2024-06-22 汤沐之邑 3784

How good is the relationship between the UK and the USA?


Dan Bradbury
People need to understand the firm, unshifting schist upon which the alliance between the UK and the USA sits and why little short of culture-obliterating events could change that. There are likely no two nations on Earth (certainly, none of any relevant power) that compare to the closeness of the United States and the United Kingdom. The only other alliances that compare are —and with a overlapping culture and concerns— those between the two concerned in this answer and Canada, Australia and New Zealand.
But what about that history? The US and the UK have stood back to back in battle against enemies in the two greatest wars in human history. They share a common language and a quaint cultural enmity towards the other; the kind of faux abrasiveness one observes between close paternal cousins who jostle about and compare sexual prowess or athletic achievement. Every barb, every insult, every smug rejoinder confirms the unique closeness and unspoken love rather than an indicator of any actual enmity.
The Second World War cemented that. It hasn't changed since.


Churchill was never loved in Parliament anything like he was by the public or the press; to his peers he was a necessary evil of focused anger and pinpoint aggressiveness to counter the Nazi threat. The First Lord of the Admiralty took far too much pleasure in beating the drums of war for those in Parliament. Even after Hitler invaded Poland, Lord Halifax was the preferred candidate. But Halifax never showed interest in it (nor was it in fashion for a Lord to assume the head of government). Churchill practically begged for it to the chagrin of his fellow parliamentarians, who saw such garish campaigning as positively American, and therefore gauche (and apropos, given Churchill's near ancestry).
Churchill's open contempt (indeed, hostility) for Chamberlain cost him politically, nearly to the point of ensuring he'd never be elevated. But as history demonstrated, there was no cost Churchill would not incur to achieve victory against the Nazis. Brutality, it was determined, should be countered by a type of brutality that only England could fashion and had repeatedly demonstrated the capacity to engineer on the rare occasions history called for it. Churchill was not Parliament's first choice, but events sexted the man more than Parliament and more than England


The Empire won; the Germans, Italians and Japanese lost. It came at great cost.
At the conclusion of World War II, the British Empire was hocked to the Americans. As mentioned, there was nothing that Churchill --thus the Empire-- would not to do remain in the war and defeat the Nazis. But after the war, that was another story. The Lend-Lease Act put Great Britain into deep debt with the United States. In a parallel universe, the massive, crumbling Empire that the United Kingdom administered, with which she enjoyed a super-special trading agreement that lined her coffers (and made lazy her industries) would be able to pay back the debt within a generation. But the US pounded the final nail into the coffin of the Empire (and the French one to boot): the Atlantic Charter. To get money, both empires had to open the floodgates to American-style capitalism and competition.
In 1945, nothing could compete on the open market with American industry. Nothing could compete in numbers; nothing could compete in quality; nothing could compete in technology. The Atlantic Charter opened the doors of Europe to American cinema that quickly destroyed their local markets. Their stores were flooded with American fashion, TVs, radios, cars and everything in between. That wasn't to last either, but the point is, Britain's one and only way to remain a viable global power was its special relationship with the nations in the Commonwealth-Empire. After that ended, Britain had no choice but to fall into the arms of America.


It wasn't that easy though. Until the Suez Canal incident, the Brits were under two delusions that quickly ended: that they could write checks (in any denomination) that Uncle Sam would happily cash and that Britain still had the mettle to meddle. It didn't. The propinquity (in perfidy, display, function and time) of the Suez Canal incident to uprisings in Hungary, gave the Soviets political cover to crush that nascent plea for freedom. And how could Europe or America protest!? Eisenhower was incredibly displeased and he showed that displeasure with the greatest threat possible: he threatened to destroy the Pound Sterling.
The Brits acquiesced. The invasion collapsed. The Israelis withdrew. The French (oh how they fumed) remade its entire military and foreign policy after that. A 20-year rift in relations between France and the UK ensued. The UK was offered a special deal on nuclear missiles. The French fumed. The US put nukes in Germany. The French fumed. The French counterpunched by keeping the UK out of the EEC until de Gaulle was dead. They remained allies, but it wasn't until Thatcher and Mitterrand that the breach was closed.


