2024-06-10 蜂鸟窝 15245

DJI announced today that it has conducted the first high-altitude drone transportation test on the south slope of Mount Everest. This is also the first round-trip transportation test of a transport drone on a route between 5,300 and 6,000 meters above sea level, setting a record for the highest transportation of civilian drones.


The latest test results highlight the DJI FlyCart 30 (FC30) drone's ability to fly stably at 6,000 meters above sea level, and its ability to efficiently transport cargo and remove garbage. The test shows that the FC30 can fly up to 6,191.8 meters above sea level in the Everest region, and can stably carry 15 kilograms at 6,000 meters above sea level.

最新的测试结果凸显了DJI FlyCart 30(以下简称FC30)运载无人机在海拔6000米高原地区飞行的稳定性,及货物高效往返运输和垃圾清运的能力。 测试显示,FC30在珠峰地区飞行海拔最高达6191.8米,6000米海拔地区可稳定载重15公斤。

This field test has accumulated real data and valuable experience for the next step of large-scale and regular use. As a promoter of the wider application of drone delivery solutions, DJI is working with partners to promote the regular transportation of drones in high-altitude areas to assist high-altitude mountaineering, emergency rescue and environmental protection operations.

此次实测,为下一步规模化、常态化使用积累了真实的数据与宝贵的经验。 作为无人机运载方案更广泛应用的推动者,大疆正联合合作伙伴,推进实现运载无人机在高海拔地区的常态化运输,助力高海拔登山、应急救援及环保行动。

FC30 with a load of 15 kg at an altitude of 6,000 meters completed the world's first drone test of transporting cargo to Mount Everest


DJI's FC30 transport drone was officially launched in August 2023 and has been put into use in dozens of countries and regions around the world. Its intelligent, safe, cost-effective and efficient transportation solutions have been recognized by users, helping users solve transportation problems in multiple scenarios such as mountainous areas, shore-based, emergency, and logistics.


From April 25 to May 1 this year, engineers from DJI's transport drone team overcame adverse conditions such as altitude sickness, a short climbing window, and complex and changeable climate and terrain, and conducted a week-long test of the drone's high-altitude flight and transportation capabilities at the base camp on the south side of Mount Everest (5,300 meters above sea level) and above. They effectively verified the plateau adaptability of the drone's hovering, empty flight, and cargo flight, and at the same time created a record for the highest flight altitude of a civil transport drone, at 6,191.8 meters, and a round-trip transportation record at an altitude of 6,000 meters with a load of 15 kilograms.

今年4月25日至5月1日期间,大疆运载无人机团队工程师克服高原反应、登山窗口期短、气候地形复杂多变等不利条件,在珠峰南侧大本营(海拔5300米)及以上海拔地区,进行了为期一周的无人机高海拔飞行及运输能力测试,对无人机悬停、空载飞行及载物飞行的高原适应性进行了有效验证, 同时创造了民用运载无人机海拔6191.8米的飞行最高记录,及6000米高海拔、15公斤载重的往返运输记录。

It has been verified that during the flight period with a temperature of minus 5°C and a wind speed of 15 meters per second (equivalent to a force 7 wind), the FC30 can fly stably at an altitude of about 6,000 meters without any modification, and has a load-bearing capacity of 15KG; in a transport mission with a load of 15 kilograms, a route length of 2.7 kilometers, and an altitude of 700 meters, there is still 43% of power left after a round-trip transport, and the power margin is still more than 20% under extreme climbing conditions. The power system performs stably and there is still room for the ceiling.

经验证,在气温零下5°C、风力达15米/秒(相当于7级风力)的飞行时段内,FC30未经任何改装,可于海拔6000米左右稳定飞行,并具备15KG的载重能力; 在载重15公斤、航线长度2.7公里,拔升高度700米的运输任务中,一次往返运输后仍余有43%电量,极限爬升工况下动力裕度仍超过20%,动力系统表现稳定,且仍有升限空间。

It is reported that this is also the world's first drone transportation test completed in a natural environment and real mountaineering conditions at an altitude of 6,000 meters. The test was initiated by DJI and assisted by Nepal's drone operation company Airlift, domestic professional imaging team 8KRAW and Imagine Nepal Mountaineering Company. After solving a series of problems such as flight permission, equipment transportation, and route planning, the transportation test was successfully completed.

据悉,这也是全球首次6000米高海拔自然环境与真实登山条件下完成的无人机运输实测。 该测试由大疆发起,并得到了尼泊尔无人机运营公司Airlift、国内专业影像团队8KRAW及想象尼泊尔登山公司的协助,在解决了飞行许可、设备运输、航线规划等系列问题后,圆满完成了此次运输测试。

It is worth mentioning that the FC30 has been optimized for various extreme scenarios during product design. In the just-concluded 40th Antarctic scientific expedition, the FC30 also passed the test of the harsh Antarctic climate and environment on the flight performance of the drone, and demonstrated stable flight capabilities and reliability, greatly improving the efficiency and flexibility of scientific expedition operations. Before the actual measurement in the Mount Everest area began, an extreme survey verification was also conducted in the Shigatse area of ​​Tibet at an altitude of 6,000 meters.

