2024-06-13 大号儿童 6766

David Farnell
In my visits to South Korea, I have seen that Koreans are a bit more open and free with their emotions than Japanese people, on average. This is not to say Japanese people are a bunch of emotionless Vulcans—you’ll hear people laughing and joking on the street in Japan, too, just not as much.
In Korea, twice I’ve seen little old ladies duck under the subway’s ticket gate to avoid paying. My Japanese wife nearly fainted in shock at seeing that.

在我访问韩国时,我注意到韩国人平均来说比日本人更开放和自由地表达情感。这并不是说日本人完全没有情感——在日本的街头,你也会听到人们在笑和开玩笑,只是没有那么频繁。 在韩国,我两次看到小老太太钻到地铁检票口下面以逃避付费。我日本的妻子看到这种情况几乎要晕倒了。

Dallas McKay
Very different, but Japanese culture is heavily influenced by Korea. Japanese language, although kind of a mystery as to where it came from, tends to sound a lot like Korean. Much of the art work, political systems and technology of early Japan are directly from Korea. The Emperor of Japan just recently commented on how the royal family is directly descended from Korean aristocracy. Buddhism came through Korea. The southern Islands were settled by Koreans, and the Beakje Royal family fled to Japan where the settled after they lost to the Silla towards the end of the three kingdoms period. But, after a few hundred years, the Japanese broke ties. They assimilated a lot of Chinese culture. Japan occupied and colonized Korea from the early 1900s until they were expelled at the end of WWII. Because of this, there was a general expulsion of all things Japanese. This is one of the reasons the cultures are so different. Westerners tend to see all Asian cultures as similar, but the reality is compared to European culture, Asians are very different. Different alphabets, different diets, completely different languages, different rituals. Even the things that are similar are different. Chop sticks. In Korea, they are long and slender and often times made of metal. Japanese chop stick (I think I'm getting this right) are short and thick. Bowing a touch more elaborate in Korean culture than in Japanese and Chinese cultures. Construction techniques, art and literature styles as well. I find it far more interesting than Western culture.


Jeff S. Hong
It is a historical fact that the early Japanese royal roots were started by the blood line of Baekje royals that fled Korean peninsula after losing the war with Shilla. And this group in exile founded a new kingdom in Japan, and named its capital “Nara”, which is a common noun in Korean for “country”. Even some very basic words share common proto-linguistic root such as Eonni (K), which now means elder sister, but both older bro & older sister, or the first born sibling in general even about a century ago, whereas it is Ane (older sister) or Ani (older brother) in Japanese. It is also a very curious point or purely a coincidence that the French for the first born sibling is also “aîné”.

原创翻译:龙腾网 转载请注明出处

Japan was founded in the early 4th century. Around 663, Baekje was defeated in the Battle of Hakushongo and about 2,000 refugees fled to Japan. At that time, Japan was already a large country with a population of 5 million people.
Baekje was a vassal state of Japan. The name Nara has nothing to do with Baekje. The meaning of Nara is to level the land.

日本是在4世纪初建立的。大约在663年,百济在白村江之战中被击败,大约2000名难民逃到了日本。那时,日本已经是一个有500万人口的大国了。 百济是日本的藩属国。奈良这个名字与百济无关,奈良的意思是“平整土地”。
原创翻译:龙腾网 转载请注明出处

Throughout history, both Korea and Japan have been part of the East Asian Confucian Circle, despite Japan's recent transition into a more Westernized society, their culture customs have not changed overnight.


Chao Gao
They all have been deeply influenced and shaped by ancient Chinese culture, in all aspects.

原创翻译:龙腾网 转载请注明出处

Shelley Oh
Korean ancestors are Japanese ancestors. 근초고왕 has transferred the Korean culture and ideas to Japan. So Japan has grown up from there. Therefore, Japan and Korea are similar from under the same ancestors.

原创翻译:龙腾网 转载请注明出处

Kei Kim
if the culture was not differnt we, Korea & Japan would have been one country.
Do NOT try to find any similarity between Korea & Japan
there are more differences than similarities.

如果文化没有差异的话,我们韩国和日本早就成为一个国家了。 不要试图在韩国和日本之间寻找任何相似之处, 差异远多于相似点。

If Korea has any similarities with Japan, that because Korea was under Japan's Rule, it was silent invasion under forced treaty...
Unfortunately, it took longer to clense the land due to Korean War.
Korea tried to erase and eleminate the traces of the Japanese Invasion Era..
40 years, Korea was governed under despotism.. later Japan tried to erase Name of KOREA from the World MAP.
Korean war brought the very good chance for Japan to come back their economic & business lines back in running.. how Ironic...

40年间,韩国在专制统治下被治理... 后来日本试图将韩国的名字从世界地图上抹去。
朝鲜战争给日本带来了一个非常好的机会,使其经济和商业重新恢复运行... 多么具有讽刺意味啊...

Nicky Sekino
How similar are we? In my personal opnion, we are like brothers and sister with different mothers or fathers.
Oh, I am Japanese and in my personal experience, the Japanese and Koreans are so much alike in terms of culture. We think alike and laugh at similar topics. The only thing that separates us is the language. I do not know they are Koreans, unless they speak the language.