But Britain thought more pragmatically on the matter of its place and its relationship with America. Knowing that the UK would never again be a superpower, it was decided from that point on (i.e. post licking of Suez wounds), British foreign policy would be to (a) fashion a relationship of such cordiality between the US and the UK that when the needs of the UK arose, the US would want to acquiesce; (b) that Britain would never again act outside of Washington's expressed interest; and (c) that Britain would forever inform the US of all its policy initiatives.
It has largely worked. Britain, far from being the US's lackey, has fashioned itself into the only tail in history with the potential to wag the whole goddamned dog. And while there are still festering wounds from Iraq, the fact remains that the US never pushed the UK to act and Blair --no one's pushover-- happened to believe both in the mission and British committment to the alliance with the US.

但英国在考虑自己的地位和与美国的关系时更加务实。明白英国不再拥有超级大国地位,自那以后(也就是苏伊士运河的伤痛平复之后),英国的外交策略便重新定位:(a) 与美国建立一种亲切友好的关系,确保在关键时刻能够得到美国的支持;(b) 英国的行动将不再违背华盛顿所明确表达的利益;(c) 英国将始终向美国通报其所有政策动向。

But the alliance remains strong, despite (well deserved) upset by the British people (and far too little on behalf of the American people). The US, UK, Canada, Australia and New Zealand are the only multiple nations that share their entire intelligence network, indeed, to the point where there is absolutely no distinction between where the technical ownership of one begins and the other ends.
Post 9/11, the US and UK (+3) are the two closest allies on the planet. That there are differing perspectives and mutual annoyances (Bush and Blair were further apart politically but closer than can be understood; Obama and Cameron are nearly identical politically speaking, yet are known to not share any friendship), is of little concern. Expect the relationship to continue that way for the remainder of our lives.


Edwyn Nicholson
What are some good things in the relationship between the US and the UK? I know there's a lot of hate on Quora but let's talk about positives.
The UK and US have much in common.
Important Defence Allies
Important Intelligence Allies
Important Trade Partners
Shared Political Ideology (Capitalist Democracy)
Shared Culture (Film, Music, Television, Literature, etc)
Shared Language
Shared History


How close are the US and the UK?
Well the fact that most Americans will tell you they'd die for their UK brothers and sisters speaks volumes and believe it or not (regardless of the anti American stereotypes) the UK would die for Americans as well and we have both done this for eachother
The only other national anthem that has ever played at Buckingham palace from another country was the star spangled banner, as a way to show their support during the tragedy of 9/11. I mean that speaks for itself.
Top it off with the fact that America shares all if not most of it's top secret military secrets with UK, because of the deep trust they have. Hence why so many bases are based in UK. If anything happened to UK Americans would be right there already.
People say we are divided by a commom language but that has two sides. In essence America is born out of the blood of the English and though language is vastly different for a shared language, it's also what helps tie us closer together.


In the end you have two countries with deep history, close economic and cultural ties, a deep seeded bond, and similar goals, politics, environmental stances, and religious ideology
All of this earned the unique title of “special relationship" which is unparalleled throughout the world and history. When one falls the other picks them up or falls trying. All this born out of such horrific history between the two countries is nothing short of miraculous.
I could go on but in the end, if citizens from either country bad mouth the other, they clearly need a reality check because as far as friends go we are the best for eachother that one can get


Muhammad Zaman
Let’s put it this way:
The tone of the relationship is set by the incoming US President, never our PM. The former’s actions are proactive, the latter’s reactionary. For example Obama was more amenable than Trump, and Trump less dismissive than Biden, while our PM’s are uniformly obsequious to all of them
While the UK has a professional and effective military, we are still hugely dependent on the US, as the setting of the evacuation deadline in Kabul by the US, not by allies make clear. Nor would have the UK or other allies would have gone into Bosnia, Syria or Iraq without US involvement.


The US has a economy about eight times bigger than ours. If anything we had more economic clout with the Americans when we were also part of the EU, but not post-Brexit. The US can seek demands and assurances from our PM regarding our Irish border, but no one can dictate the Americans about their own borders. The current COVID ban of UK travellers to the US, but not vice versa is another clear reinforcement of that fact.
The common cultural and language and historical arguments are suspect too, given that there are closer ties to Canada, Oz and NZ but no “special relationship.”
The special relationship exists primarily in the minds of those UK politicians and individuals wishing greater prestige by association with a superpower than we actually have in reality without that association. From the American side, the premise is based on cultural and historical affinity, not political or economic reality.


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