2024-06-11 Aya Shawn 14856
Profile photo for Aya Shawn
Aya Shawn
Yes, Vietnam belongs to Chinese civilization, but not to China
This is just like many European countries belong to ancient Greek and Roman civilizations, but this does not mean that they belong to Italy.
No, they do not need to "return"
Vietnam still retains a lot of Chinese civilization traditions to this day. Since they have been in it, why should they "return"?
Why does Vietnam belong to Chinese civilization?


First, you need to understand: What is Chinese civilization?
Chinese civilization originated 5,000 years ago and matured 2,500 years ago. In the past 2,000 years, Chinese civilization has several typical characteristics
A. Confucianism
After the competition of various philosophical thoughts in the early days, Confucianism became the core philosophy of Chinese civilization. It is also the core symbol of whether a country belongs to Chinese civilization in the past 2,000 years.
Among the Southeast Asian countries, Vietnam is the country that believes in Confucianism the most, and currently Vietnam has the largest number of Confucian temples in Southeast Asia.
B. Chinese character circle
Countries that use Chinese characters usually belong to the Chinese cultural circle. For example, countries such as South Korea and Vietnam used Chinese characters and later switched to phonetic characters. But their language expression still belongs to the Chinese character cultural circle.
C. Chinese Buddhism(Mahayana Buddhism)
Buddhism was not invented by the Chinese, but after Buddhism was introduced to China, it merged with Chinese culture to form a unique Chinese Buddhism. It is currently the largest branch of Buddhism in the world and the core of global Buddhism.
The countries that are greatly influenced by Han Buddhism basically belong to the Chinese cultural circle.
Buddhism in Vietnam is mainly influenced by Chinese Buddhism, while most Southeast Asian countries believe in Theravada Buddhism. This is also one of the significant differences between Vietnam and ASEAN countries.


D. Traditional architecture, tools and clothing
Traditional Chinese architecture is characterized by base, brackets, eaves and columns.
Some specific Chinese tools are used in daily life, such as chopsticks
Traditional clothing is influenced by ancient Chinese style, such as Japanese kimono, Korean hanbok, Vietnamese Ao Dai/Áo tứ thân, etc.
In fact, Vietnam has many items that meet the characteristics of the Chinese cultural circle. Compared with typical Chinese culture, Vietnam is actually very close. Its similarity is even higher than some remote provinces in China, such as xinjiang, Tibet and Inner Mongolia, and higher than South Korea and Japan.

D. 传统建筑、工具和服饰

@Margaret Loo
Vietnam can be divided into three regions. The northern region was the most sinized. The central part ( near Da Nang) was mostly Indian in influence within the Champa orbit. Go to the ruins at My Son and you will see many depictions of Shiva. The very south, ie, the Mekong delta is more austroasian in makeup. So, insofar as this topic is concerned, only the northern part of Vietnam should be considered.


@Mc Explorer
But Kinh people are everywhere and take 80+% of the total population of anywhere, no matter where it is in Vietnam. The culture essence of a given region is determined by its people and dermography, not by where it is.
The Cham Kingdom has been destroyed, and now almost all the people there are Kinh people.
Maybe there was a lot of Cham culture there, but it has actually been destroyed by the Kinh people who represent Chinese culture.


@Margaret Loo
I understand that Vietnam wants to be an entire country and wants to be politically united. I wish you the best in nation building. However, I am an amateur historian and look at historical developments. Integrating your different cultures will be a challenge and you should look at how well Russia has integrated its extremely diverse population. Again, wishing Vietnam the best in its endeavors.

原创翻译:龙腾网 转载请注明出处

@Vimegmor D
Same logic can be applied to northern Chinese and southern Chinese did you think of that?


@Margaret Loo
Northern China and Southern China have been “integrated” for centuries. This is totally different from trying to unite modern Vietnam.
National integration is a tricky thing which needs lots of skill and some alluring aspect (power being one, being treated well or as an equal is another) for it to succeed. IMHO, the West does not offer a good model for integration. Killing off the native population, like in North America or Australia, is a quick solution but can hardly be considered “integration”. Enslavement isn’t that great a solution either. Bombing and killing off the children and women to ensure there wouldn’t be a next generation to oppose you, as in Gaza, will likely prove to be self defeating in the end. That’s why Russia is probably the best example of successful integration. Stalin was from Georgia, Sergei Shoigu is a Tuvan Turk- and so on.


