2024-06-18 龟兔赛跑 4098

What do Brits think of United States?


Mark Stubbs
I have travelled and worked in many countries around the world, America being one of them. My opinion is “Nothing Special”, been to better, been to worse.
I won’t go into health insurance, I was on Corporate insurance so didn’t bother me, I won’t mention gun crime since I didn’t experience any, but to me it was just another country I was on a work assignment to for a year or so, get in, do the job, take the money, thank you and goodbye.


Neil Godwin
I see the USA as a land of wasted potential, and false promise. America could have been a beacon of democracy and free speech. Then came Joseph McCarthy and that veneer fell away. In 2016 we saw Hillary Clinton get more votes, but to our bemusement Trump was elected. Odd form of democracy, given it was a two horse race.
We have since seen Trump face charges. Even been impeached. Yet party leaders of the right stopped him being put on trial. From the viewpoint of a nation which once put its own King on trial, and executed him, this is astonishing and disgraceful.
You could do so much for your people, as the richest economy on earth, but you allow citizens to die, sometimes in agony, because the proper minimum standards of healthcare enjoyed by almost every other civilised country are eschewed because that would be “socialism”. No, it's caring.
The ultimate socialist is Jesus. His teachings are given lip service but ignored in practice. Televangelists scrounge money from poor but devout viewers, in one case openly asking for finance for a new private jet plane, and the cash flows in.
Workers are treated like animals. Trump has ordered meat processing plants to reopen, even if no PPE is available for workers. Hygiene standards in food production are disgustingly low.
Yet Americans on the whole are good, kind, decent people. Obama showed the world America at its best.


Lara B. Sharp
What do Brits think of America?
I’m an American, who lived in London, twice, for five years both times - I am also a British citizen - which means that I’m also a ‘Brit’.
The ‘Brits’ who are the most disparaging, critical, negative, and bigoted towards America and Americans… Are also, most often, the ‘Brits’ who have been to Florida, once, and/or Vegas, once, and/or perhaps even to California, once… They ate at Burger King… They rode some amusement park rides… They had pizza… and they believe that THIS qualifies them to be experts on America… Or, even more common, the ‘Brits’ who are the most disparaging, critical, negative, and bigoted towards America and Americans… Are the ‘Brits’ that have literally never even set foot inside the country…


The same can usually be said for the Americans who are the most disparaging, critical, negative, and bigoted towards other Nations. Often, they've never even been to those nations!
I’m American, and I’m British, which qualifies me to say this: There are definitely assholes on both sides of the pond.
There are also fantastic people on both sides of the pond!!!!!!
My English in laws (who are British, or umm, ‘Brits’) had very odd, absolutely negative views of America, even though they'd gone on several family holidays to America… Now that they've got a son/brother/uncle/cousin (my husband) living in America, they've visited, and they’ve finally seen the real America… Not a tourist area… Actual America.
I literally cannot keep them OUT of my home!!! They visit constantly!
They all want to buy property here!
Which would be good, because it would mean that I’d have my house back…


Paul Fenech-Soler
What do Brits think of America?
Having just returned from a short break in New York, my first trip to USA, my preconceptions were shattered.
The people are polite, proud, humble, hard as nails, honest, take no sh!t and give no sh!t, entertaining, jazzy, respectful and delightful.
You are just amazing.


原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Elaine H
I'm British and living in California for 12 years.
It took about 10 years to adjust to the way of life here and even today, though I feel more comfortable, I preferred life in Britain (for the most part).
Here are a few positives:
Many US Citizens are friendly and polite and have a “can do" attitude. I've made some good friends and have good work colleagues here. They are generally optimists and are lots of fun to be around. They like to party but don't drink too much. Many people in the bay area voted for Bernie Sanders in the election and are not afraid of democratic socialism. I can't speak for people living outside this bubble but it is a good start.
San Francisco hosts some cool free festivals called “Stern Grove” and “Hardly Strictly Bluegrass". These festivals bring back the old San Francisco vibe that is pretty much dead now most of the year thanks to gentrification that pushed out musicians and artists. Tech rules here now unfortunately.
There are plenty of amazing places to travel in the USA with totally different climates from tropical, desert, alpine etc. There are some really cool spots and communities that I love to visit that I couldn't find in the UK. I feel like this is a great place to travel but a difficult place to live.


原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

The negatives:
Healthcare is expensive and only available for the rich. I have a job and health insurance but have to pay $3000 before insurance kicks in. Even when you go for a procedure that is “covered" by insurance (such as an annual check up) you end up with a bill for lab work that was not covered. I just paid $2300 out of pocket for a procedure. Finding a job with better insurance is key. Also, you spend your days off work on the phone trying to sort out a bill.
Paid Time Off (Work) - It is tricky getting time off work for vacation and sick. You generally get around 10 sick days a year and two weeks vacation working for a company. People need to work for themselves to allow time off (if they can afford it). This is why sometimes people are happy to get fired from their job, so they can get social security benefits and go travel before their next job.
Gun violence…mass shootings multiple times a week.
Homeless - I live in an okay neighborhood yet there are homeless campsites only a few blocks away. The homeless are left alone or moved if someone complains about sanitary conditions. They don't get help and create a huge mess wherever they go. They poop on sidewalks and pee on public transportation. It is sad that things have got this bad.

