2024-06-18 Kira_Yoshikage 5963

What is one thing that you feel was 100% worth the money?


A quality and comfortable sofa/couch


Good dental care and braces is well wroth it to me


But for safety I would say quality tires is a must




Heard a saying that I agree with, always spend on quality items that connect you to the ground.


The variation of this I heard growing up was something like "if it separates you from the ground" or "if it sits between you and the ground" - Shoes, tires, bed, that kinda stuff.


Had an ex that was acting weird, making accusations against me. I purchased a security camera system around memorial day last year. June 18th last year she showed up to my house with a shotgun.


Worth every penny for that security system. There was no he said, she said.


Not OP but I have dealt with a crazy neighbor before. At the end of the day it's your word against theirs. Having footage of them looking crazy and you staying calm can go a long way. In my situation the encounters escalated to her calling the police and that led to a meeting with our building manager.


I don't know exactly what happened with her meeting but I showed up with notes and timestamped emails. The neighbor never bothered me again and was eventually kicked out after she started targeting my other neighbor with the same type of harassment.


Paying movers when moving into a new place.


Only if you get decent movers which you may not know until it's too late.


We had one company massively misquote us despite me listing out how much stuff we had and providing extensive photos. They quoted us 5 hours for a full house pack but sent only two people to do it and move the boxes. They packed everything like shit, broke 10% of our stuff (which we didn't discover until unpacking), and it seems intentionally packed things in a way to take up more volume.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Then when loading the truck they said that 60% of our stuff hit our quote maximum so we'd have to pay an additional $3k to move the rest of our stuff--the day we were moving cross-country.


Then when we were at our destination they were 5 weeks late to delivery our stuff and claimed that their truck could not get to our house (they could). If we didn't want to wait an additional 4-5 months we would have to meet them in a parking lot an hour away with my own moving truck. All this despite us paying for them to deliver and unload for us.


I'm sure movers can be a great help, but be careful who you choose and make sure you are on their ass the entire time or they can fuck you over.


Just make sure to get a reputable business. Lots of reviews and years of operation. I've heard some first hand stories from people about their bad mover experiences. One literally held their things held in the truck for ransom, they threatened to just take everything with them and leave if they weren't paid an extra grand that wasn't in the agreement. It's too easy to just close down "Joe's Movers" and open up "Joseph's Movers" if they start losing business to bad reviews, so you need to be extra careful about who you trust to handle your belongings.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Soooo worth it. Also if you’re a friend of mine- don’t ask me to help you move, ever. In return, I’ll never ask you to help ME move. Deal? Pretty much my mom and my in laws are the only ones I would help but I won’t be happy about it- cough up the money.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Helping people move isn't that bad, but I refuse to help people pack. If your stuff is all in boxes and you need help loading a truck in a reasonable amount of time? That's fine. Empty/clean furniture? I'll help with that too. But for the love of god don't let me show up and you're cramming stuff in boxes and everything has drawers full of stuff.


Cant upvote this comment enough.


If I show up to help someone move and they're not packed, I turn around and go home.


Tailored clothing. Growing up, I had unusual measurements and no off-the-rack clothes every really fit me, and it greatly affected my confidence.


In adulthood I was surprised to learn just how big a difference it makes to wear clothes that actually fit you.


A good pillow and a comfortable mattress


For me it was lasik surgery.


I'm not even a full year in yet, but it was absolutely the best purchase I've ever made. Being able to see when i swim or not have to worry about taking glasses off to sleep ever again feels like a miracle.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Best money I ever spent. It was like a miracle. Highly recommend it.


too scared about pain complications, apparently someone killed themself over it


You can find scary stories for any number of medical procedures. The fact of the matter is, LASIK has now been around for a very long time and the process is extremely refined.


I had it done 3 years ago and regret not doing it sooner. I had no pain, just extreme discomfort - it felt like I had hundreds of eyelashes under my eyelids. By the next morning, it was gone and I was fine. I cried the first time I opened my eyes and could see my wife clearly, without reaching for glasses or going to the bathroom to put on contacts.


It's a life-changing procedure. I wore glasses since I was in 3rd grade and finally got the procedure done at 34.


A good PC.. I buy a new gaming PC once every 7-10 years? Maybe a part or two to extend it's life somewhere in the middle. But when it comes time to get the new one.. I spend so much time on my PC.. I have zero regrets spending for a near top of the line one (I still want a good deal so I'll shop around.. but I don't mind getting the best parts)


Theres something oddly satisfying about building a PC for the long haul. When I built my current PC I never expected it to last as long as it has. I ended up upgrading the motherboard and ram not too long ago but here I am still rocking my 1080 and its still putting up good numbers on new games

组一台电脑用很长时间对我来说有种怪异的满足感。我在组装现在我用的这台电脑的时候,从没预料过我会用它用到这么久。不久之前我升级了一下主板和内存,但我还在用着我的GTX 1080,并且它还能运行不少新游戏。

This is how my wife and I buy computers. We're not big gamers but the gaming PCs and Laptops will last a lot longer than a cheap off the shelf PC from the store.


