2024-06-11 龟兔赛跑 3933

I want to live and to work in the USA. How can I go there?


Shreya Vidhyashankar
H-1B visa - If you want to work in the USA and stay here on the basis of employment then an H-1B visa is a good option. The H1-B visa is intended for highly educated foreign employees who operate in specialized fields. The H1-B visa allows foreign workers to work in the United States for a specific company on a temporary basis. To obtain an H-1B visa, you must be hired by a US employer and he must be willing to file an H-1B visa petition for you.
H-2B visa - Another option is to go for an H-2B visa if you are looking for a temporary job in the USA. The H-2B program allows U.S. businesses or agents to invite foreign nationals to the United States to fill temporary non-agricultural occupations if they meet certain regulatory standards.
H2-A visa - H2-A visas stands for Temporary Agricultural Employment of Foreign Workers. Seasonal agricultural workers may be granted H-2A visas to fill temporary agricultural jobs for which no U.S. workers are available.

H-1B 签证 - 如果你希望在美国工作并基于工作机会留在美国,H-1B 签证是一个很好的选择。这种签证适用于在专业领域工作的受过高等教育的外国员工。H-1B 签证允许外国工作者临时为特定的美国公司工作。要获得 H-1B 签证,你必须被美国雇主聘用,并且雇主愿意为你提交 H-1B 签证申请。
H-2B 签证 - 如果你寻求在美国的临时工作,H-2B 签证是另一种选择。H-2B 计划允许美国企业或代理机构邀请外国人到美国从事临时非农业性工作,前提是满足特定的监管标准。
H-2A 签证 - H-2A 签证指的是外国工人的临时农业就业。季节性农业工人可以获得H-2A签证,以填补没有美国工人可用的临时农业工作。

Robin Thomas
If you want to work and live in the US then you have to have H1B visa.
The US H-1B visa is a non-immigrant visa that allows US companies to employ graduate level workers in specialty occupations that require theoretical or technical expertise in specialized fields such as in IT, finance, accounting, architecture, engineering, mathematics, science, medicine, etc.
Even though the H-1B visa is a non-immigrant visa, it is one of the few visa categories recognized as dual intent, meaning an H-1B holder can have legal immigration intent to apply for and obtain the U.S. Green Card, while still being a holder of the H-1B visa.
You can check USCIS website for different visa options.
Good Luck!
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如果你想在美国工作和居住,你需要 H1B 签证。
美国 H-1B 签证是非移民签证,允许美国公司雇佣专业职业的研究生水平的工作者,这些职业需要在 IT、金融、会计、建筑、工程、数学、科学、医学等领域的理论知识或技术专长。尽管 H-1B 签证是非移民签证,但它是少数被视为具有双重意图的签证类别之一,这意味着 H-1B 持有者可以合法地有移民美国的意图,同时申请并获得美国绿卡。你可以访问 USCIS 网站了解不同的签证选项。祝你好运!如果你觉得这个答案有帮助,请点赞。

Manjunath Mudgal
There are many ways to go for a living and working in USA.
1. You can go with H-1 visa. It is an non-immigrant visa. But you need to have an employer to sponsor your visa .
2. You can go on L1 visa, which is internal transfer within you're company .
3. The most common thing Indians do is go on study visa F1 to do their masters and then after masters they find a job and start to work in USA.

你可以通过 H-1 签证,这是一种非移民签证。但你需要找到愿意为你担保签证的雇主。
许多印度人选择 F1 学生签证去美国读硕士,毕业后找到工作并开始在美国工作。

原创翻译:龙腾网 转载请注明出处

Ravi Raj Gupta
How do I become immigrant in US? I came to US with tourist visa. Now I want to stay in US. Can I become an immigrant now?
Well illegally yeah.
But you will be deported as soon as you are caught, and negligible job opportunities. Tough live basically the illegal way.
The legal way would be to go back to your own country, check out career prospective in US, for a job or higher education. Applying in there, and if you are sexted, you can apply for another visa, the college or company will help you with the procedure.
Its F1 Visa for students and H1 for employees.
As you are a tourist here, you can still get in tough with various companies that are recruiting. You will have a better scope of getting a job, as you are physically in here, and they can assess you better.


