英国经济为何停止运转,“管理不善、臃肿无能和脱欧”“今年有 9500 名百万富翁离开了英国,经济状况当然会糟糕。”
2024-06-22 平平躺平 5404

Sell Assets! The crown owns MASSIVE amounts of assets that could sold to help the country, their share holdings around the world must be worth billions.


Economy system and govern need adjust. There are solution out there but the goverment just didnt get it.


The video glosses over why taxes are high while public service standards are so low; where did all that money go? Who's responsible for the bad spending?


If the UK does invest heavily in certain industries, I highly suspect that money is just going to over paid managers


Mismanagement, incompetence, bloat and brexit.


You had me in the first half. This has nothing to do with Brexit.


Farage: "But but but, the immigrants"


cleary the boats is what's crippling our economy


The UK Labour Party reduced NHS waiting times every year to the lowest levels while immigration was rising every year. Immigration isn't the problem the Conservative Party and austerity is. The vast wealth from immigration wasn't taxed & allowed to go into the hands of the wealthy elite. That's why we need wealth taxes on multimillionaires and billionaires.


You're right, 6 million extra people in less than a decade has absolutely no effect on any of our services

你说得对,不到十年的时间里新增 600 万人对我们的任何服务都没有影响

Millions of dead weight, so yes, yes they are.


Stop the boats. And I am an immigrant myself


Never had a problem that you couldn't blame on immigrants.
Surely this has nothing to do with the self imposed sanction called Brexit.


he rise of LGBT, pretty sure we can't blame that on the Islamic and African migrants :)
How exactly has Brexit done this to us?


Brexit was never implimented, you got unending rule by Blair, "rub their faces in it".


how does brexit overload the sewage system? High IQ people understand that it is quantity that is the problem

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

what are you talking about, labour never dared push immigration this high to the point where everything starts breaking


Unless the immigrants come from the EU most new immigrants take more than they give
In the long run they're a benefit but the point still stands


Any company that deliberately avoids paying a sufficient amount of tax to revenue in the UK i.e. Amazon, Apple, Nvidia and other should be sanctioned with a tariff on their products. You can’t take and put nothing back.


Japan imposes 500 trillion yen fine on Apple and its headquarters

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Might be time to abolish all those tax havens so that maybe some actual money might go back into the UK's economy


stop interfering in other countries internal affairs. The UK made it its mission to fight in Iraq, Syria, and now Ukraine. Where is that money coming from? Tax payers money. The current UK crisis is the result of these involvement.


It boils down to arrogance. Wanting to have the cake and eat it.


Maybe closing the loopholes that allow the super rich to avoid paying their fair share of tax, would be a start. Also, stop London being the money laundering capital of the world.


This clip is partially wrong. Income tax is high, but wealth tax is low. We have high taxes on working and middle-class income from work, but tax upper class wealth lower. Example, 1% tax on £10+ million wealth would generate £2,000+ per child per year.

这段视频有部分错误。所得税很高,但财富税很低。我们对工薪阶层和中产阶级的工作收入征收高额税,但对上层阶级的财富征税却较低。假如,对 1000 万英镑以上的财富征收 1% 的税,每个孩子每年可获得 2000 英镑以上的收入。

Yet the UK economy grew faster, both in total and on a per capita basis, than all but two of the G7 between 2010 and 2022. The level of taxation to GDP is also lower than most of our European competitors, and debt to GDP is lower than most of the G7. Furthermore, the OECD and IMF forecast that, over medium term, the UK economy will grow faster than most of the G7. Austerity is largely a myth, as the UK's fiscal deficit was larger after 2009 than before, and larger after 2009 than either France or Germany. Slower economic growth in the UK after 2009 was due to the private sector deleveraging. The USA, France, Germany and Canada all saw a similar slow down in growth after 2009.


Yeah but with the amount of layoffs in tech I am thinking to move to a more stable field. It’s a complete mess.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

I want to work but finding it is almost impossible


nah, its because they are not into slavery and piracy anymore


Because Tory corruption.


You won't be able to explain why Brexit is apparently the cause here.
Top tip, it's actually not. It's the catastrophic mismanagement by the Tories.


Austerity & Brexit.


No. It's because of Conservative led austerity (defund public services) & Brexit. Both have killed investment, so we haven't grown much.


it's Brexit 100%


never happened, and Tony Blair never left office.


it happened on 2016. Brits wanted to be poorer and weaker. They really wanted this

2016 年就发生过。英国人希望自己变得更穷更弱。他们真的想要这样

Yet they have plenty of money for Ukraine

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Ukraine is worth supporting.


What the UK is suffering is not particularly new or unique and can just as easily be applied to most countries in western Europe. Was hoping for something a bit more naunced from Bloomberg.


9500 millionaire left UK this year. If rich leaves a developed country like UK. Of course economics of the country is in bad shape.

今年有 9500 名百万富翁离开了英国。如果富人离开英国这样的发达国家。当然,这个国家的经济状况很糟糕。

as stated in the video, taxs are too high. why pay 45% when you can pay 0% in dubai or monocao ? even countries like greece, Portugal and malta offer great tax schemes. Any financially aware millionaire, would not linger in a country that will milk them of millions for little to no return ?