My latest computer is a frxwork and every part is completely modular and very easy to swap out new parts. I literally removed my touch pad the other day while my computer was still running. The frxwork computer never missed a beat.


I have no complaints.


Then you aren't gaming right. Everyone knows that glitchy hardware is responsible for 100% of bad plays in the game. Half the point of gaming on pc vs console is you can blame the hardware


That and lag. Fucking lag!


Fucking lag you piece of shit! God damn lag! *throws keyboard on garage floor and stomps on it*

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

I graduated last year and got an electrical engineering job. First purchase after being sort of broke my whole life was to go to micro center and drop $3k on a new PC and some other electronics. It was glorious


My first PC lasted 7 years before I just upgraded. Still works perfectly fine but just wanted more modern parts. Solid investment

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

I feel like one step down from best is usually the sweet spot for PC parts.


The difference between the absolute best CPU/GPU and the seconid best is pretty hefty, and the % increase in price is not proportional to the performance boost.


Other than that I agree, i'm spending outrageous amounts of time on my PC, and it's almost once in a decade purchase, penny pinching a few hundred dollars is not the move.


Travelling! I have learnt so much from other cultures by moving all over the world.


I got some good advice from my grandfather when I was young.


Never skimp on the things that connect you to the earth. Dont skimp on shoes, tires, and bed. There are obviously others in those categories but I agree. Quality tires will save your life, good shoes will save your feet, and good bed will help you sleep. I'd also throw desk chair in that conversation.


My airfryer. Lol. I can literally do anything in it. Bake. Roast. Dehydrate. Airfry obviously. Broil. I mean anything. I loveeee it. It was fairly expensive at the time. Worth every penny lol


I spent just under $3,000 to have a date and sex “GFE” with adult actress Melody Marks while she was escorting a few years back. Don’t know if she still does now.

几年前我花了不到3000美元和成人片女演员Melody Marks进行了包括约会和性爱的“女友体验”。我不知道她现在还干不干这个。

It was in all honesty an absolutely amazing time, we had food and great conversation, had many shared interests (she was very into anime and video games) so it was easy to hold an engaging conversation with her. She was very bright, beautiful and had a killer smile and cuteness about her. After a dinner date that lasted about 2 hours we went back to a local arcade for another hour, I won her a narwahl plushie in the grab machine which she was ecstatic about. Then we went back to a hotel where we had sex and more over the course of the evening. She stayed for a few hours even after the “deed” was done and we talked more just about life and other things in general and finally she left at about midnight. She was great and frankly I was quite smitten with her beauty and personality.


She said to me she’d had a really good time, that it was one of the best and most natural feeling dates she had been on with a client and also seemed very much to enjoy our sex (don’t laugh I know she’s a porn star but I really did feel like we had good sex and we were compatible people) and said that if I ever wanted to meet again she would offer me the same experience for half price.


I was in a very lonely place in my life back then, it doesn’t feel like an understatement to say that she made that entire year for me and helped me recover from a very dark and isolated place I had fallen into personally. I had not felt companionship or a connection with a woman for a long time before then, as my entire life revolves around my work.


I met with her two more times over the next year before I met my now wife.


Traveling. Even if it turns out to be a shitty trip. A new experience is always worth it.


My Herman Miller Aeron desk chair. It was crazy expensive when I bought it (~$800), but considering that was like 12 years ago and the chair is still going strong it was well worth the money. It did recently break, but I was able to fix it with a small part that cost about $15. Other than that the chair is solid.


If you’re a tradesperson: decent tools. I’m not saying you have to buy a $800 snap on torque wrench, but as my dad always told me “A poor man can only afford to buy something once”.


A cheap 10 inch tablet.


Use that sucker every single day to play youtube videos in the background while I am doing other stuff (Fairly sure I have some ADHD related issues). battery lasts like 20 hours per charge, so it doesnt matter that I constantly forget to plug it in.


A good desk chair, A lot of people spend a long time sat down at a desk, and having one with proper ergonomic support is game changing. At my gaming setup I used to have a cheap chair with a shitty mesh back on it and when I was sat there for more than 2 hours at a time my back would always start to hurt in the same spot. Spent only around £200 on a decent office chair and never had that same back pain again.


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