值得一提的是,FC30在产品设计时,已针对各类极端场景做了优化。 在刚刚结束的第40次南极科考中,FC30还通过了酷寒的南极气候和恶劣环境对无人机飞行性能的考验,并展示了稳定的飞行能力和可靠性的能力,大幅提高科考作业效率和灵活性。 珠峰地区实测开始前,也已在西藏日喀则地区针对6000米海拔做了极限摸底验证。

Flying over the Earth's highest "terrifying" icefall, drones build a 2.7-kilometer air transport channel

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

It is reported that the best window period for climbing Mount Everest from the Nepalese side is from the end of April to the middle of May each year. In order to complete the on-site transportation test of FC30 within the window period and accumulate experience for normal transportation, the DJI transportation team decided to focus on the transportation from the South Slope Base Camp to Camp C1 this year, because this route has the highest icefall on earth, the Khumbu Icefall, which is the first major obstacle for climbing Mount Everest from the South Slope. It is also the most complex and dangerous section of the South Slope mountaineering geographical environment, also known as the "horrible icefall".

据悉,每年4月末至5月中旬是从尼泊尔一侧攀登珠穆朗玛峰的最佳窗口期。 要在窗口期内完成FC30现场运输实测并为常态化运输积累经验,大疆运载团队决定今年重点攻克南坡大本营到C1营地段的运输,因为该线路有地球上最高的冰瀑——昆布冰瀑,它是南坡攀登珠峰的第一个主要障碍,也是南坡登山地理环境最为复杂、危险性最高的地段,亦有「恐怖冰瀑」之称。

"People often describe it as deadly and unpredictable." MingmaG, a well-known local mountaineering guide in Nepal, said that the Khumbu Icefall is complex and has crisscrossing ice cracks. Almost every year, climbers and Sherpa guides die in the Khumbu Icefall. Especially Sherpa guides who mainly provide mountaineering assistance and transportation services may need to cross the Khumbu Icefall more than 30 times in a climbing season to transport oxygen cylinders, gas tanks, tents, food, ropes and other supplies. The high-risk working environment makes them, who are better adapted to the plateau, also face life safety challenges.

「人们常用致命和不可预测来形容它。」 尼泊尔当地知名登山向导MingmaG表示,昆布冰瀑状况复杂,冰裂缝纵横交错,几乎每年都有登山队员及夏尔巴向导在昆布冰瀑丧生。 尤其是以提供登山协助和运输服务为主的夏尔巴向导,一个登山季可能需要穿越昆布冰瀑多达30余次,以完成氧气瓶、瓦斯罐、帐篷、食物、绳索等物资的运输。 高风险的工作环境,让高原适应性更好的他们同样面临着生命安全挑战。

Although the Everest region has supported the use of helicopters to reduce the number of times to transport supplies, due to the altitude and weather, there are often situations where the dispatch is not timely, the helicopter cannot fly, cannot land, or the cost is high. The advantages of drones in these aspects are obvious, providing a faster and more flexible solution for material transportation and emergency rescue.

尽管珠峰地区已支持使用直升机运输来减少运输物资的次数,但由于海拔和天气,常出现调度不够及时、不能飞行、不能降落或费用高昂等情况。 而运载无人机在这些方面优势明显,为物资运输补给和紧急情况下的救援提供更快捷、灵活的方案。

Jiang Jianmin, an engineer at DJI, recalled that after a series of flight tests, including hovering at an altitude of 5,300 meters with no load, hovering at an altitude of 6,191 meters with no load, hovering at an altitude of 5,300 meters with a load of 10 kg, and hovering at an altitude of 6,000 meters with a load of 10 kg, the team began to "open up" an air transport route over the base camp on the south slope of Mount Everest. When the aircraft was empty, they searched for a point near Camp C1 above the Khumbu Icefall where people must pass without signal obstruction. After determining the target point, they completed the route planning and then hoisted 15 kg of mountaineering equipment (including 3 oxygen cylinders weighing 4.5 kg and 1.5 kg of scattered supplies) at a flight speed of 15 meters per second from the base camp across the Khumbu Icefall to the vicinity of Camp C1. They used the aerial hoisting system for one-button rappelling and the package was released after it touched the ground and was picked up by ground personnel near the camp. Then they loaded the cargo in the air and mounted 15 kg of garbage for an intelligent return flight. The round trip took a total of 12 minutes with stable operation and 43% battery left.

