2024-06-11 Aya Shawn 15378
Profile photo for Aya Shawn
Chopsticks are an evolved tableware
Tableware found in ancient Chinese ruins dating back 7,000 years
For a civilization to use chopsticks as tableware, it must be built on a highly developed ancient civilization.
Let's imagine how humans ate food tens of thousands of years ago
Initially, people obtained meat by hunting or fishing
In the most primitive state, people ate meat directly, which was no different from animals
After humans mastered fire, they could get cooked food by roasting food
If they wanted to process and eat meat more conveniently, humans must have knives so that they could cut food into pieces. Early knives were made of stone and bone, and later knives made of metal appeared.
Therefore, the most primitive tableware of humans must be some kind of knife
In addition to meat, humans can also eat grains and vegetables
After people invented pottery, "boiling" became the second cooking method.
With liquid mixed in the food, the knife can no longer meet the requirements. In addition to holding the entire pottery and pouring it into the mouth, people must need a second kind of tableware to put the food with liquid into the mouth.
Therefore, the second kind of tableware used by humans must be some kind of spoon
A set of spoons from the Shang Dynasty, 3,500 years ago
The formation of the fork must be later than the knife and spoon, because it is not a necessity. The early role of the fork could be replaced by a branch or another knife, or they simply grabbed the food with their hands and cut it.
Therefore, the appearance of the fork must be later than the knife and spoon.
As for chopsticks. It appeared much later than the previous three tableware. The appearance of chopsticks represents that civilization has developed to a considerable height.
Can you cut a piece of meat from a whole leg of lamb with chopsticks and put it in your mouth? No
Can you use chopsticks to put fish soup and boiled beans into your mouth? No
If the food is not carefully pre-processed, chopsticks are useless.
A pair of bronze chopsticks from the Zhou Dynasty, 3,000 years ago
In fact, any food must be carefully processed, such as cut into suitable blocks, strips, slices, and their size just fits the human mouth, so that chopsticks can play a role.
People have sophisticated knives that can cut materials into a more delicate state
People have more condiments and spices, and find that smaller cut ingredients are more suitable for mixing with condiments.
There is a class differentiation in society, and some nobles enjoy special people preparing food for them.
A stone carving from the Han Dynasty in the 1st century AD shows a nobleman using chopsticks
This means that "cooking" has been divided among human skills, and this civilization has people who specialize in making food: chefs.
Chefs pre-process, divide and process all ingredients. It is no longer necessary for people who eat to process them at the table. This is the result of the development of civilization and the result of social division of labor.
In fact, the Chinese used chopsticks quite late. According to archaeologists, the Chinese did not fully popularize chopsticks until at least the early Tang Empire. Before that, only nobles and the upper class had the opportunity to use chopsticks, while ordinary people basically used knives, forks, spoons, bamboo pieces, and their own hands.
Therefore, chopsticks became the daily tableware of the Chinese only 1,500 years ago. China has a clear history of more than 4,000 years.




@Yong Jian-Yi
The cultured man/woman is able to eat food from all culture with the appropriate implement, hand, fork or chopsticks and appreciate it.


@Simon Dan
Good explanatiin! Though i always wonder why Indians still prefer to use their hands to eat food even when spoons and forks are available in the restaurant.

原创翻译:龙腾网 转载请注明出处

@Sng Kok Joon Leonard
Because the experience of eating chilli is not complete until you’ve rubbed it into your eyes.


@Chong S Lim
My Indian friend in Malaysia explained to me that eating food with knives, spoons, forks and chopsticks, is like making love with your wife/girlfriend through a middleman.


I dunno, seems more like wiping your ass without toilet paper…oh wait…


@Man With no Name
no offence fun fact for you arab traveller sulaiman al tajir who travelled china during tang empire era and india during gurjara pratihara empire reign who controlled most of north india he see wiping ass by paper was dirty here is few extract of them Sulaiman al-Tajir


@Chong S Lim
Yes, I recalled reading that. What is slowly trending now is a move away from toilet paper. I am noticing the use of water closet with water jets which clean you after you’re done with your business.


@Man With no Name
yes i also think both using hand with water and just using toilet paper both are now look primitive


@Ben Lu
I think it seems a good way to use paper followed by water. It's cleaner this way.


@Quinton Smith
Using the paper after the water, especially from a electric bidet is just to dry off the water. I have been using the electric bidet for a long time now (over a decade) in my home and a good bidet will wash you very clean.


@Quinton Smith
Electric Bidet, modernized by the Japanese. I love them, I installed them on all my toilets in my house, my use of toilet paper is almost zero since then.


Yea, people back then were nasty. That doesn’t make wiping your ass with your bare hand in modern times not disgusting.


@Vijaya Rajan
Some claim food tastes better by using hand to eat. I eat using my hand but it didn't make any difference. Bad food is a bad food irrespective of use of hand or spoon. It's not like our hand could act like Ajinomoto.


@Alset Alokin
It does add some used socks salted fish aroma if one didn't soap clean their fingers thoroughly especially after some dirty business. I've read many news of Indian curry pot caught having old socks as special ingredient. Seriously. Not some tabloid. Real news on national media with real enforcement officers.


