2024-06-23 yzy86 10428

(油管Highlights of Film频道)

Remember, theres a reason why the lie option is available in RPG games


"I'm American, I'm from Alaska."
still gets shot anyways


He’d tell you live in old Russian land


" You're practically Canadian. BOOM "


Alaska is neutral in this world. So maybe not.


Telling this dude you are from Hong Kong is like telling Hitler you are from Arizona.


He really grew up after killing children on breaking bad


The gunshot sounds were very realistic in the theaters


I watched it for free and I still want a refund.


"I'm from Big Mac Apple Pie Baseball, Kansas"


The Chinese guy didnt even have an accent, why didnt he lie


He could have said ANY Chinatown. There are many in each state


no- he doesn’t like immigrants- say Oklahoma


Why does he have to lie? What’s wrong with being Chinese? Am I crazy no one talk about the norm being massacring Asian?


We all know its insane dude. It's about trying to survive. This scene hits hard and has many of us rooting for everyone to survive. We know it's not the norm.. cmon... If your Asian you should be smart enough to know this.


He was dead to rights anyway. Same way the Latino guy was. Jessie perception of “an American” dosent have room for immigrants in it. If he had said California he would have died, if he said Washington or nyc he would have died

↘反正他死定了。那个拉美男人也是一样。杰西对“美国人 ”的认知里可没有给移民留空间。如果他说的是加利福尼亚州,他也会死,如果他说的是华盛顿州或纽约,也一样会死。

The more casual he acts in any movie the scarier he gets


I'm scared of any white dude that's not singing or dancing.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

- Where you from?
- Puerto Rico, but you see it's actually a U.S. terr...
*gun shot*


原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Well straight white men can only play villains now.


That's why you got to buy as many weapons and gear as you can. Because there are real people in the U.S like this waiting on days like this. And you are going to have deal with them with extreme prejudice


" I'm from korea. "


“Does Native American count?”
dumps mag


“I’m Korean”
“Rooftop or North?”

(译注:屋顶韩国人(Rooftop Koreans)指92年洛杉矶骚乱期间,拿起武装登上屋顶自卫的韩裔美国企业主和居民)

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

“what about canadian?”


guy should've said Taiwan lol


No joking, there was a burst of laughter in the cinema, when Todd said China. THATS SCARY, no shit


"We're American Journalists"
Yeah... I'd drop the Journalist part real fast... lol


Whatever you do, don't tell them you're from New York.


Or California, they’re not very American


Or Massachusetts. I’ll say Oklahoma plus that’s where I’d like to live anyway so I already know the history of Oklahoma.


Wow bro I was just thinking I would have said I was from Pennsylvania because for some reason I don't think they would like it if I said Brooklyn lol


Id say east Tennessee


The reason why the Hong Kong reporter didn't lie was because Red Glasses wanted to hear a clear accent. It's possible there are bodies who also didn't had a clear English accent in that ditch, too.


"I'm from Sweden"
"So - you're an Arab?"


That's unironically kinda true


Never saw that movie tbh, wasn't big in Germany.
Got a question... How THE FUCK are Texas and California on the same team?!


原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

I'm an American. And I keep asking myself what the President did to get that level of hate?


Anybody who has the chance to watch this, it’s a great movie. Could even be a foreteller of the future.


Honestly, saying that you're a "journalist" would be worse than saying that you're from China.


These journalists r risking their lives just to be witnesses in war. Who do u think reports the war crimes or the acts of humanity from war? You people just get ur news from 24/7 news stations and don’t actually read from real journalists. A combat reporter is not a trained soldier who is ordered into dangerous situations. These people risk their lives just to get stories out to ungrateful people like yourselves sitting on ur couches in a bubble. War time Journalists deserve way more respect. Y’all have no idea what ur talking about.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

He had 50 states choose from.
He chose Hong Kong.


Yup, all he had to say was Hawaii. Or even Guam (US Territory).

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Should of said Taiwan xD


Honesty isn't always the best policy...

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

His accent would have given away anyway. Should have preteneded to be mute


Right? He could've said Washington or Oregon or New York or some place with a high percentage of Asians.. Though we all know none of those journalists were walking out that place alive.


The main blabbermouth has an extremely thick accent and he wasn't immediately shot.


He has a very thick Latin American accent. There's no way he could pass as someone born in the US


After they saw what they had seen, they were all going to be shot eventually. They are just toying with them


in this universe there's a lot of hate agaisnt China because some of the rebel states aligned with them


He has a strong Hong Kong accent. He figured he would have been shot if he lied


He was dead anyway. This man was killing anyone not white or the right type of American. Joel was next and who's to say what they would do to Jessie and Lee.


this scene remines me why I have to leave the u.s. while I still can.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Just save as much money as you can and leave when it starts.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

In short, the only one to blame is the screenwriter, no one in this kind of situation would have responded hong kong
with a budding Nazi in front of him...


He would’ve just asked him a historical question about the state that he didn’t know the answer to


Bro heard 3 safe answers and still decided to say hong kong


Dude had the IQ of a horror movie character


The reason why Chinese people like this movie is precisely because he said that Hong Kong is China


The craziest part is Jesse Plemons wasn’t even supposed to be in this film. The actor who played his original character dropped out last minute and Jesse is married to Kirstin Dunst and basically volunteered to do it, I don’t even believe he is credited. He is a phenomenal actor. Lol ever since Todd he is so good at playing chill psychopaths.


He didn’t volunteer his wife begged him to do it and he almost didn’t because he didn’t like the character he was playing


Notice how he's got a watch on both wrists, like he's been looting them off the corpses.


This guy is awesome at playing the “there’s something not quite right about this guy” character

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

I don't think yelling at people with guns will fix your situation.


Its funny cause Wagner Moura, the actor of the journalist is acctually brazilian


I think Jesse Plemons mixed up his acting classes with his psychiatrist sessions and acting school with mental hospital

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Dude looks 100% like the Security guard at my local food city




He knows Geography and stuff. His parents must be proud.


I’m from Arizona.
“Intense firefight occurs”


Shot by someone wearing Barbie’s sunglasses


everything he sees is red.


I’ve said I before, and I’ll say it again. This guys is the new Phillip Seymour Hoffman. He’s getting an Oscar sometime in his life, for sure



"Native American."
Red Glass dude: "See, truest purest American. More than I could be."


原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

**shoots himself**


They migrated here from Asia so guess again

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

they’ve been here much longer than the europoors that floated over the Atlantic


In reality, the President would have escaped in the tunnels under the white house!


Take this scene out of the marketing and the box office drops by 60%.


Notice the poor state of his hands. That’s because he’s been handling lye to break down the dead bodies without wearing gloves. That’s the stuff he was sprinkling at the beginning of the scene.


“What kind of American are you?” Is such a great line given the context of the film, loaded with so much weight.


Well in the trailers they made it seem like he was asking what side they are on, but in this scene it seems more like he doesn’t really care about which side they are on but rather whether or not they are American citizens. He doesn’t seem to be racially motivated but seems more like a nationalist than anything.


One crazy car ad, but I respect it.


This is what the tone of the movie should’ve been all throughout the movie. This is the most realistic part of it


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