2024-06-13 侧对飞雪 7254

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

The Moscow Exchange (MOEX) suspended trading in dollars and euros on Wednesday, the move having been prompted by a new sanctions package unveiled by the US Treasury earlier in the day.


The suspension affects foreign and precious metals trade as well as stock and money trading on Russia’s largest public trading markets, MOEX noted in a statement. Except for dollars and euros, all other financial instruments remain operational. The derivatives market has also been unaffected by the changes, with trade going on as usual, MOEX noted.


Russia’s Central Bank elaborated on the matter in a separate statement, explaining that “transactions in the US dollar and euro will continue on the over-the-counter market.” To establish exchange rates, the Bank of Russia will be using “bank records and information from digital over-the-counter trading platforms,” the regulator added.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Earlier on Wednesday, the US Treasury Department rolled out a new package of restrictions against Russia, targeting the country’s “foundational financial infrastructure.” Announcing the package, Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen claimed Russia has fully transitioned into a “war economy” and is now “deeply isolated” from the international financial system.


“Today’s actions strike at their remaining avenues for international materials and equipment, including their reliance on critical supplies from third countries,” Yellen asserted.


Apart from the MOEX, the sanctions package targeted its two subsidiaries, namely the National Clearing Center (NCC) and the National Settlement Depository (NSD).


The suspension of dollar and euro trade on the platform, which has been booming lately, comes into effect on Thursday. The MOEX reported registering all-time high private investor activity back in February, with a total of 4.1 million individuals conducting transactions on the platform. Last month, the total trade volumes across the platform’s markets measured at 126.7 trillion rubles ($1.4 trillion) compared to 94.2 trillion ($1 trillion) during the same period a year ago.


@Mayo Carditis
Getting the dollar out of the system is like detoxing from kfc and mcd


@john wallace
All acts of war by the US. The US is supplying the weapons and money too Ukraine to fight the war against Russia.
The US is supplying the intelligence , the targets information, the satellite guidance and more which means the US is at war with Russia.
This is what they US does. Gets others to do the fighting and dying while they do everything else.
The US doesn't accept they are wrong and will double down rather than admit defeat. That has one ending...


@Thomas Fritz
Pretty soon, Ukraine will be putting children in diapers on the front.


Stand strong Russia ! You have many around the world in many countries , who support your fight against American aggression . Long live Russia ,the enemy of my enemy is my friend .


Dedollarization is occurring faster than planned all due to the ignorance & stupidity of the West.


Good news. We don't really need dollars to thrive


Last few nails in the $US coffin ...


Good decision! Suspending exchange trade in dollars and euro is long overdue. Investors have had ample time to transition away from fiat currency trading.


It's likely going to kill tourism, too.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

@Shovels N' Shrubs
Suspending trading in dollars and euro is a good first step. A solid way to detox


YELLEN is just BIDEN's sister in senility and DEMENTIA, having behind the same criminal globalist handlers !

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

This is good news in disguise. Russia and BRICS, SCO must press ahead urgently with inter bank payments, local currency but most importantly, they must create an alternate currency for reserve. The dollar is simply unreliable


@john wallace
The dollar is used to control countries as international trade is in USD which means everyone needs USD to sell and purchase anything and everything from other countries.
The only alternative is to create an internationally acceptable currency to do the same.
China and Russia have been working on this for many years but requires so much it is not easy.
A gold back system seems the most reliable rather than a US promise written on toilet paper.
A number of countries are now doing direct swaps with the country they are trading with ( import/export contra trades balanced ) with agreed settlements on the difference.
The US lives off the need for the world to use their money which props up the value and they export their inflation to other countries.
They sell exports at top dollar value and import with the lower dollar value from inflation.


Wonderful move this by MOEX / Russia it'll be even more so when e.g. China eventually gets there


MOEX should have done this 2 years ago...


@L. Hansson
Another nail in the US$ coffin from the US Government.


Russia should start decoupling by stop selling uranium, fertilizer etc to the US. Recall all envoys and kick out US envoys out of Russia and end all relations and cooperations which include not giving their astronauts a ride to the ISS which Russia should exit immediately.


@Buraq Obama
Dedeollarization speeding up!


the trading will not stop but it will be replaced by more reliable means.
what they do they help with de-dollarization.
Russian economy is growing fast, this means the Ruble is getting stronger you do not need anymore dollar or euro.
if it wasn't for sanction Russia would still sell oil and gas for western goods.
now domestic manufacturing is growing at fast speed, making Russia super power again.
no western "wonder weapons" will stop it.


@Anthony Raymond
And whittling our purchasing power to 'Net Zero'. These Mongrels are deliberately doing it.


Does the US government seriously think that removing $140+ billion from international trade in USD that will be simply be replaced with other currencies (or commodities like gold), will do anything other than hurting the USA?
The USA is deluded if it thinks that limiting trade in the USD with a country like Russia, that runs a trade surplus with almost every country, will ultimately harm Russia's economic development.
US companies will need to find non-USD currencies to continue trading with Russia, so how does that hurt Russia again?


The same applies to the other 'sanctions-club' countries - if buying Russian needs to be in non-USD currencies, how does that result in anything but the decline in the USD?
But perhaps this is ultimately the US elites plan - with trillions in debt to the rest of the world, with no way to repay that debt, the only option is inflation/hyperinflation, to due that debt so it can be paid off quicker.
The problem is, the USA is in debt to every other country on the planet, and those countries will use their USD reserves to prop up the USD and prevent inflation because an increase in the value of their currency against the USD hurts their exports.
So the USA in stuck between a rock and a hard place - unable to repay their debts and unable to use inflation to avoid their debts - the only option left is war - so they can eliminate their debts.
But that would require the USA going to war with every other country on the planet - not so far fetched.


sounds like a successful cancer operation- extracting the tumor thoroughly and wholefully.


Sure, the usa is the cancer and once it is truly removed from this earth, then this earth can heal.


原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

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