原创翻译:龙腾网 转载请注明出处

Mel B. ; Long Live The Republic
How can I go about living and working in the USA?
You can’t casually decide that you want to live and work in the US and expect it to happen just like that.
In order to work (freely) in the US, one must have a green card. And US is not handing out green cards like Halloween dandy. You need to satisfy a very stringent criteria to be eligible for a green card. Then someone from US must petition for your green card, not you, the applicant.


Dendi Suhubdy
If you are currently a student like I was a couple of years back, try to get a scholarship to the US. I highly suggest you to try doing grad studies in STEM fields like math because the US is encouraging immigration in those areas.
From there you could obtain a job offer after finishing your grad studies. Obtain a temporary visa H1B or self sustaining O-1 visa. Except you’re an Indian or Chinese national, you probably need two years to get your Greencard (EB1, EB2).
Citizenship is another story, since it will take another 5 years after a greencard. I don’t recommend going through a diversity lottery since you don’t feel the struggle to get your greencard.

如果你目前是学生,就像我几年前一样,尝试申请到美国的奖学金。我强烈推荐你攻读理工科领域的研究生课程,比如数学,因为美国鼓励这些领域的移民。毕业后,你可以获得工作机会,然后申请临时的H1B签证或自给自足的O-1签证。除非你是印度或中国公民,通常你需要两年时间来获得绿卡。至于公民身份,获得绿卡后再过5年才有可能。我不建议你依赖多元化绿卡抽签,因为觉得你要获得绿卡 并不难。
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Ed. S.
US immigration law is exceedingly complex. There are so many different ways to immigrate to the USA that if you take any two random immigrants, the chances of them having come to the USA by the same process is nearly zero.
Access to visas can be dependent on your country of birth, your citizenship, your educational experience, your wealth, and the type of employment you have. It’s virtually impossible to list all the different ways to immigrate, and impossible to give any kind of an accurate answer based on your situation without more than “I want to go to the USA”.
Your best bet is to speak with someone well versed in US immigration law, discuss your goals, and then determine if it’s even possible for you to immigrate to the USA. In many cases, it isn’t.
Good luck but be prepared to have a plan B.


Roger Kinnard
I would love to have a job and live in America. How do I do that?
If you develop a skill such as programming or nursing or medicine, then you will be able to contact a company such as Google or Facebook or a hospital and get preferential treatment for a visa.
I work with a woman who got a Phd from MIT in biochem who got an H1B visa which she turned into a green card.


Bill Herman
Been in most states, lived in 5 of them. Former Marine, College.
I want to live in the USA. What can I do for it?
Go on line and research the areas you may be most interested in. Learn about some of the Culture and History, check what the basic Cost Of Living is then you will have an idea of how much you need to live in the USA.
Go to American Embassy and see what it takes to either Immigrate or Live and work here without Immigrating, it does cost so maybe you can start or already have saving some money for the trip.
I suggest if possible you visit first as a Tourist and look over things personally because moving to another country is a very big step.
Keep in mind we have 50 States.


Nikolai Orlov
My son would like to work and live in the US. What is the best possible way to get there?
It would be very helpful to have additional information, like your son’s citizenship, your own citizenship, your son’s age, whether he has any marketable skills, lots of money, etc.
However, he might want to consider places like Canada, Europe, Australia, or New Zealand instead. These countries are modern, developed, and generally pleasant places to live, with one key advantage - if your son decides one day he doesn’t want to live there anymore, he can just leave. If he moves to the US and becomes a citizen, or even just a green-card holder, and then decides one day to leave, he will discover that the US government will be travelling with him. And I don't think he will like his travel companion very much, who will be watching everything he does, waiting for him to screw up so he can be fined many thousands of dollars for failure to fill out a form correctly. With the other countries, you don’t have that problem.


Cristina Gallegos
I want to live in the USA. What can I do for it?
Create value in some unique way for someone (a person or a company). Make yourself a precious, very specialized expert in a field.
Then position yourself accordingly and check out all the options to get your legal status sprted out.


原创翻译:龙腾网 转载请注明出处

Ernest Chi
Looks like this question is old (2016) so I’m not sure if my answer will matter anymore. But I would say, make sure you would actually like it in the USA, good and bad aspects of it, such as housing costs, culture, economy, people, laws, political system. If you don’t think you would like having those things to deal with, then it may not be worth it.