正如视频中所说,税收太高了。既然在迪拜或莫诺卡奥可以缴纳 0% 的税,为什么还要缴纳 45% 的税?甚至希腊、葡萄牙和马耳他等国家也提供了很好的税收计划。任何有财务意识的百万富翁都不会在一个几乎不回报就榨干他们数百万美元的国家逗留。

But the left don't want to hear that. Your average Labour voter doesn't understand that at a certain level of wealth you can move to any country want - so if you threaten to put big taxes on these people they will just leave. I would.


The UK Labour Party reduced NHS waiting times every year to the lowest levels while immigration was rising every year. Immigration isn't the problem the Conservative Party and austerity is. The vast wealth from immigration wasn't taxed & allowed to go into the hands of the wealthy elite. That's why we need wealth taxes on multimillionaires and billionaires.

英国工党每年都将 NHS 的等待时间缩短到最低水平,而移民人数每年都在增加。移民不是保守党的问题,紧缩政策才是。移民带来的巨额财富没有被征税,也没有落入富裕精英的手中。这就是为什么我们需要对千万富翁和亿万富翁征收财富税。

They were digging a hole, the negative externalities of bringing in endless chains of dependents has a delayed effect, and now you feel it. And no you can't actually tax them, the costs are passed down to you, its that simple.


They dont do anything for anyone else apart from themselves…


Inflation is due to money printing. Not uk govt debt


Almost everything mentioned here impacts every country in Europe. The unique thing impacting the UK is Brexit; until it reintegrates with Europe the UK will continue to be seen as an isolated economic backwater.


The wonky stagnating UK economy has not been strained than now. The Tories have wrecked the British economy enough but Labour may manage to revitalize and rejuvenate the creaking economy.


For all of you saying it's Brexit, you're wrong. Brexit opened one of the biggest opportunities to improve the British economy: rejoin the customs unx


The British people voted for Tory tax cuts, the British people voted for Brexit. So really the pain that Brits are suffering is self-inflicted. Tax cuts mean cuts in public spending and increased borrowing but tax cuts always win votes. Also, Brits voted for Brexit because they wanted foreigners out, even at the expense of a ruin economy and destruction of the NHS.

英国人民投票支持保守党减税,英国人民投票支持脱欧。因此,英国人所遭受的痛苦其实是他们自己造成的。减税意味着削减公共支出和增加借贷,但减税总能赢得选票。此外,英国人投票支持脱欧是因为他们希望外国人离开,即使以经济崩溃和 NHS 被摧毁为代价。

Euro was introduced in 1999 & these couldn't decide about brexit

欧元于 1999 年推出,但他们却无法决定英国脱欧

Where is Ocean Finance when it is needed the most?

在最需要Ocean Finance的时候它在哪里?

This happened between pandemic caused by covid between 2021-2022, but now our economy 2024 made a massive boost and our inflation is now 2% and our uk overtook France. When there was brexit it was even worse for we could not trade with non eu countries like usa, but now we can. Brexit was a disaster for our country. Farage had Brexit Party limited company that lost GE for voters don't love Brexit.

这发生在 2021-2022 年新冠疫情期间,但现在我们的经济在 2024 年得到了巨大的提振,我们的通货膨胀率现在为 2%,我们的英国超过了法国。当英国脱欧时,情况甚至更糟,因为我们无法与美国等非欧盟国家进行贸易,但现在我们可以了。英国脱欧对我们国家来说是一场灾难。法拉奇的英国脱欧党有限公司失去了通用电气,因为选民不喜欢英国脱欧。

One word - austerity.


Let's colonize India again


Where are the ships, its time India welcome us.


Exatamente igual ao Brazil


incredible fall off.. deserved though to be sure.


"Will always there be an England" PBS documentary comes to mind

我想起了 PBS 纪录片《英格兰​​永远存在吗?》

The Fall of Britannia will be televised.


When in doubt, blame Russia.


Europe decided to put sactions on itself, don't blame the russians.


I am fed up with Bloomberg being so negative on the UK.
Course there are issues and in every country.
Have you looked around the world!?


UK is Running Out of LOOT MONEY.


Woke and poor Britain


I see very little hope for them. From the mightiest Empire ever to a festering slum off the coast of Europe.


Aptly put.


Yup, Tony Blair really set us up for failure here.


Am I the only one who sees the connection between economic problems and the thoughtless use of finance as a weapon?


No relations at all. The UK did very little trade with Russia before the war so the impact is almost 0. The only loss was Oligarch money parked in the UK but that money is still there today it is just frozen so even that had no real impact.


And they blame immigrants for it .


Mass migration


Migrants also help the UK economy, filling in jobs for lower pay which lowers the cost of services and goods. A migrant who is working in farming is reducing the cost of what you buy.


Vote reform


Elite is punishing 'em for escaping EU.


The news is actually not true. Economy is doing better than expected, challenges will be addressed latter.


Chronic laziness and an over reliance on state hand outs


No mention of corporate greed?


Corporate greed is the reason the county still has an economy


Corporate greed is the economy, without that this country would be another cuba.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Immigrants, immigrants, immigrants... that's what is pulling Britain's economy down.


Short answer: Socialism. It’s as simple as that. All countries that deregulate and lower taxes have their economies thrive. All that do the reverse, suffer.


There got to be a point when UK has to privatize some public services. NHS?


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