2024-06-13 冲动的小李 11914
@Kanthaswamy Balasubramaniam
Independent Legal Banking Consultant at Self-EmploymentSat
It's Simple
China has a boatload of money
It would take fifteen minutes for them subsidize 5 Billion RMB and reduce the HSR rates
Chin earns money
It's Trade Surplus alone rakes in a whopping 6 Trillion RMB or so a year
Plus China owns all the Land and thus earns Billions of RMB through Fixed Asset Monetization
Not to mention, the Chinese HSR is entirely indigenous
Plus China produces the most electricity in the planet and has more than enough electrification to run even 100,000 Km of HSR (Currently it runs around 40K km)

此外,中国的电力生产量位居世界第一,其电气化程度足以运行 10 万公里的高铁(目前运行里程约为 4 万公里)

The Price from Beijing to Shanghai is around 730 RMB for a 280 KPH train and 1050 RMB for a 350 KPH train (1220 Kms)
The equivalent price in India is ₹ 4128/- to ₹ 5374/-For 1220 Kilometers
The Present 57% subsidy based price for such a distance could be around ₹ 8530/- to ₹ 10770/-
This is based on the estimated minimum fare of ₹4500/- for 526 Kilometers
Without subsidy this could be as much as ₹15,000/- to ₹ 19,000/-
Where does India have the money to subsidize such a vast scale of money?
And without subsidy, how many Indians can cough up ₹20,000 for a one way trip ?
Hence the Bullet train to India today is the equivalent of a Bank Clerk wanting to buy a BMW 6 series in the hope that he would become CEO within a decade

印度的同等价格为 4128 卢比/- 至 5374 卢比/- 1220公里
目前有57%补贴,此类距离的价格可能约为 8530 卢比至 10770 卢比/-

原创翻译:龙腾网 转载请注明出处

@Rajini Kanth Kanthisamy
Finally an answer that's comparing or connected with “China”


@Di Tulan
As the country develops, the movement of people also increases. Chinese govt is aware of this and hence the extensive fast train network.
China has huge population and the country is widespread, if people fly or drive or slow trains, it would not be viable.


@Micro Bhaktology
Our bullet trains will be launched by Modiji. But Modiji will refuse to launch China’s bullet trains. That’s why our bullet trains will have more expensive tickets.


@You are too Good
Why to compare with china always. When china started his bullet train in 2008 when India don't have enough money to purchase bullet proof jackets for our soldiers in our great economist PM. It is Modi who at least thinks there should be bullet train in India also. And even intellectual people of india ridiculous of it. If china thought like you it would not have run bullet train. It is all due to cesspit democracy people are opposing bullet train. If you want to develop there should not be opposition to hamper the development project.


@Adarsh Kumar
China thought of bullet train AFTER it started having boatloads of cash from trade surplus, and obviously after 2008 crash, it had even lesser trust on American stock market or T bonds, HENCE started pouring money into its HSRs, AFTER formulating a big goddamn plan, about how much returns would they get 20 years down the line from they investment they were about to make then. Now, they are getting PRETY GOOD returns. Tell me how much trade surplus does india has? Zip zilch nada! Your beloved PM borrows from outsiders OR even his own people, pours f***loads of money into a project which cannot be used by 99.9% of the indian population! India is today what china was in 1990. India does not need bullet train, it needs passenger trains, more passenger train coaches, more Mumbai local coaches, more normal train coaches damnit.

中国在开始从贸易顺差中获得大量现金后,就想到了高铁,显然在经历了2008年崩盘之后,它对美国股市或国债的信任度更低,因此开始向高铁投入资金,在制定了一个钞机的大计划之后,20 年后他们将从当时的投资中获得大量回报。现在,他们获得了相当不错的回报。告诉我印度有多少贸易顺差?零!你敬爱的总理向外人甚至他自己的人民借钱,将大量资金投入到一个99.9%的印度人口都无法使用的项目上!今天的印度就像1990年的中国一样。印度不需要子弹头列车,它需要客运列车,更多的客运列车车厢,更多的孟买当地车厢,更多的普通火车车厢,该死的。

Why do you need a bullet train in India?
Existing trains itself are in a disaster mode with gutkha spitting rats occupying every berth they can without ticket.

