美欧不同的种族观: 我们欧洲人和美国人不一样,不会像谈论狗的品种一样谈论人的种族
2024-06-24 yzy86 7860

Essentially, the concept that I’ve been told is that if you ask a European their race they will tell you that they’re “Slavic” or “Anglo-Saxon,” or other things that Americans would call “Ethnic groups” whereas in America we would say “Black,” “white,” “Asian,” etc. Is it true that Europeans see race in this way or would you just refer to yourselves as “white/caucasian.”


As somebody pointed out,
Much of the typical mainstream American talk about race would be considered Nazism in Europe.
This, so much. Every time you try to start thinking about "race", a ghost of an Austrian painter with shitty moustache appears from the toilet and eats your kitten. This is how we have it programmed since 1945...


原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

The concept of "race" feels a bit eugenics. Probably because we don't really use the word.
Instead we tend to use words like colour and origin. But we do understand the American concept.


Fun fact: in French, race means breed. Now picture yourself talking about people's breeds.


Same thing in Polish.


Same in Danish


Same in German. Referring to people with the word "Rasse" would also look really bad because last time that happened, it was in Hitler's Rassenlehre of Jews and Aryans.


Same in Swedish. Met a British couple with a cute dog a while back and asked if I could pet the dog. Hadn't spoken English in a while so I was a bit rusty. I asked "What race is the dog?" and the couple looked at me almost in horror.


Imagine: my gf/bf is a cross between a slanglo-saxon and Japanese. Her/his mother was a mixed breed between a slav and an Anglo saxon. We think this is going to bode well, as both have moderate tempers, and are very friendly once you get to know them.


Yes. That's exactly what it sounds like when Americans talk about 'race' and 'mixed-race'.
I know that 'race' is different than 'breed' in English. But it still sounds like they're talking about humans like they're talking about dog breeds. It just sounds very outdated to me & makes me feel really icky.


Just think of the shedding, though.
Every summer the Anglo-Saxon sheds shirts, and sits in the garden turning pink.
The cleanup would be constant, much better to go for a nice, low-shedding Iberian.


原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Good point. How about an iberian-greek crossbreed? If you'd want blue eyes and a blonde coat it could get tricky though.


It is more than ethnic faultlines in Europe do not run along what Americans would call "race". Ethnic conflicts tend to be along lines of religon, language etc.


I think that's the crucial fact. 'Race' in the US is really a concept rooted in a specific history: slavery, segregation, civil war, reconstruction, civil rights, black consciousness, white flight, affirmative action, BLM, etc.
For most of Europe that history doesn't exist. And even for the UK, which has always been part of the 'Black Atlantic ', there are significant differences.


It seems to me that the use of 'race' in the US is indelibly and irrevocably tired up with that specific history.
Although Spain, Portugal, France, the Netherlands and the UK (probably other countries too) were major slave traders, in most cases, the repercussions were largely ended with the end of slavery and the liberation of the colonies. So it was easy to stop using the terminology of race.


Colonial empires created a different kind of history, even for the UK - one in which race-based division of labour was largely an overseas phenomenon.
The kinds of racism you find in Europe tend to be less based on the systematic oppression of an entire, racially defined, internal class (anti-Black racism in the Americas), and more similar to racism against Latinos in the US: foreigners 'coming over' and 'stealing our jobs' etc.


About your last paragraph: I think there are more proper words to talk about that.
"Racist" americans are racist. "Racist" europeans are xenophobes.
At least, mostly.


Yes. In Britain for example people used to be called foreigners not immigrants. This comment hits hard


This is very true Iv read several comments on this website from Americans that have made the connection that because British people once treat the Irish poorly that it must be because the British didn't believe they were "white" like themselves.
Even in the colonial world there was often still a distinction between different European groups, look at south Africa. There are still distinctions made between Boer and Anglo to this day Although in the later years it became more of a European Vs African situation it was somewhat of a forced hand


As an American, thank you for understanding that our concept of race is rooted in a very specific history, and not just blaming Americans for "constantly thinking about race"


In Europe, we have groupings that are similar to American races, in the sense that it's group A compared to group B, and perhaps group A is the majority in a country, group B is a large minority that has a difficult history with group A, while group C is a smaller minority in the same country that has few conflicts. But in America, those groups may follow US racial terms, while in Europe we'd call them something else.


An American who knows nothing about Latvia and comes for a visit would quickly conclude the country is incredibly homogeneous. The American would look at people and, thinking in US race terms, note that 99% look white, a few look Asian and most days you're not even going to spot a black person. Very homogeneous, makes Montana looks like NYC by comparison. But applying those categories would be a big mistake - the society is not homogeneous at all, the split is along language and culture lines, not something as visually obvious as skin color.


So bottom line, groups are very dependent on the specific country. To an American, it'd be strange how some European countries have ethnic tensions while the whole population is the same race in US terms. To me, a white American is no closer culturally than a black or Asian American, they're all Americans to me, and in my mind the average white and black Americans are far, far closer to one another than the average Norwegian is to the average Serb, both "white" in American terms.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

What's interesting is that racism comes as a consequence of xenophobia, classism, etc. “Immigrants are not to be trusted; you're black, so must be an immigrant”. In the US it seems more to directly be “You're black: that's why I can't trust you”. At the end, anyway, it's all out of rejecting who's different one way or another.


As others have said, we don't think about race that often and focus on their nationality instead. What this leads to is an important difference for Americans, we don't identify white americans as part of our group. To us, all colors of americans are more like each other than they are like us.


Which is why we cringe when an American says that they're half [insert European country]


I also think that in general we view it more culturally than the US - if someone was born in Africa but raised and schooled etc in UK or Ireland etc I would say they are more Irish or British than someone with a vague blood line.


To be fair, in the US when someone says they're German or Swedish etc...it's more like a horoscope sign then an ethnicity. Does that make more sense?


If someone asked me for my race I would just be super confused


Yes but if someone told you "nique ta race", you wouldn't be.

↘是啊,但如果有人送你一句,“nique ta race(你的种族去死吧)”,你就不会困惑了。

It's about the only context when we have the word "race" in France for humans, otherwise I directly think about dog breeds


In Sweden you would mostly discuss your country of origin. I don’t think Ive ever declared race on a Swedish form.


It’s illegal to keep registers of people’s ethnicity or “race” in Sweden, so yeah I would be surprised if you ever filled that out.
A few American companies have used forms from the US when starting up Swedish branches. In the US, you are legally required (at least in some states?) to keep track of the diversity among your hires and so they have to have that question in their forms. In Sweden, they were reported to the authorities for breaching so many different laws it as kinda funny to read about. Culture clashes deluxe.


I don't think many Europeans unironically use "Slavic" or "Anglo-Saxon" as races. Mostly it's used in conversations about language and culture. For example, Czech is a Slavic language, so people from other Slavic countries have an easier time learning it, and culture is somewhat similar


Genetic also throwed a wrench into the concept. The discovery that Czech have more of the Germans in them then Austrians shows that Languages and culture really distinguished people.


Yeah, this feels about right.
We tend to think of people as ethnicity-first. And by "ethnicity" that usually means "nationality".


So if we were discussing someone in terms of personality and mannerisms, we would say they're English or French or Chinese, American, Polish, etc.
If someone asked me what "race" I was, I would say "Irish". Because saying "white" feels about as non-descxtive as saying "human".


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