@Kunal Sharma
Multitude of reasons, I can think of.
Indian cuisine is mind-bogglingly vaaast and has been predominantly vegetarian. You don't need knives and forks for that.
I would guess that 98% of all our food items cannot be eaten using knives and forks (or don't require them at all). Even in case of non-vegetarian food, we didn't have items like the steak which required knives etc.
You see a lot of curry-based Indian dishes and that's what most people associate Indian food with. Fact is that curry is a newbie in the whole culinary history of India. Curries required spoons, for some, but most were skillful enough to use their hands to have it with flat bread or grains.
Most importantly though, in Indian tradition food has always been associated with the well-being of mind (not to discount the energy requirements of the body). It is believed that you imbibe in yourself what you consume and how you consume it. Consuming food is not just an exercise to refill the calories, rather it is a sensory experience involving touch, sight, smell and taste (and sometimes, sound). The whole experience involving all these senses elevates the satisfaction, leading to better absorption of nutrients in the body. Indian tradition promoted having a bath before having your food, sitting on floor while having your food, serving it on clean leaves and eating it with your hands, thus maximizing the connection with the elements.
Now, coming to the question of still using hands in restaurants - well, most of us use spoons and forks etc but there are certain things which require bare hands only e.g. our varieties of flat breads to scoop the curry or a bite of the vegetable/meat, or if you are having a masala dosa and so on & so forth. Why, even having a pizza with your hands is a totally different experience as compared to using the fork & knife, don't you agree? Using your hands adds a different dimension to the experience and that I believe is the single biggest reason. That's how nature intended it to be but, of course, we have evolved.


@Sundeep Parhar
Because that “class differentiation in society” was even more entrenched and intensive, in the form of the caste system- so much so, that the highest ‘Brahmin’ caste of Hindus refused to be served by, or have food cooked for them by, or use any utensils that were used by, lower-caste ‘Dalits’ at all.
Such that, by the pre-colonial era, in most Hindu-ruled states, rather than using ‘developed cutlery’ like chopsticks which necessitated that all their food be carefully pre-processed (thus diminishing the variety of cuisine accessible to themselves, relative to the ‘commonfolk’- unthinkable!), they simply ordained that no-one beneath a certain rung on the caste ladder should be permitted to use (or even some cases, even craft) cutlery themselves for use at the dinner-table.
By doing so, they made the usage of culinary utensils themselves (when eating, at any rate) so synonymous with elitism, racial and caste supremacy, and social inequalities in general. So much so that during the colonial era, practically all movements, religious and political, which ever espoused egalitarianism in India (before the end of the British Raj, at any rate) also espoused the abandonment of culinary utensils (the production of which in India was also banned under the British, so as to have a fully secured captive market for their stainless steel cutlery exports).
If you are Chinese, then just imagine if the Qing and Kuomintang had passed laws forbidding ‘common Han’ Chinese people from using chopsticks at all (rather than merely passing laws prohibiting the use of metal chopsticks for anyone bar members of the Qing Imperial nobility, and silver chopsticks by anyone bar the Emperor). Chinese people developed their cultural aversion to using metal chopsticks (whereas Koreans and Japanese don’t care, and Taiwanese culture still extols them as superior), whilst Indian people developed their cultural aversion to using table cutlery utensils, pretty much at the same time, for pretty much exactly the same reason.


@Quinton Smith
The aversion to metal chopsticks is mostly because they are much heavier and much more expensive than wood and bamboo ones. I’m mostly Chinese, the high end chopstick was made with ivory (which has been banned for a long time), I still have my pair (with pure gold decoration on top) that was made for me with my name etched onto it, it’s slightly heavier to wooden ones but I supposed its much more durable as I’ve been using them daily for 35+ years now ever since I could use them (they are adult size). They are a family tradition at my home from my mother side.

原创翻译:龙腾网 转载请注明出处

@Sundeep Parhar
And the aversion to cutlery in general for many foods in India’s mostly because they’re much heavier and much more expensive than simply using one’s hands, and/or using a piece of flatbread to eat the food with.


@Robin Lee
as indonesian Chinese, we uses hand sometime as we like to smell our fingers after a good meal :)


@Mantis Ahoy
There are food items for which specific tools are better.
Soups cannot be eaten with hand, but if you have a bowl, you can just lift your cup and drink from it.
Noodles, especially super hot, are easier with a fork. Maybe even chopstick.
But outside these specific cases, there is not one tool as versatile, flexible and deft as your fingers. If the item can be consumed by hand, and your hands are washed, it makes no sense to use an inferior tool.
Indians eat bread, rice, curry with their hand. They use fork for noodles, spoons for hot soup, knife for bread.


@Man With no Name
its called culture


@Al Kohol
They don't have the refined ways of cooking like hotpot.


@Di Tulan
Food type require either spoon, knofe, fork, chopstick or hand to eat. Most Indian food is hand eaten because it is practical.


@Pk Leong
Mahatir, Msia’s former prime minister dislike the Chinese for still using chopsticks to eat , saying they have not assimilated into Malay culture of eating with their hands which every likely to be copied fr Indian culture


@Toryan C
This just makes chop stick seem even more useless and ridiculous.


Evet, bu anlamlı yazı aracılığıyla Çin medeniyetinin en eski medeniyetlerden biri olduğunu kabul ediyorum ve gereksiz övünmeye izin vermeyeceğim.


@Sachin Tendulkar
Another response filled with racism, although the OP is trying hard to conceal their intentions. However, it is quite obvious that they are being sarcastic about the civilizations around the world not being as advanced as China's. This is because they abandoned the habits of eating with knives, forks, and hands 1500 years ago.


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