我们有多相似?在我个人看来,我们就像不同母亲或父亲的兄弟姐妹。 哦,我是日本人,根据我的个人经验,日本人和韩国人在文化上非常相似。我们思维方式相似,对相似的话题发笑。唯一将我们区分开来的是语言。如果他们不说韩语,我不会知道他们是韩国人。

Mykyta Gnilobok
Both cultures borrowed incredibly from ancient China. Especially around Tang and Song Dynasities. However the heavy borrowings started even earlier. For example Kimono is similar to Hanfu of Han Dynasty. Hanbok is similar to Sui dynasty Hanfu. The exteme politeness and social hierarchy of both cultures came from Chinese Confucianism. Architecture, musical instruments,crafts, ,martial arts,tea ceremony and sitting on the floor, etc are also remnants of the Tang dynasty. All that is a reason enough for Korea and Japan to be so culturally similar.


Modern China however…...... It turned out to be a very different country compared to Korea and Japan. It only now started to revive it's real cultures, much of it was lost to time however.


Won Lee
Yes, Korea and Japan borrowed a lot from ancient China but their basic culture, i.e. language, clothing, foods, housing were very different each other from the remote past. For example, Koreans sit on floor thousands years even before they knew about Chinese.


Mykyta Gnilobok
Interesting, but Han and Tang Chinese also were sitting on the floor with low tables. Hanbok and Kimono definitely come from Hanfu though. Of course Korea and Japan had different clothing before Chinese influence but that clothing has been forgotten since nowadays only Hanbok and Kimono remain.


Hanbok has nothing to do with Chinese Hanfu. Hanbok had a great influenced from the Scythian nomads. Chinese did not have trousers for horseback riding going back 2000 years. Google it to find out more.

原创翻译:龙腾网 转载请注明出处

Pavel Astakhov
Ancient or modern?
Ancient is completely different from the 13th century. You can not talk about Koreans before. Then there were the Sillas and Koguryos.
Sillas are the Proto-Koreans. And their culture has nothing to do with the Japanese does not have their closest cultural neighbors is the Thais and China.


And Koguryo people are people who created Yamatai, but they were heretics. Therefore, even then different. So their influence was clearly visible, but over time it decreased in favor of local peoples.
In modern culture, Korean modern culture is based on copying. Yes, 2005, she copied the Japanese. Now he is copying Quebec.
Therefore, the similarity of modern culture is high, however, in a coarser and less qualitative form.


原创翻译:龙腾网 转载请注明出处

Nadezhda Mukhina
Koreans plagiarize Japanese culture and do it badly. However, with the help of various dishonest methods they penetrate their culture.
Historically, Korean culture has always been a copy of someone.
Mongol Chinese in the 19th century was very difficult to distinguish between Korean and Chinese culture.


原创翻译:龙腾网 转载请注明出处

Japanese has always been original. Even if she borrowed something, she reworked everything so that the one from whom it was borrowed could not understand that the basic idea was taken from him. There was also a lot of Japanese in Japanese culture — for example, Samurai, poetry, the cuddles of relations between clans, clothing, lacquer boxes.


In Korea, everything is just direct copying. And in the 19th century, for example, a noble women wore a skirt with a jacket that is an exact replica of the 15th century Chinese. They just stopped wearing in China and were still wearing it in Korea.
In the 20th century, Koreans copied much from the Japanese and called onigiri as a triangular kimpab - the "original Korean dish."


But from this, their culture did not become closer to the Japanese, not by a centimeter.
They have completely different views of life, the assessment of life and morality. The moral of the Japanese is that they dove over him even if the law does not punish. Korean morality is something that only works under the threat of punishment. Only a Japanese can punish himself repenting - Korean NEVER. If the Korean is not caught, he believes that it is right, always.

但从这一点来看,他们的文化并没有变得更接近日本,一点也没有。 他们对生活有完全不同的看法,对生活的评价和道德观也不同。日本人的道德观是,即使法律不惩罚,他们也会为之奋斗。韩国人的道德观则只在受到惩罚的威胁下才有效。只有日本人会因为内疚而自我惩罚,而韩国人永远不会。如果韩国人没有被抓到,他认为自己是正确的,总是这样。

Korean and Japanese cultures share some similarities due to their geographical proximity and historical interactions, but they are also distinct in many ways. Here are some points to consider when comparing Korean and Japanese cultures:


Language: Korean and Japanese are distinct languages that are not mutually intelligible. While both languages use Chinese characters (hanja in Korean and kanji in Japanese) in their writing systems, the grammatical structures and vocabulary are different.
History: Korea and Japan have a long history of cultural exchange, which has influenced each other's traditions and customs. However, both countries also have unique historical experiences that have shaped their respective cultures.


Religion: Both countries have been influenced by a mix of indigenous beliefs, Buddhism, and Confucianism. Shintoism is the indigenous religion of Japan, while Christianity has a significant presence in South Korea.
Food: Korean and Japanese cuisines are distinct but share some common elements such as rice, noodles, and fermented foods like kimchi (Korean) and miso (Japanese). Each cuisine has its own unique flavors and cooking techniques.


Arts and Entertainment: Both countries have rich artistic traditions, including traditional music, dance, theater, and visual arts. Korean traditional music (gugak) and Japanese traditional music (gagaku) have some similarities but are also distinct.


Fashion: Korean and Japanese fashion have gained international recognition for their unique styles. While there may be some overlap in trends, each country has its own fashion subcultures and designers.


Etiquette: Both Korean and Japanese cultures place a strong emphasis on respect for elders, politeness, and social harmony. However, there are differences in specific customs and etiquette practices.


Pop Culture: Korean pop culture (K-pop) and Japanese pop culture (J-pop) have gained global popularity in recent years. While there may be some similarities in terms of entertainment content, each has its own distinct characteristics and fan base.


Overall, while Korean and Japanese cultures share some similarities, they are also distinct in many aspects due to their unique histories, languages, and traditions. It is important to appreciate and respect the differences between the two cultures while also recognizing the commonalities that exist.


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