2024-06-10 汤沐之邑 4132
How can I immigrate to the US?


Geoff Leigh
How can I immigrate to the USA from Egypt?
1. Have a relative that is a US citizen and qualify for family re-unification immigrant status - Might have to wait for 10 years for the application to be completed.
2. Marry a US citizen, with love, commitment and survive at least 2 years and pass the immigration test that it is not a marriage of convenience.
3. Study at a US college, get an advanced degree (Masters) and find a job where the employer will apply for HI-B, continue for 4 years and then apply for permanent resident green card.
4. Emigrate to Canada ( with a high-scoring skill), wait 4 years, become a Canadian citizen, get a Job as a specific professional category in the USA under treaty NAFTA, get TN-1 work visa and apply for a green card permanent resident status.


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5. Have $500,000 to a $ 1 Million as an Investor, with the view to set up a company in the USA, employ at least 10 US citizens for at least 2 years ( so you probably need to have at least $5million USD available to make that work. )Apply to be made a permanent resident before the end of the 2 years.
6. Apply for and win a slot of the US Diversity Permanent Resident Green Card Lottery.
5. Come as a person of international renown - like a famous actor, singer, musician, Sports person especially in an Olympic sport or for an American Professional Sport club (Basketball, Baseball, American Football), Nobel Prize winner or innovative inventor, as America likes 'winners' and famous people.
6. Try for the small amount of Professional H1-B work visas if you have an employer that would sponsor that, wait 4 years and apply for Permanent Resident/Green Card. (upxe: as of June 24, 2020 this option is suspended until.the end of 2020, after a partial freeze started earlier related to the COVID-19 economic impact to the US economy, except in a few categories such as food supply, health and pharmaceutical specialist occupations.)


原创翻译:龙腾网 转载请注明出处

That is all depending on the current Government, congress, and President not barring you because of Country of Origin, Religion - and you have some specific ability or talent. Additionally, the Immigration Law is one of the things that may get overhauled completely as President Trump has it on his to-do list.
There may be a re-instatement of all visa applications being denied, revoked or halted from many countries including primarily Muslim Countries and terrorist supporting regimes.
Also, if you do get to the USA somehow, you must not use any public funds (grants, unemployment or social security welfare) or commit any crime or be arrested or convicted of any violation of sometimes archaic and biased laws, where ignorance of the law is not a defense. It could be a pattern that some biased and bigoted law enforcement agencies may as well as harass you find some way to arrest and charge you for being not from the USA. The Statue of Liberty and the 'Bring your poor and tired masses' welcoming immigration to the USA is long gone, and if the Statue of Liberty could move I am sure that she would stomp north of the border and settle down off of Newfoundland, Canada!


Some example of Obscure laws still valid in some states include :
Do not cut down a Cactus in Arizona, otherwise 25 years in jail is the maximum penalty;
Do not sell your eyeballs in Texas.
Do not go fishing without checking and obtaining a fishing permit, particularly in Federal,State, County or City owned land or sea shore. (A Chinese couple, a customer of my wife for real estate, were deported for not obeying this law and lost their 'green cards'.)
Do not sell a toothbrush as well as toothpaste to the same customer on a Sunday in Rhode Island.
So the American Dream may only be a mirage, my friend, unless you have great luck and skill and patience !


Astor G. Mandalor
There are 3 major pathways to immigration to the U.S.: (1) family, (2) job, (3) refugee.
Most people are not refugees, and don't have relatives in the U.S., so options (1) and (3) are out of reach.
Option (2), the job / employment-based immigration, is the only viable pathway for the vast majority of people on this Earth.
Under US law, a company applies for your visa. In general, you need to get a job offer first from a company that loves you so much that they'll apply for a visa for you, and are willing to wait the average 6 months it takes for the visa to get processed. It is hard to find such a company, but it certainly is not impossible.
The best US work visa right now is the H-1B. It lets you change jobs to any company (as long as the job is related to your major/focus in college), and provided that company is willing to do a small amount of work to "transfer" the H1B visa.


There's another visa called the L-1 visa for intra-company transfer, but it sucks. It locks you down to the company. You can't change jobs, and you get kicked out if you ever get let go from that company.
You've asked your question at a good time. Every year, companies apply for the H1B visa on April 1. There is a limit of 85,000 visas per year, and if the gov receives more than 85,000 H1B applications on April 1, they perform a computer randomized lottery and randomly sext 85,000.
If you want to move to the US, this is the time. First, you need to get a tourist (B-2 visa). If you are the citizen of a rich country, you might be able to visit the US without a visa, and stay for up to 3 months through the Visa Waiver Program (VWP).
Ideally, fly in on Jan 1, and stay for the full 3 months. You could sublet an apartment for 3 months on craigslist. Then apply for jobs diligently. Apply, apply, apply.