译者注:这里的“gutkha spitting rats”是一个比喻,用来形容那些不遵守规则、随地吐槟榔的人,就像讨厌的老鼠一样

@Ishan Dutta
Normal trains are not really competitors of bullet trains. It is equivalent of flights . In which flight do you see gutka spits everywhere ?


In flights you have a different problem. You need to go to airport much earlier and usually airports are far off the city (Bengaluru airport is in a different city altogether), the security checks and luggage checks are really irritating.
However, these are not all; you get to see many idiots suffering from premature ejaculation. They don't follow queue system, they can't wait till the flight lands properly and instructions to deboard are given. They think touch down itself is enough to get off the plane. Uncivilized rats are everywhere.
Still, flight travel is much better than railways.
So now in bullet trains you get to see rats hanging at footboard.


@Ishan Dutta
Yes that’s why short distance like Bengaluru to Chennai the net time (ie from door to door ) will be lesser in bullet trains than flights. Wait for bullet train to come, it’s still 5 years away. Don’t call Vande Vharat as bullet.

是的,这就是为什么像班加罗尔到钦奈这样的短距离,乘坐子弹头列车的净时间(即从门到门)会比飞机少。等待高铁的到来,还有5年的时间。不要称Vande Vharat为高铁。

@Logical Mind
Bullet trains occupy the same track as normal trains and block travel effectively for normal trains . The track utilization come down increasing costs of travel for normal trains and people

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@Ishan Dutta
Same track ? are you out of your mind ? It will cost Rs 1.08 lakh crore to build India’s first bullet train. The technology is entirely different, these train run on magnetic levitation. They do not have wheels and instead use super-condensed electromagnets to levitate. Please read a little about countries who already have bullet trains. I think you misunderstood the question as vande bharat trains.

相同的轨道?你是不是疯了 ?建造印度第一列子弹头列车将耗资10.8亿卢比。技术完全不同,这些火车靠磁悬浮运行。它们没有轮子,而是使用超凝聚电磁体来悬浮。请阅读一些有关已经拥有子弹头列车的国家的信息。我认为您将这个问题误解为vande bharat火车。
译者注:Vande Bharat为印度当前已经开通的高标准火车,设计时速180KM

Existing trains are for the poor. Indians are moving up the socio economic ladder very quickly.
Every year millions of Indians are becoming HNIs. They need convenience and better transportation. In a few years we'll be forced to scrap the slow trains we have today, since the entire Indian population will prefer air travel or bullet trains.
It is due to Modi's foresight that we've commenced working on bullet trains now. In less than a decade, Indian trains will leave China's Maglev behind. China has already sensed fear when Modiji unveiled the Vande Bharat.

正是由于莫迪的远见,我们现在才开始研究高铁。不到十年,印度列车将把中国磁悬浮列车抛在身后。当莫迪推出Vande Bharat时,中国已经感受到了恐惧。

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@Mrityunjay Mishra
You are too optimistic for Indian standards. Better than manglev? In one decade?

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The moment he said ‘Modi's foresight' I understood what is he.


@Mrityunjay Mishra
Do you know, Modi has a top secret blueprint of “faster than light” spaceship with Warp Drive™ technology which he got from 30000 yo scxtures? With Modi's foresight, we will build it by 2030.

你知道吗,莫迪有一张绝密的蓝图,是他从三万多年前的经文中得到的采用 Warp Drive™ 技术的“超光速”宇宙飞船?以莫迪的远见,我们将在2030年建成它。

It's true! GOI is developing a 2NM(Narendra Modi) chip, that will incorporate the warp drive technology into the version 2 of Vande Bharat. It will easily surpass China's Maglev.

