2024-06-20 Aya Shawn 11072
@Aya Shawn
Absolutely, I can't find another fruit to answer this question
China is The Watermelon-loving Empire
Watermelon is also very common in Southeast Asia. I often see watermelons when I go to Thailand and Vietnam.
But no country likes to eat watermelon as much as the Chinese do
I have been to different cities in China in different seasons, and they eat watermelon all the time. In summer and winter, watermelon is always an indispensable fruit in hotels. In supermarkets, watermelon is always placed in the most conspicuous position. There are different varieties of watermelons in China. At least 5 kinds of watermelons are sold in the same store, unlike here where there is often only one kind.
"Watermelon juice" is always the most popular variety in cold drink shops, and girls will hold a cup of cut watermelon when shopping.
Sometimes I see a truck full of watermelons passing by on the road, and I don't know where they get so many watermelons.
When I visited Chengdu in the summer, I saw street vendors selling watermelons for "1 yuan 500g", which is a very low price, about 28 cents per kilogram. Because watermelons are quite cheap in China, they not only eat watermelons themselves, but also feed them to pigs, ducks and pets.
I was very curious about the Chinese preference for watermelon, so I looked up the data from the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations and got an amazing fact:
Global watermelon production in 2021:
China: 61 million tons
Turkey: 3.4 million tons
India: 3.2 million tons
Brazil: 2.1 million tons
Algeria: 2 million tons
The Chinese produce 70% of the world's watermelons!
Do you think they export them? No, they are not satisfied
They also mport about 9 million tons of watermelons every year
Conclusion: China produces 73.6% of the world's watermelons and eats 84.5% of the world's watermelons



@Tungku Lee
ice cold water melon juice is the best.. must have a bit of sandy texture..


@Arif Gatot Kusumajaya
I remember my dad smashing a watermelon for grandpa's funeral. Probably several years form now I have to do that for his funeral.


@Michelle T
What is the symbolism of that action?


@Jhon Halim
I've done it at both my parents' funerals
unforgettable sad memories


@Evan Mao
On a per capita basis, watermelon is still consumed more by Iranians, Uzbeks, and Turks.
This makes sense, given watermelons originated in Central Asia. Even the Chinese name for it, xigua, literally translated as west melon, clearly shows its foreign origins


@Fillip Fog
They meant xinjiang part of China. Also where marijuana plant is native. Thus, Cannabis is also originally from China.
Cannabis originated in China, genetic analysis reveals
Cannabis, the source of marijuana, originated in northwest China, where local strains are most like the original strain of cannabis cultivated more than 12,000 years ago.

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@Evan Mao
You are right, xinjiang is a part of Central Asia. Plants don't care about political boundaries though, so Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, etc. have equal claims as the centre of origin for watermelons, muskmelons, apples, pears, and yes, cannabis as well. The peoples that domesticated these plants are the I…

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@Luo Roger


The watermelons from xinjiang are amazing…


@Andy C
how about bamboo juice?

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@Yun Ze
Bamboo juice is a traditional Chinese medicine, used to relieve cough.


@Prithvi Raj Singh
No durian?
Chinese tourists who come to our place seem to be very fond of durian


No,it is a little expensive for Chinese.But right now the durian becomes cheaper than last.


It is very expensive for typical Chinese who earn 400usd per month average. The Durian costs about 30~100usd per fruit

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@Steven Tseng
and often spray some salt on it to make it taste even sweeter


@Random Mandalorian
I honestly thought durian considering the craze here in Malaysia when them guys import it


@Davis Owen
The number of people who like durian in China is not very large, and it is relatively more expensive than watermelon, so few people buy durian. However, based on China's huge population base, the relative import volume is therefore quite significant!


@Nadeem Usmani
What you wish more when come home in a sultry summer afternoon,from outside—definately watermelon.Fortunately ,this fruit is cheap in most parts of the world but does not have the same status as some others fruits has ,Mango ,Apple,grapes—


@N L
Do you know why Americans don't like watermelon?
Because American watermelons are pretty bad. When I visited Asia, I found that watermelons in Asia are much more delicious.


@Wang Juan
Eating American watermelon is like eating at Kentucky Tire


@Jimme Tan
Cold chilled sweet watermelons quench your thirst. I loved it this manner.


@Mia Lsabella
Wow great


@Brian W
Evil Chinese eat up all water melon :) :3

XE的中国人吃光了所有的西瓜 :) :3
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@Jamie Cawley
Actually watermelons are known as ‘xiGua’, Western Melons, in China and are seen as being introduced by the West at some point. The melon the Chinese see as their own is the Hami Melon and some of its variations


@Zhou Dawei
Chinese people do like to eat watermelon. However I don’t think you could say watermelon is a particularly central part of Chinese cuisine.
The fact is, that China is the country which produces the most of most food products, and other products for that matter.
List of largest producing countries of agricultural commodities - Wikipedia

农业商品生产国排名 - 维基百科

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According to this list, out of all countries, China produces the most rice, wheat, lettuce, chicory, onion, cabbage, beans, cauliflower, broccoli, eggplant, potato, spinach, carrots, turnips, cucumber, pumpkin, sweet potato, pear, grapes, peach, apple, plum, strawberry, kiwi, tomato, sheep milk, tea, beer, pork, sheep meat, goat meat, duck meat, chestnut, peanut, walnut, egg, honey, tobacco, in addition to watermelon. For most other agricultural products, China is either 2nd, 3rd or 4th placed.
Why? Simple. China has a lot of people (twice as many people as the entirety of Europe), and one of the largest areas of productive, fertile agricultural land in the world. China has a lot of mouths to feed, and the resources to do so.