@Vimegmor D
To you they are one, to me they are not the same. BTW. “modern vietnam” where is that term come from?


@Margaret Loo
By “modern Vietnam”, I meant post-colonial Vietnam. If you go to the national history museum in Hanoi you will see a very distinctive attempt to define Vietnam as a nation separate from China, despite the heavy importation of things Chinese: language, dress, system of government, etc. Nations are born, nations decline. IMHO, Vietnam is at an early stage of nationalism.

原创翻译:龙腾网 转载请注明出处

@Long Pham
I tell you something you don't know. After the Ming dynasty was raped by the Manchus. The Ming people fled to Southeast Asia. After that, Vietnam added the South. Can you guess where the ming people ran to and what they did? LOL


@Chủ Nghĩa Đế Chế Hiếu
Vietnam is not Little China. Ok!


@Quang Tran
Đúng rồi, làm như VN thèm làm tàu nhỏ lắm vậy. Việt Nam là Việt Nam, không là phiên bản của bất kỳ nước nào khác.


@Yap You Wai
Dear Aya Shawn, well-written! Due to present days’ politics, VN’mese may not wanna admit it but the stuffs on the ground are real

亲爱的 Aya Shawn,写得很好!由于当今的政治,越南人可能不愿意承认,但事实摆在那里

@Quang Tran
Ai mà đi tin mấy ông tàu viết tào lao và bịa đặt để cố gắng tôn vinh tàu chứ, trong khi dân tộc đó bị cai trị gần 1000 năm bởi Mông Cổ, Mãn Châu. Haha.


@Quang Tran
ông này viết bừa bãi, với mục đích là cố gắng làm người ta nghĩ rằng tàu là “ông nội”, nội chuyện nói áo dài mà ảnh hưởng từ trang phục tàu là thấy tào lao rồi. Văn hóa Việt Nam cao hơn văn hóa hóa, chính vì cao hơn nên không bị đồng hóa vì văn hóa thấp làm sao mà đòi đồng hóa văn hóa cao hơn được.


@Clifford Setyono
No, Vietnam is part of China global supply chain and adopted the Chinese culture.


@Adam Dinh
If the French did not come to Vietnam, Vietnam will be Chinese right now. Vietnamese was written in Chinese characters hundreds of more years than Latin. Communication between the two would be exactly like Cantonese and Mandarin right now. If Cantonese is considered Chinese then so should Vietnamese.


@Minh Phương Lê
The “Chinese” alphabet we used was not Chinese, it’s called Nôm


@Quang Tran
Nói dốt quá, không phân biệt được chữ viết (hán, Nôm, Quốc ngữ) với tiếng nói (tiếng Việt) à m? Vậy mà cũng đi comment nữa. Dùng chữ gì thì chỉ là cách viết của tiếng Việt mà thôi. Đúng là cuồng tàu.


Chinese, Japanese (Yayoi), Koreans, Thais (Tai-Kadai), Taiwan aborigines, Hainan aborigines, Vietnamese, Cambodians, Malaysians, Indonesians and Filipinos are Lao descendants.
China, Hainan Island, Taiwan, Thailand, Korea, Japan, Northeast India, Burma, Vietnam, Cambodia, Malaysia, Indonesia, Brunei, Singapore and Philippines are founded by Lao descendants.
Lao Sze Chuan, Nanping Lao, Lao Yunnan, Lao Shanghai, Lao Beijing, CoLao, Mulao, Gelao, Gelong, Dong, Kam, Sui, Bouyei, Maonan, Tay, Nung, Rau, Zhuang, Hlai, Daic, Dai, Tai, Tai Ahom, Tai Khamti, Tai Dam, Thai, Kra-Dai, Tai-Kadai, Taishanese, Hakka, Tanka, Yue, Baiyue, Yayoi people are Lao descendants.
Liangzhu culture genetic DNA is lixed to ancient/modern-day Yangtze River basin wet rice farmers, Koreans, Yayoi, Austroasiatic, Austronesian and Tai-Kadai populations.
Modern humans of East/Southeast Asian populations originated from the mainland southeast Asia (Laos) according to consensus around the World.
To answer your question the answer is No.