无家可归者问题 - 我住在一个还不错的社区,但仅仅几个街区外就有无家可归者的营地。无家可归者要么被放任不管,要么如果有人抱怨卫生条件差,他们就会被赶走。他们没有得到帮助,无论走到哪里都会制造巨大的混乱。他们在人行道上大便,在公共交通工具上小便。情况变得这么糟糕真是悲哀。

Humor - British people miss the humor of their country. It is different here. In the bay area, you have to be careful what you say so that you don't offend someone. British like to “take the piss" out of everyone and have everyone do the same to them.
Privileged Attitudes/ Materialism - some people don't like to roll up their sleeves and help since they come from a privileged background. This can happen anywhere though I see a lot more of this behavior here (bay area) than back home. Some people expect the check-out staff to bag up their groceries for them and don't help them at all, many don't give up seats for elderly and disabled (which is why they now have designated seats). It is a materialistic society overall where money and status rules. Rarely people collect money for a staff leaving employment/birthday and staff are generally not celebrated when they leave a company. The rich live high up in the hills in their mansions while the poor live in overpriced apartments down below. The homeless do not go begging up near the mansions but near regular people living paycheck to paycheck (that is same wherever you go). In Britain, most people feel like they are “in it together” and have similar wealth/opportunities. Over here, certain ethnicities do certain jobs. The divide between rich and poor is much greater. The poor don't have access to good healthcare and are sometimes working three jobs.
Horrible leadership - For someone like Trump to get in power says it all. The good politicians are seens as “communists" and have no chance of getting in power.

幽默感 - 英国人想念他们国家的幽默。这里的情况不同。在湾区,你必须小心说话,以免冒犯别人。英国人喜欢互相取笑,也乐于接受别人的玩笑。
特权态度/物质主义 - 有些人因为拥有特权背景,不愿意亲身投入帮助他人。这种情况哪里都可能发生,但我在湾区看到的这种行为比在英国要多。有些人期望结账人员为他们打包杂货,而且一点忙也不帮,许多人不给老人和残疾人让座(这就是为什么现在有指定座位)。总的来说,这是一个以金钱和地位为主导的物质社会。很少有人为离职/生日的员工筹款,员工离职时通常不会受到庆祝。富人住在山上的豪宅里,而穷人住在下面定价过高的公寓里。无家可归者不会在豪宅附近乞讨,而是在普通人靠工资支票生活的地方乞讨。在英国,大多数人感觉他们是“一起的”,拥有相似的财富/机会。在这里,某些种族做某些工作。贫富差距要大得多。穷人无法获得良好的医疗保健,有时甚至要打三份工。
糟糕的领导 - 像特朗普这样的人能够上台就说明了一切。好的政治家被视为“共产主义者”,是没有机会上台的。

Crumbling infrastructure - for a wealthy country you would think things would be taken care of. Certain parts of town (Oakland, SF,) look derelict, public transportation is mediocre, everything looks and feels dirty where I live, however my US family live in New England which is clean and cared for and a totally different experience.
Overall, it is hard to make a criticism of USA as a whole as each state is very different with infrastructure, opinions and politics. What worries me is how divided it has become politically. As a liberal I am afraid to say things that may be seen as more conservative. I consider myself as progressive left but am not impressed by “woke" culture or “cancel culture”. Back in the UK, I could happily debate these issues all the time at the pub with a stranger and we would be both better for it without judgment. I feel silenced here! I felt more free back home to be honest as well as more cared for. Speaking up at work is generally an uncomfortable experience as you are supposed to always reflect the positives of the company and not criticize it. Most employees are afraid to unxize due to backlash from their employer.
I am here making the best of it but see many cracks showing here. I know the UK is struggling right now too but at least they are all in it together and will take care of each other.

基础设施崩溃 - 对于一个富裕的国家,你会认为一切会被照顾好。某些城镇的部分地区(如奥克兰、旧金山)看起来荒废了,公共交通是平庸的,我住的地方看起来和感觉都很脏,然而我的美国家人住在新英格兰,那里干净,得到了照顾,是完全不同的体验。

Mike Richmond
What do Brits think of America?
America is the country, next to Britain, that the British know most about. However, that isn't saying much.
We know America through films, through music, through books, and enormously through the television. It is a combination of Mad Men and the Simpsons, with Catch 22 and West Side Story thrown in.
A decent proportion of British people have visited the US - 3.8 million each year, which, allowing for high levels of repeat visits, means at least 20% of adults have been there. Only France and Spain are more visited. So we think America is Florida and Disneyland, New York and Las Vegas.
Our national myth tells us that Americans are fat and loud, gun-toting and god fearing. Our personal experience tells us they are polite and decent people, much like you find anywhere else.
America is, for the British, like France, Spain, Germany, India or Australia. We know it well enough to have a lot of conflicting and overlapping narratives and views. It is an important part of our culture.


原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

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