大疆工程师江建民回忆,在经历了5300米海拔空载近地悬停、空载拉高至海拔6191米悬停、海拔5300米负载10公斤近地悬停、海拔6000米负载10公斤悬停等一系列飞行测试后,团队开始在珠峰南坡大本营上空「开辟」出一条空中运输航线——在飞行器空载情况下,在昆布冰瀑上面C1营地附近寻找无信号遮挡人员必经点,确定目标点后完成航线规划, 然后吊运15公斤登山装备(含3瓶自重4.5公斤氧气瓶和1.5公斤零散物资),按照15米/秒的飞行速度,从大本营穿越昆布冰瀑飞抵C1营地附近,并使用空吊系统进行一键索降,包裹触地释放后由营地附近地面人员取货; 然后空中上货挂载15公斤垃圾进行智能原路返航,往返飞行共计12分钟,运行稳定,仍余有43%电量。

Mingma G revealed that it takes an average of about 6-8 hours for a Sherpa guide to cross the Khumbu Icefall, with a maximum load of 15 kilograms each time. If they are unlucky, they may easily get into trouble. Last year, three Sherpa guides from his team died here. DJI's transport drones can deliver 15 kilograms of supplies between camps in just 12 minutes during the day or at night, which has given them a new way to reduce casualties. "The drones have been tested very well on Mount Everest. This means that soon, we can use drones to deliver equipment to Camp C1 day and night, and we can also use drones to transport all remaining garbage and excrement from the upper camps. We don't have to cross the icefall frequently at night, and we don't have to endure the cold. It will definitely help save more lives."

Mingma G透露,夏尔巴向导平均要花费大约6-8小时穿过昆布冰瀑,每次最高负重15公斤,运气不好,就容易遇险。 去年他的队伍中就有三名夏尔巴向导在此丧生。 而大疆运载无人机可以在白天或晚上仅12分钟内在营地之间运送15公斤物资,这让他们看到了减少伤亡的新方案。 「无人机在珠峰上的测试效果非常好。 这意味着不久之后,我们可以用无人机不分昼夜地把设备运送到C1营地,还可以用无人机把上部营地的所有剩余垃圾、排泄物运下来。 我们不用晚上频繁穿越冰瀑,不必忍受寒冷,它必定会帮助拯救更多生命。」
原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Partner Wang Yuanzong recalled that in high-altitude mountaineering activities, the use of oxygen is the choice of most people, and oxygen is also considered one of the most basic guarantees in the industry. When the drone successfully delivered three oxygen bottles for the first time and returned with the garbage, climbers from all over the world who stopped around the South Slope Base Camp collectively applauded and cheered.

合作伙伴王源宗回忆,在高海拔登山活动中,使用氧气是大多数人的选择,氧气也被业内认为是最基础的保障之一。 当无人机第一次成功运送3瓶氧气瓶并带着垃圾顺利返航时,在南坡大本营周围驻足的来自世界各地的登山者们,集体送上了掌声和欢呼声。

The acceleration of normalized transportation on the plateau will add impetus to environmental protection and commercial mountaineering


In recent years, the high-altitude climbing industry has been developing in full swing, and the number of climbers around the world has increased. In addition to climber safety and rescue issues, environmental pollution and other problems have also increased.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Taking the climbing of the south side of Mount Everest as an example, according to the statistics of Nepal Tourism Department, as of now, 414 climbers have obtained the permits to climb from the south side in 2024. A large number of climbing activities have generated a huge amount of garbage, including human excrement, residual garbage that is difficult to degrade, etc. It is worth mentioning that all parties are also exploring better solutions to this problem.

以珠峰南侧登山为例,据尼泊尔旅游部统计,截至目前,已有414名登山者获得了2024年从南侧攀登的许可证。 大量的登山活动产生了数量庞大的垃圾,包括人类排泄物、难以降解的残留垃圾等。 值得一提的是,各方也在探究解决这一问题的更好的解决办法。

Zhang xiaonan, senior corporate strategy director and spokesperson of DJI, said that the fact that DJI's carrier aircraft can demonstrate its transport value on Mount Everest is a recognition of its technology and products, but more importantly, it can obtain valuable flight parameters for ultra-high altitude areas, laying a more solid foundation for the use of this type of drone in plateau areas. She mentioned, "Today is World Environment Day, and we hope that drones can not only provide material transportation guarantees for commercial mountaineering and reduce accidents, but also reduce the damage to the environment caused by mountaineering activities and protect Mount Everest and the natural environment through the drone garbage removal solution."

大疆高级企业战略总监兼新闻发言人张晓楠表示,大疆运载机可以在珠峰展现运输价值,是对技术和产品的肯定,但更重要的是获取针对超高海拔地区的宝贵的飞行参数,为该型无人机在高原地区使用奠定更扎实的基础。 她提到,「今天正值世界环境日,我们希望无人机不仅能为商业登山提供物资运输保障,减少意外; 另一方面,可以通过无人机垃圾清运的方案,减少登山活动对环境的损害,保护珠峰与自然环境。”

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