because in indonesia they sell candy.. candy legend

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

When your Alexi was looking at the pictures and started to cry she made me cry. And I just want to say you have a big heart and it's very nice of you to share your wealth with others. All the time you take to prepare the stuff for everybody you're just so generous


Where in fact's here in the Philippines especially in the country side white rabbit candy is famous and will known it's been decades of the candy that have been part of my childhood


I was touched and remembered the children of Gaza who are suffering today from hunger and death. I wished to be with these children and eat with them


This was the most beautiful video you ever made!!! My heart is full and my eyes have tears of joy!!! Blessings on you my sweet girl, and blessings on your family and friends!!!


Do you have Children's Day on May 5th as Japan and Korea do? Also, this was just such fun to watch, and a teeny bit sad. Childhood is so short!


This video makes me cry remembering was childhood. Now that I'm an adult, it's something I've forgotten. Thank you for the heartwarming video jie


One of the best videos you posted. The part where Axia cried for their previous buddy and the ending gave a little tug in my heart. Felt happy and sad while watching this video.
I'm sure the message you placed at the end touched many hearts. Thank you so much.


I'm so happy in the beginning, but started crying for the last part
Thank you for bringing the childhood memories back


I just love it!!! You’re very thoughtful, considerate, loving and kind to your family and everyone in the village.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

What a great thing you did for these kids and the older kids also. You are an amazing human being. God bless you.


This was so touching to watch. It felt like I am having a reunx with my friends watching you enjoy. Thankyou so much


Oh this is such a sweet video. Thank you for reminding all of us to love our inner child. You are such a good auntie to make these fun snacks for the kids!


This video is literally touching. It made me remember my childhood so much. Thank you for such a meaningful and beautiful video!

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Really heartwarming, I cried so much. Thankyou for every piece of your life that always shared with us. God bless you and your family


It happens every time, when Father spoil his daughter then momma will always yell "wdyt, you've been tricked!" Lol


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