Dianne Hood
I want to live in the USA. What can I do for it?
Probably your best source of information is the U.S. Embassy in your country, or perhaps a consulate if one is closer. You could also try searching at Google for an answer to your question. You may at some point need an attorney. That’s all I can say about the legal side of things.
As a human being, I can say it might also be wise to develop a “Plan B,” something that you think might make you content or maybe even happy either while you are waiting to emigrate, or in case it turns out not to happen.
I am not a medical professional, or a mental health care professional, or an attorney. Any advice I offer is intended to be from one layperson to another, and I don’t expect anyone to accept my advice without examining it.


Nilan-jan Bhattacharya
My son would like to work and live in the US. What is the best possible way to get there?
I don’t think your son can move to the U.S. legally.
I would recommend moving to Singapore or Australia. I think he would have to move to Australia as a student.


Courtney Dawson
If you're going to work and live in the US, then you need to have an H1B visa. The US H-1B visa is a non-immigrant visa that allows US companies to employ graduate-level workers in specialty occupations. It requires theoretical or technical expertise in specialized fields such as in IT, finance, accounting, architecture, engineering, mathematics, science, medicine, etc.

如果你想在美国工作和居住,你需要申请H1B签证,H1B签证是一种非移民签证,它允许美国公司在专业岗位上雇用研究生水平的工人。 它需要专业领域的理论或技术专长,如It、金融、会计、建筑、工程、数学、科学、医学等。

David Roy
I would love to have a job and live in America. How do I do that?
1. Earn a bachelor's degree in Electrical Engineering, then come to the U.S. and earn a master's degtee in the same field from a top-rated university (cost: about $200,000). Then hope that you are among the lucky few foreign students who get hired by a U.S. company on a temporary work visa, good for up to six years. Or…...


Vincent Chu
I would love to have a job and live in America. How do I do that?
Study STEM - Science Technology Engineering Medical professions. Also seasonal worker in the Alaska fishing industry. I could not get permanent resident status in the Philippines despite having born, grew up, educated in the Philippines with Philippines Medical license. I was able to get US citizenship in 5 years on migration to USA. Philippines born foreigners with STEM degrees are rejected in the Philippines and accepted in the USA.


Richard Tuttle
I love to live and work in the USA. What should I do?
Define the market and area you wish to work, become knowledgeable in the business and region, expect as much abrasiveness as welcome in work and social life.
Work with the worst your area has to offer to ready yourself for whatever you might encounter


Martin Gainty
I love to live and work in the USA. What should I do?
Make it so
Americans would love to have you..just a few ground rules:
1)DONT LIE ON YOUR and references have to be spot on…we have been burned by Hh1B aliens with fake credentials so please only put education and experience on your CV that everyone can verify
2)BE SELF-SUPPORTING..if you can find a job good for you
If you can start a business…thats great we will come visit you as a customer
But do not under any circumstance assume you will get free money/free-housing /free food or welfare of any kind
3)If you do start a company here play by our rules not yours

要自给自足。如果你能找到工作,那很好。 如果你能创业……那太棒了,我们会作为顾客去拜访你。

Do not discriminate against people of wrong race, or or wrong religion or wrong gender or wrong sexual-preference…This also means paying taxes to the state you settle in and paying taxes to our beloved IRS
4)WHEN and IF you do buy a place here..keep it up..dont assume your american neighbours will mow your lawn or pickup your crack-pipe or empty whiskey bottles off our front lawns
5)DONT blast your music at 1000db in our ears..we dont need this kind of assault
on our ears..its bad form…and you will soon run out your welcome if you persist
6)LEARN ENGLISH AND SPEAK ENGLISH..English is the Lingua Franca here..speaking your native language is ok..but the fact that you refuse to learn English will work against your integration here.
Good Luck!

不要在我们的耳边大声播放音乐,我们不需要这种听觉攻击; 如果你坚持这样做,你很快就会变得不受欢迎。
学习并使用英语,英语是我们这里的通用语言;说你的母语没问题,但如果你拒绝学习英语,这将不利于你融入这里, 祝你好运!

Zach LolNoLastNamePersonalInfo
My dream is to live and work in the USA. How can I go there?
Sadly, immigration is risky right now due to corrupted politics. It will hopefully get better due to Donald Trump's presidency ending, but though unlikely, some people fear he could come back. Maybe you should wait until you are certain people are not going to get separated from their families, rejected, etc. I am just saying this as a warning, not gonna actually say how you can immigrate and find success as that's far too complicated to talk about in social media.


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