Not quite.
But they do have some cuisines about watermelon. Traditional Chinese doctors believe that watermelon and watermelon rind can wipe away the heat of your inner mind, reduce toxins and swelling, and accelerate metabolism of your body. Lots of experiments have proven that they are right.
In my hometown SK, after we finish eating the watermelon, we don't dump the rind. We peel them and mince them to make dumpling fillings with meat. Other parts of China may use them to my sweet soup or appetizer.
Don't ask me how can we understand the taste of watermelon rind with meat.... It is just... tasty...


@Ada Ada
California produces about 80% of the world's almonds. Almonds are not necessarily an important part of American culture and cuisine, though. Sure, we Californians love our almonds, but I wouldn't say it's more or less important in our cuisine than anybody else's in the world.


@Lenny Hu
Yes, water is important to Chinese culture, as it is to any culture.


@xiyan Hu
It isn't that important, but it's true that we always eat many watermelons during summer time, especially the elders. I think that most Chinese people like it a lot
Besides , we also have dishes made with the peel of it! But not everybody likes it.
And I love it! lol…


@Sero Alien
You know in western countries, especially the US, they server “fortune cookies” at the end of a meal in a Chinese restaurant? Well, in China, there is no “fortune cookies” in any restaurant. In fact, little people know about it.
However, a plate of fruit (mostly watermelon) is usually served at the end, also free of charge. Sometimes, you can even ask the waiter/waitress for an extra plate. I think this custom got popular in the last decades. And I guess the reason is that, Chinese food is usually greasy, and watermelon is refreshing after a greasy meal.
So, just think of water melon as fortune cookies in China. That’s the role of watermelons in Chinese cusine, IMO:)


@Xuye Luan
Chinese people love to eat watermelon seeds as a snack. Also, in Sichuan province restaurants, I was often served watermelon after the meal. I'm not sure if it's the same with other regions of China.


In my own reading experiences, the oldest Chinese literature mentioning water melons is the Journey to the West. The story dates back to around 500 years ago. Water melon is a very important Chinese fruit. It doesn't have sacred cultural symbolic meanings, but it's everywhere in Chinese literature.


@Neysa Zhou

watermelon is a very normal fruit so Chinese would say it is an important cuisine since we have various dishes could replace it. as the aspect of culture, it makes a little contribution such as “吃瓜群众(the groups eating watermelons)”, which means audiences.

I think I can answer this question as a normal. And…today I just ate a watermelon with my family,hahahah
I trv in Wuhan, a fantastic city. Nowis summer, I just can't live without eating watermelons. Because the temperature is really really high, I’d like to laying on the sofa, hugging a half watermelon, using spoon to dig it. That's the most impressive moment in summer. Really really cool.


A stu from CN teld me tha each summer family can ate about 30 watermelons. Cause his father loves it, he always buy 2 or 3 at a same time, when we finish it, just buy and eat.
Beside the summer, they don't eat this friut because it is not the right season to eat watermelons. Only in summer, watermelons taste well.


@Token Meng
It only matters in summer since icy watermelon, barbecue and icy beer are the most popular things in summer.
But to culture and cuisine, I do not think watermelon plays significant roles in Chinese 5000 years history.


@Nguyễn Thị Liên
Watermelon is cheaper than other fruit


@Hayden Yay
China is home to a very small percentage of people who really eat a lot of watermelon, but they is poor, so they have to eat watermelon.


@Yule Show
In Chinese, watermelon is called xiGua, literally means Western Melon. And Western also means Foreign. But this Foreign was back to Tang Dynasty. Today, watermelon is very popular in China everywhere, but it’s only very tiny percentage of the daily food, we only eat them in summer. Also, almost no any cuisine uses watermelon, we only treat it as a fruit.


@Ive Cao
Frankly I wouldn't say it's an important part of Chinese cuisine. However, it is pretty crucial in summer life. What's a summer without a spoon stick in half of a good watermelon? That's what it is.

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@Jinhui Zou
Not really, Chinese like watermelons, but nowhere is a kind of culture.
China produces more than 90% of the world’s, only because of the watermelon is delicious, especially in hot summer.
Chinese cuisine usually has greasy broth, so we need more water to promote digestion and dilution, so eat watermelons is very nice solution.


@Huang Claire
apparently, many people don’t know the feelings of Chinese people what if watermelon such a fabulous food disappears in the world.
just at the thought of it,it would be upset


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