这是真的! 印度科学院正在开发一款2N(莫迪)芯片,该芯片将把曲速驱动技术融入到Vande Bharat的第2版中。它将轻松超越中国的磁悬浮。

Yes!Yes!Yes!What you said is true.LOL


@V Rao
this is why vande bharat exists. clean, hygienic coaches and edible food.

这就是vande bharat存在的原因。干净、卫生的车厢和可食用的食物。

The answer is literally asking to compare with China. WHat do you expect him to respond? Comparing with Brazil?


@You are too Good
But when the fare of bullet train has been decided without trial run to compare with china fare. The mentality of the questioner seems to be dubious.


@Chiang Seng Erh
Wrong comparison. India is a democratic country and India should rightfully compare with the USA.


True! I mean even the USA is well beneath India in many parameters. Post 2014, we've shown USA their true place.

真的!我的意思是,即使是美国在许多参数上也远远低于印度。 2014年后,我们向美国展示了他们真正的位置。

And when India has a hsr, it is likely that the us are still pouring billions to investigate how to build one in California.


Vande Bharat is the version one of a HSR. It's version 2 will be neck and neck with Maglev. Of course western sources are going to undermine India's work, with some dumb metrics. You can see this progress only if you look at it from a nationalistic pov.

Vande Bharat 是高铁的第一版。它的第二版将与磁悬浮并驾齐驱。当然,西方消息来源会用一些愚蠢的指标来破坏印度的工作。只有从民族主义的角度来看,你才能看到这一进步。

@Micro Bhaktology
One Vande Bharat equals 100 Chinese bullet trains

1辆Vande Bharat相当于100辆中国动车组

@Er Lang Wu


@Micro Bhaktology
India has become heaven on earth

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@Ram Lowertapi
The USA, I believe don't have Bullet Train yet.


@James Cole
USA has plenty of toilets though. Unlike India. Lolz :-)

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@Ram Lowertapi
Please go through one of the flagship programmes of Mr. Modi, Swatcha Bharat Abhiyan. Millions of toilets were constructed across the country. In use or not is debatable.


@Epstein Lance
Yes we should compare a country with 2500 USD per capita to a country with 80,000 USD per capita GDP country.
So here's some comparison apart from the per capita GDP ones.
Car ownership per 1000 people
USA: 901
India: 59
90% roads in USA are fully asphalt roads.
Only about 70% in India are asphalt roads.
Expressway network length
USA: 95,000 kms
India: 4000 kms
USA: 14,000
India: 500
95% long distance travel in USA people fly.
Only about 5% long distance journeys in India covered by airplanes. 95% use trains or buses.

美国 95% 的长途旅行人乘坐飞机。
印度只有大约 5% 的长途旅行由飞机覆盖。 95% 使用火车或公共汽车。

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India should make bullet train first I don’t think bullet train project will complete

印度应该先制造子弹头列车 我认为子弹头列车项目不会完成
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Use flights instead


@Ishan Dutta
The question how can China keep that subsidy for so long. As far as what I understand they are not loosing money despite charging 0.6RMB per km.


@B K
They will have that subsidy as long as we buy Chinese goods. It’s. It not the Chinese, it’s the whole world who are subsidising Chinese life. And that’s what they deserve for educating their public, providing all possible infrastructure, killing all corrupt officials, encouraging merit etc.


@Ishan Dutta
We don’t buy Chinese goods even 1% of what europeans and US together buy. Your stopping buying Chinese goods won’t change anything. We buy everything from outside, very little is home made. Even at this moment you are commenting on a platform by Americans too.


