2024-06-18 Aya Shawn 11550
@Aya Shawn
Chinese people, like everyone else in the world, are willing to try all kinds of food
KFC has 10,000 restaurants in China and McDonald's has 6,000, Burger King has 2,000 stores,which is more than the number in the United States.
If Chinese people don't like burgers and fries, how can they stay in business?
Although burgers and fries are not a daily diet for Chinese people, it does not prevent people from trying them occasionally. What's more, things like sweets and fries are very attractive to children.
With a population of 1.4 billion, even if people eat burgers and fries only rarely, it is enough to become a big business.


@Logan Brouse
McDonalds is very popular in China. There are some regional dishes but Big Macs and chicken wings are big business. The best part is 24 hour delivery.


Well, they have a 1.4billion population with at least more than half of them being middle income or higher


China has more KFCs and MacDonalds than their home country.


@Kevin Lai
In my opinion, KFC and McDonald's provide better services, better menus with more variety than in the States. They add some popular local food to their menus.


@Luke Wang
Dominos China offers and quality looks way way better than Canada!


Why hasn’t Biden ban KFC or Mac from operating in China?!


@Dawei Chen
Because he can't, the largest Shareholders of kfc and McDonald's in China is Chinese company.


@Luke Wang
But still need to submit to US HQ for use of logo and menus, so yeah Biden can ban KFC & McD from operating in China by disallowing them from renewing licenses and use of their logos, on national security grounds cuz you know fast food is whatever excuse they come up.


@Dawei Chen
OK, then just change another name and reopen. As all the materials is made in China and what US have is just the brand.
Just as what happened in Russia in last two years.

Sanctions won't let Chinese lost hamburger. We don't really care if it is McDonald's or 麦叔汉堡

@Peter YK
Don’t forget most of the American politicians are really stupid.


@J. Y. Xu
When both of my parents are master chef, they review every dish, argue, complain on most restaurant they went…and finally, my family use KFC or McDonald's for meal quite often… inner peace.


Some young people in China practically live on fast food and junk food.


@Shi Chengyu
I remember that McDonald's and KFC in China have different flavors from those in the United States. Has anyone tried it before?


@Deyu Liu
KFC in US is really not worthy to try…completely


Is McDonald's in China fake?
I saw many pictures like that on social media, they just changed the direction of the M


@Jerome Harth
The McDonalds aren’t fake.
I lived in China many years ago. They served a pepper burger. A small hamburger with a sauce similar to that found on pepper steak. It was outstanding. If it was available in the USA, it would be my go-to lunch.


Maybe many people don't know that McDonald's in China is an independent company. They just bought the McDonald's brand. So even if the United States does not allow American McDonald's to operate in China (like they do in Russia), the McDonald's on the streets of China will still operate normally.


Yes, the Golden Arches

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@Cedar Pan
As a Chinese born in the late 1980s, I would put McDonald's as my favorite restaurant in childhood. McDonald's entered in China in early 1990's. At that time, there weren't many western food restaurants. Most Chinese considered McDonald's along with KFC as the symbol of western food and thought hamburgers and fries are just what people in the west eat. Meanwhile,household income were at a very low level compared to nowadays, but McDonald's set the price relatively high. With the above, McDonald's marketed itself as a high-end restaurant in China, not like normal a fast-food restaurant at all. This strategy was very effective. In those days, the emerged group of young white-colar workers went to McDonald's as a fashionable thing. A lot of people people who hadn't tried western food at all would also like to give it shot, not mentioning the children liked the taste of hamburger or fried chicken begged their parents to go to McDonald's all the time. Besides, there occurred a western world mania in the 1990s. Wealthy life stories from the western world spread in China. A lot of people especially youngsters consider all the stuff from the western world are good. McDonald's gained popularity easily. Another significant factor to say is that McDonald's made their food more adaptable to Chinese people stomach. For example, the food is less greasy with less sugar compared the ones in America. McDonald's and KFC can be considered as the most successful chain restaurants'in China.
Of course, many things have changed now. China's economy is developing too fast and people's income is increasing rapidly. However, McDonald's restaurant prices based on international standards have not increased much. In many big cities, McDonald's has become a cheap restaurant for young people.


@Huang xiaozhong
China has potential 1.3 billion customers. China has urban density, embraces a large number of populous cities, ideally for McDonald's. Due to the one child policy, as children’s choice of restaurants, kids as well as their parents and grandparents are targeted. Young couples from all social strata are constant guests at McDonald's.
In fact, I have seen many foreigners who come to China also like to go to McDonald's.Many short-term tourists consider this to be one of the best options


I don’t really understand why some people want to go to McDonald’s when they have so many delicious foods to try when traveling to China.


@Steven Grimm
There are people from lots of countries around the world who love McDonald's and eat there often. There's no reason to expect such people to suddenly give up their lifelong eating habits because their companies send them to China for a couple months.
That said, I have to question the premise of the question and ask what the source of the "many short-term visitors believe it's one of the best choices" claim is. Do you actually have evidence to that effect? On the rare occasions I go into a McDonald's in China (maybe one meal out of 100 for me), almost all the other customers are Chinese, so you might just as easily ask why those people -- who are not just visiting and are presumably completely comfortable eating local food -- think McDonald's is the best choice.


@Edmond Maillard
As far as I was concerned my digestive system couldn't handle half of the food here in the very beginning, so I ended up eating at familiar ("safe") places such as McDonalds, Ajisen Ramen, Papa John's, Pizza Hut, etc.


@Ashton Lee
As a international public company we assume that they have health & safety standards with food beyond the average mom and pop street stand.
Also the warm glow of those familiar arches beckons our fond feelings for home and sometimes our childhoods like drawing some new comers like an oasis in an unfamiliar land.


Sharing my experience: McDonald's in China is completely different from that in Canada
In Canada, after the French fries leave the counter, you will find that a layer of grease will quickly condense on their surface. If it is cold outside, this layer of grease will even turn into a white crust
In China, there is no grease on the surface of French fries, and they are always golden yellow.


@Abhinav Ip
Some people say that Chinese McDonald's tastes better because the food is fresher. Others say that American McDonald's tastes better because it is more consistent.


@George Arno
AFAIK, there are no “fake McDonalds” in China. There are actual McDonalds, KFC, Burger King, Pizza Hut, et al, and there are many local brands that are similar and compete with them (in fact, some local brands are just as good as the int’l. brands, and most are considerably cheaper).
Having said that, 20 years ago, when related copyrights were either non-existent or were not enforced, there were, indeed, businesses that did blatantly copy major brand names and logos, including the McD’s golden arches, the Apple logo, etc. (in Apple’s case, some stores even marketed themselves as authorized dealers, but they weren’t). Over a period of years, the Chinese government purged all of that and, for the most part, none of it exists today (albeit copy shoes, clothing, bags, etc. are still available online).


Of course, Chinese people eat McDonald's, but now Chinese hamburgers seem to be better than McDonald's, such as Tustin and Panda burgers


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