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Also, while traveling on VWP or on a B-2 visa, do not say you're going to apply for jobs, as this is a legal grey area, and the interpretation of the law is subjective and varies on whether looking for a future H-1B sponsor is considered "immigrant intent" (as the H-1B is after all a non-immigrant visa).
I've read of people who in their B visa interview said that they were going to the U.S. to interview for a future potential H-1B sponsor, and were approved for the visa, and restated that as the purpose of their travel at the border as well. So this is definitely seen as legal by at least a large number of immigration and consular officers. However, there is still a possibility that you could get denied entry at the U.S. airport you arrived in under Immigration and Nationality Act Section 214(b) for having "immigrant intent", get sent back, and receive an automatic 5-year ban as a result.
If you are a good software developer, you should have no problem finding a company willing to apply for you. Once a company says they'll apply for you, you just need to go back to the UK and wait for the results of the lottery.
You'll know if you won the lottery by June/July. Last year, they got 233,000 application, and they chose 85,000 out of that randomly. You could say your odds of winning are 1 in 3. There might be even more applications this year.


If you don't win the lottery, there's two options:
Re-attempt this whole process, and try the lottery every year. You'd have to move to the US for at least a month or two, ideally in January, February or March.
You could get a job at a US company in the UK, and ask for a transfer to the US. If it works out, you'll be in the US on a L-1 visa. This visa doesn't allow you to change jobs, and requires you to leave the country if you ever leave the company. But if your job is with a large stable company, that shouldn't be too much to worry about. Now there's two routes you can go down from here:
Ask your company (i.e. the sponsor of your L-1 transfer visa) to apply for an employment-based green card. The green card process can last anywhere from 1 year to 6 or 7 years (or more), depending on what category you were put in, and what country you were born in. You are, again, locked to your company during this period.


You can look for jobs in January-February-March period while you're in the US on the L-1 visa. The company will have to apply for an H1B visa for you. If you win the lottery, they switch you over from your old L1 to your new H1B. Once you're approved for the H1B, you can switch to other jobs fairly freely. (There's still paperwork to change jobs on the H1B, but 70% of tech companies in the US are willing to do it.)
If you've successfully navigated this obstacle course, and are now in the U.S. with a wonderful job, make sure to ask your employer to start the employment-based green card application process for you, before too long. The L-1B is limited to 5 years, and the L-1A to 7 years.
Similarly, the H-1B visa is limited 6 year visa, and at the end of the 6 years, you are automatically banned from the U.S. for one year, as part of a "foreign residency requirement". You do not wait until the 5th or even 4th to ask your employer to apply for your green card. Ideally, ask before you hit your third year.
Alright then, good luck to you!


Andrew Ekleberry
What is the best way to move to the United States?
Make sure you actually want to move here first. I know this isn’t the answer you are looking for, but coming to the US is not great for most people. Many people come here and regret it.
Be sure you are coming here for the right reasons, and that it will be what you want to do.
If you have no family here, you are going to be lonely. If you are of a different religion, there is going to be a culture shock.
We have a number of foreign people where I work. Just last week, a bunch wanted to go celebrate some foreign festival. Well the boss said, we don’t do that here. You leave, don’t come back. Your job will be terminated.
They spent the night everyone else was celebrating, in the warehouse working.


Had another guy, think he could go pray in the corner for 20 minutes. He would walk off. Come back, spend 30 minutes working, then take a break. Then he’d come back, spend 15 minutes work, and wonder off to pray. Then come back, work 30 minutes, and go to lunch.
No. We pay you to work. Not pray. If you pray, then you don’t get breaks. Prayer time, is your break time. And your break time is 15 minutes, not 30 minutes or however long you want to pray.
He doesn’t work there anymore.
I have a guy from Bangladesh. He wants to play cricket. We don’t play cricket. He has all his cricket stuff, and he hasn’t played a single game since he’s been here.
We had a company party, and we ordered pizza. Well some people were ticked off that we ordered pepperoni. Well… this is America. We eat pigs here.


This is how it works in this country.
Lastly, you need to know something about how the economy works.
If you have a really awesome skill, you can make some great money here. But you need that really awesome skill.
If you don’t have a degree, and be really skilled…. LIFE WILL BE HARD.
We have people that come here, and all they can do is work in a warehouse.
You are going to be moving heavy boxes. You are going to be paid $13/hour. That’s $500 a week. Your rent is going to be $800 a month, and that’s for a 600 sq ft 1 bedroom apartment. Food is going to run you $300 a month. Heating, electricity, phone, easily $300 a month.
Starting to get the picture? Things are not cheap here. If you don’t have a really good job, with really good pay, your life will not be easy.
I’m not trying to talk you out of it, but you need to think realistically. The US streets are made of concrete, not gold. And people work for living.


Arnie Williamson
What are the options in migrating to US?
why on earth would you want to. Look at the UK, New Zealand, Australia and Canada. All have better quality of life, far lower crime, comprehensive social safety nets and tax funded health care.


James Lacey
How can I immigrate to America?
US masters in engineering or computer science, then optional practical training, then H1B visa, then Green Card (permanent residency). No guarantees, of course, but this is a common path.
Or marry an American.


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