It's possible that the author confused the terms "belong to" and "belong with." 'Belong to' may have been used in the author's question, but 'belong with' makes more sense in your answer.
- "Belong to" typically implies a sense of ownership, possession, or affiliation.
- "Belong with" typically implies a sense of association, harmony, or compatibility.
The author uses religion to support their argument by drawing comparisons between the effects of Buddhism in Vietnam and other Southeast Asian nations. This approach is fundamentally flawed since it suggests a lack of knowledge about Buddhism, which the author doesn't understand about Buddhism in Vietnam at all. It demonstrates a lack of subject-matter expertise. Authors should exercise caution when responding to inquiries on politics, history, and other weighty subjects, especially if they are researchers in their field. Rather than only offering cursory information or depending on restricted expertise, they ought to strive to communicate their knowledge in a professional and precise manner.

作者可能混淆了“belong to”和“belong with”这两个词。“Belong to”可能被用于作者的问题中,但在你的回答中,“belong with”更有意义。
- “Belong to”通常意味着所有权、归属或附属关系。
- “Belong with”通常意味着关联、和谐或兼容性。

@Tim Tran
A lot of overseas Vietnamese don't like Vietnam either. Most Vietnamese who went to the West can no longer speak Vietnamese after 1 generation. Most Kinh ethnic in China can no longer speak Vietnamese.
Some nationalists actually say that Vietnamese culture is superior to Chinese culture, but they don’t know that the whole world is laughing at this idea


@Ngọc Phạm
Họ chỉ không thích chính trị Việt Nam thôi. Hãy xem năm 2014 khi đàn lợn đưa giàn khoan vào biển Việt Nam, người Việt trên toàn thế giới đã làm gì?


@Jay Yi
I never claim Monkey culture as Chinese.


@Toan Le
Well wearing pigtail and worshiping Monkey gods are certainly features of Chinese culture.

原创翻译:龙腾网 转载请注明出处

@Jay Yi
1000 years of colonisation of Vietnam, Chinese definitely copulated some local women, DNA shows an average Kinh carries 33% Yellow river DNA.

原创翻译:龙腾网 转载请注明出处

@Quang Tran
~1000 years of colonisation of Chinese, Mongolia, Manchuria definitely copulated some local women, DNA shows an average han carries 66% Mongolian, Manchuria DNA.


Ah but Manchurians are Chinese. And so are most ethnic Mongolians, since there are more ethnic Mongolians in China today than anywhere else including, ironically Mongolia.
Who cares if they’re Han or not. China is a multi-ethnic country. They’re all Chinese.
But Vietnamese cannot claim that Chinese are Vietnamese or there are more Chinese in Vietnam, so even if you’re desperate for something to throw back, what you say doesn’t have the same impact.
Anyway 66% seems too far off. Doesn’t seem logical. Seems like having a tantrum and just grabbing on to whatever.



@Ngọc Phạm
Bạn đang khóc khi nói về nó


@Quang Tran
I never claim Pig culture as Vietnamese.

原创翻译:龙腾网 转载请注明出处

@Thanh Bui
Stupid and ignorant.

原创翻译:龙腾网 转载请注明出处

@Clifford Setyono
Yes Vietnamese culture doesn't belong to China, but it doesn't mean it's not Chinese. China couldn't care less what Vietnamese feel about China. The reality speaks otherwise. Let that sink in.


@Toan Le
Vietnamese culture is not Chinese. See? I said it. Let reality sink in for you.


@Quang Tran
VN bị xâm lược 1000 năm thì văn hóa tàu ảnh hưởng văn hóa đến Việt Nam là bình thường. Nhưng quan trọng là Việt Nam không bị đồng hóa giống như những dân tộc khác.


@Yap You Wai
Good stuff! Generally, most of them are often smart fellas, but then a high no. are also “cung dau”? Emitofu!


@Felix Su
Why would Vietnam want to return to anyone other then themselves?


At least as a European, it is hard for me to tell the difference between Vietnam and China. The historical buildings and some old towns look almost the same.


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