2024-06-22 汤沐之邑 2484
How good is the relationship between the UK and the USA?


Andreas Rankine
What is the "special relationship" between the United States and the United Kingdom?
I always assumed the ‘Special Relationship’ was an incredibly cringeworthy imaginary concept that British newspapers and politicians liked to refer to. My toes curl every time I hear the phrase. I think there probably is a very two-way intelligence-sharing arrangement, plus a military relationship via NATO and an unspoken rule to back each other up in public arenas (although that didn’t happen with Reagan over the Falklands conflict, so who knows). And the US exclusively supply the UK with a missile launch and delivery system for the UK’s nuclear warheads. Economically they are each other’s largest investors, and around a million people work for UK companies in the US, and more than one million people work for US companies in the UK. But I think the only country that could truly be regarded as having a legitimate ‘special relationship’ with the US is Israel.


Ernest W. Adams
Do you think that the ‘special relationship’ still exists between the US and Britain?
Yes, because the Special Relationship is about geopolitical policy and intelligence-sharing. Our intelligence agencies still do this. However, it's not strong at present because the British government knows that Trump is in the pocket of the Russians. It's probably very careful about what it shares these days.
The United States Navy and the Royal Navy are partners in a number of important ongoing missions, especially keeping the Straits of Hormuz open. That's part of the Special Relationship too.


原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

on Diplomacy & Warfare ·
How close is the relationship between the US and the UK?
It isn’t. Thank Senile Joe for that. From removing the bust of Churchill from the Oval Office to his ridiculous support of an incompetent German “politician” to head NATO, via his rejection of a UK/US trade deal, he has done his damnest to destroy our relationship.
Fifty years of idiocy in government, and in spite of his English ancestry he loathes the UK. The plastic paddy is a world-wide laughing stock, bringing the USA down with him.
His understanding of international relations, or indeed anything, would disgrace a five year old child (whom increasingly he resembles) . The sooner he is gone the better for the whole world, and the UK’s relationship with the US.


Jools Imrie
How close is the relationship between the US and the UK?
Well it WAS fairly good, but then we got a load of idiot questions on Quora (allegedly from Americans) and things have been going downhill since…


Tanya-Dawn Hughes
How special is the USA and UK’s special relationship?
The US is our most important ally, a great democracy, a great country and right now the most powerful economic and military power in the world. But don’t be misled, the much vaunted ‘Special Relationship’ with the UK is one-sided, always favouring the US and characterised right from day one by their suspicion, duplicity and on more than one occasion outright hostility towards the UK.
I am NOT decrying the valour, courage and sacrifice of thousands of US troops who stood shoulder to shoulder with Britain and its allies in Europe during WWW1 & WW2. But let us not forget that the UK and Commonwealth also sent 2.5 Million troops to the far east and later 100,000 troops to Korea, tens of thousands of whom never came home. And terribly, repeated these adventures more recently in Iraq and Afghanistan.


原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

It is my conclusion - regrettably - that we simply can’t trust US Politicians. Perhaps that is a legacy of the War of Independence which remains in the US psyche? ( Do you know that the US demanded we hand over Canada because a private British shipyard had the temerity to build a Confederate vessel? ). So when Trump - and many Presidents before him - say ‘America first’, that has often meant the UK last. Perhaps it is the US Military / Industrial complex, which I admit sounds all lefty ( which I’m not ) but I have come to believe that it is real and anyone who has visited Washington will be knocked sideways by the number of full-dress Military brass rubber-necking in grand hotels with sharp suited characters. So the following is not a diatribe against the US, but some unpleasant facts, which I think illustrate where we stand.


For example when the UK stood alone against Fascism the British Empire’s entire reserves were transferred secretly to the US via Canada. This was not a question of putting our wealth in safe hands, because if that was the case it could have stayed in Canada. This huge handover of wealth, in gold and securities, was first used to get round Congressional rules forbidding us to buy war material on credit. Some of ultra-secret shipments of gold actually went in the warships which accompanied George VI and Queen Elizabeth on their tour of Canada and the USA a few months before war broke out. Later, increasingly heavy payments, most of which are still in vaults in Fort Knox, were used to persuade an unsentimental US Congress that Britain was so broke that if Congress did not support Lend-Lease (under which the US supplied Allied nations with defence materials), Hitler would win and they would face an untamed Germany across the Atlantic. Some estimate that £500,000,000 at 1940 prices went to the US, completely shifting the balance of wealth for ever.


One particularly bitter incident caused Churchill to rage that America was acting like a bailiff seizing goods when Britain was brusquely ordered by Franklin Roosevelt to hand over all the gold we had gathered in South Africa, and an American cruiser was dispatched to collect it.
British businesses in the USA, were sold off at knock-down prices. Lord Beaverbrook, then Minister of Aircraft Production and Churchill’s close friend, wrote to Churchill: ‘The Americans have conceded nothing. They have exacted payment to the uttermost for all they have done for us. They have taken our bases without valuable consideration. They have been given our secrets and offered us a thoroughly inadequate service in return.’


原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

This bleak unsentimentality was not accidental or isolated. It continued throughout the war and beyond. The Bretton Woods conference in 1944 made it clear the USA would usurp Britain’s economic dominance once the war was over. Only later did it emerge that the USA’s negotiator, Harry Dexter White, was a Soviet agent who had no interest whatsoever in helping Britain.
This shift extended to deliberately reneging on agreements. During the war the UK 'Hazard Mission' gave the US huge amounts of technical information including our world-leading innovations in Radar, munitions, aircraft and Jet engines, and absolutely vital research on Nuclear Weapons. It was supposed to be a two-way traffic - but it wasn’t. We were ruthlessly shut out of US research. We even abandoned development of advanced aircraft in deference to US pressure to buy theirs.