@B K
Just look at the trend:
”In 2022, China exported $69.3B to India. The main products exported from China to India were Computers ($6.28B), Broadcasting Equipment ($5.56B), and Integrated Circuits ($4.56B). During the last 5 years the exports of China to India have increased at an annualized rate of 137%, from $924M in 2017 to $69.3B in 2022.”
69.3 billion is a huge amount. We are sending that amount to China every year and increasing too. Why we can’t keep that money in the country? Because producing anything in India is a nightmare. My friend is trying to set up a small factory and every department is asking not less than 40 lakhs for approvals and permits. So he will charge more to the consumer to recover his costs. This happens for all industries for whole of India.
Therefore Chinese similar items will be very less expensive. Consumers will prefer Chinese items and send our money to China so that they can subsidise their whole population.
Which is why I say that they deserve to get that benefit. They prosecuted about 30 lakh corrupt officials, made merit their only criteria and their country has zoomed ahead. When will we start shooting corrupt netas in India?

“2022年,中国向印度出口了$693亿美元。从中国出口到印度的主要产品是计算机($62亿)、广播设备($55亿)和集成电路($45亿)。过去5年里,中国对印度的出口额以年化137% 的速度增长,从2017年92.4亿美元增至2022年的$693亿美元。”

@Ishan Dutta
China exports about $5000B, $69.3B out of $5000B is tiny.


@Epstein Lance
That has climbed to 100 billion usd now though that's still a fraction of their total exports which is around 3300 billion usd not 5000 billion usd as you have mentioned.

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@Subrahmanyam Marripudi
Why should the govt pay for someone’s travel in the form of subsidies, be it China or India? Why should a costly technology be patronised just because it is new?

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Than why should governments build roads to subsidized its people and business? Also China it is a socialistic not capitalistic government that takes care of the lower income population. Why should I not want to take a HSR that US faster and quieter?


@You are too Good
Is the bullet train fare declared in India without even trial run? How do the questioner compared fare in rs with youn. It is spreading rumour by some people who hate developed india.

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@Kavin Nagpal Shetty
Yes bro it can be much cheaper


@You are too Good
Don't know,when declared then I will compare. Why not to compare with Japan. Afterall it is been developed by Japan on nominal interest.


@Khengchat Ng
A country with lingering socialist characteristics will see public transport as right and act accordingly.


Who needs bullet trains when there is flights ? This is what an American dude said to me on Instagram comment. It seems fair tho!


@Epstein Lance
Well the point is USA provides cheap and widely available air travel to its citizens.
China provides HSRs cheap, widely available and comfortable to its citizens.


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@Gulshan Prakash
The trickle down effect from the high speed rail HSR technology will help India to become a manufacturer and exporter of HSR components. Gradually, even Vande Bharat trains are likely to become better and faster. Several other Bullet train routes loke Delhi to Kolkata are planned with aster versions of Vande Bharat trains.

高铁高铁技术的辐射效应将帮助印度成为高铁零部件的制造商和出口国。渐渐地,即使是Vande Bharat列车也可能变得更好更快。其他几条从德里到加尔各答的子弹头列车路线也计划使用升级的 Vande Bharat列车。

@Ram Lowertapi
Sir, In Telugu we have a saying that roughly translates to “The King's money goes to stones". That means temples. Our Bullet Train project is one such. The only difference would be that there won't be any inscxtions.


@Rajendra Chola
If 1 billion Indians need grain assiatance without contributing, where are you going to find the money?


@Ram. రామ్
The China bullet trains are operating at massive losses. Of China's 18 main high-speed railways, only 6 lines are profitable, and the remaining 13 are loss-making. In 2022, China's high-speed rail suffered a total loss of US$15 billion.

中国的子弹头列车正在遭受巨大损失。我国18条主要高铁中,只有6条线路实现盈利,其余13条均亏损。 2022年,中国高铁总损失达150亿美元。

@Binbin Wu
Not that expensive! A high-speed train ticket from Beijing to Shanghai costs about 500 RMB. Prices vary by route, with some longer routes costing around 600 RMB. Also, 300 km/h and 350 km/h train tickets are usually similar in price.


@Subramanium Duraisamy
Sir how to get citizenship of China? I want to become a Chinese citizen…these rabble indians smelling like a dead rat have made my life hell..can you tell how to escape this shit hole nation called India?


@Er Lang Wu
I think u should be a billionare , that would be much easer than to become a Chinese citizen LOL


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