Which brings us to our national humiliation at Suez. US aircraft openly harassed our forces and Admiral Sir Robin Durnford-Slater complained: ‘We have twice intercepted and have been continually menaced by US aircraft.’ General Sir Charles Keightley, commander of Middle East land forces, wrote afterwards: ‘It was the action of the US which really defeated us in attaining our obxt.’ Washington, in the end, pulled the plug on our Suez adventure by threatening a run on the Pound Sterling.
And so it goes on. It was the US who imposed savage economic sanctions on Iran ( ring any bells? ) which inevitably led to tit for tat nationalising of the Anglo-Iranian Oil Company - now BP - in 1953, so the UK lost out again. This was followed by the engineered fall of the democratically elected Mossadegh Government, and the US installation of the Shah Reza Pahvlavi, We know how that worked out

这让我们回想起在苏伊士运河事件的国耻。美国飞机公开骚扰我们的军队,海军上将罗宾·登福德-斯莱特爵士曾抱怨说:“我们的部队两次被拦截,不断受到美国飞机的威胁。” 中东地面部队指挥官查尔斯·凯特利将军事后写道:“实际上是美国的行为,真正使我们未能达到我们的目标。” 最终,华盛顿威胁要对英镑进行挤兑,从而终止了我们在苏伊士运河的冒险。

Five years later, across the border in Iraq, the British sponsored Iraqi Government was overthrown and Abdel Karim Kassem installed, which is not how the CIA planned it. It took them five years to bring about another Government, but once again they picked the wrong collaborators, because it was Saddam Hussein who was now Vice President with the CIA’s blessing, and guess what? He embarked on nationalising the oil industry, much of which was UK owned. So now it was President Nixon and Henry Kissinger who schemed to arm the Kurds and weaken the Iraqi government. Saddam and the Shah quietly came to a mutually beneficial agreement to by-pass the Americans - and all aid to the Kurds was cut. Not for the last time, as we have seen recently.


Meanwhile in a different hemisphere in 1960 President Dwight D. Eisenhower ordered the CIA to train and arm a force of Cuban exiles for an armed attack on Cuba. Kennedy inherited the programme and failed to stop it. The following year in October 1962 the world came perilously close to nuclear war when the Soviet unx secretly began establishing offensive nuclear ICBM’s in Cuba. Russia was completely in the wrong and America’s resolve and Kennedy’s great courage and diplomacy saw the Soviets back down. It was a terrifying period when UK households were advised to hide in basements or Tube stations if we heard the 10 minute ( hah! ) warning siren. But there is a but. What is little remembered is that the US had been doing the same thing ( installing offensive ICBM’s ) in Turkey and Italy, aimed at Russia. Although this was not mentioned in the negotiated agreement to withdraw the Russian missiles, which included a US public declaration not to invade Cuba again. Secretly, the United States agreed that it would dismantle all Jupiter MRBMs deployed in Turkey & Italy against the Soviet unx.


As an aside few realise that the USA offered Polaris missiles to France before it offered them to us. And how much control do we really have over our modern Trident missiles. Are they even ours?
The Falklands is often quoted as an example of the US quietly helping the UK. In fact Alexander Haig secretly briefed Galtieri after meeting Margaret Thatcher, and US Ambassador to the UN Jeane Kirkpatrick argued that it was in America’s national interest to support Galtieri and wanted Reagan to side with the Argentines because they feared that a defeat could lead to a left-wing Government there. One consequence was that the USA refused to supply us with sidewinders in sufficient numbers and another that most of the Argentine kit was made in USA - .even the Belgrano was supplied by the US. Of course we know about France’s supply of Excocets and Super Eternards to Argentina ( we sold them weapons too ), but France were very helpful to the UK during the war, loaning Britain some of their own equipment so our Armed Forces could train against them, halting all sales to the Argentians once the crisis began, and providing Britain with the codes necessary to render Exocets useless if we could get to them.

福克兰群岛战争常被引用为美国暗中帮助英国的一个例子。实际上,在与玛格丽特·撒切尔会面之后,亚历山大·黑格私下向阿根廷总统莱奥波尔多·加尔铁里提供了情报。同时,美国驻联合国大使珍妮·柯克帕特里克主张,支持加尔铁里符合美国的国家利益,她劝说罗纳德·里根总统站在阿根廷这边,因为他们害怕如果阿根廷政府战败,可能会导致那里出现一个左翼政权。一个后果是美国拒绝向我们提供足够数量的“响尾蛇”导弹,另一个后果是阿根廷的大部分装备都是美国制造的——甚至“贝尔格拉诺将军号”(ARA General Belgrano)巡洋舰也是由美国供应的。当然,我们知道法国向阿根廷提供了飞鱼导弹和“超军旗”战斗机(我们也向他们出售了武器),但在战争中,法国对英国非常有帮助,借给英国一些自己的装备,以便我们的武装部队能够进行对抗它们的训练,一旦危机开始就停止了所有对阿根廷的销售,并给我们提供了必要的代码,使我们能够使飞鱼导弹失效——如果我们能够探测到它们的话。

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